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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 23. - Jun. 29)

    By wildone

    First off, to our millions of Canadian members, Happy Canada Long Weekend! Sounds like it is a scorcher no matter where you are. Here in my little burg, believe it or not we have been on extreme water restrictions, like fluhing the toilet once per day, 3 min showers, no outside watering at all, etc. since 23 days ago when we had a main feeder line from our water treatment plant, big enough to drive a truck through, broke  A city of 1.5 million and and 80% of the city and surrounding towns and ci

there's something about Charlie.

so, I was thinking about this new writing idea.   it's nothing all that special, and I probably won't even post it to GA, but I was thinking about doing a series of tongue-in-cheek vignettes based on popular tv shows.   in particular, popular formulaic tv shows. CSI, Criminal Minds, Hot in Cleveland, How I Met Your Mother, that sorta stuff. anything that's cliched or follows the same episode structure every week.   to start you off, this is one I've done for the popular CBS sitcom, Two an




I met him at the height of my addiction to coke.   I was the preppy boy dealer to the frats. He was a gymnast from New Orleans. The night I met him, he was the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen.   I was at the Sig Ep house making deliveries and all that. The guy I dealt with there was this Hitler-youth looking kid named Stein who was a death camp guard in another life. He was the sort of asshole that gets off on the misery of others. The bunch there were hungry and he wanted to be the man. S



Let them eat salad

Did the East Bay thingy this morning.   Left Stockton early with my load of cut up pigs (or pork, for those of you who prefer a more tasty description of what was in those boxes) destined for a lot of Japanese mouths and made it to Oakland in good time. Unfortunately, the unload took extra time because whoever monitored the loading of the trailer in Tar Heel (yes, there is a town called Tar Heel), NC, didn't know how to set load locks so they don't fall and allow the load to shift. Fortunately




Lot's been going on, and it's been taxing really...   As some of you know I'm moving to the Philly Area around December if all goes well, and right now I've been working on jobs and the like, I have a few promising leads and should be able to get one (The one organization I applied for seems to really like me...).   I've also applied for the Fall 2011 semester to goto MonCo (Montgomery County Community College) and am getting a start on my loooong trek for my doctorate in Psychology. It shou



I'm Playing For A New Team...

Most people can look back over the years and identify a time and place at which their lives changed significantly. Whether by accident or design, these are the moments when, because of a readiness within us and a collaboration with events occurring around us, we are forced to seriously reappraise ourselves and the conditions under which we live and to make certain choices that will affect the rest of our lives. - Frederick F. Flack   That time for me is now.   It feels like I have spent a li



In need of a hug

Been a while, eh? I'm actually good for hugging at the moment, but feel a bit down. Work is work, I am being pushed to accept a promotion I don't really want and in the meantime doing a lot of extra work because we're short a trained person. Plus, working the night shift wears me out. Also, there were a lot of somewhat depressing chapters released this week, and the combination of all that has me feeling gloomy. I plan to reread the entirety of The Ordinary Us, in hopes that will get me over it



Smelly stuff dropping out from the back of cows

My student, who shouldn't be a student because he's been through three trainers already, was doing very good, up until today.   I've been considering keeping him on after his 36 days are up because he's been doing so well.   I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't heading back down hill, again.   I HATE being depressed.   It takes all the fun out of life.   Not that life is a bowl of cherries. You know there's a pit in there. You know it!   When I was a kid my mother canned Bing



Well... I need a bit of help...

I'm working on my story and well... I'm stuck...   I'm having a hard time laying out the scene for chapter two... I can picture it and feel it... But it's not translating from the ideas in my head to text...   Any ideas... Or should I just drop the nuke and obliterate the scene



How did Radiohead read my mind?

When you were here before Couldn't look you in the eye You're just like an angel Your skin makes me cry You float like a feather In a beautiful world I wish I was special You're so f**kin' special But I'm a creep I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here I don't care if it hurts I wanna have control I want a perfect body I want a perfect soul I want you to notice When I'm not around You're so f**kin' special I wish I was special But I'm a creep I'm a weirdo What the he




Well, I was hoping it wouldn't happen, but I bumped into another truck, again.   They company who wouldn't take me back said I couldn't go a year without having an accident. Well, they seem to know me better than I do.   On the other hand, I can say, "I bet I can stub my toe on nothing better than you." Sometimes being accident-prone leads to all sorts of schticky behavior. I think I do a fairly decent double-take; not too good with pratfalls, though.   Then the receiver this morning rejec



Looking up

Things are, that is.   Although, I was looking up last night when I had to pee and stopped on an off-ramp in Arizona. There was a whole lot of dark out there and when I looked up not only could I see the Milky Way, but Snickers, M and M's, and a Pay Day bar, too.   When I was younger I was very afraid of the dark. Still am, a bit. Things hide in the dark, things that go bump in the night, like the stereo in my truck. The base is set at a decent level, but last night as I was driving across a



And A 20-year Tradition Comes to An End...

Skidfest, the local charity rock event that has been held every semester in a block of row homes known as Skid Row since 1990, has been denied a permit because of the university bookstore construction going on behind it. I knew this was going to happen as soon as I realized that the construction would take up the two parking lots that surrounded Skid, because it would severely limit access to the event. And you could feel it at the last one that the end was near when the cops closed the event



Cajun jokes

Q: What's blue and yellow and eats nuts? A: Gonorrhea.     A priest is out for an afternoon stroll and turns the corner to find little Johnny with a hammer smashing the daylights out of a bunch of ants. The kid is saying to himself, "I hate these f**king ants... I hate these f**king ants..." The priest is taken aback by the little boy's language and talks to him, saying that God doesn't make junk. "Tomorrow I will be coming by again, and if you can tell me three things that God created th



Extreme Silliness

The gloomies have passed.   Don't get your hopes up because I'm not 100% here.   Suddenly, today I flew out of the dark hole I've been in for the past few weeks and experienced the extreme silliness of the high end of the type of bipolar disease I have.   Looking back at that moment (it actually lasted a couple hours), I can't believe what was going through my mind, but most of it was extremely silly.   It might have had something to do with the extremely cute guy I ran into in North Ros



A sickly, soppy birthday wish

Ladies and Gentlemen.   Today, the most important person in my life turns 27. It is a milestone to be sure, but not usually an important one. For us though, 27 is THE most important. I explain why further on.   I gave Paya a small gift, with the following inscription (well, a similar inscription, this one slightly edited)   -------------------   Today is a special day, of a special month of a very special year. Today you are 27 years old. You have never been 27 before, and never will you



Let the Rain Fall

Same deal as before... this is Heavily beta so theres gonna be HUGE issues with Grammer and words and the like... I'm just publishing little snippets to gauge a possible audience   Also, this is the prequel which will appear before the actual story. So some characters will be in the story, some wont, only time (and my muse) shall tell...     Yea, this was a bit longer, but I think it's a bit more enticing.   Lemme know what ya think! Eric



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