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Web Guys - 26. Chapter 26

Usual Master

From usual master: Sir i’m sending you a pic of my hard and tied off dick and balls as an act of contrition to make up for some something i did wrong to my sub. i think only another Master would deserve and understand this

From Alan: That’s a very nice gesture. Many things could be done with a sub foolish enough to make a mistake, so requiring an act of dick and ball presentation and self-torture on the part of a Master shows his level of consideration.

From usual master: Sir i screwed up on a time and kept my Sub waiting naked in the cold for 4 hours. i myself stood naked in that same garage for 4 hours, additionally with my dick and balls tied off while my Sub took pics. He was dressed warmly and sipping coffee while i froze my nuts off. that’s what you have a pic of. here’s one more, showing my miserable dick when its soft

From Alan: Not nearly as impressive.

From usual master: Sir that’s why i never show myself soft

From Alan: So that was another act of submission?

From usual master: yes Sir.

From Alan: Very nice.

From usual master: is there anything else you need Sir?

From Alan: I’m not sure I would have stayed in the garage that long.

From usual master: Sir my Sub was really miserable when i found Him. i’d given Him instructions to wait til i arrived, and He carried them out no matter how dangerous they were. i needed to prove to Him and me that i was as tough

From Alan: So you stripped, tied off your dick, and stood against that wall for 4 hours.

From usual master: Sir i let Him take off my clothes however He wanted. i let Him tie off my dick and balls with His choice of rope. i let Him choose where He and how He wanted me to stand or if He wanted me face down on the cold cement floor. i would have done that. instead i stood face out with my back and butt against the raw wood

From Alan: I can see that in the picture. And you’re at attention, too. How long could you hold that?

From usual master: most of the time Sir. the pain from my bound dick and balls made me forget how cold i was how much i was shaking and how hard it was to keep my belly in and chest out

From Alan: You know you were risking your health.

From usual master: i only did what He did Sir

From Alan: But you seem more intelligent.

From usual master: i should have stood double time then for hurting my Sub

From Alan: Is he really stupider than you?

From usual master: unfortunately Sir or i wouldn’t be in this mess

From Alan: Wouldn’t you have punished him for disobeying your instructions?

From usual master: not once He explained Sir

From Alan: How old is he?

From usual master: 24 Sir

From Alan: And how old are you?

From usual master: 26 Sir

From Alan: You’re barely older.

From usual master: i’m a trained master Sir. i was collared shaved and fucked when i was 14

From Alan: That’s young.

From usual master: i wanted it Sir. i begged for it

From Alan: Well, there couldn’t have been much to shave.

From usual master: but i was proud of what i had Sir. and i had to shower in gym with no pubes. none of my friends were even trimming then

From Alan: What did they do?

From usual master: laughed at me Sir. bullied me. threw me out of the locker room into the snow

From Alan: Naked?

From usual master: what else Sir

From Alan: Then you’re used to the cold.

From usual master: never Sir

From Alan: So this really was punishment?

From usual master: yes Sir

From Alan: Is this the first time you deserved this punishment?

From usual master: since i finished my training Sir

From Alan: You’ve never made a mistake with a sub before?

From usual master: this is my first big one Sir. there have been others but not as bad

From Alan: Did you punish yourself then?

From usual master: i let my old Master punish me Sir

From Alan: Why didn’t you do that now?

From usual master: He moved Sir. i sent him the pics i sent you but He didn’t reply

From Alan: Why not?

From usual master: i don’t know Sir

From Alan: Maybe he’s disappointed.

From usual master: could be Sir

From Alan: Maybe he’s on vacation.

From usual master: he’s something of a hermit Sir

From Alan: Then why did you choose me?

From usual master: i picked 10 Masters Sir and sent pics to all of Them. You were the first to answer

From Alan: Are you’re going to answer 10 different masters?

From usual master: if They write Sir

From Alan: What if they each want to punish you?

From usual master: They have the right Sir

From Alan: You’re giving them the right.

From usual master: i have no rights Sir

From Alan: You don’t think you’re being too hard on yourself?

From usual master: i deserve anything Sir. i could have hurt my Sub

From Alan: I’m just curious. Do you have a picture of your sub?

From usual master: why Sir? if i can ask

From Alan: I want to make sure he exists.

From usual master: you think i’m lying Sir?

From Alan: Let’s just say I’d be more convinced of your compassion if you showed me his picture.

From usual master: I sent them Sir. The first is of Him naked and collared. The next is of Him and me

From Alan: He’s a good-looking man.

From usual master: he is Sir

From Alan: You don’t have to say Sir. You never did. You’ve easily proved yourself.

From Usual Master: Thank you Sir. Sorry I didn’t mean the Sir.

From Alan: It’s OK.

From Usual Master: That was hard. It’s tough to go back.

From Alan: I wouldn’t know.

From Usual Master: You went straight to Master?

From Alan: I don’t really think of myself that way. I’m just not anything else.

From Usual Master: I understand.

From Alan: Then explain it to me.

From Usual Master: Is there anything else you need me to do?

From Alan: Yeah. One thing.

From Usual Master: Tell me.

From Alan: If the other masters write, you don’t have to explain. Just tell them you’ve been punished, and they’ll understand.

From Usual Master: Thank you

From Alan: You understand?

From Usual Master: Yes and I’m grateful. And relieved.

From Alan: You get too grateful, and I’ll rescind that.

From Usual Master: I don’t know what that means.

From Alan: I’ll take it back

From Usual Master: Don’t - please. I forgot how hard it was.

From Alan: You never miss it? Any of it?

From Usual Master: Not since I’ve had my own subs. That’s way more fun.

From Alan: I understand that.

From Usual Master: But can I write you again? If I screw up?

From Alan: Be careful instead.

From Usual Master: I will. But everyone messes up.

From Alan: Then write your old master first. He still owns a very small part of you.

From Usual Master: He told me that.

From Alan: And you should stay in touch with him.

From Usual Master: To tell him I was punished?

From Alan: That, too. But he’ll always be the first man who collared you. You owe him that respect.

From Usual Master: Not forever.

From Alan: For his life.

From Usual Master: That’s gonna be a long time.

From Alan: How old is he?

From Usual Master: Maybe 50. But he always seemed that old.

From Alan: How did you meet him?

From Usual Master: In a bar.

From Alan: At 14?

From Usual Master: I looked older. And you see how tall I am.

From Alan: But hairless.

From Usual Master: I was. Less now.

From Alan: And he liked boys?

From Usual Master: That wasn’t part of it. He was never that way. I’ve never seen him with another kid.

From Alan: He just liked you.

From Usual Master: I hope.

From Alan: What happened when he found out?

From Usual Master: My age? He didn’t for a long time. I kept lying. Telling him I was in the slow track and kept flunking.

From Alan: He believed you?

From Usual Master: I can play dumb real well.

From Alan: When did he figure it out?

From Usual Master: I finally told him when I was 16.

From Alan: Not quite an adult.

From Usual Master: Old enough to drive.

From Alan: There’s a comparison.

From Usual Master: Old enough to know I liked sucking guys.

From Alan: What did he do?

From Usual Master: Beat the crap out of me.

From Alan: And no one noticed?

From Usual Master: He never really beat me. Not leaving marks anyway. But he knows how to make a boy suffer.

From Alan: I’m amazed he got by with shaving your pubes.

From Usual Master: Why? It’s just the thing a kid would do. Imitating a porn star.

From Alan: How long were you collared? If you don’t mind my asking.

From Usual Master: 4 years.

From Alan: Who ended it?

From Usual Master: Me. I joined the Army. I came out a different guy.

From Alan: Is that when he trained you as a master?

From Usual Master: That’s when I asked. He knew I wouldn’t submit anymore.

From Alan: Couldn’t?

From Usual Master: Wasn’t interested. We tried it once and I kept pulling back.

From Alan: That must’ve surprised him.

From Usual Master: I think he was happy.

From Alan: Are you out in other ways? You don’t have to answer that, either.

From Usual Master: Nah, I still owe you. I’m out to friends. Some to family.

From Alan: That’s more than I am.

From Usual Master: You don’t need to tell me.

From Alan: You’ve earned my trust.

From Usual Master: Thanks.

From Alan: One more question. What did you do after you left the garage and warmed up?

From Usual Master: You’re not gonna like this.

From Alan: Then don’t tell me.

From Usual Master: Nah - I didn’t warm up. I untied my dick and let the blood rush in. That hurt like hell. Then I fucked my sub good on the cold cement floor and came like a son of a bitch.

From Alan: I should make you do penance.

From Usual Master: He came too. Like another son of a bitch.

From Alan: That’s a long way to go for a little fun.

From Usual Master: Yeah. But what the fuck?

2013 by Richard Eisbrouch
  • Haha 1
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