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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Trials and Tribulations

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while since I last posted a chapter, but lot has been happening in my life, both good and bad. However, I'm heading home today, and I promise to start pumping out the chapters again. The response I've gotten from the story so far has been awesome and I look forward to repaying that response with awesome chapters.   I hope everyone has an awesome week!!!

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Spaghetti a l'Ashi

This is a variation of Lana's Divine Spaghetti Sauce featured on Allrecipes.com. It has my own spin on it. Here is the link to the original recipe:   http://allrecipes.co...uce/detail.aspx   Spaghetti a l'Ashi   Ingredients 1 pound lean ground beef 24 IKEA Swedish meatballs 2 (28 ounce) cans whole peeled tomatoes 2 (6 ounce) cans tomato paste Instead of those two, use two jars of Bertolli spaghetti sauce, your choice of flavor. Prego works too, but Bertolli is better. If y



Weekly Wrap Up!

First, I want to make sure everyone saw yesterday's Blog - K.C. has a story stolen and the thief was selling it on Amazon. Amazon is looking into this, but as yesteray's blog noted, it is happening more and more. The blog also gives some good advice if it happens to you. I highly urge everyone to read it.   Other big news on the horizon is the looming July 31 deadline for our big Novella Anthology "Secrets Can Kill" - the deadline is July 31 (although if you need a few extra days, just contact


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

I Feel New...

Shesh, wonder If I even know anyone on this site anymore. =) Needless to say it's been a long time G.A.   I've learned recently that my muse only comes out around the hours of anytime past 12 pm. See now this would make a lot of sense seeing as how i haven't really written a thing since I started working full time two years ago and need to be in bed before 12. But this hasn't been working for me. Writing isn't just a hobby, it's a way to express myself, I way to be the person I always wanted t



Writing Tip: Stolen Stories! Blast From An Angry Author

Yep, I'm pre-empting Blast From the Past this week to inform members of a story that's been stolen from GA then put up for sale on Amazon. The story stolen was Chasing the Shadows by K.C. Grim and it was posted under Embraced by Shadows by K.J. Fleur back in May. We only found this out when a concerned reader emailed the admin account to find out if the story was stolen and posted on GA. That proved to have happened in the reverse, and KC had his story ripped off.   All this author did was cha


Cia in Writing Tips

Home :]

Wow, I'm home, lying on my own bed, feeling very happy indeed.   I didn't think that I'd miss this place as much as I did this last week. I was busy, doing exciting stuff, seeing and doing and being...   Yet in as much as I love to travel, as much as I love my work, and as much as being away from home is a refreshing break, it is lovely to come home.   It's the little things that make me smile right now.   I forgot to take nail clippers away with me. I mean, come on, who thinks to pack n

Yettie One

Yettie One

Writing Prompts #154 & #155

Everybody's working for the weekend! (urm, please tell me I'm not the only one who gets this reference)   ANYWHO...   We have our usual Friday writing prompts, again courtesy of the one and only (due to a restraining order against god) Comicfan! Take a look at them, try one or both out and share them with the community in the Writing Prompt Forum!   Prompt 154 – Creative Cue – List of Words Use the following words in a story: pile of books, swim suit, raccoon, cup of coffee, and black rose


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Believable Characters

K.C. has helped by stepping up and writing a great self-interview on creating believable characters. I found it a fantastic read - hope you do too. THANK you KC!   How do you develop believable characters?   What makes a great character is goes beyond skin deep. We know that every sexy main character is six feet tall, has a full head of lush gorgeous hair and a flawless smile…right? Wrong! Fiction is where anything can happen, so why not throw out the cookie cutter molds and start thinkin


Trebs in Writing Tips

Author Showcase

For this week's Author Showcase, we did something a little different and are looking at reviews posted by the many readers of the showcased stories. We first look at Promising Author Corvus' Mike and Winston, and then we have Author Dan Umbero's Burying the Past.   Let us know what you think of this format, and also - as we always need more reviewers, if you have time and the interest to write a review, let Renee Stevens or myself know!   Enjoy!   Mike and Winston By Corvus


Trebs in Reviews

Tuesday Toss-Up: Interview With Lugh

Interview with Lugh Interviewer: Renee Stevens   What got you interested in writing Sci-Fi/Fantasy stories? Realistic fiction has too many rules. You can’t do this or you can’t do that… you have to be rich or powerful to pull off most things. However, in soft sci-fi and fantasy, you can create your own rules, so long as you stick by them. Oddly that is sometimes more difficult than sticking by real societies rules though or makes you think of why there is a rule for that. So it can get i


Trebs in Author Interviews

Feature Story: The Third Fire

Looking for a read last night, I came across this story. One of the many thousands on the site, I wanted a quick read and this fit perfectly. Enjoy!   The Third Fire by Lugh   Status: Complete Word Count: 1,450 Reviewed by: Cia   Did you ever feel in the mood for just a tidbit of a story? Our Hosted Authors aren't good just for long, serial stories. Quite a few also provide us with great quick reads just right for that fifteen minutes you have on the bus, train, or those shor


Cia in Featured Stories

Dad, blood, and one confused puppy

Figured I should update everyone. Dad had his endoscopy yesterday. They found blood pooling in his stomach and went in to do repairs. He was supposed to have his colonoscopy today, but someone screwed up and he had solid food. So now he is back on liquids and had to drink eight glasses of something to clean him out. He will have his test around 8 am tomorrow.   His blood count is slowly returning to normal, Over all I am happy that things are improving. He seems to think he will be home by tom



Weekly Wrap Up!

July is half-over already! Remember, the Novella Anthology is due July 31!!!   This week, we looked our newest Premium Author, Quonus10 in a two part interview. Monday, we mainly heard about Quonus10's story Chosen of Honorus. Then as a follow-up, we concluded his interview on Tuesday with more of a focus on his experiences with publishing.   Our Wednesday Author Showcase gave us reviews of Johnathan Colourfield's The Room, as well as Cailen's Somewhere Only We Know. We really appreciate Lou


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Fathers and Sons

I know there are some people who get along wonderfully with their fathers. My father and I have more of a gas and match relationship. However I try very hard to ignore the problems and help where I can since my mother passed.   This week has been one trying week. Tuesday my father was very ill. He couldn't even keep water down. I wanted him to go to the doctor or the hospital but he fought me at every turn because he had an appointment with his doctor on Wednesday. Well Wednesday he seen his d



Writing Tip: Waiting For The Next Chapter

It's time to climb into the time machine and take a trip to the.... PAST! Today we're going to look at a little gem I found that should call out to both Authors AND Readers. It was taken from a May 2004 Newsletter. Enjoy and as always, share your thoughts about it.   The Gay Authors Newsletter - May 2004 Waiting for the next chapter ... By Jevic   Nothing is more frustrating than reading a great story and suddenly find yourself hanging with nothing left to read. Sure there's

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Tennessee Tree

Trees. There’s a redwood tree just on the edge of our property. It’s massive. Although I’ve seen it nearly daily for years, I never take the view for granted. A few moments watching the branches sway always soothes, no matter how tumultuous the day. Ever present. That’s a tree, symbolically, to me.   The earliest tree I have a distinct memory of is a Weeping Willow tree that was in the backyard of our home in Virginia. There were branches low enough for me to climb, and the thick wisps o



An episode from an old TV show that reminds us about Tyranny

Gene Roddenberry was a drama writer with a science fiction genre basis, I have been viewing some of my favorite TV shows created by the legendary film creator. Most people remember Star Trek as his greatest work, I freely admit that I was influenced by its exploration of mankind and social commentary.   There was another show, which was also just as good as Star Trek with marvelous stories and human introspective issues. Earth Final Conflict was originally conceived as the predecessor series t



70's Disaster Movies

Most of them were disasters. A couple of good ones were Earthquake and the Towering Inferno.           You can catch both of them on http://youtube.com         Brought to you by the 70's Preservation Society: yes, we did in fact drink the bong water.



Writing Prompts #152 & #153

How's everyone's week been? Looking forward to the weekend? Before you cut loose and enjoy, check out these new writing prompts from our prompt-guru, Comicfan. And please - don't be shy - share your prompt explorations with the rest of the community in the Writing Prompt Forum!   Prompt 152 – Creative Cue – First Line “Do you mean to tell me that was your first …. Oh crap!”   Prompt 153 – Creative Cue – The Ad You’ve finally done it. You created the perfect product. Product X. So … What the


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Fantasy

For our Tip Thursday we are bringing you an awesome tip from Cia. Have you ever been writing a Fantasy story and worried that you might be writing something that will turn your readers off to your story? Cia writes this time as a reader, about what keeps her interested in a fantasy story. Enjoy! Fantasy – From a Reader’s POV   So, this is coming from me, as a reader. Recently I’ve read a few fantasy stories. One was a modern fantasy, one is a futuristic alien fiction, and two were pure

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

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