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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it

Nanny 911

For those who've talk to me in chat, you know we had a bit of a glitch with the Nanny. We thought we were getting Mary Poppins but what we got was a Nanny 911 reject.   We hired the Nanny - let's call her Mary - because she was an older woman - and by older I mean not in her twenties. She has grown kids, been a nanny for a long time, and had good references. She knew/knows a LOT about babies and their developmental stages, she also didn't ask to be paid under the table. That last one was s

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Living witness: History in front of your eyes

I just realized something today, The au bon pain had completely closed down at Harvard square.   I haven't gone to the harvard bookstore in ages, lot's of things getting mixed up in my life and probably a little too much GA soapbox stuff as well. If I had gone down there like I had in the past, I'd noticed the place had changed as I wanted to grab a sandwich after work.   I also didn't realize that a starbucks had opened right near the train station (seriously, there's a starbucks right at t




I don't get why these types of people still exist, they constantly bother others because they feel important. They constantly troll spaces because they have nothing better to do with themselves. So, they continue to annoy our lives.   My problem with bullies are simple, they like to blame others for the incompetent life they have. I shouldn't have to subject myself to a persons idiotic attitude. What I'm saying is simple, stop your ways. You're not funny, you're not witty, you're not entertain

ryan jo

ryan jo

Day 43

Day 43, April 17th   While working on Box 9, I came across three religious service books. It made me think about how important religion must have been to the soldiers who fought. It may not have been their personal beliefs, but they definitely had to consider religion as part of their daily lives. I wonder what it might have been like to have been an atheist in World War I- would one have even admitted to such a thing back then?




Sooo... Approximately 3 weeks ago I traveled to New Jersey for a face to face interview with a Vice President of a department I wanted to work in. The Director, Associate Director and the hiring manager all loved me and were really excited. Then the interview came. I arrived early to meet with the three decision makers prior to my interview. Everything was solid and good. The VP thought I was late because his secretary didn't know I was there over an hour early to meet the others. I didn't get a



Citadelle de Papillon

I was, originally, going to attempt to turn this into an anthology piece. As I tried to do so, the amount of setting and unpacking needed to make the story stand up falgged to me that I was, at beast, looking at a short novel. More probably a full length novel, if not a series of them. And my dream saw fit to only provide me with part 1. I always suspected I was a bit of a bastard. Parts in purple I added after being awake, to fill in some of the narrative blanks. Parts in black, including the f



Featured Story: Angst Poetry Collection

Poetry is one of those things I think are in the eye of the beholder. The impact a poem bestows on the reader is only as great as the answering emotion it awakens. When Houdinii offered to do a Hosted Review, I was surprised and pleased when he offered to review Luc's poetry. I thought his review was as honest as he found the poetry; I hope you will enjoy both!   Poetry Collection: Angst By Luc   Review by Houdinii   Marzipan once told me that I, Houdinii, may be great at


Trebs in Featured Stories

Ghost Hunting

I went on a ghost hunt at IUP this weekend, over at Keith and Leonard Hall. It was cool- last Halloween I went and nothing happened, but this time around, we had some experiences! Using a flashlight that would turn on and off by itself as well as a K2 meter, we had several ghosts communicate to us. One was named Danny- he had identified himself as a founding father of IUP, and had been around during the 1870's and 1880's, and died of an illness in March. I had literal chills going down my back w



Day 40, Day 41, Day 42

Day 40, April 11th   I finished work on Box 2. Finally.   Day 41, April 13th   I started work on Box 9. It doesn't look as if it'll take as long as Box 2 did. Hopefully.   I gave one of the other grad students a tour of the military exhibit at the society. He's into military history, so I pretty much let him lead the tour. I imagine that something like that will come up when gving tours, running into people who know more about the exhibit(or at least believe they do) than you do. I kept



My weird taste in movies strike again

If I ever find a good boyfriend, who can live with my eccentricity and political views, he definitely needs to love movies.   This particular movie was interesting, but very out of character for me:   God Bless America   The premise was what drew me towards it: I mean who doesn't have urges sometime after watching MTV to strangle all those reality TV stars for their stupidity?   Or when you hear about Reverend Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptists anti-gay demonstrators, who hasn't ever



Mistakes I'm making as I write this

I'm unlucky in love. Don't feel sorry for me--it's by and large my own fault. But it still sucks.   There's that old fable about a dog that, by some stroke of luck, found a piece of meat and was carrying it home to eat it. When he crossed a river, he mistook his own reflection for another dog with a better treat, and opened his mouth to bark at the other dog. He dropped his own meat into the river, and for all that greed and dissatisfaction was left with nothing. 6-year-olds the world over hav



Weekly Wrap Up!

It is with GREAT pleasure, that I announce our newest Hosted Author - Baby Q's dad! (erm - I guess he also goes by Quonus10). I am personally a big fan of his work, especially Second Shot and The Trial of Jordan Colmar - if you haven't read his stuff yet, I encourage you to give it a try.   Also, a big last minute reminder that entries for the Poetry Anthology need to be to Lugh by April 17 - that's just two days from now.   So, we've had a pretty good week, starting with a review of Duncan


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

For the Titanic

I am post dating and timing the release of this blog entry to the exact time the ship struck the iceberg.   If there was one touchstone of my childhood and possibly the last century to the Titanic, it was this movie and song. Simply beautiful and tragic, makes everyone that saw the movie and heard the song in context feel just a little bit emo (heck, I think the movie probably created the emo generation ) :  



Writing Tip: The Editing Process

So - glancing over some of the past newsletters, I found this gem from Feb 2007, about editing from a writer's perspective. I hope you enjoy!   Editors and Writers   The Editing Process: From the Writer’s Point of View By Talon Rider   Finding an editor can be a problem sometimes. You think to yourself, where can I find someone? Do I ask another author who they use? Do I post something in a forum somewhere? Has an editor made their presence known? Either one of those methods may


Trebs in Writing Tips

And it all came down to a rock... or to quote Charlie Brown "I got a rock!"

Alright, the fact of my life is I have no luck. No, strike that, if I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck. I've been silent about any sort of hopes or desires because, well, if I mention them then there is a good chance something can go wrong.   Yesterday is a prime example.   I got my tax money back. Not a fortune, nothing that you say is mad money. I have plans for nearly every dime of it. In fact a large part of it is suppose to be sent in June, for this little thing coming up I started



Holy Crap . . . has it really been three months since I updated this?

Wow, time flies.   'lil Q is now 6 and a half months old - gasp Mike finished his paternity leave and we have a nanny. I think the nanny tried out for Nanny 911 and was rejected as too over the top. First hour in the house she decided we weren't feed 'lil Q right. We had the order wrong - cereal then formula for breakfast and we didn't give her enough, etc. So basically we were idiots. Since I'm at work and Mike is home, I left it to him to deal with her. It took him almost a week befor

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Writing Prompts #128 & #129

Today we bring you two new prompts from Comicfan. While they both look like they're going to be interesting, I think "The Sexes" is going to provide quite the challenge! Enjoy!   Prompt 128 – Creative Cue – Word List Use the following words in a story: fog, bus, newspaper, coffee roll, and toilet paper.   Prompt 129 – Creative Cue – The Sexes Science has always said that there would be new species added as time went on and as Mother Nature needed change. What wasn’t expected was that the hum

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Tip: Synonyms

Synonyms   In writing, especially when doing character pieces, you need to watch for repetition. The words used when writing can give clues to accurately express how the character appears or acts depending on what synonym is used. Physical cues are very important when it comes to showing and not telling. However, using the same word repeatedly is boring. Below are a few common actions and examples of synonyms you can use to highlight them in different ways.   Expression: noun-outward ap


Trebs in Writing Tips

About my memories

Those who read my blogs know that I have lived an exciting life, eventful, with both pleasant circumstances and difficult times.   Nephylim suggested I should write my memoirs as a non-fiction story. I did it and really enjoyed writing this story, thinking that may be some could learn from my experiences, my joys and my woes.   The first chapters were favorably received. Over 500 readers have read hem. Today, only about 30 readers have read the last written chapter, the 15th. I wonder some

old bob

old bob

Sharing an old mother goose Rhyme

Just found my old childhood storybook of mother goose rhymes, I didn't know they had so many innuendos and adult meanings until now.   Here's one for folks about a horse shoe nail:   For want of a nail   For want of a nail the shoe was lost For want of a shoe the horse was lost For want of a horse the rider was lost For want of a rider the battle was lost For want of a battle the kingdom was lost And all for the want of a horseshoe n



Author Showcase

Well, it's Wednesday again, and you know what that means! Is everyone ready for their weekly dose of "Author Showcase"? Today we bring you a story by Promising Author: JWolf titled "Nowhere Man". Also, we are bringing you a story by a bit of a newer author here at GA, Author: Percy and his story "The Waltz". Nowhere Man by JWolf   Reviewer: LouisHarris Status: Complete Word Count: 44,350   JWolf understands the edge. And, in this short thriller, he doesn’t waste words. Ever


Trebs in Reviews

Day 37, Day 38, Day 39

Day 37, April 3rd   Continued working on Box 2.   Day 38, April 4th   Continued working on Box 2.   Day 39, April 10th   Almost finished with Box 2.   There was a woman in here with her kid today, basically planning on having him volunteer over the summer. He didn't look all that excited, but my hope is that they'll find the right hook with the kid, and get him to enjoy the place.   I feel like that's a major part of what I'm supposed to do in this field- figure out how to make peo



Life on the packed side

Welcome to real life. It is messy, beyond our control, and sometimes you just have to do the best you can, and that might just mean hanging on by your fingernails and saying a little prayer.   Dad is recovering nicely from his skin cancer surgery. They believe they got it all but he will continue to be monitored and checked out. My sister-in-law has begun her treatment for her throat cancer. Me, I've decided to put myself on the front burner for a change. I had let Weight Watchers pretty much



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