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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Final List for Halooween Horror Theme Stories 2013

Alright Final List for the Event!   1. Curse- thebrinkoftime 2. Ghost- Thorn Wilde 3. Mad Scientist- Scotty94 4. Vampire- aditus 5. Slasher- joann414 6. Cemetery- Rustie 7. Zombie- WL 8. Demon- Sasha (The pup ) 9. Werewolves   In case you forgot the description:   Some details:   No Limits on Word counts i.e. no limit to min or max, No limits on format, and no limits on technique.....   Horror fiction began as experimental, unstructured, and range from poetry to epic novels. M



Never Settle For A Diagnosis You Know To Be Wrong!

Over the past year, I've experienced episodes of back pain accompanied with bouts of nausea. The first few times I rode them out and didn't seek medial help. The last three times before this week, I sought out medical attention through the ER and with my primary doctor. I had my kidneys checked and knew they were not the cause of my pain.   Then early Saturday morning of last week, I had an attack which left me in tears and went to the ER. I explained all my symptoms and told the doc I didn't



Csr Discussion Day: Accidents Happen By Comicfan

This month's book club selection featured Accidents Happen by Comicfan. The story is a bit longer than our usual, but with 5 weeks to read it, I hope that everyone is ready to discuss! The most votes for our feature today was for an interview with Comicfan, so I hope you all enjoy learning a bit more about our resident prompt guru and Hosted author!   First, the hard stuff!   Who do you like best, Jerry or Tom? I’m always rooting for Jerry.   Are you a person who makes their bed in the mor


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

When you can't study, get rowdy

It relieves you of all the stress, I swear. Finally got a chance to see Zedd this weekend and holy it was the shit. Nothing compares to the feeling of a bass so loud you can feel deep in your chest. Couldn't embed my facebook videos but well, this is good enough.   Look at those lights:   <iframe src=" https://www.facebook.com/video/embed?video_id=10153287025635223" width="724" height="1280" frameborder="0"></iframe>     Seriously, look at those fucking lights:    



Tired of hearing the same things

Here's my take on the US situation:   Something has to give in the US:   It's political in-fighting every night. Come on, as a society, this type of stuff has to be settled once and for all.   If a government shutdown occurs, then the US defaults, let's see what happens:   "If" the prediction of doom and gloom are over-dramatized by political pundits and news reporters, then we know that not all government operations are necessary, nor is our business relations dependent on a Federal gov



I just sneezed

I should be here more often but my career ( what a weird thing to come from my mouth ) has me full up the last year. As it is, in a weeks time, I'll be leaving San Francisco to open the second restaurant in what I hope is the start of a national brand.   And though I'm not the owner or investor ( yet ) I am quickly moving up in the new company.   Can you believe they put me in charge of a multi-million dollar restaurant? And a celebrity Chef too boot.   How my life has changed in the last

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Modern Pop/World History Nerd-Out, Part 2

The 1970's   1979: "Video Killed The Radio Star" by the Buggles. The Iranian Hostage Crisis begins. Three Mile Island. A "Disco Sucks" rally is held where thousands of disco records are burned.   1978: "Heart of Glass" by Blondie. "Halloween" is a hit movie. "Dallas" premieres.   1977: "Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac. Elvis dies. Jimmy Carter takes over the presidency. Studio 54 opens in New York City.   1976: "Baby, I Love Your Way" by Peter Frampton. The American Bicentennial. Nadia



Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorry for being late to the party, but want to make sure to recognize and congratulate GayAuthors.org's newest Promising Author - Stellar!   REMINDER - This Monday, Sept 30th will be the discussion day for our Can't Stop Reading (CSR) Book Club and this month's book, Accident's Happen by Hosted Author comicfan! Finish reading and prepare your thoughts and join us Monday to give your thoughts...   Our week started strong, K.C. not only reviewed Ice Fairy by Author stephanie l. d


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Modern Pop/World History Nerd-Out, Part 1

So, to kinda "test" my off-the-top-of-my-head knowledge about modern history and pop culture, I thought it'd be fun to work back and see what events, songs, general popular culture I can remember off-hand from every year, and see how far I can go back without any kind of googling. (I won't try to add EVERYTHING, just a few things.) The year that stumps me and I can't recall anything about it, is the end of this nerd-out.   The 2010's   2013: The Navy Yard shooting. "Blurred Lines" by Robin T



Hard Characters

The first iteration of Luke's character in Love and Go was something of a sarcastic, couldn't-care-less character mucking about in a garden of hurt. Fun guy really. If you're interested in reading an unedited version of Love and Go with hardass Luke, ask me. It's probably a better rendition but there was issues with motivation and the like. And I thought I was getting too comfortable writing the same sort of characters, and then I read The Defense by Nabokov which portrayed a disturbed chess pl



How to Swear Without Swearing

Attention! This post does contain some actual swearing. Posted this to Tumblr earlier, where it was well-received. Thought I'd share with the community as well.   There are a lot of comparatively mild curse words that we just accept as being family friendly without much thought as to where they come from. Some are just milder versions of a word we consider unacceptable, such as saying 'crap' instead of 'shit' or 'darn' instead of 'damn'. Others have so completely lost their original me

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Not Feeling All That Well...

so I'm off to the hospital again! I went to the ER last Saturday morning, I felt good for a day but have been unbelievably uncomfortable ever since then. I'm hoping I can get a better diagnosis at this hospital than what I got at the last one. I have a nagging feeling something was overlooked and I'll regret not going back to have myself looked over again. I'm just nervous about what can be found but I'd rather have a definitive answer than play a game of "What If?" Well I'm off!



eBook Review: Wallflower by Heidi Belleau

My rating: 4 of 5 stars   I’m a fan of Heidi Belleau. Her writing feels ‘real’. That, to me, is what contemporary fiction is all about. Most people aren’t perfect with ideal lives or living in squalor and on the brink of complete meltdown. Yet those extremes are very well represented in MM fiction. Heidi takes stories about the average man, or woman, and makes them interesting.   Which leads me to Rob and Bobby. Okay, I’m not an online MMORPG fan. I’m not a game fan at all, but I love fantas



Writing Prompts #264 & #265

Oh, it is that time of the week again. Yes, I get to see if I can succeed in luring someone to pick up my challenge and write a new prompt tale. Interested? Well, let me show you what I have up my sleeve this week.   Prompt 264 – Creative Tag – Fall It is the beginning of fall and the temperatures are beginning to change, the leaves are changing color, and the moods of people are changing as well. Create a story centered around the idea of change – whether it is physical, mental, or maybe even


comicfan in Prompts

An apology and an update.

Hey yall,   I wanted to take some time to stop in and drop and entry. I want to apologize for my overly erratic posting habits (even for me). Instead of boring yall with the details I've give you the bare bones.   I was living with a relative who (unknowingly to me) was going through the eviction process. So when they were kicked out so was I and I spent two weeks packing, storing and eventually moving with my grandmother. My grandmothers health has taken a bit of a downward turn so I'm sp



An interesting thought: Emotional Paradoxes

I was surfing around the web and came upon an interesting quote that touched my heart:   It's about a guy, who can not love, so must let that person go. Yet, paradoxically, if he could start the entire thing over again, he'd love this person with all his heart.   "if you can't give happiness to the person you love, you should let them go. But if we can start over, I would choose to keep you, use all my strength, and give you happiness."   I like emotional paradoxes; it reveals more about



Silly poetry

Here lies Zebedee Yamilla, a particle physicist of intrepid renown. Her cosmic love for Attaboy Jack, reviled collector of nipples and noses, proved her end in this cold, cold ground. Valiantly she sought to prove his innocence, insanity by reason of neutrino-compactified neurons she said. But the many-bodied sneers of the physicist legate derided, and the hours amongst water-cerenkov detectors scintillated no light. Alas her spirit became renormalized in despair. N



Hard choices in life....everything has a cost

From the little household budget of a thousand dollars a month to a small business with millions a month to a Corporation with billions a month to a nation with hundreds of billions a month, everyone makes hard choices.   An economy is not fair, not equal, and not even efficient, when you actually look deeper at it. Sure you can use plots and algorithms to figure out general Alphas to Delta trends that makes things easy to project and look smooth on the eyes, but human reasoning is not always



Amazing Birthday!

I'm writing this blog as an attempt to capture this great feeling inside me. I feel... Have you ever had to control your body so that you don't start dancing in the middle of the road? (I wish my life was a musical. That would have been fcking awesome!) It feels like I'm half-dreaming. Yesterday, I wanted to get off the bus and run home and scream how happy I was.   So, yes, yesterday was my birthday. But that's just the cherry on top of the cake which makes the whole thing much more awesome.



He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

The EMT grabbed his bag, and ran briskly up the drive. He hoped this time he wasn't too late, and all were still alive.   Before he could reach to knock on the door, it was opened by a man. He looked shocked, shattered, in a trance like state, blood on both his hands.   The EMT motioned for his partner to take care of the broken guy. He continued into the house emitting a sad and fearful sigh.   Sobbing sounds led him down the hall to an open bedroom door. There lay in a puddle of bloo




Valve announced Steam OS today. It's the Linux-based software that will run their living room ecosystem.   They also teased two other announcements in the immediate future. They will be:   1. The new Source game engine. Along with the announcement of the engine, they'll announce their launching titles, Half Life 3 and Left 4 Dead 3.   2. That will lead into their second announcement, the Steam Box.   This is my prediction.

advocatus diaboli

advocatus diaboli

Featured Story: Ice Fairy

Happy Monday! Um - why do you have pitch and feathers out? Hmmm...   Maybe if I told you that today we've got not only a great review, but an even better interview? K.C. has done of review of Author stephanie l. danielson's Ice Fairy AND interviewed her as well. I hope you enjoy this treat - I did! Ice Fairy by stephanie l. danielson Reviewed and Interviewed by K.C. Word Count: 57,393 Status: Completed Since I’ve been pressed for time, I’ve found myself waiting (impatiently a


Trebs in Featured Stories

A Call for Betas and Editors

I am opening the doors to my novel with the introduction:   https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/Causality/1   As I said, I want to pursue eastern Fantasy in the modern era; push the limits of science fiction and traditions to the brink.   I also have developed my villain far more over the last few weeks. This is not the Nine-Tailed Fox of Naruto or even classic Chinese and Japanese fiction, I am going to pursue a re-interpretation of the entire character with modern views. The fox is a vi



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