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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 23. - Jun. 29)

    By wildone

    First off, to our millions of Canadian members, Happy Canada Long Weekend! Sounds like it is a scorcher no matter where you are. Here in my little burg, believe it or not we have been on extreme water restrictions, like fluhing the toilet once per day, 3 min showers, no outside watering at all, etc. since 23 days ago when we had a main feeder line from our water treatment plant, big enough to drive a truck through, broke  A city of 1.5 million and and 80% of the city and surrounding towns and ci

New Life, New Adventures, New stories waiting to be told

Well, I am back after several months of leave.   I am enjoying my new job as head of Accounting for a health center management company. The task is daunting and many people's livelihood and possibly lives depends on things that I look over. Understaffed and overworked, but I am very grateful.   I also am dating again, wohoo! I am taking this guy very slowly; we might not develop anything more than casual lovers, but I am happy to have someone around and I bet he is too.   As for new adven



Somewhat naughty question to GA members about the site

I'll get to the point. Do you sometimes wish that GA had an adult forum, a place where adults can talk more about adult stuff, including the best fapping material? My answer is: Sometimes? Pfft... I wish that all the time. I'd love to share awesome porn with all the adults around here. It would also be a good place for the written kind of smut.



Everyone break!

The busiest time of year for my job is over. I did wind up accepting the promotion I mentioned last entry, temporarily though. I like to think I did well at it, at least, as well as can be expected with my immediate subordinate sulking for a month straight because I got the job he wanted, but I'm mostly happy to be stepping back to my old job. I say mostly because I'm going to be saddled with the laziest of the bosses, meaning I'm going to have to do my work plus hers. While I'm not unfamiliar w



The First Semester of Grad School, Finito

I got 2 A's and a B. That brings my grad school GPA to a 3.66. (IUP does not do A- or B+ grades like UD, so there's a little less inflation here.) I was really hoping I could pull off a 4.0, but eh...I'll live. I have some mixed emotions here- I really did work my ass off in all the classes. I really was hoping for a 4.0. And the B kills it, and makes it impossible for me to ever have a 4.0 accumulative in grad school. I'm pretty disapointed, but I also know that I really did all I could do.  



Planes, Trains and Automobiles

I woke up at 3am - which incidentally was only 10 minutes before my alarm. Dont tell Paya, but I only got to bed at 11pm, despite assurances that I would try to get some solid sleep. My mother - god bless her - took me to the airport. For those of you who live over the pond, you might not be aware that much of Europe has been at a standstill due to Heavy Snowfall. There are about 8 inches of snow (dont ask me how i measured ) where I live, but fortunately, the drive to the airport was prett



Worst weekend ever

Worst weekend I ever had, just few days after my Christmas break began...Why? Well, let's read the convo that I've provided below when I got a phone call from Matt (my older brother)   Matt: Mike, the news I am telling you won't be good   Me: What? What happened? (At that time, I was baffled and confused)   Matt: Ty (my youner brother who is 16.5 years old) was in a car accident.   That was when my heart started beating like crazy, because two years ago, I lost a very good friend in a wo



One year out, one year in...?

This was a really interesting year. Last year, just right before Christmas, I told my sister that she might not have a sister-in-law but a brother-in law... After Christmas I told my Mum as well. Since then the number of people I came out to expanded to nice round 10. These people form sort of my "inner circle", some gyrate closer to me, some further, but they are nevertheless my close friends. How was a year out? I tried to come with one adjective - the most appropriate would be "eye-opening".



Zombie Apocalypse tonight...

Tonight a rare astronomical alignment that has not occurred in centuries will appear in our skies.   Tonight is the winter solstice, a lunar eclipse and a blood moon.     It is thought that this rare astronomical convergence will trigger a Zombie Apocalypse.   In the event of a zombie apocalypse, don't get depressed. It's your big chance to smack your obnoxious neighbors in the face with a shovel.   Use weapons that are as silent as possible as noise attracts zombies. Inflict as much



Warning about psych meds

Even if you're not a teen, psych meds can make you have suicidal thoughts. I found this out recently. For the past week or two, I'd been having suicidal thoughts from a medication called Buspar. I have since stopped taking the drug after researching whether or not there were any kind of withdrawal symptoms. If you're taking psych meds and experience suicidal thoughts, either go to the hospital (if you're in immediate danger) or schedule an appointment ASAP. That is all.



Christmas Carols... made evil

Up on the Housetop   Up on the housetop, crackheads pause Out jumps evil ole Satan Claus Down through the chimney with lots of guns To shoot us down like dogs, just for fun Ho, Ho, Ho! BLAM! Run for you life! Ho, Ho, Ho! BLAM! Don't look back! Up on the housetop, blam, blam, click Satan Claus reloads, what a huge prick.   First comes the raping of little Nell Evil ole Satan Claus fills it well Horror and bloody murder she cries That SOB sewed open her eyes Ho, Ho, Ho! BLAM! Run fo



A Persuasive Essay Written By My Daughter

Gay Rights- What’s So Right About Them? “The true civilization is where every man gives to ever other man every right that he claims for himself.”- Robert Green Ingersoll. According to this quote and our Constitution of the United States of America, our country is not a true civilization, but a country where bigotry, hatred, and discrimination are chosen by its citizens. One in ten people are gay, which means everyone knows a gay person, they just might not know it yet. These



Grandma's are magic

Yesterday I went out for Dinner with my Mum and my Grandma.  it was delicious thank-you very much.  We had a traditional English Roast Dinner, a few glasses of wine and a good time was had by all of us.  But....   Why is this the subject of a blog?  Well, to answer that, I need to tell you a little about my Grandma.  Well, the first thing is, she is totally unflappable.  There is nothing you could say to her that would shock her - at least not visibly.  She has brought up 12 children of her own



It's Times Like These That I Wish I Could...

It hits me at the strangest times, Like a punch in the gut or a paper cut. Sometimes it’s swift, makes me feel like I don’t know how to breathe, Other times it stings, little flashes of the past. A minute or a lifetime, but it’s one thing I can count on… Now that you’re gone.   Days pass until they add up to forever, And no matter what I try, I miss you more than ever. ‘Cause you’re a part of me, of who I am, And living this life without you Is harder than I can stand Even



I need more lemon pledge

Wow, I guess it's been a month or twelve.   So yeah, I actually had a minute to sit down at my PC and look over some of my old files and realized that I haven't written anything in almost a year (sigh). I guess now's as good a time as any to start moving again on my stories, since the wife and baby are out of town until Sunday.   I can't honestly say that I don't know why I haven't been writing lately, but it's the same old shit.. work, school, family.... everyone gets it. The fact of the



Long Distance Relationships... hell no!

Do long distance relationships work? From my own experience I would have to say no, not for me anyway. I got to thinking about this today after reading someone’s post in the forums, and it reminded me of a relationship I had some 12 years ago.   I met Scott online, through a chat room. It started off pretty innoxiously, chatting now and again. The more we spoke, the more we realised how much we had in common. IM’s became web cam chat, which sometimes went on all night, not a day passed when we



G.a. 2010 Winter Anthology Now Online

The 2010 GA Winter Anthology is now online!   The theme is "Haunted", but interestingly many authors have not gone with a supernatural theme.   We have a number of new anthology authors with this anthology, and some strong poetry from past contributors. Many of the stories are quite short, but we also have one of the longest anthology stories I've seen.   Take your time and enjoy the collection. Everyone is sure to be something that appeals to them.   Graeme GA Anthology Coordina


Graeme in Anthologies

UD Wants to Start A Law School

My undergrad, University of Delaware, wants to start a law school by 2015. University of Delaware's Law School Aim     I can't tell you how bad of an idea I think this is. Delaware's a small state, and it already has a law school, Widner. Delaware's strength is based on the chemical engineering and business program, and I can't see how adding a law school would do anything to enhance the university. Programs are already getting cut- like the journalism major- and I imagine that will only



Dirty poll #12

As I mentioned before, I decided to do a poll about lady bits just to be fair. I'll post my answers.   hairy vaginas- I give them a 1. I'm not like totally scared of them like some gay guys are, but I don't care to lick or poke one. And the hair makes them even less appealing   shaved vaginas- I give them a 2 just because they are shaved. I still have no interest in them sexually, but if I had to bang a chick, she better have been shaved...   breasts- I gave them a 5. They make good pillow



Twenty Five

So I'm five and twenty now. Crazy, huh? When I was seventeen, I used to look at 25-year olds and think of them as wise sages who were so full of life experiences from which I could draw important life lessons from. Now *I'm* the 25-year old, and it just feels weird. I was a guy who thought 19 would be forever, and now I'm halfway through my twenties.   This night a year ago, I was getting drunk with my buddy Steve at my favorite bar. Now I'll be spending this birthday pretty much just wr



[Voiceless, A Victim of Hate... and Love.]

[Warning] I hesitated putting this passage up on here, because it didn't seem quite... "appropriate" to say the least. But I wrote this during one of my darkest hours, and lets just say that I wrote this for my best friend, to give him a voice, who I will always remember each passing day. And I apologize for any slight discomfort you may feel reading this. Thank-you. Now we Begin:   ...   He was a very sensitive boy, His love for Art was the only substance his heart beated for. He emb



Cataclysm Dec 7th

Lord. It was only time before I found a new addiction to mess with me <.<   I just pre ordered Cataclysm for World of Warcraft and won't be heard from for at least a week... sad really...   Any who My back is killing me of late so this is what the doc ordered... a lot of R&R when I get home so I'll be laying down and playing this (I'm gonna roll a Worgen!!!!)   Hmmm what else... oh! Expect another sneak peak soon with my story     Eric



A Father's Love for His Son

I came this article in the News Journal today. It's about the sentencing of a former UD student, who got put in jail for 10 years for his assault on a WVU student named Ryan Diviney. The article focuses on Ryan's dad, Ken, who has devoted his life to taking care of his now-comatose son.Former UD student gets 10 years in VA assualt.   I thought I'd post this up and all that because I was just reading it, and I was so incredibly moved by the father. He's put aside his entire life- everyt



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