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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it

Holidays are almost here, or Welcome to retail hell

It is that time of the year again. The time I use to love, but over time has become nothing more than overtime and craziness. I guess that is what happens when you work retail. Of course it doesn't help to work retail at the return desk either. So as everyone gears up for Thanksgiving and black Friday, I prepare for the lines, the yelling, and being told once again I have ruined some family's Christmas or Hanukkah because I personally don't want to get the item from where I am hiding it in the b



Hello, World

Wow!! A blog...   Never thought I'd be doing this, though if you had told me a month ago that I'd a written 24 chapters of a story that generated the kind of response that my first story "Riding Lessons' have I'd have just laughed it off.   Before I get started, i do want to take a moment to thank all of the folks who have been so generous in their praise and forthcoming in their critism of my first writing effort. I thought maybe I'd get a few e-mails and then the story would end up being o

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

One more Star Trek Review to get this geekiness out of my system

As I said I am a huge fan and I just finished the latest Typhon Pact Mini-series novel, Brinksmanship :   Spoiler Alert!   To begin this series review, I must first tell you a bit on what happened after the Dominion War. Gene Roddenberry's United Federation of Planets is no longer as naive or idealistic as it once was. The Universe after the war has become a very hostile and unstable place. With the Borg invasion about a year ago, the entire balance of power has unraveled throughout the gala



A Review of a Star Trek Novel: VOY The Eternal Tide

Outside of politics and other interest, one thing that might surprise people partially is that I am an avid follower of Star Trek novels, especially the re-launch titles for Deep Space Nine, Generation, and Voyager. They are considered Canon based on Star Trek timeline after the Dominion War and Voyager's return from the Deltar Quadrant. Yes, I freely admit to be a gay trekkie.   While I do know there are Star Trek fans here on GA, I do not know if there are as many novel fans.   Sorry if I



Today, Nov, 12 2012

Today, I feel very happy and decided to watch tv. And then i saw this...   http://drizzyfest.tu...e-leakes-does-a   IDK, how this go into me, but its epic and funny. I watched it at least 100 times now. Maybe its because I didn't have to go to school today. I'm suppose to remember the soldiers who fought for us, but I did pray for them yesterday and today this morning.   Happy Nov 12 2012!



Featured Story: From The Heart

So, we're going to try our new format for this week and see how it goes. So as today is Monday, we have a featured story review - this time a review by lilansui of Author Branflakes' From the Heart. Enjoy!       From the Heart By Branflakes   Reviewer: lilansui Status: Complete Word Count:2,205   From the heart is a different kind of love story. I’m so used to reading about romance, that the message at the end of this story caught me by surprise. Randy, the main ch


Trebs in Featured Stories

Living with Ghosts

Dear The One Who Got Away,   I don’t think I could ever forget you. & although I never said it directly, you know that I love you. I feel that I have loved you forever. It’s just that lately, things have been much harder - especially realizing that you’re not here with me.   Truth be told, I’m sad and I'm tired of making up excuses for myself. Since you left, I’ve spent most of the time feeling lost and alone. It's as if I've been living a life full of ghosts.   But that’s not who I



Weekly Wrap Up!

So, I started a bit of a firestorm in yesterday's blog. Short story - we're looking to change the format of this GayAuthors.org News Blog from daily to four times a week. As I said yesterday, nothing is set in stone so if you haven't yet, let us know your thoughts.   Otherwise for this week, we started the week by looking at the GA story with the most number of reviews - Paternity by Hosted Author Mark Arbour. In reading the reviews for this story, it is obvious why Mark is such a popular aut


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #182 & #183

A rough week for some, good and bad news... but the best way to enter the weekend is to stir your creative muscles and just see where you can get your mind to go.   Our Weekly writing prompts, courtesy of our Prompt-Guru Comicfan, are two very interesting creative challenges. We hope you take a try at them and share them with the community in the Writing Prompt Forum.   Prompt 182 – Creative Tag – The Secret Your best friend has called you up in the middle of night and begged you to come rig


Trebs in Prompts

It's been awhile....wow

Wow, can't believe that it has been a little bit over a year since the last time I posted a blog. :-/ I was really busy as usual, focusing on my academics, working, and taking care of my family. Past a year to past few months, there have been ups and downs, some are good, and some are bad. I am so glad that I am almost done with my education. Needless to say, I am proud of myself and my girlfriend that we still pursued our education ever since Alex was born, and we never give up despite how cha



Fittest Looking Men

I was chatting with a young DJ that I am working with today about travel, and the delights of getting to explore our world a little at a time. While we were talking Rob asked me where I thought the best looking people in the world lived, and I couldn't answer. It got me thinking and I have to admit, it is a really intriguing question.   I suppose that the answer to this question is subjective as each of us has different tastes, sees attraction on a different level, and will each be looking for

Yettie One

Yettie One

Writing Tip: Feedback

Here at the blog we've talked about leaving feedback for Authors. With that in mind, I asked Hosted Author: C James if he would be willing to write something up for the blog to tell everyone why he thinks feedback is important. I hope you enjoy what he had to say and keep it in mind the next time you read a story here at GA! Feedback: Why Authors Need You   Authors differ, but most need feedback. I mean ‘need’ quite literally.   It’s not an ego thing, it is a need. The reasons vary f

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Featured Story: Paternity

Paternity by Mark Arbour   Status: In process Word Count: 434,181   In addition to being one of GayAuthors.org's most prodigious authors, Mark Arbour is the author of Paternity, which with 542 reviews is currently the most reviewed story on GA.   Paternity is book 12 of Mark's Chronicles Of An Academic Predator series and so far, there have been 68 chapters released. Rather than the usual review of Paternity, I thought it would be more illuminating to show a few of the rev


Trebs in Featured Stories

For my Dad The Seasons of Life

I have tried to write all of my life, school, my own entertainment, helping young students with essays, and piles of notebooks of stories that my Dad read every one of, from back to front. ( takes deep breath ) Hopefully, I can post this all at once.   When my dad became ill for the last time right before Christmas in 1997, my family postponed the trip we normally made at Christmas to see my Dad through his surgery (amputation of a foot because of diabetes), and help my stepmom. I am not go



Weekly Wrap Up!

Did everyone (who needed to) remember to "Fall Back" this morning? For our household, it's back to PST again (GMT -8.0). And the extra hour of sleep was great!   For our GayAuthors.org News Blog, we started the week looking at one of our first Hosted Authors, Comicality, and his short story Of The Flesh. Radiant Renee Stevens gives us a great review of this short story and based on her review, it's now one for my reading list (which grows longer and longer...)   We then had the first of our


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

I got a job offer, yay! Feels like Charlie after Golden ticket

Seriously, I feel like I just got the golden ticket. It's not the best job in the world, but it is at least paying me a fair salary based on my ability, education, and licensing. I''ll get a signing bonus, a staff of three people, and an annual increase based on corporate operations. However, it's better than working for next to nothing, getting promoted and taking on responsibilities that belong to others, and never getting any respect.   My position will be just a senior level accountant, b



Writing Prompts #180 & #181

On the day of the dead, where the year too dies, must the youngest open the oldest stones...   So - did everyone have a great Día de los Muertos yesterday? Here at GA News Blog world, we received two great new prompts from our prompt-guru Comicfan that I hope you'll enjoy. Take a look and try them out - and please share what you come up with, with the community in our Writing Prompts forum!   Prompt 180 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – ripped pants, Pilgrim


Trebs in Prompts

In Response To

This post is in response to Yettieone's beautiful blog 'Proudly Standing Strong'. So, if you have not read that yet you better come back later.   Yettie is a wonderful blogger; His words well-chosen and to the point, and his content heartwarming. It is not the first time I have been so moved by his words, and hopefully will not be the last either. His latest post is about people, who has touched his mind and rendered it gold. He is talking about people who are not related by blood, but has rem



Writing Tip: Happy Nanowrimo!

It's November - so you know what that means! Yes, it's National Beard Month!   Well, ok, but it IS National Beard month too - as many of my co-workers annually remind me (I have never nor will never take that plunge but many of them do).   But it is also National Novel Writing Month, or as it is so more familiarly known, NaNoWriMo. Started just over thirteen years ago, if you've never heard about it, check out their website or the wiki page on them. - I'm still amazed at the rapid growth of


Trebs in Writing Tips

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead

So my manager returned to work early last week, and her welcome back was, shall we say, less than friendly.   She has received several size sevens up her backside (primarily from her manager and the manager who was covering for her), and the top information manager for the hospital (who I've only met once) apparently jumped on her with both feet.   We had our team meeting this morning, and we have been told that our manager has just tended her resignation - though we all think she was probab



Just a Halloween Ditty

I rang the bell of the house next door and heard someone bellow out loudly, " you little shits, I have no more.'   Trick or treat I said in my sweetest little tone, he bellowed once again," you little shits go home."   Glancing in his yard I saw a large pile of crap. I gathered it up gently in my little nurse's cap.   Reaching in my plastic pumpin for a little paper bag, I emptied out the sweet , filling it again, while trying not to gag.   Carefully winding the top of the brown bag gif



Proudly Standing Strong

So we got to sit and watch the Pride of Britain Awards yesterday. It is something that I have always admired in a way, but tend to wonder how it is that they could possibly make those choices. See I'd want to give that award to everyone that does something special, and heck there are many people that reach out and do remarkable and unusual things.   The judging panel is made up of pretty remarkable people in our society already, a panel chosen by the chief sponsor of the event, the Daily Mirro

Yettie One

Yettie One

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