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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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It's about time

I don't know if this ad has showed up in other areas, but I saw it yesterday, and I thought it was about damn time something like this was said on TV. I pretty well want to slap people across the face when they say something is gay. It's utterly infuriating. Anyway, ever since Wanda Sykes came out she's been doing a lot for the gay community and I applaud her actions.  



The Knife

I go under the knife on February 11th; or rather they'll make a few holes in my right knee and blow it up like a balloon before doing what needs to be done. The surgeon didn't like the read of my MRI by Radiology. He said it was "under read." He's fairly certain there's a meniscal tear on the left side, but there is also the chance I'm dealing with a lot of bone on bone damage, too. He said that when he gets in, if there's too much damage (i.e., nothing he can repair to make my knee better for t



They do that?

Something in the way of a public service message, since I'm probably not the only person about with a couple hundred books in their possession.   I was pawing through the back section, looking for one of my old textbooks when the corner of my mind noted that sun rays were making light spots on one of my books. This thought engaged the rest of my brain, since it was 2 am and in any case it would be all but impossible for sunlight to ever reach that particular book, due to the angles of the wind



I lied

Ok, so I promised the last chapter of If By Chance in my last blog entry, but I stretched it out for at least one more chapter...sorry.   Also, I just wanted to say something in general to everyone salivating over Barack Obama's promise to do away with Don't Ask Don't Tell because it'll prove those of us who say he'll disappoint the gay community wrong; That doesn't change anything. He opposes gay marriage. That's enough for me. I'll always oppose him as long as he opposes equal rights for ev



The rumblings of an overworked mind

Here I am... lying in my bed trying to figure out things that I've been thinking about for the past few days. Be aware... for they may seem a bit weird and or shocking:   1. I need to loose 30lbs. How did I come to this number? Well... since the only thing that's grown on me besides my weight and my gut, I want to return back to my old weight of 165. Don't worry... i'm doing this the healthy way and the safe way. No diet pills or junk like that, just good old fashioned hard work (even though i



Something Different

So yeah most of my blogs have been bleh lately. Not this one.   I feel a little lost, because I'm not sitting in any class for the intersession. But to remedy that I do get to register for classes next Friday. Right now its looking like College level Algebra, or Statistics... Tuesday Thursday. Monday night they finally have a creative writing class. you can bet my ass is signing up for that! and I hoping to get an anthropology or world religions class in on Wednesday. We'll see how that goes b



AHA moments and the quote of the day...

So I'm sitting here watching the food network cause I'm too lazy to actually look for something else I'd be more interested in watching and I like to cook so only half paying attention to it seems acceptable to me. Anyway, I'm watching this woman, in this awful outfit and wondering why she would ever agree to wear it and who on her staff is responsible for this decision when she says she's doing this outdoor cooking segment at an Oktoberfest/Germanfest thing and I went ahh, I see. So then, I'm



One Week

It's official. I've been in Waxahachie, Texas for a week now. This is a very different place. Even the stop lights are weird! I shall explain. On most stoplights I have seen, the red light is at the top. The yellow light is just below it. The green is on bottom. However, that's not the case in Texas. In Texas, it goes from left (red) to right (green). Also, you are on likely to see a stop light that says "Left turn yield on green". Instead it says protected. I've figured out that it means you CA



Do I LOOK Twelve?!

I'm a little bit annoyed. Generally things are going well. I'm employed (actually twice-employed) and in class and doing well. The only thing that's not going great is my weight because that's gone back up to the mid-140s instead of the mid 130s like it should be, but even that doesn't really bother me.   The thing that's pissing me the f**K off is the way my mother seems to want to treat me like I'm a child. Okay, yeah, I'm 19, blahblahblah, she's older and she knows better. Whatever. T



My Open Book

So I was at work today, because its registration day, woohooo.   So after going in early with Jamba Juice for everyone, I helped setup and then ended up outside, with my boss, and one of the other directors Cass. So Cass was outside smoking, so me and the boss was out there just chit chatting and watching as the line for registration grew and grew. So out of nowhere something slams into me, and wraps its arms around me. And he looks up at me like any six year old would with this, "I missed you




I think it was a couple weeks ago when I thought it was a shame you can't dream when you're dead. My dreams of late have been very, very good, so good, in fact, I want to dream more than I desire to be conscious. Of course, that's not right; probably borders on insanity.   A lot has been going on here. We bought a pickup Friday. It's a red 2003 Ford Ranger Edge SuperCab. It has the towing option so we might be able to get a travel trailer sometime in the future. I know getting the truck was no



Showing my hand....

I am an asshole, just so you know.   My Uncle passed away recently, and honestly I have sympathy for the situation, but not for the man. I feel bad about this. It's like I have all these concerns and worries over people I care about, but little to nothing for the rest, even if they are members of my family.   Family is supposed to be first. I have always been taught that. No matter what happens in life they are always there for you. It sounds great in a book, and in a hallmark card, but whi



the story of my life, la-la-la-la-la, story of my life...

So Matty went to an all boys sleepover for his cousin's 7th birthday party and Rich thought it would be nice if we took Annemarie to do something since it was just the three of us without her "annoying little brother", so we took her to see Marley and Me since she'd been asking to see it for a while. We had breakfast (at lunch time) before hand and she tells me how I'm gonna cry cause Marley dies and of course I ask why we're going to see this movie then? Is it like a contest? Who can make Viv c



I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning

2009 is certainly off to an auspicious start. My life has been so unbelievably good the last few weeks.   Right now I just feel like all the stars have aligned and everything's going right. I'm feel like I'm in a really good place and on strong emotional/relational footing in pretty much all of my relationships!   I'm really enjoying my resurrected friendship with Brian. Oddly enough, I feel like the song "Cool" by Gwen Stefani sums it up nicely: Yeah, I know we're cool   And



Part 2- The Lessons of Sheba

Part 2 - The Lessons of Sheba     As I spent more and more time with Sheba, I was amazed at how smart she was. While some people think that cats are dumb, Sheba possessed a great wealth of what most of us consider common sense. The more time you spend around people, you quickly discover how uncommon this virtue really is.   Sheba's lessons were easy, they always made sense and they have served me well when I was smart to apply them. To this very day they are relevant and keep me grounded.



A Kitten Named Farty-pants

Part 1 - Sheba     When I was almost six I wanted a dog. I didn't want just any dog. I wanted a big fraggin' dog. Big enough to eat bad kids and ride to school.   On my sixth birthday I got a surprise. It wasn't a dog. It was a cute little black kitten with a fuzzy tail. I didn't really want a fuzzy tailed kitten but this one kinda grew on me. And climbed on me. And ambushed my ankles. Stood on her back feet with paws extened like a boxer to challenge me. It didn't take long for her to wi



Amidst the chaos, a voice of reason

Once again, Ron Paul rises above the fray to provide a reasoned and well thought out argument against US involvement in the middle east. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z6vMAoFwf4     BTW, for anyone who's wondering, the last chapter of If By Chance should be finished sometime this weekend. I know I've been neglectful and I'm sorry, but life has been kicking me in the balls over and over again and it's been hard to catch my breath.



Its been a weird week...

Much less preferable then last week. It started out more or less the same. Monday brings work, then the phone call came. The phone call its self wasn't all that surprising. I have an aunt who has been... existing in Oregon. Living in the trailer park with her husband, and her daughter (who is about a month younger then I) and her 4 (?) kids. Anyhow she has been calling lately, mending bridges she burned a number of years ago with a bad real estate agreement.   My mom has been sending clothes,



A cat named Hitler

You probably won't believe this but it's true.   A few weeks ago, I started noticing that my otherwise fearless Black tomcat Fast Eddie and his mate Sweetie were hiding in the garage. Not only were they hiding, they were a mess: Fast Eddie had notches in his ears and poor Sweetie was missing a big tuft of furr out of her tail.   It's unusual for Fast Eddie to lose a fight. He's a huge Tomcat that could easily be mistaken for a panther.   Over the next few days I noticed: piles of bird fe



I'm an addict for dramatics, I confuse the two for love...

So we're back on the P90X... my body is sore and I want to smack the dude already, but... it works so I'll do it. Rich just said I smell like a fruit roll-up (after exercising for over an hour)... Fruit roll-ups are yummy. We love Rich!   So I found myself in this weird, slightly frustrating conversation at work today with the weird, clingy, slightly creepy girl I work with. Her position was this: She doesn't believe in addiction. Period. She thinks that we are all in control of our lives, c



A question on mourning etiquette.

Jonathan, my good friend who has been living with me, his cousin died today from medical problems. She's had these issues all her life. Over the past few days she steadily got worse and I just heard 10 minutes ago that she died. Question: What do I say or do?   Im taking him out to eat in 20 minutes cause hes been at the hospital hasnt eaten in a while. Then Im guessing back home for a shower or something but after that I dunno. Give him space?   Saying 'sorry' sounds trivial and asking if h



Greetings from Waxahachie

Well, I've been in Texas since early yesterday morning, and I am at the library of all places. They even have Wireless, so I can bring my laptop with me and sign in. I like it so far. The weather is nice. Now I just need to find myself a job and cowboy.



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