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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Forcibly domesticated...

Before we go there, YES I am house broken, and alright, I have been "domesticated" for awhile it was just a catchy title and sums up what I spent the weekend doing rather nicely.   Perhaps I should explain...   Lately I haven't had much time between work school and trying to be social on some levels. Unfortunately for my bedroom, it has taken the brunt of my procrastination. The problem only compounded it self when you add in 3 semesters worth of school papers and books. Compound all that w



I miss being rude

Or so I accidentally said in a text this afternoon.   I was hanging out at our favourite cafe with Scott and Brian today when I got a text from John. He moved away to Connecticut a couple of weeks ago and it was basically a "hey, what are you up to" text. So I responded saying where we were and he said "Aww, I miss going there." Now I meant to respond with "I miss being here with you." Unfortunately, I suck at texting/typing/reading and talking/listening so I was saying to Scott and Bri



Sweet and Sour Pork

For a good thirty years, it was a tradition for my sisters and me to take our mother to lunch for her birthday every February. We would go to the same Chinese restaurant that my family had all patronized for years. The owner and wait staff knew us by name. The four of us would always spend time looking over the menu, asking each other what they were planning to order. It was a major production each and every time as the menu was extensive. The head waiter would smile and wait patiently for our



First time driving in Dallas

Today I went on an adventure. Before I left Kansas, my cousin wrecked my car. The car was a total loss, and I had to get another one. I found a car. However, in order to get there, we had to go north of Dallas. In fact it was the next town, Carrollton. I ended up buying a 1996 Buick LeSabre, and I love it! I did not drive to Dallas, but I did drive back to Waxahachie. I was nervous. The largest city I had driven in was Kansas City, Missouri. Just to put it into prospective, Dallas has a populati



Prayers for Bobby

Dear Bobby,   I am so sorry for what you went through and the way that you ended your life. I know what it feels like because I was there at one point in my life. I wanted to die and not live anymore because of the way I saw things. It took a strong person and a failed attempt to realize what I had and what I would've lost.   I look back on it today and see how much my life has changed since then. While I still deal with some of the things that caused me to go deep into my depression, I look



Visually Male

I'm taking a course on Human Sexuality, which I thought was going to be interesting and philosophical, when it's just an upgraded sex ed class. Anyway, in the class the teacher was explaining that the reason men are associated more with watching pornography is that they're more visual while women are more tactile. I thought this was interesting, since five or so of my current song obsessions were just okay until I saw a video of some sort for them.   This would also explain why women and g



Dysfunction, yay.

I may have had a slight break with reality. So my dresser started talking to me. I'm gonna assume it was my dresser anyway, because I feel like it's less weird for an object to talk to me than for me to hear a voice coming from nowhere. I've never actually heard voices before, so it was interesting.   Last night I got put in handcuffs again, hahaha. Silly UPD caught me with booze and was all rawr. That was just a scare tactic of course because really all they did was give me a ticket and



I'll stick around :-)

I'll be alright. I just want to take a breather. That's all. I'm actually working on a story, and I am hoping to have it done in time for the next anthology. The bad part is that I'm probably going to need a new editor, because I figure Jan is busy. I've enjoyed having him as an editor, but I want him to be able to do what he needs to do. If anyone is interested, shoot me a PM. I need a beta reader as well. I cannot say much is except that it's not my usual. It's not sci-fi or fantasy, and it's



provoked by the mind of ryan ross...

I was reading a blog the other day that I follow cause I'm a dedicated... groupie? Fan? Supporter? Ahh, yes, admirer. That will do. Anyhow, this quote caught my eye, my mind, my heart, even.    



Pot smells, hotel rooms, freeway driving...life in Hawaii

The guy in the room next to mine was smoking pot last night. No doubt about it. I was wondering where that smell was coming from. At first I thought the windows becauses the windows in this hotel are weird and don't really close, so it's always kind of loud. But then I passed by the adjourning doors, and the smell really hit me and I knew.   I was thinking, "Hmm, what a nice way for me to fall asleep." And I think the guy had the TV on all night long or had a girl come in at some point. I was



Unsure of what to do

Well, I am at a crossroad. First of all, I love this site, and have enjoyed working on various teams and projects. However, there have been major issues as of late, and I am considering something that I never thought I would, having my account disabled. This is not a decision I take likely, and I won't make it for at least a week. Right now I am feeling disenchanted due to some recent personality clashes, and while I still care about all involved, it's becoming too much to take. I am very sensit



Day 19

I want a cigarette.... how crazy is that 19 freakn' days and you'd think Id be done with this crap by now.   Adding to this.. compulsion Ive been all scatter brained lately and acting way out of character. I'd blame the voluntary nicotine withdrawal, but yeah its been 19 days. The chemical really can't still be reeking havoc in my system can it? Anyhow, my focus has been pretty shitty and Ive been neglecting things I shouldn't. Case in point, my beta work I do for a few different people.  



broken hearts, broken eyes, broken souls, broken lives...

Matty keeps pulling my bookmark out of my book cause it has this ribbon hanging off the edge and then my page gets lost...   MORE work drama...   Sometimes I feel like I may be one of the few remaining people with a soul and morals and such left in this often f**ked up world.   Rich told me some shit about PETA petitioning to change the name of 'fish' to 'sea-cat' so people would be less inclined to eat them, and in turn petitioning to have the name of 'cats' changed to 'land-fish' so peo



Then again (aka - no matter how much you plan...)

Lol - well, plans and all that - don't ALWAYS work out - but sometimes it's for the best.   To better explain - one of the other things I wanted to make sure to do while here is get same-day cancellations envelopes as gifts for each of the people in Dr Spear's office as well as my best nurses. 12 years ago at Clinton's 2nd Inauguration which I came to with my mom, the main post office sold a set of three envelopes - one of Clinton and Gore with a DC cancellation, one of Clinton alone with Li



Sooo many things - ALL GREAT

The feeling here in Washington, DC is .... electric just doesn't give it justice. Dan and I are on SUCH a euphoric high right now - especially with some wonderful recent developments.   But to catch up first - a few people mentioned how much healthier I look in recent pictures (Rigel/MarkA) and I want to thank them. And a big part is that I do FEEL great these past two days. One week ago - um, not so much. See, I got out of the hospital last on Jan 2 and for a week, did fairly well. I me



The need for speed

I do not like my cable TV provider. They're obnoxious and charge too much for what they provide. Unfortunately, they have had the fastest internet service out this way for a long time. I, on the other hand, haven't succumbed to their enticements, mostly because they were too expensive. I figured if you can provide a gazillion bits per second as a matter of course, you shouldn't put an exorbitant charge on it just because you can.   So, I bided my time with DSL that ran at 56K at my house.  



Inauguration Weekend in D.C.

Being at the informal GA get-together in D.C. this afternoon, I was reminded by EVERYONE how long it had been since I'd blogged or written anything. So ... I'm going to at least blog for a couple minutes ...   I had a very nice time this afternoon hanging out with some of my fellow GA brethren (and sistren ). It was great seeing Dan and Trebs again (we had an awesome time out in San Francisco in November 2007), and finally getting to meet the fabulous Sharon! I also got to see Rigel again,



What happened to the fun guy?

I used to be a lot more fun. There could be a party just because I was around, and there was no need for any kind of mind-altering substances. People loved my sense of humor, and times were good. Then, I became depressed, and it totally affected my personality. It was as if I was a completely different person. I feel so lost right now, and I want to re-connect with my true self. I just don't know how. People don't even act the same around me anymore, and I think that I would be more like my old



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