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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

What Defines Love

There is one thing in each of our lives that affects us in some fashion regardless of how we might try to avoid it, fail to understand it, or seek to find it.   It can be illusive, it can be mystifying, it can be frustrating, it can creep up on you unexpected. It amazes us, it brings us great happiness and unbearable heart ache. This wonderful, powerful, thing is not a person, it's not physical, it's certainly not something you'll see or meet, yet it lives in each of us, can be very physically

Yettie One

Yettie One

Weekly Wrap Up!

How's your week been? Mine personally has been fantastic (check the little personal blog entry at the end if you're interested)   In Blog-land, life has been good as well. We started the week with a look at Hosted Author Bill W's The Castaway Hotel - Grand Reopening 1. Andy021278 did a great review, in part because of how much he grew to love the story.   On Tuesday, we had a highlight about Premium Membership, what it is, why it exists and the benefits of being a Premium Member. Also, after


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Summer heat is not my friend

Alright I admit it, as heavy person summer isn't my friend. The good news is the weight is still coming off so hopefully that will help.   The problem however is tonight. I came home from work, hot and not feeling well. I took a shower but that hasn't helped my head or my stomach, both of which ache. I took an aspirin and plan to get bed shortly. Still wasn't sure why I felt so miserable, so i also took my temp which is reading 101 degrees at the moment. Lucky me. Summer time and running a tem



Early Metal: Rush 2112

Rush's breakout album came in 1976. 2112 was the paragon of the power trio. Inspired by Anthem, a novella by Ayn Rand, 2112 explored a dystopian future where collectivism had run amok and individuality was so dangerous that there was no word for "I" or "me".   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQEgZNqa8jE  



Today, June 30th 2012

So, today at work I was raking up leafs and stuff. ( works as a gardner at parks and stuff), and this guy comes up from nowhere starts talking to me. He was flirting with me becuz he was talking about my face and stuff. I was like wth. this guys is a huge freaken creep. He's like 27 years old. Creeper alert. So i kinda just walked over to my boss and she walked over here and started talking to the guy. Man, that was some scary crap. I'm hella creeped out now..



My "What The Hell" June.

What a month.   So, i started using a dating website. And it worked   There was one guy, but he was just after fun so i was like 'thanks but no thanks'.   Then there was Gary. He turned out to be a douche. He is from my town but still a total douche.   But then at the end of last week, I started talking to a new guy. He seemed pretty nice and kept complimenting me. His name was Ben.   So i responded and then we added each other on skype.   When i added him we sat there and spoke for

Writing Prompts #148 & #149

So it's Friday again, the last day of the work week for many. What better way to start the weekend off than with a couple of new prompts from Comicfan! I think both of these could prove to be quite interesting and look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with! Don't forget to share your responses in the Writing Prompt Forum!   Prompt 148 – Creative Cue – First Line “How in the hell did you think that would be a good idea?”   Prompt 149 – Creative Cue – List of Words Use the following wo

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Early Metal: Deep Purple

1972 marked the breakout year for the band Deep Purple. Their album Machinehead became something of the beginning of the metal genre. Their contemporaries Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin continued to add the power, volume and edge that defines metal.     The following songs became the noise that drove a generation of parents to drink.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ-lSTlUnfA



Moving On

Occasionally you become compliant in life. It happens. Whether from comfort or just lack of interest, and you let life happen instead of trying to get things done.   I find I don't like how my life is going so it is time to make some changes. I learned long ago to take the blame for my own choices and mistakes. So while I can't change the past, I can make some new changes to bring me into the future. Wish me luck.



Writing Tip: Getting In The Mood - Part Deuce

So, last week we brought you one part to a tip on getting in the mood. We received so many wonderful thoughts from the authors here at GayAuthors that we just couldn't fit them all into one blog entry. With that in mine, today, we bring you "Getting in the Mood: Part Deuce". Enjoy!!!   Hosted Author: Comicality   Well, I kind of do things backwards. Meaning that I let the mood dictate what I write instead of the other way around. One of the reasons that I have so many stories going at once i


Trebs in Writing Tips

Is Bisexual The New Cool

I got to thinking about sexuality again today, specifically about how trends seem to change with how we present our sexuality, even as fashion or social trends change. It got me really wondering, is the latest trend of seeing so many people describe themselves as BiSexual now a new reality or just a cop out that gives a new generation an ounce of credibility in the eyes of their peers.   My pondering should not be taken as an attack on people that are truly BiSexual or anyone who identifies th

Yettie One

Yettie One

But I Always Followed the Rules - The Question is Why?

I'm having one of those days. There is no other way to put it. I hate it, but that is life.   I had a miserable day at work. Add to that I'm feeling lonely and life hasn't gone nearly anything like I wanted it to.   I am the poster boy for following directions.I've always done all my homework, I never cut school, I don't call out of work for a day at the beach, or anything else. I balance the checkbook, give up treating myself to make ends meet, and worry about how I can help others. I gradu



Author Showcase

Middle of the week - it's all downhill from here. To celebrate, we take a look at two great stories of GayAuthors.org. The first is Just Love Him by Promising Author Dion. This short story gem gives you a good introduction to Dion's writings. We also have a review by podiumdavis of Author GREEN's A Hero in the Hallways. I hope you enjoy these reviews and they lead you to checking out one or both of these authors.   Just Love Him by Dion   Status: Complete Word Count: 2


Trebs in Reviews

First Times

That very first time you try something new is always a little bit daunting, a little bit exciting, a whole lot of nerves, a nice burst of adrenaline and the amazing feeling of achievement afterwards.   It also makes for some wonderful memories, even if the very first time you tried something was not the best experience you ever had.   Take for example the first time you ever rode on a roller coaster. Now see for me as a kid, I grew up in a part of the world that 'Big' rides were just unheard

Yettie One

Yettie One

Yes - the Yes Album

The first giant hit from Yes was the Yes Album in Feb. 1971. It hit no. 4 on the UK charts, #40 on the Billboard 200 and certified platinum.     The Yes Album was so unique and different from what was being done that it would stop people in their tracks. It's rare when a new sound comes along and even rarer still when its allowed to flourish by an industry that is traditionally known for me-too sound-a-like whoredom.    



Age has its merits.

We take pleasure in a vintage wine, in a well matured single malt, in a seasoned and well cured cigar or even a well aged cheese. These are all things that through nature improve with age.   Its a well known formula. If its old and well established it has value. A painting by a famous painter, or a medal with a tangible provenance becomes valuable or a building with history becomes a protected/listed building. All these things are improved or enhanced with age, be it their value, the experienc

Yettie One

Yettie One

Featured Story: The Castaway Hotel - Grand Reopening 1

This week, we're starting off with a wonderful story by Hosted Author Bill W. Andy021278 gives us this review of Bill W's The Castaway Hotel - Grand Reopening 1. I haven't read the story myself, but after reading this review, I plan to very soon! Take a look and see if you agree...   The Castaway Hotel – Grand Reopening 1 By Bill W Review by andy021278 Word count: 164,814 Status: Complete   As I sit thinking about writing this review, part of me knows I will never truly be a


Trebs in Featured Stories

Nothing happened today, my birthday blog

Seriously, nothing happened today.   I woke up, checked my emails, thanked people for wishing me happy birthday, then I watched a movie.   No special party, no drinking games, no surprise inside a cake (I'd love to have that happen with a hot male stripper), and no real thrills. It was just me by my lonesome. Everyone is busy with their own lives, careers, and stuff. I am grateful to get happy birthdays, but I miss the old birthdays with actual parties and games.,   I guess I have grown up



Womanless Wedding, South Carolina, 1980s

Womanless Wedding, South Carolina, 1980s   I came across this page in my high school yearbook this weekend. I was working on a post for my tumblr blog dedicated to a friend of mine from high school. I broke open the yearbook to find the note he’d left for me and in the process came across this wedding affair memorialized forever in its pages.   I have no recollection of this event whatsoever. (Though I do remember my father competing in a Womanless Beauty Pageant when I was 7, but that's a



Weekly Wrap Up!

Have you been enjoying the latest anthology, Choices? The next anthology is a big one - "Secrets Can Kill" is not only a Novella Anthology, but also will be celebrating 10 years of GayAuthors.Org! Full details on the specifications for the anthology can be found here. For those that don't want to click, the baseline requirements are: Our past novella collections have been wonderful and I can't wait to see what people come up with this time!  Our week started with a review of Ben by Hosted A


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Well, I wrote it, now I can get back to reading the Anthology

Originally, I had conceived The Phoenix on the Dragon Chair as an entry into the Anthology, but I thought nope, it's too complex and not many people will get the gangland references or chinese idioms I am introducing, let alone the concept of customs. The idea was shelved for Which Do You Want To Die.   I know most readers see my writing as cerebral and deep, which it is and I usually go into that direction. However, I do have other interests, including Chinese triad crime fiction. I think it



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