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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

My dog was euthanized today

He was my best friend for 12 years. I didn't deserve his loyalty or his love, he just gave it without a reason.   I don't know what to say, my dog is gone and I do not know what to say.   I will dedicate a poem to him:   I Was Lucky To Have You   You were always in my heart Greater than any lover Greater than any partner For with you I knew I had a friend   I remember our first meeting You were small You were light I



" In The Flesh, " Homophobia And The Zombie Menace

In the Flesh, Homophobia and the 'Zombie Menace' July 13, 2013   The Setup:   What's so wrong with being Gay? In this day and age, with advances on all fronts towards the common acceptance of something that really is no big deal – equivalent to a person's height or eye color – does hatred and ignorance-based fear of 'gay as a disease' have any cultural grounding? Does it lurk in the subconscious like a repressed but recurring nightmare? I am an odd duck; I know that.

AC Benus

AC Benus

Weekly Wrap Up!

I love our community and how many members just dive in and get so totally involved. On Monday, we had a great review from Sasha Distan, a relatively new member who nevertheless has already made almost 400 posts and has a reputation of over 1100! Sasha reviewed Nemesis by Author Thorn Wilde, another new member who has become very involved with GayAuthors!   On Wednesday, we saw July's edition of Dark's popular feature, Ask An Author - with this month's interviewees being Luc Rosen, Libby Drew a


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Just Another Friday

Been wild few weeks. I finally began writing. I started an ongoing story. I forewarned everyone that I was keeping the chapters short because, well I am afraid my focus would wander and my dear muse would give me the finger before she walked out. Other than a few blips she has been out every week since I began.   I should be wearing a scarlet letter, a big red H for home wrecker, or so it feels. When someone's future falls apart because they are stuck on you, you can't help but feel responsibl



Writing Prompts #244 & #245

Well it is that time of the week again, prompt time! So who is ready for a new challenge?   Prompt 244 – Creative Tag – Zombie Apocalypse It has finally happened, zombies have risen and are attacking. Is this like Shaun of the Dead or are your Zombies more vicious. Tell us all about the apocalypse.   Prompt 245 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – engagement party, clown, toilet paper, magnolia tree, and cowboy boots   Last week only one of the two prompts dr


comicfan in Prompts

Finishing my first Gay Authors story

As some of you are aware, I started writing and posting Crosscurrents in the spring of 2003. It's been a long, strange trip, and that trip has almost reached its end.   Over the years, my work on the story has been glacially slow. I imagine there may be a hundred or more readers who started reading and ultimately bailed because I have been so terribly slow at getting it written.   As you'd expect of a person over a decade's time, I've been through some changes. Above all else, my life situat

Adam Phillips

Adam Phillips

almost ordinary love?

Not much went on today. Got up at 6:30 for a morning tennis squad. Sleeping at 1 am is not indicative of good decision making on my part. Caught the train, slept for an hour, walked to grocery shop to start a work shift. My lunch break was spent in the adjacent cafe where i read an article in Apartamento magazine while eating a 'portugese chicken wrap' for nine bucks. There's a new guy working at the butcher next door. His masculine demeanor mixed with slightly boyish facial features makes him q



Volunteer Work- Day 8 and Day 9

On Day 8 (which was Friday, July 5th) and Day 9 (July 9th), I worked on the inventory for my 4th box. This particular box was mainly the files of paperwork from the parades, going from the 1980's to the 2000's. I had a conversation with the museum leader about the box- he agreed with me that it wasn't really necessary for me to inventory each and every single piece of paper, so I did the inventory by the folder.   Some of the paperwork was pretty tedious(I found memos about catering the ev



Is justice applied equally to criminals based on sexuality?

I was watching a re-run of American Greed, a TV show about real life frauds and pyramid schemes. As I watched the episode, I was reminded of something I came upon during my research for my novel, the Big Squeeze. Most of the senior executives of Mortgage, financial, and legal system were never indicted or sentenced to jail time, except one very interesting exception, Lee Farkas of TB&W.   Lee Farkas was one of the richest openly gay CEO's, if not the richest gay executive, in the 2000's. H



Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #6

One regular feature of this GayAuthor.org News Blog that I personally enjoy is "Ask An Author" - a piece developed and produced by Dark. Though normally posted the first Wednesday of each month, Dark was gracious enough to let us delay July's so that we could bring you last week's post about the Editor/Beta Ballroom. So - after a slight delay, here is Ask An Author number 6 - take it away Dark!   Ask an Author #6   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your


Trebs in Author Interviews

Let's get started

There's so much incredible material here on GA to enjoy, but I'm sure that most of us enjoy reading books outside of the site as well. How about sharing our favorites and maybe steer others to more great reads? Right now, for fiction, I'm reading James Patterson's Second Honeymoon. Nonfiction has me engrossed in David McCollough's John Adams. And in my spare time (hehe) I'm finishing up reading Dean Koontz's Darkfall. It's the final reread of four of his classics (Strangers, Watchers, Whisp



University of Delaware hiking tuition, fees for 2013-2014 school year

From Delaware Online: ***   Tuition and fees for in-state undergraduate students at the University of Delaware will increase by about $430 next school year – the lowest percent increase in about a decade, university officials said today. The 3.7 percent increase brings UD’s in-state tuition and mandatory fees to $12,112 for the 2013-2014 school year. Out-of-state students will pay $1,160 more, bringing tuition and fees to about $29,932 – an increase of 4 percent. Graduate students at UD will



Featured Story: Nemesis

We have a great review from a new member who has only been with us for a short while, but who has totally embraced and been embraced by the GA community. Not only is Sasha an author as well, but in less than four months has over 360 posts and a reputation of almost a thousand. Here is Sasha's review of Nemesis, by Author Thorn Wilde and if you enjoy Nemesis, Thorn has six other current stories on GA.Stories. Enjoy!   Nemesis by Thorn Wilde   Reviewer: Sasha Distan Status:


Trebs in Featured Stories

Randomness and life

So.... its been over a week (almost 2) since I've last heard from a really good friend. It's kind of put me in a funk. Last time this happened with someone else I never heard from the person again and this person was there to help me through it and now.... gosh its a real pain in the ass. I just wish I knew if he was still sick, out partying for his birthday with his boyfriend (I know they were having a party), did he just decide to give up on me all together or did his pyshco ex-boyfriend do so



Hope, Amazement and more hope

Not sure if anyone heard, but my home city of Calgary suffered historical flooding just 2 weeks ago. Several surrounding towns and hamlets were devastated as well .   Something happened over the past two weeks that has given me a lot of hope, surprised me and just made me say wow. Although there was several beyond imaginable happenings over this time period, there is one that stood at the forefront in my mind.   Every 1st and 2nd week of July Calgary plays host to the world with the Calgary



33 strategies of War and an idea on application

Here's my musings on the 33 strategies and 33rd strategy specifically:   Robert Greene has been heralded as a "modern version of Machiavelli", since his books exalts the amorality and ruthlessness that exists in human behavior and strategic thinking.   I am no apologist for the man, but upon reading the 33 Strategies of War, I can see where is he getting part of inspiration. It is not Machiavellian concepts of amorality like the Prince, but the Chinese 36 Strategems and Art of War. Upon furt



Weekly Wrap Up!

Happy July - isn't the year moving fast? We started the month on Monday with our usual CSR Book Club Selection - this month we're looking at Author Rob Colton's The Degan Incident. Take a look at this story (or review it if you've read it in the past) and come back on July 29th to join in the discussion day for this story!   On Wednesday, we had an intro by Louis (LJH) and Joann (joann414) to the new "Editor/Beta Ballroom" - really, our re-energized Editor/Beta Program. The way they describe t


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Trials and Tribulations

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is having a good day and that you will have an awesome weekend.   A new chapter is now posted for Trials and Tribulations. I'm sorry concerning the time between the chapters, but life has a way of getting in the way of the things we love to do. For me, I love writing this story, and I hope that the interest shown thus far in the story, remains.   I like to mention Wayne aka Comicfan and Louis aka LJH and thank them for their tireless work which they have freely

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Second Too Soon

First off, happy 4th July to you nice Americans. I hope your nation was/is partying hard!   Second entry. My first was yesterday but i need to get blogging out of my system and very soon the updates will be less intense.   Anyway this is my friend, Pascual Scevaro. We adopted Pascual after my friend rescued him from an isolated trash bin about four months ago. Some people in this world clearly have no sense of moral awareness.         I'm currently sitting in my uni campus room discov



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