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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Games People Play

Games belong on sports fields or tables. I absolutely abhor games. I was brought up that manipulating people is disrespectful and just plain wrong.   The one girl I work with plays games. Our job description is cleaning cars, we get $3 more an hour than drivers do because it is harder work in less than pleasant conditions. She will do everything possible to get to do customer pick ups and drop offs, including taking 45 minutes to clean a car. She claims she's tired, that's why she's slow, beca




The people that never think twice make all the trouble in the world.   People who doubt themselves, who are never completely sure about anything, these folk have gained a deeper understanding of reality.   "For in this world of veils, we see as through a glass darkly."



Writing Prompts #422 & #423

Hope everyone has had a great week so far and is looking forward to the weekend. What better way to start it off than with brand new prompts! If you've been feeling stuck, or maybe just want to do something a little different, maybe one of these prompts will jumpstart a new idea. A couple of things to remember: Prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Do to the high number of collections containing only a few "chapters" we have set a limit of five collections pe

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

A Kubuntu Kerfuffle

I read with interest today about the brouhaha between Kubuntu's lead developer and some factions in the Ubuntu community.   Now, most people don't know what Ubuntu is, let alone Kubuntu, and even fewer know who Jonathan Riddell is, but in a nutshell, some sort of "council" of self-appointed volunteers wants to be rid of Riddell for rather vague reasons that point to either a personality conflict or a conflict of interests or maybe both. A lot of issues boil down to money and power, and maybe t



Another Sleepless Night

Here I am again. It's really late or, maybe it's early. It depends on how you look at it.   Sometimes I think I've done a lot of healing and I've come so far. Then nights like this my ghosts come to me.   I don't know which ones are the worst. Sometimes its the ones that tell me to blame myself. Or maybe the ones that tell I should have done better. Then there are the ones that make me wonder why I'm still alive when so many others are dead.   Me and my ghosts have a merry old time. I roll



Ask An Author #28

I can't believe it's already June!!! Not only that, but it's the first Wednesday of the month, which can only mean one thing. It's time for another Ask An Author feature provided to us by Dark. If you have questions you want to ask your favorite authors, but don't want to ask the questions yourself, you can always send your questions to Dark for inclusion in the Ask An Author feature.   Ask an Author #28   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite


Today I saw my high school crush. I didn't talk to him obviously but I checked him out from a distance. He was gone for the entire time last week and I was starting to get worried that he moved away! But today, I saw him with his arm in a bandage. Awwwwwww.....he looked so cute even though he'd disfigured his arm which would've really hurt and it probably would've been a big mess. But the arm in the bandage looked cute, I thought. And that's what I wanted to share today. It's a pity I can't sna



C S R Feature: Where Life Takes Us By Kuragari

June is here already! For many, that means a break is coming from school. What better to do during your break than to enjoy another story with the CSR book club? This month I'm featuring Where Life Takes Us by Kuragari. This is a story about how an orphan finds a new home and a family he might not have expected. Where Life Takes Us by Kuragari   Length: 49,379   Description: Step into the life of Wyatt Luis and find out how he handles his new family and friends. Adopted from a n

Beau Biden Passes Away At Age 46

Vice President Joe Biden's son, Beau Biden, has died at the age of 46.   Beau Biden Passes Away at the Age of 46   It's weird. I'm pretty shocked by it, although not shocked. His health had seemed sketchy for the past couple of years, but I didn't think it was like life-threatening because he was still so active.   I have a very vivid memory of watching the 2008 Democratic National Convention on the t.v. with the Delaware Young Democrats Club at Kildare's Pub in Newark, DE, and just the be



Weekly Wrap Up!

Wow, what a busy week here at the GA News Blog. I don't have time to be my witty self today We had one of our busiest weeks since we went to our new format.   Monday we kicked off the week with the CSR Discussion Day with the Author of Penguin joining everyone in the blog for a live chat. Valkyrie participated in a grueling interview with Cia earlier where we learned Valkyrie dressed up for the questions in a pair of jeans and a purple t-shirt . Several Members weighed in later in the day to


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Just Friends

So it's been 9 months. Nine months of growth, evaluation, of distance and of course pain. Does it really matter anymore, they way I feel? You're uncertain and so am I, neither of us knows what the best path will be. You just want me to be be happy, and all I want is you. But I can't have you, you can't trust me. Can't see past the pain I caused you. So now I'm the shattered one, a martyr to my own love.



Writing Prompts #420 & #421

Have you been blocked lately? Looking for some creative inspiration? Just feel like having some fun? Then writing prompts are for you, and we have 2 new ones this week from our prompt guru, Comicfan!   Prompt 420 – Creative Tag – First Line “He put his hand where?”   Prompt 421 – Creative Tag – The interview Your job has put you forward for a great new job. Everything seems to be going great ‘til the day of your interview. As you enter the room and go to shake hands the elastic in your under


Cia in Prompts

G A's Newest Promising Author: Craftingmom!

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Craftingmom as GA's newest promoted author! Joining just about a year ago, Craftingmom quickly gained popularity on the site and became a favorite author for many readers. Her Tears of the Neko story, both the original and re-write, garnered a lot of interest on the site and launched her into GA's author and reader community. She also has a lot of other stories, but likes to focus on the theme of hurt/comfort so they have a fair bit of angs


Cia in News Archive

Why Gays Win

Why do we see gay rights ascendant in our modern world? Through hard work. Because gays work hard and support the society in which they live. Because gays are not only okay, but positively good and do good works.   When people are unencumbered of prejudice, in the final analysis, when str8 is teamed with gay in the trenches, and by the Goddess they are in modern America, it becomes crystal clear that the Queers carry just as much weight as the straights. Be proud!   Any gay that is OUT feels



Orphan Black

Yes, I am blogging about a TV show from our brothers up North. Call me random.   I love Orphan Black, although at first I hated it, but it grew on me episode by episode until I realized, and it struck me like a train, that Tatiana Maslany of freaking Saskatchewan of all places is going to take over the freaking World, and the Emmy Awards are a travesty against Justice.



Writing Tip: Grammar Rodeo #4

This time for the grammar rodeo, I thought I'd keep our subject matter simple and maybe even fun! Yes, yes, I swear, grammar can be fun--at least when you're like me and find a wicked glee in rolling your eyes at the grammar fails around you!! First, though, let's take a look at a technical writing tip that seems simple, but catches up more people than you might think! Grammar Rodeo #4 Getting It Write Err... Right!   Subject and Verb Agreement   No, I don't expect them to sha


Cia in Writing Tips

Seems To Be An Endless Array Of Tests

When you have health issues you like to go to the doctor, be told they found the problem and told how to fix it. Fix it can be drugs or diet, you don't care as long as your problem can be fixed.   Mine seems to just keep going.   My primary sent me for blood work, a sonogram, and other tests. He found new issues but not what was causing my original problem. He sent me to a specialist, a GI doc. Today that is where I was. He reviewed the tests I'd been sent for and then has ordered my first e



Unsure About A Movie Theater Job

I'm just got off my third shift as a concessions guy at a large movie theater. I can't stand it. I don't feel like I'm particularly good at this and I'm just not feeling it. I also don't really fit in as a guy who's 29 among a bunch of teenagers. Should I just up and quit? Or should I just see it through to the end of the probation period, and then quit? I do really need the money but I really don't know if they'll keep me. I'm thinking about asking the managers for advice so they know I'm tryi



Csr Discussion Day: Penguin By Valkyrie

This month we featured Valkyrie's short story, Penguin. It's a story about a chance meeting... and of course, the inspiration for the title, Penguin, plays a big part in the story. Check out my interview with Valkyrie, and then leave your thoughts on the story below! She will be available "live" to reply to comments, answer questions, etc... from 8-10 PM, Eastern Time.   Single people often have more time to write. Are you single? Yes, although I do a lot of volunteer work for my profession an

I Miss Them.

James- my namesake. He hit the beaches of Guadalcanal in 1942 and fought his way across the Pacific with the 1st Marine Division.   Richard- an Uncle on my Mom's side was a pilot in the old Army Air Force flying B-24 and eventually B-29s for MacArthur out of Australia, the Philippines and Guam.   My Dad- was 16 when he joined up in 1943 and was a Flight Engineer on B-17s. He flew out of Italy and England. As he was training on B-29s, the Japanese surrendered. After the War he went to col



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