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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it


What is beauty? How the figures of their body? The shape and skin of thier face? The hair? is beauty more beautiful than the beauty inside the body? What is body to you?



The Journey of Jacob and Kyle

I for one, am rather happy with the work that I, Frostina, and Andy have been doing. Working together to better the story. With Chapter #5 coming very soon, and me doing the finalized touches, I am very happy. I believe, in my mind, my soul; that this is the best chapter (written wise, flow wise) yet. But that's my perspective, other's can be the judge of that. I'm very excited to share it soon. ~Cheers~



Writing Tip: Life In The Fishbowl

We asked for tips - and you responded! Here is K.C.'s tip on Life in the Fishbowl! Do you have one that we can feature? If so, let Renee Stevens or myself know.   Life in the Fishbowl by K.C.   As I swim around Gay Authors, I see a wide range of different users here. Those who write put a great deal of time, effort and themselves into bringing amazing and entertaining stories to the GA community. Those who read have the opportunity to talk to the writers, to comment on th


Trebs in Writing Tips

Author Showcase

Looking for something new to read but not sure what to try? These reviews may be just what you're looking for. We have a review of our Promising Author Jack Frost's The Comfort of a Blanket.   The Comfort of a Blanket by Jack Frost Reviewer: Cia Status: Complete Word Count: 7,217   What can I say about Jack’s writing? A fake Canadian, lol, Jack has immersed himself many times over in the culture he adopted. That holds especially true in his anthology story, The Comfort of


Trebs in Reviews

Trials and Tribulations

I'm coming to a point in the story where I'm not sure how much of myself I can let slip in. I've been debating it for a while now, and I seem no closer to the answer. I have given life to my characters, but where do I stop?



Writing Tip: Pleonasm

For Tip Tuesday we are bringing you another interesting little tid bit that is brought to you by Cia. Enjoy and we'd love to hear your thoughts. Pleonasm More weird writing terminology   So here's another weird word to describe a common writing mistake. A 'pleonasm' is a phrase where redundant words are used to express the meaning of the sentence. Like... a free gift. A gift is always free, because it is given to you. So obviously the use of the word 'free' is redundant but so co

What should I be looking for?

I have had to re-evaluate this several times with various short hands: LTR, NSA, FB, and ect.   Some of you probably have used all these along with other short hand expressions, but I just don't know anymore what I am looking for.   Seriously, I really want a long term relationship, but most guys are in it for the quickie. I can't blame them, since I do the same thing, which is a crappy way to live life in my view. It is just a lonely existence without someone to cuddle up with, but it is ev



Featured Story ~ Butterflies Fly Free

Well, we're at the start of another week and this week we are going to look at a story written by Bill W called "Butterflies Fly Free". If you like what you read in the review, why not go check out the story and leave the author a review! Butterflies Fly Free by Bill W   Reviewer: K.C. Status: Complete Word Count: 68,492   When I first stumbled across GA’S Hosted Author Bill W’s story, “Butterflied Fly Free,” I didn’t know if I would be able to continue reading it. Glancing

Weekly Wrap Up!

First - we're proud to announce our newest anthology is up - the "Cracks of Time" Poetry anthology. Check it out and let the authors know how you feel about their works by writing a review for them!   Speaking of time cracks - these past two weeks have been a bit disjointed for the news blog. We started off on a great footing with a review by Houdinii of Luc's Angst Poetry collection. Then that evening, we all had a bit of angst over the hack of GA - thankfully, Myr was able to rush home and


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

I am falling in love with a book series, but why?

I was bored and out of the random impulse of my mind, I surfed wikipedia. Yes, It's full of inaccuracies and stuff like that, but whenever I get bored, I go on there to look for something interesting.   I was reading up on Greek mythology, which is interesting as it is the origin of many story elements that we hold today.   Well one thing led to another as you know how wikipedia and my asymmetric mind works (strangely enough I've tested for ADHD and my teachers once said that I had a strange



Blast From The Past

For today's Blast from the Past we are bringing you an Anthology entry from 2007 written by Graeme called "When the Cat's Away." Why not take a minute and go check out this Anthology piece as well as many of the many other early Anthologies! If you are interested in reviewing a pre-2009 Anthology story, then please contact Renee or Trebs! “When the Cat’s Away” by Graeme   Reviewer: K.C. Anthology: Fall 2007~ The Rainy Day   In this short story, our previous Anthology Coord

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews


A few of you seem interested in my life-style so I thought I would give you more info.   The basics are food, water, power.   Food I grow my own pork and chicken, veg and salad crops. Besides the outside growing, I have a large heated greenhouse. I hunt for other meat sources like rabbit, pheasant, pigeon. Yes pigeons may not have a lot of meat, but it is rather nice. Anything I cant grow, or make. I locally source and buy in. I have slipped a bit lately with take-aways the lads introduced



When to OUT People: a Guide for Nuking Hypocrites

"Outing" people is, under most circumstances, traumatic and potentially destructive.   It can even be dangerous to people.   It should only be done only under certain exceptional circumstances. Examples follow and then guidelines.   Reverend Ted Haggard, millionaire leader of a mega-church, was a highly influential, outspoken critic of gay people and gay rights. He counseled parents to send their gay kids to pray-the-gay-away camp. He was caught with a hustler and crystal meth.   Mor



Writing Prompts #130 & #131

Even though we paused our news blog last week, the prompts continued on schedule. So *that* means - we have FOUR prompts to showcase today. As usual, ComicFan is our source of all of this wonderful promptyness...   Prompt 130 – Creative Cue – The Call You have lived your whole life in the same town, however with each passing year you have felt a desire to move. Always you head in the same direction. Now you are legally an adult and the money you have saved manically for the past few years is g


Trebs in Prompts

My Sexuality

Well, it's been what? 2 years since I first figured out I was gay/bi. Still trying to figure out whether im gay/bi/ or straight. But i'm still only a teenagers. Have many more adventures to come. Had 1 ex-bf, and currently an un-official bf. Still not out to all, but hopefully in a few years the fire would spread and the walls will throttle down little by little. Life is unexpected in so many ways. There are many paths that leads to different futures, many doors to many chances. My life is still



Writing Tip: Character Building

Interesting characters are usually one of the most important elements of good writing. That's why this great tip by CassieQ is a welcome addition to our GA News Blog. If you have a great tip that you'd like to share with the community, let me or Renee Stevens know.   Character Building by CassieQ   To be 100% honest, writing about characters was hard. Characterization is something that always seemed to flow naturally, so trying to take it apart and explain the mechanics o


Trebs in Writing Tips

A Mask is a Mask

A mask is a mask. I don't think people purposely put them on. They just do. People act differently depending on where they are and who they are with.   I was told I didn't have to put a mask on for my friends. I don't think you really do but what you expose to people is different.   I doubt all of us act the same around our parents, our lover, our children, friends, and strangers. It is just part of who we are and how we deal with everyone. No one will talk the same to their best friend as



Author Showcase!

What day is it today? Oh yeah, it's Wednesday, which can only mean it's time to showcase two more Authors! Today we have a review of "The House Always Wins" by Promising Author: Andr0gene as well as a review of "Blizzard" by Admin & Author: JSmith! Enjoy!!! The House Always Wins By Andr0gene Reviewer: Renee Stevens Status: Complete Word Count: 51,936   Before I became a beta reader for Andr0gene, I first read his story The House Always Wins. While I have read all of his s

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

On-going delay's...an appology

Hello everyone.   As anyone who have read my work knows I'm behind and my posting habit have become even worse than they were before.   I can offer no concrete reasons for this, it's true that things have not been the most ideal for me or my family the last year but because a few messages and conversations that I've had recently that I've allowed the issues too much leeway.   I'm working as hard and fast as I can to get things set on a better track, one that I intend to keep up with at



Maybe it's not ME but YOU!

So GA has managed to yet again chase away another long time author (dkstories) away from the site. Yeah, I have been here long enough to remember the last major "schism" some members created because of 'differences'...   Of course, who chased him away? Other so-called 'authors' from this site.   Your conduct is beyond appalling and yet YOU are the ones who are calling for civility. Yeah, I don't believe you.   Because if it was between reading dkstories or your stories, I would read dk



Fixing the mask

I'm usually the bubbly one. I listen, smile, and keep people at arms distance. It isn't that hard.   Every once in a while the mask cracks and the loneliness seeps in. Then I do something stupid, like join a dating site, go on a blind date, or even worse head out to nightclub to see what is out there.   I've learned there is something worse than being overweight, middle aged, and alone. Being overweight, middle aged, and gay in this society. I know women are constantly raked over the coals f



Writing Tip: Brainstorming Past Your Block

Brainstorming Past Your Block   Especially when writing a short story, there will often come a time in your plot when you get stuck. One of the best ways to move past a block in the action is to brainstorm what could happen. Then... pick one! Often when I'm trying to figure out the loose overall plot I will do a 'this happens, then that, then this' in a timeline fashion. Sometimes I can't figure out what I want to have happen next and that's when I start brainstorming. I'll do this on my


Trebs in Writing Tips

Featured Story: Stonegate Stables

After a brief lull, we return to our regularly scheduled daily GA News blog, with this review of Gabriel Morgan's Stonegate Stables.   Stonegate Stables By Gabriel Morgan Reviewed By: Renee Stevens Status: Complete Word Count: 230,697   I first started reading ’52 Panhead by Gabriel Morgan on another site. Since it wasn’t finished yet, I went searching for any site that might have more of the story. Instead of more of that story, I found Gabriel on Gay Authors and immediat


Trebs in Featured Stories

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