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Happy Birthday Cia


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Happy Birthday Cia!

You work so hard for others,

You never seem to rest,

From editor, to Admin, and that title too of mother,

From all of us you expect only the best.

So for your day I can only wish

For you all the dreams a heart can hold,

A slice of cake upon a dish

A chance for you to be so bold.

All the greatest now and always.

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Happy Birthday to you,

You live in a zoo.... oops, wait, that's not the right line *grin*

Happy Birthday dearest Cia,

Happy Birthday to you!!!!


Happy Birthday hon, hope it is absolutely wonderful and that you are able to enjoy a little bit of rest and relaxation!!!



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Happy Birthday Cia

We love you very much

The hunting, hiking godess

Who seems a little butch

I mean that as a good thing

You make us guys look weak

I hope you take this kindly

Cos, I'm hiding until next week :P

Happy Birthday Cia :hug:

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Happy Birthday Cia! Here's a few things to remember:


Old people shouldn't eat health foods. They need all the preservatives they can get.


Be kind to your kids, they'll be choosing your nursing home.


Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest!


You age like cheese... You just keep getting smellier!


And The Most Important:


Happy Birthday, ya old fart :P

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Happy birthday Cia. As the man said "A well adjusted woman is one who not only knows what she wants for her birthday, but even knows what she's going to exchange it for..." Posted Image

Hope you get what you want and have a great day!

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