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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Holiday Story Event/unofficial Contest

I am Starting it:   Okay ladies and Gentlemen,   I might be a little late, but I do want to try this again: Also, as advised, I must state this is an unofficial Holiday Contest done by authors outside of GA admin, it is not being administrated by GA admins.   I am listing 12 Items for the Holiday Story Themes that writers can use.   Songs: 1. All I want for Christmas is You 2. I Saw Daddy/Mommy Kissing Santa Claus 3. There's No Place Like Home For The Holiday 4. It's The Most Wonderf



Weekly Wrap Up!

Wow! What a week it has been here at GA! For those who didn't know, on Thursday, the site moved to a new server! I'm sure I'm not alone in thanking those who worked on making the move go as seamlessly as possible. Hopefully the move to the new server will help keep the site from bogging down due to the high amount of traffic it gets during the day! While I know this is the "Weekly Wrap Up", I also wanted to give a heads up to look out for a new feature coming to the blog this upcoming week. I do

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Notorious professor

So there is this class at my university and there is only one professor that teaches it. Everyone I have spoken with has had terrible reviews for him because of his incomprehensible method of teaching, the exam curve balls, the grading scheme and that he seems to enjoy giving bad grades. I know of someone who had a 4.0 GPA and got a DC (equivalent to C-). I think the class average for last semester was 37%. The students who took it last semester filed a formal complaint through student governmen



An incredibly sad weekend

This weekend was particularly sad for me, but to understand just how sad and why, I have to go back a little.   First of all, I want to tell you about my dog. She came to us 13 years ago as the runt of the litter, and right from the start she seemed to have a charisma about her. She was also a born nurse. Just after she arrived as a puppy, I got sick and had to go back to my mum to recover, and the whole time I was there she never left my side. She cuddled right into me when my fever was



Ending the Cycle

I found this somewhere.. I think it's really good. Since I was abused this resonates with me..   "I made this for folks like me, many of whom are still living with shame, guilt, and fear (many of the responses I've received have mentioned similar suicide pacts). I'm aiming to get this out into the public consciousness, because while most facts people know actually come from hearing them in stories, updated information takes decades to filter back into new stories, as most writers cover the sam



A quick update

Life has a way of going forward, even when we might be frozen and not paying attention. Please forgive me for being a bit out of it lately.   I try my best not to let my daily life keep from doing the things I love or the things that are important to me. However, sometimes the daily life overwhelms everything else.   I'll start with my father. Tuesday he went in for surgery on two aneurysms that have been growing for over ten years. His doctor stated that most people who have this happen wit



eBook Review: Bad Idea by Damon Suede

Bad Idea by Damon Suede My rating: 4 of 5 stars   This was my first Damon Suede eBook. I'm a tad torn on the review and hopefully this won't come off as a bad review. I have to say I enjoyed the story. Trip and Silas were well fleshed out characters and their motivations were easy to see and understand. The plot was arced well and fit together seamlessly. The supporting characters, especially the women, blended together a bit for me and I'd have liked to see more character definition and quirk



The First Thanksgiving (And The Second, And The Third…) With A Recipe!

The First Thanksgiving (and the Second, and the Third…) by AC Benus     What Thanksgiving is Not   An amazing holiday like Thanksgiving must have an amazing history, and it does, but it's probably not the history you think.   I've seen them. We've all seen them: the articles that spring up this time of year as abundantly as roast turkey recipes. They are usually titled with holier-than-thou disdain: "First Thanksgiving had No Cranberry Sauce!" or "First Th

AC Benus

AC Benus

Writing Prompts #278 & #279

Welcome back one and all, for another prompt this fall. Grab your pens and get set, lets see who'll take up this bet.   Prompt 278 – Creative Tag – First Line “Please, I can explain.”   Prompt 279 – Creative Tag – The Attraction You have been hired to create a new attraction at the amusement park. You were told to let your imagination run wild, but your attraction had to tell a story. Explain the attraction to us.   Usually at this point I present a current prompt story for your reading. T


comicfan in Prompts

Still having those dreams and now I know what next friday marks!

Fuck, this is starting to go down Twilight Zone territory. I am still having those dreams and it is getting more vivid. I also just read what next Friday marks; it's too much of a coincidence that I am getting these dreams now.   Next Friday marks the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's Assassination.   I will admit, I am dreaming that someone is going to assassinate President Obama. In my dream, it is someone disenfranchised by the recent Great Recession, who is part of the underemploye



Andrew Wyeth

Sonnet No. 106 [November 8th, 2013 – 8:45 am]   Safe in the folds of fiery autumn color, A painter nestled his private studio, Where over and over he had one sitter Gaze the landscape, while he built her folio. 'Helga,' for whom this shack was built, gazes out, With the serenity only Love sees, And will always live in His vision devout, Though the world burn up, or totally freeze. So too I cast about with words my paint To reflect upon you, with reflected grace, The hope the future

AC Benus

AC Benus

Wacky Wednesday: Interview With Totallyy

You might know Totallyy from chat or *coughs* his very colorful gallery pictures, but today's blog is all about his author side! Read on to learn what Ashi found out motivates one of GA's newer authors. Interview with Totallyy   Interviewer: Ashi   Totallyy is one of my favorite authors on GA. His writing is concise, and each of his word delivers a lot of punch than its initial impression. Some use of words are very poetic, and may require some deeper work on readers' part, but a coup


Cia in Author Interviews


FEAR ITSELF IS ONE THING BUT DEATH IS SO MUCH WORSE   As I write this tears stream from my eyes, the memory burns so painfully in my head. That bright spark, that role model that number one gone like a flash. seven years of hate how I regret it that much, not being there and disbelieving. Now death has come and taken all that away, the death of a loved one is something, but the death of two loved one in a matter of second is something else. My grandma the only person I could call a role model



Is a Dream a premonition? Should I write about it?

I had a real vivid dream last night that I felt was so real. I want to write about it, but there's a part of me that wants to bury it, deep in my subconscious. It is not sexual in any shape or form, there are no GLBT people as far as I could tell.   Still, the dream is going to be controversial as a story. The subject is not forbidden or taboo, but if it comes true, I will sound like psychic. When it comes to politics in my active mind, I can pick winners and losers, strife and peace, but in m



Prompt du jour #2

Whoops, I completely forgot that I'd promised myself to post on Mondays. My bad.   As far as I know no one took up the first prompt. But that's okay. Maybe someone will later on, some day. So I'll continue forth.   So here we go. Something simple and just considering yesterday was Remembrance Day.   Prompt du jour #2 – Creative Tag: list of words Cross, war zone, lighter, torn picture, flashlight   Leave a comment if you try this out ~CHEERS~   Andrew



My Journey

Day by day, I watch and learn on GA. There's a lot of goodness, uncertainty, sadness, and much, much talent. When I took on being Louis's co-help in the Editor/Beta program, I was very paranoid. I didn't really know if I was the one to do it, but I wanted to. Period.   I've been rewarded time and time again for doing it, but I was presented a challenge that actually scared me, but I went with my heart, was honest, and was rewarded over and over.   I responded to a young author's request



Featured Story: The Cassini Mission

Before we get to this week's Featured Story, I'd like to take a minute to tell you a little bit about our Premium Section here at Gay Authors. Gay Authors is a free site, but it is certainly not free to keep going. In order to keep GA online, we rely on income from various sources, including advertising. One such resource that funds Gay Authors is our Premium Content.   Premium Content is a section of the site that members subscribe to. As a thank you for helping to support the site, you get a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

To the authors of the prompts ...

Okay this week I want to focus on something slightly different when I do the prompts. i know some of the authors on the site have taken the prompt ideas and either used them as a jump off point for a longer story, some have used them for chapters, but I want to give attention to those who have taken these prompts and run with them. I know a few of them, but I know there are many more and I don't want to snub anyone. If you have taken a prompt and used it in a longer work please let me know here



12 Years A Slave: That is one Brutally Good Movie

I wish this movie can be discussed outside my blog, but I fear it will start up a controversy and go into politics.   There are a lot of words to be said about this movie: Brutal, uncompromising, and gritty.   The GA community may little note or care about this movie, but I hope that there are a few that may take it up for viewing. The realism is scary, because even when viewing it from an unaligned viewpoint like mine, I could see how American society could have voluntarily accepted slavery



Weekly Wrap Up!

Hope everyone had a great week!!! Before we start with the weekly wrap up, I have a request. I'm planning a special Christmas review for the Monday before Christmas. I already have a few reviewers, but I still need four more. If you're interested in helping then please PM me for more details! Also, keep in mind that there's only a month to go before the deadline for the Winter Anthology. I look forward to reading all the stories! Thank you!!! Now, lets get to the Weekly Wrap Up!   Cia started

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Adventure Club

Gonna take a moment to fanboy over Adventure Club's new EP because it's amazing and I can't study... And they're so hot wtf, I want to marry them both.     1) "Wonder" featuring Kite String Tangle   2) "Gold" featuring Yuna     Anyone else here on GA into EDM?



Chapter 4.1 of Causality live!

It's here and it's Queer sub-chapter   https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/Causality/6   Kitt gave me the idea about exploring my supporting characters and the reality that I am building in Causality. I also thought, since this is a story with references to relics of the past, why not open up with a story about the past of a supporting character.   Jack Amos had a short Cameo in Chapter 4, but his story as I played it out in my head is quite interesting. It also highlights some of the ke



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