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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

American Debt: 16.738 Trillion Outstanding 11.976 Trillion "Public"

Here's some updates:   Nothing good on my Grandma's eviction, SSA still is closed so I cannot get her benefit verification. The Housing Administrator still refuses to negotiate (I am this close to writing an editorial in the Boston Globe, damn it I don't want to be labelled as that Gay RINO, but if I have no other choice, I would rather choose family )   I am very pissed off, but what got me to write this is not anger, but fear. Republican members in the US House are openly suggesting to not



False Epiphanies

One of my favorite authors is Alan Hollinghurst, who won the booker prize for The Line of Beauty. His prose is what captivates me the most, lush and lyrical and beautiful.   I was working my way through booker prize winners when I first came across The Line of Beauty. I didn't know what the plot was about when I opened it. I thought the first couple pages were boring. Just when I was going to put the book down, the MC puts out a gay personal ad in the paper. And bam I was hooked. Yeah ... I



Csr Book Club Selection: Wrangler Butt's By Reddirtwriter

October already! Really? Wow! This year is flying by, right? Well this month, for your reading enjoyment, we have a story about something any cowgirl or cowboy can appreciate ... Wrangler butts! Wrangler Butts by Reddirtwriter   Length: 85,286   Description: Darrin has had a difficult time, but has resigned himself to academia and solitude. But his new office mate arrives, and he is Darrin's living wet dream. A dark haired masculine cowboy with a little bit of attitude, Mitch is


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

eBook Review: Orbital Decay by Allen Steele

Orbital Decay by Allen Steele My rating: 4 of 5 stars   I wanted to read this book because the description is so relevant to today. Set in 2016, we aren’t stuck with things like stone washed jeans and bulky cell phones that could double as exercise weights. Of course there are a lot of things that haven’t become as advanced as we are currently, but then again, authors don’t own crystal balls. Yet, this is a classic genre feeling book that drew me back to my first love of science-fiction with



10 Years Clean & Sober

10 Years Clean & Sober   A.K.A What a Long Strange Trip it has Been     October 1, 2013 I got this nifty little medallion.     It means after years of fucking up with the assistance of various chemicals, I wanted to change the downward trajectory of my life. It means I am no longer the life of the party. I don't have cocaine in my underwear. There's not a bong under the sofa. There aren't any bottles under my bed, in the pantry or under the seat in my truck.   It didn't work out



I'm A Lucky Man

As I type this I'm sitting on my patio, watching 'lil q grew up before my eyes. Gone is the infant/baby/toddler who I had to carry around to do everything. She's walking around, playing with her new sandbox, then her mini big wheel [okay so it's a barbie version of it that grandma bought her but still] and then she set out to explore the yard. Not once did she require my help as she marched off, looking to see what was to see. I hover between a smile and tears as I watch her find her way. I know

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

ACA and me.

Well this healthcare.gov website has to be the glitchiest website I have ever tried to use. I've encountered at least 5 DIFFERENT errors when signing up, logging in, verifying my identity, uploading documents or just navigating!   It's so frustrating...   I'll probably drop by the med center here on campus some time this week to talk to someone. I'm not really sure what to expect.



Where I am, Where we are heading

After some rest and some evil plotting from me with my new story ....I feel a little less angry, but it is still there.   My grandma's problems have not ended, my feeling of betrayal has not subsided, and my anger directed towards the Tea Party movement will probably not diminish.   Honestly, I don't know where I am in terms of my life or politics. I hate what the Tea Party movement has done to my party; I warned as many people back in 2010 that it's a mistake, but few people listened to me



My Disco Playlist

So, I've been re-watching Saturday Night Fever on Netflix (seriously, the R-rated version is soooo much better than the one that ran on TV), and I've been in the mood for some good disco.   Here's my playlist:   1.   2.   3. You Should Be Dancing - The BeeGees   4.   5.   6. Night Fever- The BeeGees   7.   8. I Feel Love- Donna Summer   9.   10.   11. (Disco didn't die in Europe 'til like '84, apparently.)  12.   13.   14.   15.



Weekly Wrap Up

REMINDER - The Polls for the 2014 Anthology Themes are now open, so don't forget to get your votes in before they close on Wednesday, October 9th!!!   REMINDER - Don't forget to come back this Monday, October 7th, to find out what the October CSR Book Club pick will be!   On Monday, as part of the CSR Book Club Discussion we featured a wonderful interview with Comicfan, the author of the very popular story and September CSR Book Club Pick: Accidents Happen! If you haven't already joined in o

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Pro's and Con's: My day

Okay, I should first announce that my new story's 1st chapter is going live tonight. It's definitely a love child of passion, interest, and even a bit of comedy I could not have done this without Kitt's help in editing.   https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/Causality/2 That's the Pro of my day, next comes all the Cons:   Son of Bitch! is all I can say about my grandmother's housing administrator. An 85 year old woman is likely to be evicted from her home in the next two weeks, because she



The Silk Road.

Disclaimer: In no way, shape or form does this blog entry advocate for or against the use of controlled substances. This blog entry discussed the use of controlled substances and the fallout of the closure of a marketplace that distributed controlled substances. Do not mistake the call for legalization as a call for use, it is not. The author of this blog entry feels that it's the individuals decision to engage in this activity or not, and it's not the government's decision to determine the lega

advocatus diaboli

advocatus diaboli

October? Already?

There are few things going on right now that are driving me nuts. I can't believe we are already in October. Seems this year is in fast forward. How did the time slip away so fast?   I am going to bounce around, so those who read this, I apologize in advance.   First up - The government shut down, again! I can't be bothered to point fingers and say whose fault this is. What I can say is if those elected to represent the people decide to put their polices before the welfare of the country we



Writing Prompts #266 & #267

Welcome to Friday, and the warmer temps are still here in New York. I am looking forward to the changing leaves and cooler temperatures, but oh well. I don't want to keep you in suspense any longer so here are the prompts.   Prompt 266 – Creative Tag – First Line “I don’t care! I still believe in you.”   Prompt 267 – Creative Tag – Time Warp You had been watching an old music video from the 80’s, and laughed at the outfits and hair styles. Thinking how easy that time must have been for those


comicfan in Prompts

The Shutdown and Me

I've seen enough to make up my mind about this shit.   Alright, most of the people around GA have only mentioned news stories or circumstantial issues with the government shutdown, let me give you all a real life experience, but first let me lay down three points:   1. I have never been a fan of the Tea Party. The members of the GA Soapbox and GA Right Forum can attest to this fact.   2. I am actually applauding President Obama's no negotiation stance. He is showing courage and leadership.




Sometimes I get some comfort from drawing things not of this world...   This is my first ever attempt at drawing a phoenix. I guess I'm supposed to be the hooded figure with the phoenix perched on my shoulder..



My Q&A topic

Sorry i'm not starting this blog on a very high note..at all...I hope you guys don't think to harshly of me but here's my topic on my latest ramblings...   http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37751-i-think-i-need-help/



Government shutdown.

Here's some things that the United States government doesn't consider essential: Safety inspections for foods and drugs.* * Operating in emergency status. Details here: http://www.hhs.gov/budget/fy2014/fy2014contingency_staffing_plan-rev2.pdf Public housing. No new social security applications are being accepted. The CDC and flu shots. The Environmental Protection Agency. The Head Start program. For those of you that don't know what that is, it provides education, health &

advocatus diaboli

advocatus diaboli

Juan Linz is dead and US government is getting worse.

Article   I usually stayed away from politics since the Soapbox got closed but this article, linking the passing of a great political scientist and the present crisis of governance in the US, got me nodding in agreement. So I thought I would share it with you in case you wanted to know what you are up for.



Really? "embarassed"

So. All of you know that I should have been born a blonde. But, as I get older, it is becoming more obvious. My antics are almost unbelievable, but true. "unfortunately"   Hubby is in awe of how I am still me, even at this age. He thought I would grow out of it, and learn from experience. Nope, I'm still me evidently.   "back at the farm" A couple of weeks ago, hubby was over at the lake, filling the fish feeders, cutting the dam, etc. I decided to try to help him with the outside chores, an



Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #9

OCTOBER!!! Not only is it officially pumpkin-spice everything month, we also get the most recent edition of the GayAuthors.org feature Ask An Author. Thank you as always to creator and implementor, Dark, for his work on this feature - one of our most popular. Enjoy!   Ask an Author #9   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #8, we had questions for authors JWolf, K.C., and Mann Ramblings.   In AtA #9, we hear from authors


Trebs in Author Interviews

Count Dracula Counts Adjectives

From A Single Man by Chris Ischerwood One adjective hahaha. Two adjectives hahaha. Three hahaha, four, five, six, seven, (Work it Chris!), eight, nine adjectives hahaha. **Cue lightening and thunder** Sesame Street anybody? On a minor thought, the book is ok reading, if you don't mind literary fiction. I prefer the movie version then again the movie version is very different from the book. For one the MC in the movie is a lot nicer than the MC in the book. While the MC in the book does hav



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