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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 23. - Jun. 29)

    By wildone

    First off, to our millions of Canadian members, Happy Canada Long Weekend! Sounds like it is a scorcher no matter where you are. Here in my little burg, believe it or not we have been on extreme water restrictions, like fluhing the toilet once per day, 3 min showers, no outside watering at all, etc. since 23 days ago when we had a main feeder line from our water treatment plant, big enough to drive a truck through, broke  A city of 1.5 million and and 80% of the city and surrounding towns and ci

Depression and Anxiety

Weeeellll....   If you suffer from depression, or know anyone who suffers from depression you know how much of a pain in the ass it can be to deal with and get under control. Couple that with having an anxiety disorder and you got yourself a bowl full of fun. Why am I talking about this you may ask? It's simple lately, I feel off my rocker lately and I've been doing my best to deal with the situation, but I just can't get a hold on it. It feels like trying to hold sand in your hand without let



Story Recommendation- Second Variety

From time to time I come across a story that hits me particularly hard.   Second Variety by Philip K Dick is one of those stories.   It's about the war that my generation only fought in our nightmares.   Check it out. It's a real scream. Buh-wa-hahahah.



Every Breath Until I Have Nothing Left

You take my breath away and then ask if I’m okay, Neat trick, to feel amazing while you’re suffocating. My heart’s beating out of my chest and my head goes black, And the thing is, I wouldn’t ever give these moments back. There’s something scary about feeling so alive, And considering the alternative, I’ll survive.   For every night and every right, for our daydreams in the sunlight, For every wrong and every song, I knew it was you all along, Cause these days and minutes are the ones



College Football Blues and Golds

University of Delaware lost the Division I title game last night at Pizza Hut Park in Frisco. We gave up a second-half 19 point lead for Eastern Washington to come back with 20 points.   I'm pretty bummed. It would have been great to see UD get a championship. On the bright side, it was great to see the Blue Hens there, and it WAS a great season for UD. But since our quarterback is a senior, it looks like next year's going to be a rebuilding year.



Tiger needs to know...

Not long ago I watched Capitalism: A Love Story. I'd never watched a Michael Moore movie before. I didn't think I'd agree with him as much as I did. In fact, I agreed with just about all of it. Does that mean I'm a total socialist?



One week - or better said - holy shit!

The emails, calls, text message, and anxiety attacks are coming with increasing frequency the last two days. Today was the third and last ultra sound for the surrogate. According to the doctor, the surrogate, let me call her Eve at this point - surrogate is so impersonal - Eve, has 18 follicles - which in layman's terms mean she has 18 eggs developing. In theory each of these can be fertilized and we would have potentially 18 embryos.   So being the dim sort, I asked if 18 was good, bad o

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Is it Only Me?

Is it just me who has a real issue with the song released by Matt Cardle, the UK XFactor winner.   When we collide we come together If we don’t we’ll always be apart I’ll take a bruise I know you’re worth it When you hit me, hit me hard   I mean... WHAT!!!!   It's about being in an abusive relationship where your partner essentially beats the crap out of you but you stay together because you think they love you and you love forever!!!   What kind of message does that send out... that



Status Update

Four hundred characters is too few for the update I want to make so I'm going to post it here.   As many might know/remember, Mike and I are trying to have a child(ren). We tried traditionally surrogacy - commonly referred to in technical medical circles as the 'turkey baster method,' but after 3 attempts that proved unsuccessful. The fertility Dr., who I found to be a wonderful doctor, told us that statistically further attempts would end up costing us more than biting the bullet and going

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Trying this again

So, I tried this before but it didn't quiet go the way I wanted it to go. Let's try again, yes?   Stories that are currently posted   Breaking Her Bonds Finding Someone Rose Strailos Flash Stories Various One Shots Writing the Past a Goodbye Note   Forums Under my one shots story header   Fangs and Claws Side Stories Bloody Thoughts Writing the past a goodbye note Breaking Her Bonds Leaving it all behind The Kuro Family Stories   Other Stories:   A Butterfly's Dream Bei

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

From: Are North Koreans using Bioterrorism?

Foot and mouth disease outbreak in South Korea 28. December 2010 16:20 Source Link: the Medical News   By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD   South Korea is facing an outbreak of foot and mouth disease reported Seoul’s Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Foot and Mouth Disease is a highly contagious and sometimes fatal disease that can affect cloven-hoofed animals including pigs, sheep, cattle, deer and goats. Humans are usually not affected. The three most recent cases take the total number reported in



coloured only.

so, what have I been up to since I got suspended from GA?   well, I went to this:     ate some of this:     watched some of this:     listened to some of this:     and wrote the first 1,000 or so words of a short story that I might need a couple of people to beta-read.   I should be racist more often.



Have a little patience

I know. Construction is a pain in the ass.   Potholes,     Detours,     Traffic Jams...     It's all a huge pain in the ass.     It's enough to make you want to drink, drive and run over Lassie.     Or even take a different exit that doesn't even go where you want to be.     I suggest that we all mellow out, have some patience and let the process proceed.     Because we all know. It's not the traffic, the construction or the delays that make us crazy.   It



Dirty Poll #13

Have you ever bottomed for a guy with a Prince Albert? If so, was it really good or did it not make a difference at all. I never have, but I would definitely try it once. I'm curious as to whether or not it's as good as they say it is.



10 New Years Resolutions....

OK. So, I'm writing yet another blog entry. Mainly becuase my Paya is working and in an effort to support him I'm trying to be less demanding of his time. It's true - i'm an attention whore. So I'm being a good boy and distracting myself while my man does what he needs to do.   'tis the season then..... NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS....     This is the year I get fit and healthy. Not just for me, but for Paya too. Just before Christmas, the doctors managed to get to the bottom of some me



Best Christmas Ever!

I left Jackson, MS last Tuesday at 2:00 and drove the eight hours to Dallas on I-20. It's a fairly boring drive. The only points of interest are Monroe, LA which smells like a wretched fart that never dissipates because of the paper mills and Shreveport which you by-pass if you are smart. There is Marshall, Longview and Teryl Texas but... the prize is Dallas. Stopped for a burger and a shake in Canton, TX at the Dairy Palace. It's a little pricy but the food is good and its not one of those cook



Ten Reasons Not to Get Drunk With Your Kids

1. It seems like a good idea to play Guitar Hero on Expert Level... until the ten year old wins... hugely   2. the idea of playing Rapidough is just the best and it goes quitewell until... breast... when I got to snort Southern Comfort... the wrong way.   3. They drink a lot more than I do and get a lot less pissed.   4. You write stupid blog entries   5.. You can't count past five   It was a GREAT evening though :)    



I'm probably being a bit of an idiot...

Hi Guys   I havent written in here for a long time but i think i need to.   You probably think i'm a moany little whinger and should grow some balls but bleh.   Three things to rant about today   Firstly, Jason. I dont know... I should explain...   About 9 months ago i met his old sixth form friends and lets say we had a large argument (me and his friends) and they started insulting my disability. I got very annoyed.   And he's meeting them tommorow for the first time in a long whi

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

im going to shove my fist so far up your butt (replaced profanity) it'll come out your mouth

(it will only make sense if you skimmed/read/looked at my other blog post a few days ago)   this is what the step-mother of that cop boy i told you about previously yelled at him over the phone while we were hanging out.   I decided to be the man and text him to hang out and he was super super down and I hung out with him and his three other friends who were nice and all that stuff. Towards the end of the night he had to drive his friends home but he wanted to still hang out with me(O___o) a



Have I told you lately....

Relationships. To embrace the cliche - no man is an island. Nobody exists in a vacuum. When you accept someone into your life, you do so in the knowledge that they have had a life before you - and in my case, he has lived 27 years before he met me. He has a life, habits, friends and family that all exist outside of (and indeed before) his love for me came into being.   One of the important things about a relationship, is the ability of each partner to "fit" into the life of the other. This



Work stuff

A few day's ago I got a call on my way home from seeing Joe that one of my residents passed away unexpectedly. Not a good call to get when you're driving down I-195 at about 75 miles an hour (okay I was speeding so sue me). Thankfully I had the peace of mind to pull over right away and calm down before resuming my trip home.   When I got home I told mom what happened (she worked with the same client when she was at Arc) and told her how I was feeling, which is hard to explain, but I tried. I t



An Author's Perspective

I posted this on my story forum discussion over in Jeff's fort, but as I also post Exodus on GA, I thought I should also let you guys in:   One of the biggest issue with a writer is that his stories are sometimes based on his emotional and physical condition. Physically, I am fine, but emotionally I was kind of lost after a rough breakup with my old boyfriend and the lost of my previous job.   I did not know if I could continue to write anymore in this universe, but life finds a way and one



deck my hallz bby

Today was an important day. It was a family Christmas party. mom side comes, cousins, yayyayaya, annoying uncles who think they are super cool but in fact they aren't, weird non-family additions to the party roster but we can't say no cause we're nice party.   it went far better than I had expected. I figured they would be the boring Christian riff-raff that is my mom's side of the family here in California, but it was kind of fun. Maybe because I actually drank. they drank too, I just dr



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