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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

My next story

Hey folks. Just letting you know that my next story - Youth Detained is currently with my editor, and I will be posting the first chapter next week hopefully. It is a very short story, with just 3 chapters. The next story after that, will be - Detained, a story that I had posted a few years back, which has been a favourite of most of my followers, so stay tuned, as that will be arriving in May / June. Regards Preston



Anthology Flashback: Spring 2011 - People Are Strange

It is time for another Anthology Flashback.  This week we are featuring Spring 2011 's People are Strange anthology.   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 2018 Spring Anthology: Encounters - Due May 15th 2018 Fall Anthology: Fight Back - Due Nov 15th 2018 Fall Anthology: Good Intentions - Due Nov 15th     Would you mind taking the time to leave a review for our writers?



The Plan

A number of years ago, I was in a bad place. After a number of set backs, I was beginning to feel like a loser. Note the word FEEL.    I was overweight, getting older and feeling like the sun had set on me.   I began to look and see what could make me feel like a winner again. To get back to where I wanted to be, FEELING like a winner, I had to get back in the habit of winning.   Not just a few wins. Important wins. Life goal wins.    So I set some goals.



Getting Properly Toasted

I want to be clear right up from that I'm all for getting properly toasted.  This toaster does the job and beeps when it's done.  There is a bit of an issue when you go back to back if you are doing 4 slices for some reason.  It does the job.   Cheers to getting toasted!


Myr in Gadgets

Improve & Encourage #11: TJ

I hope you all enjoyed the last Improve & Encourage feature, because it's time for another one. These features are meant to both provide feedback to authors and, similar to story reviews, point out stories that readers might not otherwise have found. It's similar to a review, in that the person doing the critique tells you what they liked about the story, but it differs in that they also provide constructive criticism. Each author signed up to participate, and sign up's are still open!  Thes

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Critique

Tech Tuesday - Story Archive System Updates

We are actively developing a change to the story system that will go with our forum software upgrade.  There are a lot of things going on under the hood, but there is a fairly sizable visual change coming as well. Clicking on Newest Stories currently shows you this:   Our still-in-development software update shows you this: A couple of notes here on the image: This is a work in progress and subject to change This is in the default color scheme and ha


Myr in Technology Archive

Where I'm at

Is a truly terrible place.   The last Friday in February my 90 year old mother fell and broke her hip. Luckily she broke the femur and not close into the joint so the repair surgery was not complicated and didn't need a replacement. Unluckily, she is 90 and opiate sensitive. Anything they give her for pain is a nightmare of nausea and delirium.  She spent a week in the hospital for the surgery, a week in a rehab hospital and six weeks in a rehab care facility and came home Friday the 1



Anzac Day

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them"   Lest We Forget  



The Martian

So, this week I wanted to plug a geekfest movie.  As anyone interested in space can attest, this is an interesting movie.  This movie is one of those rare occasions where I liked both the book and movie adaptations.  Definitely worth watching if you haven't seen.  


Myr in Movies

Featured Story: Boy Story - The Road Taken

Before we get started this beautiful Monday morning (at least here), I wanted to give a quick Thank You to @wildone for handling the wrap up for me. It was greatly appreciated!  Now, let's take a look at what the review team has for us this week. Today we're featuring Boy Story: The Road Taken by Rip Skor. Thank you to Puppilull for this review!     Boy Story: The Road Taken Rip Skor   Reviewer: Puppilull Status: Complete Word Count: 172,006   As

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Weekly Update (April 8 - April 21)

Renee is taking a much deserved day off from the blog, so that means you are stuck with me Hope it all goes well!   Monday, Cia started us off the week with introducing our April Classic Author:     Tuesday it was Myr's time to step up to the plate and help us out with Tech Tuesday:   Wednesday Cia followed up her Monday blog with an excerpt from for our April Classic Author:   Thursday was Myr's chance to showcase a Anthology Flashback:  


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #664 & #665

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. It's time for this weeks writing prompts. If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.         Prompt 664 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – red basket, old coat, a boat, a diary, and a pear.   Prompt 665 – Creative Tag – Chance Meeting

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

The Tower and The Glass Inferno

This Monday in my Monday Movie Mania blog, I posted about The Towering Inferno. The movie was based on two books, that were also worth a read.   It's actually kind of fascinating how they took concepts from each book and made them into a unique movie that worked really well on its own.  Oddly enough, I like the movie better than either book, but both books stand well enough on their own.  They are worth a look if you're into disaster stuff.


Myr in Books

Oh Damn!

Back in October my VA shrink told me she could no longer see me long term. I was to be sent outside the VA. Well, my outside mental health provider took me off Seroquel and put me on Lithium in addition to my existing prescription for Valproic Acid (Depakote). As the Lithium dosage increased to a therapeutic level the tremors in my hands and arms increased until I could no longer hold my medication in the palm of my hand without it jumping out before I had a chance to put it in my mouth. I could



Anthology Flashback: Winter 2010 - Haunted

This week's flashback brings us back to Winter 2010.  Haunted.  Check them out:       Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 2018 Spring Anthology: Encounters - Due May 15th 2018 Fall Anthology: Fight Back - Due Nov 15th 2018 Fall Anthology: Good Intentions - Due Nov 15th



Blacklights and Posters

I love my blacklights.  Check out my mancave setup: Now, the two outer posters have a blacklight directly on them and the center one does not (yet)   For the geeks amongst you, you've probably noticed the Star Trek Voyager box set glowing on the mid-left of the picture.  


Myr in Gadgets

April Classic Author Excerpt: No Strings by Sara Alva

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring Sara Alva's coming of age short story, No Strings? If you're a fan of her story, don't forget to download the signature graphic to share it through the month. If you haven't read the story yet, maybe this excerpt will help change your mind!    I chose this except because it tells you a lot about the story. Yes, it gives away a bit of the "BIG EVENT" but the true insights you get are into the characters. Sara has a knack for bringing them to life i



Tech Tuesday - Help Us Help You

This week is all about help.  We have a pretty extensive help system here on-site where we've taken the time to write up the answers to the most frequently asked questions.  We've also made videos for some of the features on site to make it that much easier.  So first things first, help your fellow members with a quick link to the appropriate help section.  Help is on the red menu on every single page of the site.  Don't be afraid to click the menu. Help -FAQ - Brings you to the list


Myr in Technology Archive

The Towering Inferno

I thought I'd jump into the way back machine and bring up a movie that's even older than I am.  I was big into disaster movies when I was a kid and there was quite the string of them of them in the 70's.  This was a grand-daddy of them with a who's who from a couple major studios coming together.  You had superstars of the time together in this thing.  Paul Newman and Steve McQueen.  They have exactly the same number of lines.  There are a ton of other recognizable stars of the day in there and


Myr in Movies

April Classic Author Feature: No Strings by Sara Alva

Oh, those tumultuous days of teenage angst, as the high school years are winding down and graduation looms--real life is coming. How do they bridge the gap between child and adult? Well... Yeah, so it's not necessarily a complicated question. But then again, for some, it's not that easy either. Check out this great short story by Sara Alva, that just so happens to be our featured Classic Author story this month.  No Strings by Sara Alva   Length: 11,010   Desc



Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 8 - Apr 14)

Sorry for the delay this morning! Just a quick reminder that today is the last day to get your entry in for the 2018 Summer Novella contest! Now let's take a look at this week's happenings.     Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology: Summer - Due Today   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 2018 Spring Anthology: Encounters - Due May 15th 2018 Fall Anthology: Fight Back - Due Nov 15th 2018 Fall An

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Am I Blue?: Coming Out From the Silence

I originally about this book because of one of the authors, Bruce Coville (Monster's Ring) is a local author in the area where I grew up.  I was read Monster's Ring I think in 5th or 6th grade as reading and discussion hour.  Anyway, this is a great anthology from back in 1995 when I graduated high school well before it was common to see any gay-themed books published anywhere.  This is an enjoyable anthology collection that is a quick, but worthwhile read.  I really enjoyed the title story: Am


Myr in Books

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