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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
  • Myr

    Mystery Deep Dive 4

    By Myr

    Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Amateur Sleuth Features characters who are not professional detectives but get involved in solving mysteries due to personal interest or circumstance. Bleeding Hearts by Josh Aterovis In Process Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Caper Light-hearted mystery that is easy to read, witty and not too intense.  Can also be more comic in nature.  Examples: Clue, Scooby Doo, Hardy Boys, or Janet Evanovitch books A Ticklish Thriller (Revised) b

These people with hate

Okay, so seriously. What is with these people that hates gays. Especially those religoius people. Just stay out of our lives. IDk why are u even butting in. It's our lives to fall if u say being gay is a sin. Just go away and live in your life, butt off!



Writing Tip: From Imagination To Publication

Today we look at a writing Tips by VLista... That still hold true today! This was from the December 2006 newsletter. From Imagination to Publication Steps every writer should know   You never know when it’s going to hit. You could be lying in bed trying to sleep, at the movies with your friends or family, driving down a long stretch of highway.   Oftentimes, when you least expect it, your brain starts moving at a rapid pace, formulating and creating an idea for your next master


Trebs in Writing Tips

Beautiful story and good lesson on reparative therapy

If I were to post this in the open forums it will probably be moved to the soapbox and I have made it my promise not to get involved in a soapbox debate until my novella is done, which is coming along nicely. Also for those waiting on the last two parts of my play from the prior anthology, they are almost done and I am also wondering if my fictional play is actually being mirrored by non-fictional realities in Virginia. I'm not Arthur Miller, but sometimes, I wonder if the crucible that we curre



Writing Prompts #138 & #139

So, it's Friday again! That means that we're bringing you two more prompts from Comicfan! We're glad to see so many people trying out the prompts! Remember, share what you do (and see what others are doing) in our Writing Prompts forum.   Prompt 138 – Creative Cue – The Sleeper You volunteered for the experiment figuring with the disaster your life was, two years asleep in the cryo-tank might allow some changes to happen allowing you to fix everything. While you were sleeping massive changes o

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

My Final GPA

I earned a 3.66, with my final cumulative GPA as a 3.75. Nice.   I spent high school and college(that's 11 years), freaking out about grades and hoping against hope I'd pull out a passing grade. It's weird to be past that now.



The darkness within

It was truly evil. And while I'm sure that something buried deep inside me feels something akin to guilt, I have no regrets for what I've done. Should I feel shame? Probably. If there was any shred of humanity left within me, I would probably feel something - anything - for the people I have hurt. But I don't. It's just coldness inside.   I should start at the beginning, but I don't even know where that is anymore. How did I become this?   Picture this for me. The london undergroun



Site Tip: Reviewing For The Blog!

So, you may have noticed that we are asking the members of GA to do reviews on stories that they have enjoyed. You may have even thought, “Oh, I should do a review on…” but there is still something that holds you back from doing a review to be featured on the blog. You might even think that the story you just read might not be one we are looking for. Well, forget that worry! We want all stories!!! Hosted, Promising, Author, Poet, New Authors, Old Authors, even the old anthologies! Or perhaps you

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Author Showcase

First - if you haven't chimed in on yesterday's blog, can you take a moment and check it out (and please vote). Thanks   Now for reviews of some of our great stories. First is a review of Promising Author Rilbur's story Choice followed by a review of Author Houdinii's story, Agoraphobia. Enjoy!   Choice by Rilbur   Reviewer: Cia Status: Complete Word Count: 3,304   I reach Choice a while back, and I read it again so I could do the review. By Rilbur, the story was writ


Trebs in Reviews

A girl drew my attention, lol!

This might sound strange, but I was on the bus today and I was looking around aimlessly until I spotted a girl, who I thought was a guy. No I am not attracted to trannies and she was definitely not one just really boyish-manly looking, but from just the side of the face, I was really captivated. Maybe, the strong exposed forearm, the muscular legs, and the face was just too cute in a manly type of way. Her hair was cut in a short bowl cut and it was my favorite shade of maroon.   Like any gay




It went off pretty well, for the most part. The departmental ceremony in the morning was nice- it was kind of weird in a way. I remember at my departmental ceremony for my UD graduation, noting when the M.A. students graduated, just how small the group was. And then two years later, I was on the other side, with my two other fellow masters. (Other people graduated, but they didn't come.) One of my professors joked with me that I was graduating despite her best efforts, but then congratulated me



Featured Story: Catara

In addition to being a fantabulous asset to GA through all his work and time here, Lugh is also one of our Hosted Authors. Here our great guest reviewer Fozzie Bear has written a review of Lugh's Catara - a story you may want to check out yourself!   Catara By Lugh   Reviewer: Fozzie Bear Status: Complete Word Count: 24,325   Wakka, Wakka, Wakka. Fozzie Bear here again. What do we say about our resident grouch, other than get to know him. He might be the guy in chat you


One our saying says „it’s better [read: easier] to burn down the house than move it“. Another one says „your best friend shows in need“. I need to move and I asked my friends for a help.   Since it’s not an easy move but over almost 1000 miles, there haven’t been many volunteers. And those that were willing to help are falling off for different reasons and I’m short one man that is needed. Where are my best friends that should be supposed to drop everything and come to help when you’re in need



Weekly Wrap Up!

Hopefully your weekend has been enjoyable - here's your look back at our GA week.   We started looking at Hosted Author Nephylim's great story Home. If you haven't check out LouisHarris's review of Home, and, if it grabs your fancy, maybe check out Home itself.   Our tips for the week were on Being a Reader, and one for authors on What to Look for in a Beta Reader. We're always looking for new tips so if you have one you want to share, let Renee Stevens or myself know.   Our midweek author


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Mother's Day, Anniversaries, and going on.

First off I wish all of the Mother's out there a good day. Then I wish to say I want to curl up and forget it. It isn't so much that I hate Mother's day because my mom is gone, just that this year the day falls on the anniversary of her death. Kind of makes it a bit of a rough reminder.   However, even my own discomfort is nothing to my father's. He was her partner for 39 years, stood her up at the alter once, and eventually found the balls to marry her anyway. They had good times, bad times,



My Poems

So, as you guys know I write poems. Even though right now im writing poems that came from imaginations, hopefully through my years of life I can write poems that are true experiences. Experiences that people can read and feel them. Wish me luck and have fun reading them~



New Episode of "the Borgias", plus a gay character I like

The Episode is titled "Choices", but there are almost no choices in the episode as the final outcome and nature of the characters were already in existence. The writer is probably making a creative shot across the bow about homosexuality, which I appreciate.   Since the moment I saw the scraggly beard, murderous eyes, and heard his snarky remarks, I could sense he was gay. I speak of Micheletto, Cesare Borgia's assassin in the the TV series, the Borgias.   It was a great revelation and he wa



Blast From The Past!

Today for our "Blast from the Past" we are going to look at an old anthology story. Hope you enjoy this little look into "All I Wanted" by Viv and why not take a look at the story yourself! All I Wanted By Viv Reviewer: Renee Stevens Status: Complete Word Count: 10,007 2006 Fall Anthology: Halloween   So, I was looking for an old anthology story and I came across “All I Wanted” by Viv from the 2006 Fall Anthology: Halloween. After reading, I decided that I needed to read more

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

Writing Prompts #136 & #137

Friday! Time to jump in and try a new prompt, with our most sincere thanks to ComicFan!   Prompt 136 – Challenge Cue – The Family Caretaker You almost laugh as you read the century old book. Who knew that someone would write stories about tattoos coming to life or electric grandmothers who never die? Little did that author know how close he would come to the truth that you live with every day. You shiver as you turn to face the family caretaker, who might live forever but isn’t the sweet kindl


Trebs in Prompts

Why can't we make finance simpler?

I just read this and it made me think about finance and investment in general   http://money.cnn.com/2012/05/10/news/companies/jp-morgan-losses/index.htm?iid=Lead   I don't like the idea of credit swaps, nor derivatives as I can't see any practical or "real" value in them, except as a complex vehicles that simply inflate the prices of what they hold.   Maybe, it's strange coming from an accountant, or not if you know the blood feud between the disciplines, but why can't finance be simple s



Writing Tip: What To Look For... In A Beta Reader

So, you’ve written your story, and you’ve even found an editor to help point out all those pesky missed commas and misspelled words. That’s it, right? I mean, what else could you possibly need? How about, a Beta reader!   A good beta/author relationship is worth its weight in gold. If you do decide to find a beta reader, be forewarned that it might take you a couple tries before you find one that you really mesh with. I personally have had countless beta readers before finding my current team

Author Showcase

Two great stories - first a review of our Promising Author AFriendlyFace's Buy Me A Drink followed by a review of Author Frostina's Prison of Hope. I hope you enjoy these reviews and check out the stories - and if you are interested in a reviewing a story, let Renee Stevens or myself know!   Buy Me A Drink by AFriendlyFace   Reviewer: Trebs Status: Complete Word Count: 30,401   Aaron starts off as just a clinical sociology student who hangs out at the local gay bar with his roomm


Trebs in Reviews

Day 53

Day 53, May 8   I'm nearing the end of Box 1 and therefore the end of processing this collection.   I found one book that was in french, and depicted how the various planes in various countries looked. That was pretty interesting, since World War I was the first war that was really fought in the air as well as on the ground.   I also found a 1902 calendar, which was cool, but didn't really fit in the scope of the collection. I talked to my adviser about that, and she agreed. It was put in



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