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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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::waves hand jedi style:: this is not the blog you're looking for

These words are absolutely a figment of your imagination...   I've started to write a blog here about fourteen times in the last month, and every time I click 'Add Entry' this overwhelming feeling comes over me that I won't be able to do it justice because my brain is focused on about forty-seven different things and so, I quit before I even start.   In case you were wondering what actually happened to me... High School Marching Band and Colorguard ATE MY SOUL. No lie.   In addition to t




50...   I hit 50 today. I am both depressed and fascinated. Who the hell ever thinks they'll be 50? I'm having a drink, maybe two in honor of myself.   And, you know, I'm not doing too bad for an old broad. But tomorrow I'm going back to 39 and a half.



An update

So I got up at 5:30 this morning and went for a long run. I usually do it at 3:30, but for the last three days, I haven't been able to. Well, I had a lot of pent up energy inside and it all came out this morning. There's something about being able to get away from everything and everyone and having a little private time when nobody else is out that I love. I get to process my thoughts and make plans for my day, for my week, or even for the distant future.   Kate and I have finally decided to c



Gym Beast and the Gym Bunny

I joined a gym about a month ago. My last gym went bankrupt and left me hanging with four months of dues.   I know the owner and like the equipment so I have a lot more confidence. I haven't worked out regularly for a while so I decided to start with a lot of aerobic stuff. I didn't touch a weight for a couple of weeks.   Every morning I first started I spent 45 minutes to an hour on a stationary bike.   Once I got my stamina back, I cut the time on the bike down and have started in on



The Beauty of the Hook-Up

We all seem to have this vision, this idyllic relationship where we find the ONE man/woman to be our soul mate, who completes us, who we can be happy, love, and have unprotected sex with. Maybe. But I was just thinking about this (Billy inspired me with that hot picture of him with the mask) and it seems that it's easy to set that as the overriding goal and to forget the fun and excitement of f**king someone new. The thrill of meeting someone and seeing if you can get into his pants, and if

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour


over   certified alcoholic and this ain't good. i'm not going for the tragic artist, that shit is cliche my entries have been lacking, but they'll get good, thsi weekend imma get laid party at my house friday your invited



Eternal Sunshine

Just wanted to check in and say hi to everyone. Things for me are going delightfully well. In many ways I sort of feel like my life is one long vacation. I tend to just bounce around from one pleasant activity to the next. I've been quite bouncy lately.   I have a date Friday, a proper one, not just an excuse to...anyway, I enjoy those sorts of "dates" too, but this is a proper date. I'm quite excited about this boy. So far he seems ridiculously sweet and adorable. It was quiet day at



no subject

Wow, it have been almost a month since the last time I updated. First of the all, I am so glad that YANKEES WON THE WORLD SERIES AGAINST PHILLIES!!!!!!!!!! NUMBER 27, HELL YEAH!!! Thank you, Matsui for hitting the LAST HOMERUN CAUSING YANKEES TO WIN THE GAME! I felt bad for Phillies even though I am not fan of Phillies. Phillies was one of my favorite teachers', who just passed away last December, baseball team. It's just hard to believe that next month will marked a year since she passed away.



I'm Ba-ack

w00t!   My computer lives!   I got it running this evening.   Sure, I like my laptop but it's just not the same.   I had to replace my UPS. It was on the floor and got wet. Everything else I broke down and stashed in the attic.   My recovery from the Halloween flood continues.   I'm Ba-ack. Buh-wa-ha-haha     Twilight readers... the next chapter will be released shortly.



My JR <3

Well... today was f**king brilliant. just bloody brilliant.   We started off both on our buses texting each other, really excited. We talked LOADS. then we had to find each other in the bus station and yeah that was difficult. So we found each other and obviously started talking. It was good, we did a few of his errands and such and just were friends.       We got back to his place and got comfy, he was sitting on the chair opposite me, i was sitting on the bed. We started talking and we

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Elisha the Prophet

I went to a Bar Mitzvah today, a pretty rare event for a goy like me. I have to say that the music was awesome, a real "folk music" feel to it. I like the upbeat stuff, the mellow stuff was too plaintive.   Anyway, one of the themes of the service was the story of the prophet Elisha. The story as presented was that this barren couple gave the prophet a place to crash. He told them that within a year they'd have a kid. And they did. Then the kid got older, got hurt and died. So the mothe

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

wait, what?

The guy I loosely wrote about in this blog, here, whom I knew up at school.   Well, a friend sent me a link over facebook and it was that guy, on xtube.   LOL   WHAT THE f**kHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH




Well, I cast my first vote in an election yesterday, and I'm happy to say that almost all of the people I voted for won here in Virginia. The moderate Bob McDonnell trashed the extremist Creigh Deeds, the left of center candidate for Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli easily defeated the radical Steve Shannon and a bunch of local republicans won here as well. The only candidate that I voted for who didn't win was Jody Wagner, but I don't really think this was a good year for her to run. She was a g



Third Year

My third year at GA began on Halloween. It does not seem like it's been that long, but it has. It was great finding this community, and despite some notable disagreements throughout my time here, I love GA. At times people have tried my patience. I'm certainly not universally loved, but is anyone? I am like a gathering storm at times, and when lightning strikes, there's a tendency for destruction. I won't mention names, but I do regret some of those situations and how certain people were affecte



It's it... confessions of a supposed serial pessimist

Ive been quiet lately, out of fear of sounding like a wet rag or something   lol in truth nothing really has been happening that has been noteworthy. Ive been meeting guys for coffee and what not. Nothing comes of it, most fail the initial inspection and find themselves categorized securely in the friends/acquaintance column.   Speaking of, I got a text Friday night semi inviting me to a Halloween party because the guy didn't have anyone else to go with and would not know anyone else there.



The Prophecies

Bought Lady Antebellum's "Need you Now." I realize I'm starting to develop a drunk dial playlist, and I don't quite know what to make of that. They aren't even all country songs.   Didn't have a chance to grab more of the dream down yesterday, and now I only really remember this one bit.   There were once three witches, one good, one bad, and the enigmatic Madame Grey. It was never to be known what Madame Grey desired in her heart of hearts, or even if she had such a thing at all, but both



Stoner Buddies and Demeaning Friends

I just had a conversation where someone told me that it was demeaning to refer to my friend Steve as my "stoner" buddy, rather than my best friend or some such thing. He thought I was trying to sound cool by inserting the stoner buddy bit, and in doing so, both demeaned myfriendship to my friend Steve and offended his own sensibilities.   What I'm wondering is...do you think the person has a good point? Is it demeaning to do that? I suppose that in a way, it's taking a single charact



Knee pain

I injured my knee last sunday.... .   About 8 miles into a 12 mile run, my left knee started hurting real badly. I asked the guy I was running with if we could walk for a bit (I've never done that before), so we walked for about a quarter mile. I was able to start running again and we finished off the 12 miles (had to as we had to get back to our cars), but I was having some serious pain in my knee.   Once I got home, I took some advil, iced the knee, elevated it, and parked my butt on t



plasma orgasmata

My uncle passed away this morning. Long battle with HIV and stuff. Sucks. My mom got a phone call from his partner and she went away quickly to Washington state to see him go, along with her other older brother. She is gone, I threw a party at my house and even while she was gone I felt kinda guilty I was throwing a party. And I kinda don



Halloween Horror

On the way home from work I got a frantic call from my Mom- "Help! I've got water coming in!"   We have had one of the wettest Octobers on record and got a huge splash of rain Thursday & Friday: 6 1/2" in 14 hours. A creek near my Mom's house had gotten dammed up by logs and sentiment and flooded her garage and kitchen.   I moved her car and fridge before it got wet so yeah! big win. I found where the creek was backing up and managed to break it lose. It drained off quickly and left me



Busy Busy Busy

So, I've been busy over the past few weeks (though it generally feels like months HA) mainly with school work and my jobs. This week I go in for my paperwork/physical session with my new job to make sure I'm healthy and not a medical threat to the clients I work with, which is cool because that means that I get a free physical (and I hope that the doc doing it is a hot one as well XD ) Once that's all done and over with, I start my trainings which include, but not limited to, crisis interventio



An odd confession

I'm gay. I have no doubt about that. But there is something I like that I shouldn't. For whatever reason, one that I do not even understand myself, there's something I like that's odd for me to like. I like women's breasts. They're nice pillows, and I want a fruit fly who will let me play with her tits sometimes.



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