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  • Myr

    Mystery Deep Dive 4

    By Myr

    Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Amateur Sleuth Features characters who are not professional detectives but get involved in solving mysteries due to personal interest or circumstance. Bleeding Hearts by Josh Aterovis In Process Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Caper Light-hearted mystery that is easy to read, witty and not too intense.  Can also be more comic in nature.  Examples: Clue, Scooby Doo, Hardy Boys, or Janet Evanovitch books A Ticklish Thriller (Revised) b
  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Music From The Summer of 1995

Alright. So, it's (unofficially) summer, and I got the idea in my head to highlight a song from a particular summer every Monday and encourage people to share songs/memories from that year. I'm starting with the summer of 1995...this is my choice:   Kiss From A Rose by Seal   Kiss From A Rose. God, what a classic 90's pop track.   Summer '95 was the summer I moved to Delaware from Texas. I was 9 years old. My sisters were 12 and 13, and those lucky bitches got to spend the summer on th



Feature Story: Double Down

First, for our US members, here is hoping you have an enjoyable Memorial Day. Though my father didn't die in service, he was in the US Military from shortly before World War II until the late 60's (and in three different branches - Army, Navy and Air Force). So thank you - to all who have served and died while in service.   On to our feature story - I'm grateful to one of our favorite guest reviewers, Fozzie Bear, for this great review of Hosted Author Cia's Double Down. Enjoy!   Double


Trebs in Featured Stories

Time moves on...

Well, I haven't written any thing like a personal blog in a long time and I'm highly due to.   My life has changed so much over the process of the last month or two.   At university, i've gone from a C grade student to A's across the board and looking at an average of a B+ for this year, which is amazing My grades has drastically improved and i'm finding myself even speaking in clearer more educated language. This is what university is for.   I still am shy though. That crippling self loa

Reasons to be Greatful - Drama

As an avid fan of TV Police drama, I am blessed to live where possibly the very finest range and class of dramatical television drama is produced.   Undoubtedly, with series like Taggart, Lewis, Vera, Dalziel & Pascoe, Juliet Bravo, Law & Order UK, Luther, Midsomer Murders, Mersey Beat, Murder City, Rebus, Spooks, Sherlock, Silent Witness, The Commander, Waking the Dead, Wire in the Blood, are just some of the many modern British Police Drama's we enjoy on our screen's at various times

Yettie One

Yettie One

Weekly Wrap Up!

Hope your weekend has been going well - mine started poorly due to allergies but major recovery today, so that's good.   We had some fantastic reviews and other material here in the news blog this week. On Monday, we got a great review of prolific Hosted Author Mark Arbour's Wars End. If you haven't checked out any of his work, this may be the one to try first!   Tuesday, I extended the conversation started the previous week, getting some additional input on this news blog. I really apprecia


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Blast From The Past!

So, it's Saturday once again and that means it's time to look at something from the earlier years of GA!!!! Today we are bringing you a review written by MJ85 on one of the anthology works from 2007!!! Broad Ripple Blues was written by Altimexis for the 2007 Anthology: The Rainy Day. Enjoy this look into the past! Broad Ripple Blues by Altimexis Reviewer: MJ85 Status: 2007 Anthology Word Count: 7,874   This is one of the many stories I checked out in my first few months o

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

Reasons to be Greatful - Summer

Thank God for Vitamin D.   I love the hot summer days, when you can walk down the road and everyone is looking rosy cheeked and awfully sexy as they take off their shirts and walk bare chested towards you.   It's an excuse to perv long and hard at the glorious examples of humanity around us.   Ahem   Sorry, just being honest. LOL. Don't tell me you don't window shop during the summer, when its all out there on display. Of course we do, it'd be almost wrong not too!   But seriously tho

Yettie One

Yettie One

The Advice We Give/Get

I find it frustrating that every time I talk to people, they all give me the same, yet different advice. Let's look at love and relationships.   Hypothetical situation: You're in love with someone, but they're in love with someone else. If you ask someone for advice, you'll get one of two things:   1) Fight for what you believe in. If you love this person, let them know it. Show them that you care for them. Profess your love for them and maybe they'll feel the same way. Even if they don't,



Big Boys Don't Cry

I guess I grew up in a time and place where the stereo typical trend was to bring up a tough, strong and independent lad, one that easily stood on his own two feet.   I can neither say this is a right or a wrong method of bringing up a child, I am no expert on raising kids, but I can say that in my own circumstances it taught me to bottle a lot up, taught me to keep a lid on my emotions , how to hide my thoughts and feelings and I'm pretty sure now looking back that this is not a very healthy

Yettie One

Yettie One

Writing Prompts #140 & #141

Friday - start (for me) of a three day weekend! Hope you enjoy your weekend but first, our weekly writing prompts, thanks to the genius of ComicFan.   Our prompts this week are: Prompt 140 – Creative Cue – The Date This wasn’t what you expected when you finally agreed to go out. You figured maybe a movie and dinner but that isn’t you got. Who could have expected this on a date? So what did happen?   Prompt 141 – Creative Cue – Elements Life is created by the elements around us from the eleme


Trebs in Prompts

The inn of Sixth Happiness (1958)

The Inn of the Sixth Happiness is a 1958 American film based on the true story of a tenacious British maid, who became a missionary in China during the tumultuous years leading up to WWII. The film culminates with the column of children marching into the town, singing the song ‘This Old Man’ to keep up their spirits.   I love watching old movies, which remind me of my youth, soon 60 years ago. In the evening, when bringing the kids to bed,, we sang together the song that accompanies the end

old bob

old bob

Little Surprises

I've made little secret that one of my great pleasures is getting mail. Anything but bills and junk mail make me smile. I've gotten post cards from people on vacation, people showing parts of their home town or state, and even postcards of animals. Thinking of you cards also.   I am also something of a fanatic for holidays. New Year's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas are events that get a card. I know your birthday, expect a card. I know your wedding anniver



Writing Tip: Ingy Verbs

Ingy Verbs - Where They Don't Belong by Cia   Interesting title, no? I thought it was better than if I hit you with 'Present Participle Phrases Do Not Belong at the Beginning of a Sentence' because that's just confusing right? I mean, who remembers what those grammar rules and names were for all the little bits of a sentence? *puts hand down* Soooo not me. So, if you're like me and it has been a long time since you took grammar lessons in school, I'm going to go with laymen's terms


Trebs in Writing Tips

Sometimes the Difficulties Make it Worth It

Sometimes I find myself angry at the world for making life so damn difficult. Then at other times I get irked at the fact that what should be the simplest of tasks is made into a mountain of confusion.   But when I stop to ponder and give consideration of the ups and downs of life I am given reason to think that realistically, its these ups and downs that make life interesting. Without them we'd live an easy, boring existence.   Think about it. You get a task to do. It is repetitive and simp

Yettie One

Yettie One

Author Showcase!

Well, it's Wednesday again, which you know what that means! Author Showcase! And today we're not having just any Author Showcase, it's actually a complete Poetry Showcase! It's great to have a day that is just poems! The first set of poems are by our Promising Author: Bugeye and the second set of poems are by our Poet: Menace! Both sets of Poems have been reviewed by Mark92!!!! The Art of Poetry by Bugeye   This man is one of the sweetest members I’ve met on GA. He is both shy

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews


Ive heard its best to pick up where one leaves off.   It makes sense, but it was never a philosophy given to writing. Especially when there is a prolonged gap. You just can't get back to it. The rhythm changes, any cadence established gets lost. You can try, Im sure, but the fracture of time will stand like the grand canyon in the story.   Plus I know I write better now then I did two or three years ago. I am however not sure any of the characters are as good as some I have left here sitti



Teach 'em Young

I was lucky to at a very young age have been thrown into the wonderful world of Middle Earth as my eldest brother chose to read me first The Hobbit and then Lord of the Rings.   Immersed into a world of fantasy like none other I was entranced by the words, inspired by the imagination and transfixed by the genius of Tolkien. For a seven year old lad hearing the words of these stories roll off my brothers tongue as he read to me each evening was my candy fix for the day. I remember rushing home

Yettie One

Yettie One

Reasons to be Greatful - Music

I was thinking to myself as I lay in bed this morning, listening to some music sent to me for consideration for our station, how lucky we really are to have music in our lives.   As part of my therapy I've been tasked with focusing on the good things in our lives, the things we can and should be grateful for, and my choice for today is Music.   I greatly admire and respect anyone that has musical ability, not only because I tend to scare people off when I try to string a few notes together,

Yettie One

Yettie One

Feature Story: Wars End

Well, it's the start of another week! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and were able to do something fun! Today we are going to look at a story by one of our Hosted Authors who have been with the site since 2005! Mark Arbour! During that time he has posted 25 stories, including the very popular CAP saga! Today though, we are going to look at the short story he shared with us for the 2010 Spring Anthology: I'd Never Do That! Wars End By Mark Arbour   Reviewer: Renee Stevens

The stupidity of our twenties

So I spent basically five hours in the ER with my friend Josh and this guy, Steve(no, not Stoner Steve or Long Island Hipster Steve). Steve was a guest at Josh's party in the University Courtyards at Newark. I didn't know him, but Josh somewhat knew him. A bunch of the guests decided to hop the fence surrounding the UC pool for a late night swim. To impress some pretty girl, Steve decided he'd do a cannonball into the pool- only he did it at the shallow end. He got a gnarly gash on his head and



Message For You on a Lazy Day - Feel Loved

How many times a day are you told that your special?   You know something, its not something we share with people very much. We pass each other, often as silent ships sailing through the night, never stopping to say how much we care, not taking the time to make our feelings known.   For most of us putting into words things that are difficult to utter is not easy. We are naturally shy creatures, wrapped up in learning to survive, understanding emotion, feelings, and striving to heal life's hu

Yettie One

Yettie One

You Can't Win Them All

First off, I've won virtually nothing when it comes to triathlon. Still, I usually manage to do okay in the event and leave with a self-satisfied feeling of accomplishment. Not so today. Apparently the universe decided I needed a smackdown. No, I can't really blame it on fate. Today's failures were all of my own making.   The day started when my alarm went off at 3AM. Instead turning it off, rolling over and going back to sleep, I got out of bed. This was failure #1. Lesson learned - do



Weekly Wrap Up!

The weekend is almost over - but at least NEXT weekend will be a three-day one for many of us in the states.   We've had a busy week with a ton of great feedback. For our "Tuesday tip", we did something different and had a poll as well as requests for open comments about this news blog. If you haven't chimed in, or if you have something new you want to add - please go and either post there or as a comment here.   One of the suggestions has even been implemented already. As we continually ask


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

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