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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Mourning is over

My mourning is over for lucky, I still miss him, but I feel like I can finally return to writing again.   Some interesting things have happened to me during this time and it is impacting my writing.   I will go into more depth with an example of a possible new story later this week.   Anyway, here's a picture of Lucky, so you guys know how he looked in life.  



Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: In case you missed it - we are happy to announce our newest Hosted Author: David McLeod. David has been a Promising Author here and has a great body of work - hope you check it out!   Another month ended - can you believe it is already August?!? O.o I don't know about you, but the calendar has been moving fast. Before we said goodbye to July, we had a great Discussion Day session of our CSR Book Club, featuring The Degan Incident by Author Rob Colton. Based on the comments, looks


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

the ocean air

i breath in every morning it was something as i went out again for ocean air returning to the room with pattern of title i follow with my feet and touch one to another then feel my wanderlust again



eBook Review: Apple Polisher by Heidi Belleau

Apple Polisher by Heidi Belleau My rating: 4 of 5 stars   Apple Polisher surprised me. It was an interesting name for an interesting book. I thought it would be full of cliches, and in a way it was. We had the classic character tropes, but many of them had hidden qualities that made them more human than their basic first impressions. Christian was anal retentive and uptight ... but he had so many reasons for being that way and he didn't like being that way--though from the synopsis I really t



Writing Prompts #250 & #251

Hello there again everyone. Well, so far so good. Found more victims, errr, I mean more excited authors who wanted to attempt my crazy prompts. Considering it is Friday again, dear reader, I have new prompts for you. So without further ado, here are this week's prompts to tease and excite you.   Prompt 250 – Creative Tag – First Line “Here we go again!”   Prompt 251 – Creative Tag – They’re Real The night had been a total disaster. The blind date you had been set up on, threw up half way thr


comicfan in Prompts

CANCER SUCKS! More story delays...

First off, let me say that the title of this blog says it all....   CANCER SUCKS!!!!   If I never know someone else who has cancer, it will be WAY TOO SOON!!!!   On July 8th, my grandmother was told she had cancer, only they didn't know what kind or even exactly where it was. This came right on top of the news that the chemotherapy worked and my brother was currently cancer free (despite one five day stint in the hospital after getting an infection of some sort). My grandmother was then

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

An Apology

I just don't want people to think I have forgotten the story that is being posted. I have three more chapters already written. There are other issues with my team at the moment. One is having personal issues that take complete precedence over my story. I would have serious issues if she tried to do anything while she is dealing with them. I will be looking for someone to fill in part time until things settle down in her life. I do apologize, and I have not abandoned Life Changes. I simply ask fo



Writing Tip: Conflict Is Key

ANNOUNCEMENT: Please welcome GayAuthors.org's newest Hosted Author: David McLeod. David has been a Promising Author here and has a great body of work - hope you check it out!   Sorry for the slight delay this morning, got caught up in one too many phone calls. Sometimes, conflict can be a burden, or - as Libby Drew helps point out, it can be the key to great writing. We hope you enjoy this latest writing tip - let us know some other ideas for conflict that you think could be effective. As alwa


Trebs in Writing Tips

Case Black: sneak peek

Vozrozhdeniya Island Aral Sea Soviet Biological Warfare Testing Facility Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic   June 2, 1988   "Come on Vanya, unless you want to be another test subject!"   Vanya Akulov quickly tested the restraining strap and checked the instruments monitoring the test subjects vital signs on the last chimpanzee and left the large vapor chamber. The beast gave him a murderous glare but was completely restrained and tranquilized. There were thirty test subjects inside the c



Csr Discussion Day: The Degan Incident By Rob Colton

Welcome to the CSR Discussion Day for July! This month we featured The Degan Incident by Rob Colton. His first story here on GA was immensely popular and we were lucky enough to get him to share a little about himself, his thoughts regarding his story, and his upcoming story as well for our discussion! I hope you enjoy this interview with Rob Colton!   *Staff note for those who like to favorite stories and chapters: We've increased your daily likes, so now you can show your appreciation even


What is hell? No partner? Living with a partner, lover, paramour? Living with an incurable ailment? Writers block? Rejection slips from publishers? Losing a chapter because you forgot so save your work? Hell no. Hell is being without Wi-fi. Suddenly, everything you want to do on the internet, is put on hold. Like quarantine. Like Jail. Like sitting in a doctor's consulting room waiting for bad news. Life is put on the backburner. All that is left is the miserable 3G byte gobbling servi



Putting Crosscurrents To Bed

I may very well be the most procrastinatin' slowpoke story-nonfinisher of a Hosted Author at this whole place. And I know I've driven a bunch of you crazy with my slow pace. Heck, I've probably driven some of you away with my slow pace.   But I'm here to say that the conclusion to Crosscurrents will be posted some time tomorrow. You have no idea what a relief this is to me. Talk about your albatross. On the one hand, anyway. (See below.)   Many if not most of you know that I've had the final

Adam Phillips

Adam Phillips

Ronald Reagan Plays the President

I found this really well-written blog post about Ronald Reagan's rise from B-movie stardom to the Republican President Idol he became.   Ronald Reagan Plays the President   The blog basically contends that Ronald Reagan mastered the art of looking sympathetic while simultaneously screwing over the people he was supposed to represent while he was SAG president. I gotta say, she makes her case pretty well. I can't believe the amount of actors he fucked over- no residuals for films that actors



Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: We've heard your requests for more "Likes" and everyone has now had their ability to like content increased per day. To balance this, an author now needs a slightly higher reputation to have their stories no longer subject to the moderation queue.   We started our week with a great review by Daithi of Hosted Author Lugh's Binding. Binding is a Premium Content story, and we additionally talked about how Premium memberships help GayAuthors.org. Even being only available in Premium,


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up


Gayism   To stare at a guy is gay To stare at a women is gay Going shopping is gay Hate going shopping? that's gay Liking fashion is gay Dressing like a homeless man is gay Lighting scented candles is gay Using moisturizer is gay Roughing your hands out is gay   Hugging your mate is pretty gay To not root a chick at a party is pretty gay To dislike the taste of beer is pretty gay Drinking beer is also pretty gay Watching football is pretty gay Not watching football is pretty



Writing Prompts #248 & #249

Ah it is that time of the week again, and no I don't mean bath time. Friday is once again upon us and I get to see who will take the bait, I mean, take the opportunity to write a new story based off the prompts. Let me see who can be tempted.   Prompt 248 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story: roses, rain storm, deer, cake, and chapel.   Prompt 249 – Creative Tag – Shifter You have fallen in love and everything seems perfect. Your father sees you, seems to smell


comicfan in Prompts

Writing Tip: The Writing On The Wall

Is the proof in the pudding or do the results stand for themselves? Here is our favorite writing tip guru, Libby Drew, with "The Writing on the Wall" - how using clichés can weaken your writing. Enjoy!   The Writing on the Wall   A cliché is an expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has become overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect to the point of being trite or irritating, especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or no


Trebs in Writing Tips

For Gareth with love

On Monday, July 22nd, my cat died. Gareth was 9 years old. We don't really know what happened and probably never will. What we do know is that for some reason he was out on my parents' deck and either fell or jumped. He broke his back. I pray he died quickly but if it was otherwise, I don't want to know.   That little cat was my everything and it's fucking breaking my heart. Gareth came into my life when he was six months old. When I broke up with the man I thought I'd be with for the re



Anxiety About Writing

I have been thinking about writing professionally for years now but have never managed to go through with it. Much of my trouble stems from me being a rather random thinker in addition to being unfocused and lazy. When thinking about things in greater depth, I think the problem lies deeper in my psyche. I know I am capable of writing because this is flowing easily out of my mind, through keys on a keyboard, onto the virtual page on my laptop’s screen.   Throughout my life I have been quite



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