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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

Valerie's Letter

If you've never seen the movie V for Vendetta, you should. You really should. There are lessons enough for everyone in it but very specific lessons for us.   In the course of the movie, the protagonist finds herself in a concentration camp awaiting execution and she finds a letter from one of the former residents.     Valerie's Letter   I don't know who you are. Please believe. There is no way I can convince you that this is not one of their tricks. But I don't care. I am me, and I don'



Weekly Wrap Up!

Oh my you people are lucky - you get to have me for two weeks in a row now! I gotta thank Renee for letting me help out, though it also helps her have some extra time to do some other things. And when you look at how busy it is here at the GayAuthors.org News Blog, you can see how the extra time can help. I mean, we started this week with the CSR Discussion Day for Your Alpha, My Mate by Wolfwriter. To kick off the discussion, Cia had a great interview with Wolfwriter about a variety of topics a


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Obituary for Common Sense

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:   - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bird gets the worm; - Life isn't always fair; - And maybe it was my fault.   Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more tha



2014 Poetry Anthology: A Storm Is Coming *now Live*

Ready for some new reading? I'm happy to announce the release of the 2014 Gay Authors Poetry Anthology: A Storm Is Coming. Thirteen authors took up the challenge and entered a submission into this year's poetry anthology. There were many different takes on the theme, and don't forget to leave the authors a review to let them know what you thought of their hard work. I hope you enjoy!!!       A Storm is Brewing Bill W       A Storm of Problems comicfan    

Here We Go Again....

I had so hoped that 2014 would prove to be better than 2013.... So far, it's not looking promising.   First my Mother-In-Law was hospitalized. She was in the hospital for 5 days (I think) before she was finally released. They essentially determined that she had diverticulitis. It was quite the scare because at first they couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. She's doing much better now, so that's a definitely plus.   Less than a week later my sister-in-law was hospitalized. Since

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Weddings, Weddings, and a loss

I was gone for most of the weekend, having taken the three plus hour drive up to see one of my best friends. I'll forewarn anyone reading this that I am going to ramble a bit. My best friend is twenty four and could literally be my daughter. She is young enough, but she is a sweetheart. I've known her since she was nearly eighteen and seen her grow up. We operate almost on a father/daughter level. I was there when her grandmother died, her father walked out of her life, and done all I could to h



The Los Angeles River "Revitalization"

So have any of you guys heard about the whole "Restore The L.A. River" movement? Do you guys think it will happen, or no? The ideas seems to range from just simply removing concrete in some areas to allow wildlife in parts of it, to trying to turn the L.A. River into Los Angeles's version of Central Park.   I learned about L.A.'s channeled river via a special about Los Angeles on E! circa 1997 and thought it was kind of cool that instead of having a real river like East coast cities like N



Premium Tuesday - No More Hiding

I'm back! A big thank you to everyone who helped cover me while I was on vacation and now it's time to introduce a new blog feature! So, this has been planned for a while, but I thought it would be great to start the new blog feature with the posting of a *NEW* story in the GA Premium Section. Each week I will be showcasing one of the premium stories that are available for those who purchase a premium subscription. Whenever a new story starts posting, that story will be the showcased story, but

Story Update

Chapter 7 is here!!! Read it, enjoy it, like it, and comment on it. Thanks to all you GA readers, authors and supporters for making this story as successful as it is, but please read the story to make it even more so.   PS: Chapter 8 will be available soon.



Csr Discussion Day: Your Alpha, My Mate By Wolfwriter

Wow, the month is gone already! While the time is flying way too fast for me, it just means that today's the CSR Discussion day for Your Alpha, My Mate by Wolfwriter. If you haven't had a chance to read it yet, don't read down because the comments will likely be spoilers. To kick off today's feature, I have an interview with Wolfwriter. She's also agreed to come back and chat on the blog 'live' from 5 to 7 PM, CST, to talk to readers and answer questions. If you can't make it during that time, p


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Mortality Sucks!

I recently suffered the loss of an aunt. It was unexpected and hard to deal with. Ever since I was little, I've had a problem with the thought of death. My first experience came with the passing of my grandpa (my dad's dad). This was the first and only funeral, I've attended in the almost 38 years I've been alive. At the time of his passing, "Thriller" was in heavy rotation on MTV and the radio. So think of it from my POV, I'm six years old, and I'm watching my grandpa being lowered into the gro



Recent Delay

Hello Everyone,   I wanted to stop in and leave a quick message for everyone and I thought that this would be the most efficient way to do so.   Do to a recent death in my family and some issues at work I have been unable to put pen to paper, as it were, since my most recent entry into Indiana Summer.   While not as personally affected, (as crass as that sounds), by my uncles passing I have been taking up some extra responsibilities around the house and with my grandmother in order to e




What misery supplies is often met Not by cure, and much less by solution, But it's by injury our pains get wet – With tearful demand, comes absolution. Like a stroll on the beach I see them come; One care pushing the incoming beneath, By the weak undertow, the strong grow numb, And bathe the tides in shallow points of grief. Yet the heart returns to a hunger bold, And old woes sometimes new wail decries Not letting new grief luxury in old The way hope often better-sense denies.

AC Benus

AC Benus

Weekly Wrap Up!

This is my last chance to play with the GayAuthors News Blog before Renee comes back and takes over again - so, let's make it good. We were saddened to start our week learning of the passing of GhostRyder15, one of GayAuthors' original Hosted Authors. In honor of his memory, we took a look at a recent story review that had been done of his Kombat Kids story.   Wednesday, we had the humorously titled, but VERY informative Cia's Torturing Me! This was a great look at GayAuthors' posting system,


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Chapter 7 Update & A Dream of A New Story

So chapter 7 is taking longer to get edited and out to the public than I thought it would. I thought it would have been posted today, but don't worry I will get it to you guy/girls soon.   Meanwhile last night i had a dream of a new story that i would make so I am starting the story outline now. Don't worry I will finish For Richer or For Poorer. I will probably start writing it in between the completion of the current story and the sequel whose title i have but is top secret right now.   In



Life and story updates-

Hey everyone, I am new to blogging so be nice. My story "For Richer or For Poorer" is doing better than expected especially since it's my first foray into writing. I hope to get Chapters 7 and 8 out to the public soon. Right now i am juggling the story with studying for final exams so writing has kind of taken a backseat. I have written an outline on how the story should go and have also began thinking of a possible sequel. I'll start on Chapter 9 soon when time permits. Another distraction is t



Writing Prompts #320 & #321

I'm back! Well, just for a couple of guest posts to allow Renee to enjoy herself. So we're at the end of the week, and that means we get a chance to explore two new writing prompts, courtesy of our prompt-guru Comicfan. I think you'll like these - I know I can't wait to see what people come up with. But when you do - share it with the rest of the community in the Writing Prompt forum!   Prompt 320 – Creative Tag – The Drought Your town is suffering through the worst drought that it has ever kn


Trebs in Prompts

Coming Out, And " The Closet "

. Coming Out, and "The Closet" An historical review on the semantics of the terms This piece cannot be as extensive or elaborate as I would like, for I lack further resources to research the subject, however, in preparing the seventh and final screenplay for The Secret Melville series, I once again encountered the phrase "to come out" in a clear LGBT context in that author's work. I wonder if straight people are even aware of it? Aware that there is a massive current of denial

AC Benus

AC Benus in Essays

Cia's Torturing Me!

Cia’s Torturing Me!   If you’re an author, I’m sure you’ve thought that at least once, right? I swear, it’s nothing personal! GA’s posting system is complicated, and there is always a learning curve for new authors to figure out the ins and outs of posting here. I'm also the primary staff member that reviews the Stories submissions, so I am not picking on any one person if you receive more than one PM; I'm simply the staff member that reviews everything in the queue unless I am away from G


Cia in Writing Tips

Mainline Kids Busted for Drug Ring

A pot-selling drug ring, aimed at selling to teenagers in the tony suburbs of the Mainline in Philadelphia, was busted. Titled "The Mainline Takeover Project", the ringerleaders were graduates of The Haveford School, and were once stand-outs on their lacrosse team.   This makes me think about the plot in Cross-Currents, where Andy and Trey get the idea that it might be cool for them to become drug dealers on the basis that because they're good-looking and popular, people might be more comfor



Fantastic (now in color!)

This will not be a happy post. In fact, some may come away from it thinking that I am attacking them, even if I name no one by name. They...won't be entirely wrong.   I've been reading this morning some articles on diversity in Fantasy. Specifically, ones related to the Pathfinder Campaign setting, which has made a genuine effort to be inclusive and diverse, on several levels, in their characters. While the articles themselves have not upset me, the comments. Oh, I made the mistake of reading



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