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  2. Al Norris

    Chapter 10

    I don't ever say, but it was drug-induced gang rage in San Bernardino.
  3. drpaladin

    Chapter 10

    Collarbones and ribs are easy to break with direct force, only five pounds of pressure for a collarbone.
  4. drpaladin

    Chapter 10

    The Turner Curse strikes again. When Peter said he had seen people in blind rages, who was he talking about?
  5. "Liza" seems to be settling in very well now and he and "Sylvester" appear to have reached a truce, perhaps with a glimmer of friendship emerging too. Bass will be a formidable opponent for any further intruders. Hopefully the message will circulate amongst the Tanenov troop that Bass is not to be fucked with. I informed you incorrectly that Tanenov was a family name originating from Kazakhstan @Lee Wilson. I read the family name incorrectly as Taenov, which is a family name originating in Kazakhstan. Perhaps "Liza" should change his name to Truman Talbot Tanenov.
  6. Talo Segura


    Reconciled is the sequel to Revealed the consequences of Vicky's allegations hang over the head of Arran's dad and Arran is desperately seeking a way out. What happens takes everyone by surprise.
  7. Talo Segura

    Chapter 1

    As he crossed the grass and walked towards the tower block, a million thoughts were racing through his mind. The estate looked sombre, the few trees were bare, leaves blew across the road, the place was deserted. It was winter and the wind had an icy touch as it hit his face. Arran hurried into the entrance hall out of the cold. The lift doors opened with their usual metallic grinding. He pressed the button and the metal box jerked alive starting its ascent. Tom had said his mother was out
  8. I had dinner ready for Unc when he got home that night. We briefly discussed how school went and how practice was. When he asked what time he should pick me up for the rehab session, I told him I had hit a slight snag for this first session. “So your session is at 4:00 pm, but you want to get there at 3:30? Why a half hour early? “You're not gonna like this, but I scheduled a full blood test for STDs. I found out that Mitch lied to me and he had been with at least two other guys before
  9. Today
  10. I believe Zeus will sense Otis' inherent goodness and his love for his human. They will become very good friends, particularly when Zeus recognises Otis is caring for his human, helping restore him to good health. Non-human animals are far smarter than human animals give them credit for.
  11. COD in other uses is an acronym for cash on delivery or cash on demand.
  12. In Middle English, cod was the scrotum and this is why the protective covers down below are called cod pieces.
  13. And back to me. Washington State will be serving us all types of Shrimp dishes. Take the time to Clean Up Your Room today.
  14. impunity

    Chapter 15

    Black Widow, chapter 1
  15. The 122 Club was called that because it was at 122 Savile Street, a fine late-Victorian townhouse in Kensington. It had been extended both downwards and to the rear. But the discreet plaque on the entrance gave no indication of what went on inside. The invitation from Francis Heyward had come with remarkable speed. It seemed the sidekick whom we’d met at the garden party was called Archie; I did wonder whether he was the boyfriend, but that seemed somewhat unlikely. I could see having your
  16. The possibility of the two genocides being linked seems likely, but to what end? And they forgot to ask. I hope the upcoming lots of death isn't there.
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