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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Sonata in Sex Op. 69

Sonata in Sex Op. 69   We have all been told that love making is an art. This form of art is usually accompanied by romantic candles, romantic pulled curtains, romantic champagne, and let us not forget, lots and lots of lube. However, throughout the ages, the intertwining of the sex with sexy music has long been a tradition for us smooth and stylish types. Nothing gets him/her more into it than popping David Gray's This Year's Love into the CD player. But why limit ourselves to pop culture



Mid-summer blog

Summer is about halfway over, and wow, what a summer it’s been. The trip to Colorado was amazing, so much inspiration there that I started penning a brand new story that will eventually be released once I’ve finished writing it. To wake up in the morning and be so close to nature, stand in the face of all those beautiful mountains and know you have nothing but time to go explore was just an awesome experience.   The heat sort of kicked up after I came back, Iowa is never fun when it’s hot, so



14-Year Old Girl Stands Up for Reproductive Rights

There's this awesome article I just read, written by a 14-year old girl who took part in the protests against the Texas State legislature for the restrictive abortion laws that were passed. She held up a sign with her father saying, "Jesus Isn't A Vagina So Keep Him Out of My Vagina" :       This is the article she wrote in response to internet trolls who've called her a slut:   I'm The 14-Year-Old Who Wrote The "Jesus Isn't A Dick So Keep Him Out of My Vagina" Sign In Texas And Was Lab



Featured Story: Binding

One of the current advantages of being a Premium Member of GayAuthors.org is access to wonderful stories like Binding, by Hosted Author: Lugh. Lugh recently completed Binding and we're fortunate to have a review of this work by one of our terrific new GA members, Daithi.   Before we get to Daithi's review, I just wanted to share our philosophy of having a Premium section on GA. We strive to keep most of GayAuthors.org as a totally free site, building a community of authors and readers, as well


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

GayAuthors.org has been here for over ten years, with so many wonderful authors calling this site home. There are other gay fiction story sites, and great authors elsewhere on the web (GASP - I know, shocking, but true). So recently when TheEggman started logging in and posting his fantastic story, A New Life, I was very excited. joann414 also was happy, as you can tell from her great review of this story, that we ran on Monday.   On Wednesday, we had new GA.Stories site help advice with a pos


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Coming soon to a gay narrative site near you...and other musing

Well, I'm ready to finish up Crosscurrents. The final chapter and the epilogue will be posted no later than Sunday, July 28, at 11:59 pm CDT. I hope I still have a few readers who started reading when I started writing it, a decade ago.   Wait. A decade?   How did this happen?   Let's see: In the course of a decade, I got finished with college, got finished with grad school, got a job, got married, started a business, had a kid, quit a job, went full-time at my business, took another part

Adam Phillips

Adam Phillips

Writing Prompts #246 & #247

Well here we are at Friday again. Hope everyone has had a good week. Time to give you all something new to consider. You can share your responses with the community in the Writing Prompts forum!   Prompt 246 – Creative Tag – First Line “What now?”   Prompt 247 – Creative Tag – The End You have been found to have a very rare heart condition. You have been informed that you must stay calm and on very strong medication to keep your heart rate down. There are many restrictions on what you can or


comicfan in Prompts


6 years ago, I saw the most beautiful boy ever who asked me to be his first but never once said I love you. Instead, he would tell me that I couldn't put my hands on my hips because it made me look like a girl. My friends saw my tears and I told them that I deserved him.   4 years ago, I kissed a boy who tasted like cigarettes and told me that he would always come save me even though he couldn't save himself. My friends watched from a distance and shook their heads in silence.



Just wondering

I was just wondering if it's unethical or immoral or some other wrong for a beta reader or editor to like or leave a review on a story they are working on. What's your opinion?         It's never too late to be what you might of been.

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Definitely Not a Gardener

So, I mentioned a little while ago about learning that there is a right way and a wrong way to water a garden. Wellllllll, I'm still confused evidently or just plain stupid. My brother called me yesterday before I left work and asked me if I minded watering the garden for him. (garden is at my place) I said sure, no problem. After all, my hubby has very plainly explained to me last time how to do it properly. When I get home, I let my doggie out, and we go out to do my good deed of the da



Health Update #2 & Story News!

So, I just realized I never updated my blog after receiving the results of my a1c test. The results from that pretty much came back like we had thought and showed me as being pre-diabetic (type 2). I've tried to be a good girl and lay off a lot of the sugars, but that is easier said than done.   Now, to add another level to my health issues. Sunday morning, I woke my hubby up at 4 am (not purposely) by sitting up in bed, my arms pulled in close to my body, my entire body tense, my mouth op

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Kids React to Controverisal Cheerios Commercial

I came across , which focuses on the Just Checking Cheerios commercial that featured an interracial couple . I thought it was really interesting to watch- the kids just did not see what the big deal was. I had to admit that I didn't see why it was a big deal.  I remember when I was in 8th grade, I knew a black girl and a white guy were dating each other and there were some raised eyebrows, but by the time I was in high school I really didn't notice any kind of qualms about interracial da



Zaïde, A Matter Of Style

OK. So last week Netflix delivered to my doorstep the 2006 Salzburg production of this German-language opera by Mozart. It - the production – was so German, I mean, wow. Every single one of the male characters, except one, were in a constant and slow amble all over the stage wearing giant papier-mâché heads! Sometimes the heads came off so they could sing; sometimes, not. Here is a sample. Please note the out-of-scale elements (all unexplained within the drama…), and the title character's partic

AC Benus

AC Benus

Gay marriage in England and Wales to be made legal this week!

Same-sex marriage is set to become law in England and Wales later this week. Scotland is on course to adopt a similar change in the law. All main political parties in Britain have united to back gay marriage in Britain. That's   - the Conservative Party - the Labour Party - the Liberal Party - the Scottish Nationalist Party   This includes protections for transgender couples, which will allow people to change sex and remain married.   The bill allowing same-sex couples to marry in Engl



Volunteer Work- Day 10

Today I came close to finishing the inventory on my final box before going into full-on processing.   This box was one of the easier ones, as it mainly consisted of dated photo albums- so far ranging from 2009 down to 1979. One really cool photo I found was a 1981 photograph of then-Senator Joe Biden. I've seen a lot of photos with Senator Tom Carper (he was also governor of the state from 1993 to 2001), but I had never seen one with Joe Biden. Dude still didn't have a full head of hair even



I haven't really thought this through.

... soooo... today... or should i start with yesterday. Uh well... Today.   Today my best friend had an anxiety attack, but it not just that. Those are normal. She went missing for 3 hours. I don't know what bought it on how to solve it. Also Why the fuck i'm trying to sort her out when my own mind is a living wasp nest. I'm worried for her, yeah. But i'm panicing, you know, tbh.. I no longer want anything to do with my family. I hate them and every word they say... Its irrational b




I got an email from a friend today when I wasn't expecting it. Well, I was expecting it in a sense because we correspond nearly every day. But time had gotten away from me so I was surprised when I glanced at my screen and saw the (1) next to their name indicating I had an unread message. Receiving that email, only a few sentences, made me happy. An instant smile just seeing that (1) in bold. I also felt a throb of arousal, some Pavlovian response to the as yet unread words.   I wanted to memo



Featured Story: A New Life

I've loved TheEggman's writings for a long time, and when I saw that TheEggman had stated posting "A New Life" here on GA.Stories, I was very excited. I'm not the only one - many of our members are avidly following this story and joann414 was gracious enough to write up a review of Author TheEggman's fantastic story. Enjoy!           A New Life by TheEggman   Reviewed by: joann414 Status: In Progress Word Count: 206,099   So, as many of you know, when I see someone po


Trebs in Featured Stories


Oh, mighty giant, how I worship from afar. I see a lone, striding tsar. But I may only gape.   Oh, fateful spectre, your visage of a love once known, unearthing the wounds I had sewn. How may I end this pain?   Now, squinting siren, I climb aloft to reach to you. Now my life shall 'gin anew, and I smile at the thought.   And as I jump come close to me you wicked, wicked boy. I am that lovely shattered toy you now hold within your hands.



Shapshot July

So, just an update for those who want to know. For those that don't, I have the added pleasure that you rolled your eyes when you saw this   So Health..... Is fairly good. Comparatively. I seem better than I was, though I still have bad days. These tend to worry Paya and make me mad at myself - usually because they are triggered by my own lack of control. Since the start of May I managed to lose 6kg which is awesome. I have another 25 to go, but every step is progress.   In relatio



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