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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Chapter 3 is Live, No politics in this entry :P

http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/story/w-l/Causality/4   Time to get into the case, but first, we must get into a little more complexity.   There's a lot of set up here and some interesting things to think about for the next few chapters.   You get to learn more about Sid, Alex, and Patrick, plus flow through their psychological issues surrounding the past, present, and future   Also, since I was told I should not use too many non-english scripts too much, I had to adjust the story. Spa



Writing Prompts #270 & #271

Ah, all the little terrors are knocking on my door. No, not trick or treaters, but people demanding I fork over the new prompts. Halloween is two weeks off yet, but some people really want their prompts.   Prompt 270 – Creative Tag – First Line “Because, I’m leaving you.”   Prompt 271 – Creative Tag – The Murder You had been invited for a vacation, and happy to get away from your daily life quickly took it. Once you were dropped off at the island, you found you were one of only four people


comicfan in Prompts

Tea Party Movement and the Red Guard of the Cultural Revolution

Side Note before my comparison:   I have seriously been considering moving to Australia (Graeme, I am looking at Perth, don't worry I won't move next door. ) My sister is over there now and the job opportunities are more lucrative for Accountants, plus I have a certain interest in Australian boys. Still it is only exploratory at the moment   Besides, I think I can adjust to Australian Politics far better than Canadian (We won't have Hockey fist fights) _____________________   As a Chin



How the US Government in theory works?

There was a funny conversation I had today about future Republican Presidential nominees. Ted Cruz would probably be the worst and long shot in the mix, while New Jersey Governor Christie has a shot.   The conversation then went into a tangent on why the Democrats are not putting more pressure on Christie; it is a Blue state, Republicans are ebbing in the polls, and Democrats could win back the NJ Governor's mansion?   I contended that the Democratic Party understands something about RealPol



Featured Story: Porcupines

Huh?!? Wut? Wacky Wednesday AND Featured Story? YES! Because we used this Monday's blog for a review of reviews (um - ya, I think I said that right) - we didn't want to miss featuring a story this week. Joann414 was gracious enough to lend her reviewing talents to give us a look at Porcupines by Author Cole Matthews. As we mentioned Monday, we always need more reviews as well as good informative articles, such as writing tips or author interviews. If you have an idea you want to work on, contact


Trebs in Featured Stories

As I go to sleep today

My mother called yesterday to relay some comments my aunts had to say about me. I was well-mannered, so helpful, they said. They told my mom that she raised me right. As I have been at times compared to a permanently boiling over teakettle, I find these comments both amusing and a bit worrying. As blunt and basically arrogant as I am, the only kind of person that would think I had good manners must have an interesting view of the world. But, that's my family. I tell people I'm the nice, mellow,



Decision Day! ...Or Not.

So, remember that Michigan case that I posted a blog for back in March?   Judge Milton Friedman, who presided over the case, is set to issue his ruling tomorrow.   The hope is that he'll strike Michigan's gay marriage ban down as unconstitutional. Seven of Michigan's 83 counties are so hopeful, in fact, that they're prepared to begin issuing same-sex marriage licenses immediately should the ban be so stricken.       EDIT: Judge Friedman stated: "I'm in the middle. I have to decide this a



Are we all Zombies?

No, I am not looking at our Green googly eyes friend from the UK   I've been thinking about the concept of a zombie and writing the horror story for the Halloween story writing prompt that I started a few weeks ago.   I am feeling like my life is on autopilot a lot; I work, I eat, I watch senseless TV series, and I sleep. Sometimes, I write, which opens up my imagination, but on days without writing I feel extremely empty and purposeless. Even with writing, I still feel a bit empty, just no



A Brief Respite

Hey All--   I've just posted Chapter 12 of 'Second Chances'. I'm early this week, because my work schedule is a little bonkers.   After this chapter, there is going to be a (hopefully) short break in my postings. I've fallen behind in my writing and the leeway I had with chapters has all but vanished.   So, I find myself needing to take some time to sort things out and play catch up.   Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully, it will be a short break.

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

What's Going On With Me

So, some of you may have noticed that I haven't been very active lately. I checked the forums yesterday and had a huge shock when I noticed that the member status thingies had changed... I haven't been busy. I'm still unemployed. I've barely been writing, and I haven't touched an instrument in like two weeks.   I've just been depressed.   It's been coming in sort of waves. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I decided to make an appointment with my GP to see if I could get a referra

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde


They say you can't pick your family but I sure wish I could. Between my immediate family and my mom's extended family I would trade the whole bunch of them in. The family dynamic between all of us is dysfunctional and that is putting it nicely.   Many many moons ago my great-aunt asked me why we don't address my my aunt's and uncle's by such titles and just use their names. If she were here now she would probably tell me to be respectful but how do you be respectful to people who treat you lik



eBook Review: After the Fall by L.A. Witt

After the Fall by L.A. Witt   After the Fall was an interesting book. I enjoyed the horse facts, though I grew up around western riders, so eastern riding was a refreshing change. The average reader shouldn't have any trouble understanding the lingo used, especially since Nathan ends up teaching Ryan how to ride since he's the one who landed him in a world of pain.   L.A. Witt is an accomplished rider, and I was looking forward to this installment in the Tucker Spring's series. Her stories



Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: DAH-DAH-DUMMMMM!!! The 2014 GA Quarterly Anthology themes have been set. Thank you to all of the members who helped participate in choosing next year's themes, through theme suggestions and voting. Special thanks to Renee Stevens and the rest of the Anthology team for working so diligently on compiling these suggestions and compiling them down to the final choices. Looking at the five final themes - next year's anthologies should be very interesting to read!   October's Can't Sto


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Alright Back to Writing: Chapter 2 is now live

https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/Causality   Some good things to think about:   1. Yes, Chinese hell is much more Bureaucratic than punishment based. Our mythology is closer to Ancient Greek and Roman than Judeo-Christian. It's a holding point for reincarnation; you wait for your turn to come back in a long line.   2. So, what's up with Sid and his alter-ego? You should be asking a second question, where did I come up with his name? That will give you a big hint as to his character arc



Preview- Hammerhead Chapter 15

Characters:   Bishop Keilor- leader of the anti-augmented human faction   Sebastian Beck- Former Alliance Marine Colonel, Keilor's 2nd.   _________________________________________________________________   Free Trader Argus Parking Orbit above Parliament   Sebastian Beck was having that same old nightmare again. It always took him back to the war: his war. When a cabal of rouge corporations rebelled against Alliance authority, he was a twenty year old Marine platoon leader. What the h



Writing Prompts #268 & #269

Brr! Wow, that fall weather got nippy quickly. Hope everyone is enjoying the weather where they are. Oh, yeah it is Friday again. You all know what that means. (Wickedly rubs hands together like an evil villain.) Time to torture you all with a new set of prompts!   Prompt 268 – Creative Tag – The Change College is expensive and when you seen the ad, asking for volunteers to undergo a “totally safe” but “unique” trial of a drug you considered it. You were told if you were selected there would b


comicfan in Prompts

All is Not Fun

My little four legged buddy, Gypsy Rose, and my kitty, Ms. Kate sat on the deck this afternoon, loving the coolness and rustling of the leaves.   I chatted happily with my best bud on the phone, listening for the hubby. "I sit outside on the deck when he is working on deer stands, working on the dozer, etc., in case something goes wrong. He leaves his phone because of no service in the back. If something happens, he shoots three shots with his pistol." So, that being said, someone beeped



Help, in Italiano!

I need your help. I have probably very unwisely written a sonnet in Italian, a language i know only from opera usage....   SO, i am hoping that there are native or fluent speakers willing to vet this and tell me where my grammar is laughable. You would be loved eternally for any assistance to whip this into shape.   Naturally i could ask Tony to do it, but i would dearly love to surprise him with a piece that is easy to read. This is because the message is what i wish him to get first and f

AC Benus

AC Benus

And so it begins...

After totally bombing one of my in-class quizzes today, I have finally taken the plunge and went to the campus health clinic counseling services.   I got my initial evaluation and will have my first appointment next Wednesday. I hope this will help.



The Machine That We Have Built

I know why we did it. I watched. Fear drove it.   We voted for candidates who would get tough and make a difference.   Thirty years ago they said BE AFRAID! We need tougher laws because drugs are out of control.   So we bent the constitution a little and it didn't hurt most people.   Twenty years ago they said BE AFRAID! We need tougher laws because of perverts are out of control.   So we bent the constitution a little and it didn't hurt most people.   Ten years ago they said BE AFRA



More ramblings...

Seriously Congress? 9 days of shutdown and getting close to a government default? really?! What is this? Preschool? My goodness - if I missed 9 days of classes I would be dying trying to catch up on all my assignments.   /endrant



Good news on Grams, Finally

Maybe it was the fact that Massachusetts has an agency that watches for elder abuse, maybe it is the potential negative press on the Building manager, or it could be dumb luck.   The Jerk got a call from the the state government, inquiring on the issue, and he promptly gave my grandma a 1 year lease   Phew, for a moment there I thought I'd have to write an Op-Ed piece about the Government Shutdown and Elderly 85 year old getting toss into the streets. I am not a liberal policymaker, but eve



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