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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
  • Myr

    Mystery Deep Dive 4

    By Myr

    Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Amateur Sleuth Features characters who are not professional detectives but get involved in solving mysteries due to personal interest or circumstance. Bleeding Hearts by Josh Aterovis In Process Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Caper Light-hearted mystery that is easy to read, witty and not too intense.  Can also be more comic in nature.  Examples: Clue, Scooby Doo, Hardy Boys, or Janet Evanovitch books A Ticklish Thriller (Revised) b

Why do people make bad choices knowing they are wrong?

There are so many choices in the world, so why choose choices that you know will end up biting you in the future?   Looking at the world today, you see a lot of people trying to take charge. I think part of the bigger problem is that we as human beings have placed ourselves too far ahead of everything in the world around us.   We have people making "projections" and guesses for the future, but it's all merely one man's guess versus another, but we base our entire civilization on these guesse



Featured Story: Home

Home by Nephylim   Reviewer: LouisHarris Status: Complete Word Count: 20,328   Nephylim has a way with real life dramas and Home strikes at the very life blood of the reason we are human. We are gifted with the emotion which becomes a setting in the work. Heartfelt and poignant, Home is a fascinating portrait of gay love and a moving exploration of the bond of love, friendship and the heart’s most complex choices.   It is a richly layered drama and she never loses its grip.


Trebs in Featured Stories

The internet and other bumps in the road

I'll apologize up front if I am slow in getting back to anything. My damn internet is on the blink and I've basically been without now for two days. This is rare that it is up and working so I hope it posts.   The only good news is that having been unable to get on line I am writing. Chapter 8 is just about ready to head to the beta, I've got a good story going for the prompt, and I'm working on Choices for the next anthology.   Things might not be perfect (God, if someone has the perfect li



The mood of things

When writing, for me, I find music is the best way to get in the mood. Not a personal mood, but in the mind of my characters. When I'd originally written some of the scenes for Sam's New Life (which currently isn't available at GA) I listened to one song non-stop, on repeat. Chicane - What Am I Doing Here, Pt. 1, it made me feel sad. In the same way that Sam was supposed to feel, I emulated those emotions, pulled from personal experience, and then came the emotional response of Sam. Pain is easi



Weekly Wrap Up!

A week of holidays - from Beltane to Star Wars Day to the Battle of Puebla - and now, it's over. I hope yours was good.   We started our GA week looking at Hosted Author Bill W's story Butterflies Fly Free, thanks to a great review by K.C.. I hadn't been aware of the story, but thanks to KC's review, I'm very intrigued.   Our tips this week were a good mix with a writing oriented one about Pleonasms, learning what they are to better avoid them; and a site oriented one on the community that i


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Seven Years Ago...

Wow. So it's been a while since I've written a blog. Time seems to be flying by faster and faster lately. It feels like it was just yesterday when I was lurking around GA for the first time trying to decide if I should join. Turns out that was 7 years ago. I've been here for seven freaking years. I basically grew up on this website. The people I've met through here have changed my life so drastically that I couldn't imagine what I would be like today had I not joined.   I know a lot of the 'r



Writing Tip: Editing - Getting Started

So it's time to look at something that a lot of us probably never saw! Today we're bringing you a little gem that was published in one of GA's old newsletters. Have you offered to edit for someone and receive the first chapter only to realize that you have no clue where to start? If so, this editing tip could be very beneficial to you! Even if you don't currently edit, it's still a helpful tidbit full of good advice! Editing Tips...Getting Started   Volume 2: Edition 1 October 2006  

Added to the Vinyl Collection

I found this gem on e-bay. Some j@ck@ss stole my copy of this album and Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine back in the day. I'm not a big vinyl collector but I've got some good stuff. Lots of it is 1st edition.   It's an awesome album and worth a few bucks. The album art is cool and the tracks read like a best of the early Doors which of course it was.   the Doors 13 tracks Side One Light My Fire People Are Strange Backdoor Man Moonlight Drive The Crystal Ship Roadhouse Blu



Writing Prompts #134 & #135

FRIDAY!!! Not only the end of the work week for many, it's also the day that we get to see new prompts that might stretch our creative muscles. As always, we thank ComicFan for these two new prompts:   Prompt 134 – Creative Cue – Word list Use the following words in a story: Gravesite, balloons, pregnant woman, cold cereal, and an old book.   Prompt 135 – Creative Cue – The Legacy There is a child in every generation chosen to inherit the family legacy. It is no easy task and while the rewar

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Day 50, 51, 52

Day 50 -May 2nd   Finally finished Box 4. Just one more box to go.   There's a woman who keeps visiting the Historical Society with her kids. They like seeing the guns. It's great seeing the importance of the historical society as a free place for families to go and entertain their children.   I think hands-on activities would be great to add, like maybe teaching children how to make haversacks or marching.   Day 51- May 4th   Interestingly, I'm starting on Box 1 as my final box. Lucki




What is beauty? How the figures of their body? The shape and skin of thier face? The hair? is beauty more beautiful than the beauty inside the body? What is body to you?



The Journey of Jacob and Kyle

I for one, am rather happy with the work that I, Frostina, and Andy have been doing. Working together to better the story. With Chapter #5 coming very soon, and me doing the finalized touches, I am very happy. I believe, in my mind, my soul; that this is the best chapter (written wise, flow wise) yet. But that's my perspective, other's can be the judge of that. I'm very excited to share it soon. ~Cheers~



Writing Tip: Life In The Fishbowl

We asked for tips - and you responded! Here is K.C.'s tip on Life in the Fishbowl! Do you have one that we can feature? If so, let Renee Stevens or myself know.   Life in the Fishbowl by K.C.   As I swim around Gay Authors, I see a wide range of different users here. Those who write put a great deal of time, effort and themselves into bringing amazing and entertaining stories to the GA community. Those who read have the opportunity to talk to the writers, to comment on th


Trebs in Writing Tips

Author Showcase

Looking for something new to read but not sure what to try? These reviews may be just what you're looking for. We have a review of our Promising Author Jack Frost's The Comfort of a Blanket.   The Comfort of a Blanket by Jack Frost Reviewer: Cia Status: Complete Word Count: 7,217   What can I say about Jack’s writing? A fake Canadian, lol, Jack has immersed himself many times over in the culture he adopted. That holds especially true in his anthology story, The Comfort of


Trebs in Reviews

Trials and Tribulations

I'm coming to a point in the story where I'm not sure how much of myself I can let slip in. I've been debating it for a while now, and I seem no closer to the answer. I have given life to my characters, but where do I stop?

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Writing Tip: Pleonasm

For Tip Tuesday we are bringing you another interesting little tid bit that is brought to you by Cia. Enjoy and we'd love to hear your thoughts. Pleonasm More weird writing terminology   So here's another weird word to describe a common writing mistake. A 'pleonasm' is a phrase where redundant words are used to express the meaning of the sentence. Like... a free gift. A gift is always free, because it is given to you. So obviously the use of the word 'free' is redundant but so co

What should I be looking for?

I have had to re-evaluate this several times with various short hands: LTR, NSA, FB, and ect.   Some of you probably have used all these along with other short hand expressions, but I just don't know anymore what I am looking for.   Seriously, I really want a long term relationship, but most guys are in it for the quickie. I can't blame them, since I do the same thing, which is a crappy way to live life in my view. It is just a lonely existence without someone to cuddle up with, but it is ev



Featured Story ~ Butterflies Fly Free

Well, we're at the start of another week and this week we are going to look at a story written by Bill W called "Butterflies Fly Free". If you like what you read in the review, why not go check out the story and leave the author a review! Butterflies Fly Free by Bill W   Reviewer: K.C. Status: Complete Word Count: 68,492   When I first stumbled across GA’S Hosted Author Bill W’s story, “Butterflied Fly Free,” I didn’t know if I would be able to continue reading it. Glancing

Weekly Wrap Up!

First - we're proud to announce our newest anthology is up - the "Cracks of Time" Poetry anthology. Check it out and let the authors know how you feel about their works by writing a review for them!   Speaking of time cracks - these past two weeks have been a bit disjointed for the news blog. We started off on a great footing with a review by Houdinii of Luc's Angst Poetry collection. Then that evening, we all had a bit of angst over the hack of GA - thankfully, Myr was able to rush home and


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

I am falling in love with a book series, but why?

I was bored and out of the random impulse of my mind, I surfed wikipedia. Yes, It's full of inaccuracies and stuff like that, but whenever I get bored, I go on there to look for something interesting.   I was reading up on Greek mythology, which is interesting as it is the origin of many story elements that we hold today.   Well one thing led to another as you know how wikipedia and my asymmetric mind works (strangely enough I've tested for ADHD and my teachers once said that I had a strange



Blast From The Past

For today's Blast from the Past we are bringing you an Anthology entry from 2007 written by Graeme called "When the Cat's Away." Why not take a minute and go check out this Anthology piece as well as many of the many other early Anthologies! If you are interested in reviewing a pre-2009 Anthology story, then please contact Renee or Trebs! “When the Cat’s Away” by Graeme   Reviewer: K.C. Anthology: Fall 2007~ The Rainy Day   In this short story, our previous Anthology Coord

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews


A few of you seem interested in my life-style so I thought I would give you more info.   The basics are food, water, power.   Food I grow my own pork and chicken, veg and salad crops. Besides the outside growing, I have a large heated greenhouse. I hunt for other meat sources like rabbit, pheasant, pigeon. Yes pigeons may not have a lot of meat, but it is rather nice. Anything I cant grow, or make. I locally source and buy in. I have slipped a bit lately with take-aways the lads introduced



When to OUT People: a Guide for Nuking Hypocrites

"Outing" people is, under most circumstances, traumatic and potentially destructive.   It can even be dangerous to people.   It should only be done only under certain exceptional circumstances. Examples follow and then guidelines.   Reverend Ted Haggard, millionaire leader of a mega-church, was a highly influential, outspoken critic of gay people and gay rights. He counseled parents to send their gay kids to pray-the-gay-away camp. He was caught with a hustler and crystal meth.   Mor



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