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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

Britain - First Gay Marriage on Saturday!

Gay marriage becomes legal in Britain as from midnight tomorrow, 28/29 March.   Here's a commentary from The Daily Telegraph:     Why gay marriage deserves to quietly disappear   Much has been written about the importance of this weekend and rightly so but once we have seen the inevitable ‘first couple’ on the news, this story deserves to quietly disappear. Whilst it has been wonderful to hear the positive debate, the debate has inevitably brought out the ugly and I for one will be glad n



House Guardians

Okay,   So, my sis had a weird dream one night about three people at our home. My brother ask if they were two guys and a woman. Surprisingly, my sister said they were. She said they were just standing around and staring at the furniture, the woman in my parents's room, one guy at the back door, but she can't tell where the other guy was. She assumed they were burglars, and actually talked to one of the many dogs around the house, asking it to guard the house. It talked back and promised to d



Featured Story: The Lake

The weekend always seems to go by so quickly and once again, it's the start of a new week. You know what that means. It's time to feature a new story! Jo Ann was kind enough to provide a review to one of the 2014 Spring Anthology that she really enjoyed, The Lake by Signature Author: Dolores Esteban! I hope you enjoy! The Lake by Dolores Esteban   Reviewer: Joann414 Status: Complete Word Count: 941   This is the story the author wrote for the recent Anthology, Nature's Wrat

Why are people so stupid?

OK, I might not be in the best frame of mind as I type this, but I seriously need to vent - you may want to brace yourselves for some choice language. It's either rant here, or tell a few people exactly what I think of them.   Been a nice quiet morning on my ward.   Sure some of the kidides are suffering side effects from the chemo, but they were all in good spirits and at least they all managed to keep breakfast down.   For a change, we have full nursing support on the ward - first time



Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic week. It's time for our weekly look back at what happened in the GA News Blog, which is a great way to see what you might have missed!   On Monday Louis (LJH) provided us with a review of "Roommates" by Signature Author: Krista. He thoroughly enjoyed the story and if the other comments are anything to go by, so did some of the other readers. Also, it looks to me like his review even drew a new reader to the story, that's always a great thing and one of our

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #310 & #311

The prompts are back! We didn't have any prompts last week because I hijacked Friday to announce the release of the 2014 Spring Anthology: Nature's Wrath. I hope everyone enjoyed the stories and if you haven't already read them, I encourage everyone to go take a look. Lots of good stories to choose from. Guess it's time to see what the prompt guru, Comicfan, has in store for us this week!   Prompt 310 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – tent, a running river, a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

If the hand ain't up, I don't know the answer!

If I knew the answer to your question, do you really think I'd be slid so far down in my seat that the person in front of me can see my feet?   Nah. I'd probably be holding up a "pick me" sign desperate to sound kinda smart for once in my life.   Most teachers understand this. But my maths teacher hasn't seemed to take the fucking hint yet. I swear this guy has it out for me. He'll walk up behind me and look to see which homework question I wasn't able to do and make sure that he asks me t



Writing Tip: Best/worst Part Ii - Signature Authors

Exactly a month ago, we gave you Best/Worst Part I, which consisted of Promising Authors, though one of the authors has since been promoted to Signature. There were lots of response as everyone seemed to enjoy the post. As promised, here's Part II: Signature Authors!   I asked each author what they felt was both one of their best compliments and their worst/harshest criticism. I hope you enjoy this look into how other authors handle some of their harsher criticisms.   Signature Author: Cass

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Chapters of Life

There's been several times as life moved along that I felt I could close a chapter and move along. One was my move from home, never to go back except to visit. That was the first closure I ever felt.   I think the second chapter would be when I found out I was pregnant. Life definitely changes as you once knew it if you intend to be the kind of parent any child needs. So, I closed the chapter of not being responsible for anyone but myself. My husband has always taken care of himself and b




I swear, if I do not get my own room in the next year, I'm moving the fuck out. Sam just marches in here like it's his room too. Well, I'm 2 years older, therefore the room is like... 80% mine. I'm 7 inches taller than the bastard, clearly I need more space than that midget fucker. But nah, he spreads himself out so he does. Thinks he fucking owns the place. Last night, he asked me to tidy up my side of the room. MY SIDE. My side is my side and I'll do what I like with it, mate. Apparently



Featured Story: Roommates

Time to start a new week and with a new week comes a new featured story. Louis offered to do a review for the blog and chose the story "Roommates" by Signature Author: Krista. I hope you enjoy his review and if this sounds like something you'd like, then go read! Don't forget to leave Krista a review, or two, to let her know what you thought! Roommates By Krista   Reviewer: LJH Status: Complete Word Count: 72,846   The law of attraction. This is the name given to the belief

Weekly Wrap Up!

It's been another very busy week in the Gay Authors News Blog! I hope everyone had a great week and a wonderful weekend, so let's recap what happened this past week. On Monday, we started out Signature Week with Lisa's review of "Into the Deep" by Signature Author: CassieQ. If you're looking for a new story and haven't already read "Into the Deep" you can check out the review and see if Cassie's story is for you! Since "Into the Deep" is a fantasy story, on Wednesday, Cassie joined us to share

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Magpie's Pi-day Quiche!

Today is Pi-day! 3.14, that is. So, since it's Pi-day, Magpie decided that we should have quiche for dinner. This quiche turned out to be a bona fide protein bomb and so, so tasty!   You need:   300g chicken 300g smoked bacon about 4 medium sized mushrooms 1/4 of a large leek 4 eggs 1/4 litre of milk a handful of fresh thyme a handful of fresh chives salt and pepper pie crust (we cheated, because we're lazy people, and made it with

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Culinary Experiments

Tonight is experimentation night. As many of you know, I have a few health complaints that are vastly improved by changes in diet. One of those changes involves cutting out certain foods altogether, and two of those foods are beef and tomatoes. This means that one of my favourite dishes - Lasagne - is well out of bounds.   Anyway, tonight, I have set myself a challenge - is it possible to make a Lasagne, without minced/ground beef and more challengingly, without tomatoes? Stick with me her



2014 Spring Anthology: Nature's Wrath *now Live*

Yes, you read the title of this entry correctly. The 2014 Spring Anthology: Nature's Wrath is NOW LIVE!!!! What better way to end the week than with 15 brand new short stories for you to read and enjoy? I decided to do the announcement a bit different and include a brief snippet from the start of each story. Enjoy and thank you to everyone who participated!!!         A Ranger's Duty Myr   Ryn of Gryphon’s Reach, fourth son of Lord Silas, moved with purpose. The uni

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

Ga's Newest Signature Author, Graeme!

Long time staff, and long time author, Graeme has finally been wrangled into the Signature Author group where he belongs! Yay! LOL Whether you are looking for short stories or novels, Graeme has a bit of everything. Slices of life, snapshots of a hilarious event like a visit to a farm or a dramatic turn like an AIDS diagnosis, and more can be found among his many shorts. He also has several novels of varying lengths, mostly featuring the ups and downs everyday people, teens and adults, experienc


Cia in News Archive

America: violence good, male nudity bad

"Nudity in America is a four letter word. Especially when it comes to men. I really do find that pretty silly and ironic at the same time. I was raised in a very Midwestern lifestyle and quite prudish when it comes to sex and nudity. But that is me. What I am not is judgmental. How is it possible in America we can show violence and war... but god save us if we show a nipple in a photo! There is definitely a double standard when it comes to male nudity in America. We can objectify the hell out of



Writing Tip: Tips For Writing Fantasy

I wanted to do something a little bit different for the second part of Signature Week. This month, the story picked for the Signature Background was "Into the Deep" by CassieQ. If you haven't already done so, you can download your background, with or without the calendar, here. I decided to ask Cassie if she would be willing to share her views on writing fantasy, she was more than willing to write up a little something for us. Hope you enjoy it!!   Tips for Writing Fantasy by CassieQ So

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Just trying to get through the day

March is a rough month. That sounds odd I know, but I will explain.   Growing up the month of March was something my family knew would be busy and fun. March held two big events for my family - my mother's birthday and my parent's anniversary. These things were something that my family knew would start and finish major events.   Today is March 10th and my mother would have been 74 today. My father and I have sort of avoided talking about it because neither of us wants to break down again. It



Why Deny Life Saving Drugs to Children?

http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/10/health/cohen-josh/index.html?hpt=hp_c2   This is one of those really sad cases that on the surface, the evil company is holding drugs from dying kids to use, but on a deeper level, it is an issue with how our economic, social, and regulatory model is structured in a way that makes it a no-win scenario.   If this is a problem, I would also say Americans are not alone in the world:   Here's a recent article from the telegraph:   http://www.telegraph.co.uk/scie



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