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Do you prefer show or bath?

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Running cable on the coast to replace stuff destroyed by Katrina, I found dried out fish in the walls of a bank a year and a half after Big-K.

:huh: :nuke:


Think about it, when you shower you wash all of the dirt off of yourself and it goes down the drain. When you are in the bath where does all that dirt go? You sit in it. So no matter how hard you scrub, no matter how much soap you use, you are still sitting in the filth you are trying to wash off.


LOL, I don't feel like I was filthy to begin with when I take a bath. I mean it's not as though I'm scrubbing off caked on mud or something. In any case, when I take a bath it is just for relaxation purposes. It can be lovely to sit in a warm tub with a glass of wine, a few candles burning, and your favourite songs playing. You're right though; I would feel strange stepping directly out of a bath and drying off. When ever I take a bath I always finish it up with a quick shower to rinse off at the end. This isn't really to rid myself of "filth," more like the soapy feeling. :boy:



Forgot to quote, but I never fall asleep anywhere. I have no trouble at all sleeping, but I have no trouble staying awake either. For me sleeping is a very intentional thing. I don't fall asleep; I decide it's time to go to sleep and then I do it. I can usually do it with no trouble. It's waking up that's nearly impossible. <_<





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I shower just before I go to bed. My sheets keep their Lavender smell much longer that way and I love going to bed smelling fresh. It's very rare that I take a shower earlier unless I'm going out which is extremely rare.

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  • 6 months later...

Well, since the crazy '70s people who put the tiny bathtub/shower in my old house had to be so bloody small, I have to shower no matter what. But, if I had the opportunity to bathe, I would. It's so much more relaxing and I don't mind laying around in my own dirty water lol.


Add a little music, that certain some one, and it could be the best time of your life ^_^.

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I shower and soak in the tub :P.

I could NOT live without taking a bath...like all the time. It's so therapeutic and I honestly just think while being immersed in the hot water. Although I have fallen asleep a few times...and then fainted getting out once and opened my eyes to find myself sprawled on the floor and my head hurting like a b****.

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Okay your going to think I'm weird but who cares. Someone once said 'let your freak flag fly'. I don't know who said it but the important thing was that it was said lmaosmiley.gif . I shower most all of the time. That happens for two reasons. 1. I am always in a hurry cause I sleep most of the time and I hate the mornings. I could never wake up with out my shower. 2. The thought of sitting in my own filth makes me want to vomit. I know I'm weird. However I'm an avid tennis player so soaking is mandatory for me sometimes. What I do is showere first then wrap myself in a towel then spiff up the tub and then soak. Although, I can't just sit there. I have to do the whold good book/ classical music/ sented candle thing. Yep alot of extra work but hey it works for me. As for the falling asleep thing......sleepysmileyanim.gif oh sorry i fell asleep. tongue.gif I fall asleep all the time. Class, work, in the shower or the bath. But I don't sleep well at night so I take sleep where I can get it. I have yet to fall asleep while driving but I have come close.

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Typically, I shower. Having grown accustomed to group showers, I've become a bit of an exhibitionist, I suppose. But I think it mostly has to do with two facts. 1) If I sing in the shower, no one hears it, if I sing in the bathtub everyone hears it, whether I'm on key or not. 2) Dancing in the shower gives you a greater range of motion than dancing in the bathtub.


At the same time, when I'm having my ftw days and ftw doesn't equal "for the win", nothing does it for me like a nice long, steaming bubble bath. I usually stay in for a few hours and I almost always fall asleep.


I guess when it comes down to it, I have to say that prefer a quick in and out, as opposed to soaking in the tub like a queen.


My vote: shower

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Typically, I shower. Having grown accustomed to group showers, I've become a bit of an exhibitionist, I suppose. But I think it mostly has to do with two facts. 1) If I sing in the shower, no one hears it, if I sing in the bathtub everyone hears it, whether I'm on key or not. 2) Dancing in the shower gives you a greater range of motion than dancing in the bathtub.


At the same time, when I'm having my ftw days and ftw doesn't equal "for the win", nothing does it for me like a nice long, steaming bubble bath. I usually stay in for a few hours and I almost always fall asleep.


I guess when it comes down to it, I have to say that prefer a quick in and out, as opposed to soaking in the tub like a queen.


My vote: shower


And here I was thinking i was the only one who danced in the shower!

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First, I should answer the question: both. I wash and rinse off with a shower nozzle on a hose, and then fill the tub to soak. Anyone who has read any of my stories of World would likely have guessed that. The only difference is that there isn't a bevy of boys (of the age of consent, of course) in my "hot soak." The tub is shorter than most, but it's also deeper tham most, and has just enough room for two people who enjoy each other's company a great deal.


Now...the fantasy. See above, or read one of my stories. I recommend starting with "The Paladin" or "The Translator." Thank you for this opportunity for self-aggrandizement.


...have you been to Idaho?...


I know you didn't address the question to me, but I've driven through idaho several times both east-west and north-south, but never had opportunity to spend any time there. I'd like to hear your stories.


...I don't like having sex in the bath though... too clumsy. I prefer the shower for that.... or better still outside in a thunder storm smile.gifdevilsmiley.gif


Not only clumsy, but athletic and noisy, and I don't like to mop the floor, after. Love the notion of outside in a thunderstorm. I just hope the neighbors are all fearful of the storm and hiding under their beds. No, actually, all but one of the neighbors.

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I shower and soak in the tub :P.

I could NOT live without taking a bath...like all the time. It's so therapeutic and I honestly just think while being immersed in the hot water. Although I have fallen asleep a few times...and then fainted getting out once and opened my eyes to find myself sprawled on the floor and my head hurting like a b****.


I think women appreciate baths more than men. After watching the movie Pleasantville, I figured that was the case.biggrin.gif For men, I think it works better in the shower. tongue.gif

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I've almost always take showers. Actually, I remove the shower head when I'm about to take a shower, I just like the feeling of the large amounts of water covering me. I think the last time that I bathed.....


The last time that I bathed alone was about 5 months ago. Yeah, it's been a really long time, and it doesn't make any sense since my bathtub has those jet thingies that are supposed to massage your body.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is an old thread but.....

I almost always shower. But I like to take long, relaxing baths with a certain someone ;)

A shower is utilitarian. A bath is a luxury.


Scented water, pedals floating in the water, aroma candles to bathe by and someone special in a nice large tub......

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Personaly right now it's a shower, and thats only cuz i'm six feet tall....and showers for doing hair is great.. bathtubs are small for me....i wouldn't mind a jacusie tub thing thats really big....but if i win millions maybe i'll have that much room in a house to devote to it. anyway....my vote is shower.

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This is weird. Just about the time you started this thread, I bought a new house and since I had never used the tub (for a bath) in the old house in the last twenty years, I had the tub in the new house ripped out and had a shower installed. So, that makes me a shower only guy from here on out.


Not to get too far off subject, skinny dipping beats a bath all the time.

Edited by jon-jon
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  • 1 month later...

gotta agree with jon, skinny dipping is best, expecially in this massive man made dam in the middle on a paddock with the hot sun and no one else around (unless they are invited)


but i prefere showers, your in, your out, your done... simple

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