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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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An unmerry Christmas

On the whole it wasn't totally bad, just kind of unmerry.   To put it simply, the wife and our son still do not get along. I think I'm getting tired of the subtle disrespect for each other. I don't know how many years this can continue. It's depressing, actually.   There was a good foot and a half of snow at my son's new house when we arrived Christmas Eve and it was snowing. The wind was blowing, too. Frankly, it looked rather nice, but the wind was making it miserable. When we woke Christm



Bad night

There comes a point where we look at our lives and think of how different things should be. For example, I should be able to find that special someone and stop being interested in the wrong ones. Deep down they're wrong in every single way, but I seem to be a masochist in that regard. My gut reaction is to push them away, but it never seems to work.   Meanwhile, I'm sick. That makes it even worse. I don't know what it is about alcohol, but my body overreacts to it. I rarely puke, but there ar



12 Gays of Christmas

Did anyone see this youtube video? I'm sure many of the youtube addicts have. My best friend showed this to me a few days ago and I could not stop laughing over how cute it was. I saw the rockettes at Radio City around THanksgiving when my sister flew in from California. And it was a great show...now in the 12 Gays of Christmas basically make their own little Rockette dance.   Anyway, if anyone wants to check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSedhEoutP0   Hope everyone had a great Chr




I stumbled across this when I was at AwesomeDude and it really moved me... so I thought I would share it with everyone and see what they think...   One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself, 'Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd.'   I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my frie



I'm going to DISNEYLAND!

In a little under 2 hours, Dan and I will get on the road and drive to Anaheim. This trip is his Christmas gift to me - and it is a PERFECT one. I've been feeling SO housebound. We're driving down today, and coming back on Friday - so just 4 days trip but the main thing is being together and out of the house!   Health numbers all looked good when I visited the doctor yesterday (standard weekly appointment) and we're all set for my next chemo in-patient round which will start next Monday.  



Still hoping for the best

I went to a PT last week and we determined most of my problem is in the knee, not the Iliotibial Band. I still can't walk for any length of time and I can't stand in one place for any length of time, which makes shopping a real torture. 'Tis the season to be tortured.   She gave me some exercises to do, but every time I do them I end up spending the next day on pain relievers (oh, they are sooo gooood) hobbling from bed to chair to toilet to bed. This shouldn't be going like this. Most of the



Whats done is... Done

The semester is finally done.   I am pretty confidant about my English Grade. I'm sure it's going to be an A. That final was really beyond easy. Only ten questions. Three of which were quotes from King Henry IV. You had to identify who said them. It very much helped that I used both of the quotes in a paper I did on the play. Another question was: "What was Ivan Ilyich doing?" I couldn't pass it up. I had to reply: "Ivan Ilyich was dying." I couldn't pass it up, I'm a natural smart ass what c



Flower Girl?

I'll be on a plane in 8 hours. God I finally get to see snow, this is by far the most important thing on my list of things to do, play in the snow... Maybe throw some snowballs at some random people. Mom's doing okay for now, her surgery's been put off till the 8th of Jan so I guess we'll worry about that when it happens.   In other news, do you think I'm pretty? I only ask because a few days ago a bunch of my friends and I were talking about our other friends wedding that's coming up. So we



It's late... Er early...

I have to study for a history final... I'm not doing it though. If I did I'd probably pass out cold. Instead, I'm sitting at work, may as well be twiddling my thumbs for as productive as I am being right now. Currently four women are being busy counting every item in the store. The only reason I am here a whole twenty hours after I woke up yesterday morning is to provide access to the office computer and to make sure they don't screw up the counts too bad.   This is bleh because I still have




I'm trying to set up the game. I've got some variations, but here are the basics. I've posted a sign up thread. Please sign up! This game is fun. I will choose the werewolves, including the leader, Velkan. Velkan can choose 4 players to be werewolves. However, he chooses one every other day. There will also be 2 seers and 2 fools. They can PM me to spy on one player each night. The seers will get the truth while I shall lie to the fools. There will also be a lover who chooses another. If one die



Wednesdays are just as crappy as Mondays

Ever wake up in the morning in such a pissy mood that you would rather crawl under a rock and just die? That's how I felt this morning. For one thing, I'm not a morning person, although lately I'm proud to say that I'm no longer exhibiting nocturnal behavior, such as going to sleep at 5AM and actually waving my father off as he heads to work, like a normal functioning being.   I was supposed to have an interview today, but I'm staying with my mother in Jersey. I didn't feel like driving into



Lonely December Days

It seems like I'm waiting forever to get out of here. I've been so lonely here. There's no one around. I feel more isolated than I've ever felt in my life, and at the end of the day, I just want to leave this place, but I don't get to leave until next month. Meanwhile it's freezing, and the snow seems to be never ending. I'm ready for at least slightly warmer weather and a chance to start a new life in Texas. Worst of all, I'll probably be alone on Christmas, and that is a terrible feeling. It's



AIDS: The hot stars we lost

I've been known to be a prick from time to time, especially on the boards when someone really pisses me off, and rarely will you hear me talk about actually crying. I was always taught that crying was something you didn't do very often, and certainly not in public, because it wasn't masculine and it wasn't socially proper. Well, I'm breaking the rules today, sitting here with tears streaming down my face, remembering some of the people that we as a society lost to AIDS in the 1980s.   I sta

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

My December

So it's raining, there is even talk about the possibility of snow flurries by Wednesday. It's rather sublime to live in Southern California and see the possibility of snow in the forecast. It's not the first time it has happened. It snowed some 6 years ago now, back when I was living with my Aunt on the north side of the city. It was interesting, amazing really. there wasn't much of it, an inch or less. But, enough that you could scrap together a decent snowball of the grass and toss it at the k




I'm sitting here on Friday night at midnight and the movie "Hairspray" just came on. Yes, this is what you do on a Friday night when you're in your 40s. Anyway, this has become one of my favorite movies for a bunch of reasons. First of all, the cast was great. Allison Janney, John Travolta, Christopher Walken, Queen Latifah, and Michelle Pfieffer, they were all great. And then there's Zac Efron. Wow. What a wet dream waiting to happen. Then there's the message, the focus on segregation.

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

It has a name

One of the aggravating things about going to a doctor is not coming away with a specific diagnosis. You go in with a pain right there and the doctor mumbles, "uh umm," and looks at the spot you're touching and causing nearly excrutiating pain. The doctor looks up at you and says, "Well, there's nothing there that should be hurting as you describe."   No matter how much you plead you can't make headway against medical science. If it not supposed to hurt there, there is no way you can convince t



Author Time!

Well... this is it. Yesterday was my last final in school and while I didn't do as well as I hoped I would, I still managed to do the best I could. What does this mean for you, you might be wondering, well, it means that I'll have more time to write and chat and such.   I'm going to do a massive overhaul of my already published stories and hopefully finish up Lost in Pain. I know that I've said I would work on it but school kinda got in the way. Another thing... being in the hospital for six d



Life in the IE

and now for something completely different...   Sadly a lot of these are true, a few I can't attest to, and others that are just way-y off base (for me anyhow).     A little local humor:   You know you're from the Inland Empire IF...     1. Every one of your friends, including yourself, has a drinking problem.   2. You're pissed that you live in the 909 but your cell is 951.   3. Everyone is in a band.   4. Statutory rape laws dont exist here.   5. You hook up with someone on F



I'm Back!

Well everyone... reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated....   I was in the hospital for six days because of a double whammy... turns out that Zithromax (an antibiotic) and the medicine I take for my anxiety just don't get along to well... and on top of that... i'm allergic to it! Pretty much they kept me in the hospital for 6 days for observation and it wasn't fun. I didn't have my phone or my laptop so there was no way for me to connect to the world :wacko:   All in all... i'm



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