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  • Myr

    Mystery Deep Dive 4

    By Myr

    Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Amateur Sleuth Features characters who are not professional detectives but get involved in solving mysteries due to personal interest or circumstance. Bleeding Hearts by Josh Aterovis In Process Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Caper Light-hearted mystery that is easy to read, witty and not too intense.  Can also be more comic in nature.  Examples: Clue, Scooby Doo, Hardy Boys, or Janet Evanovitch books A Ticklish Thriller (Revised) b
  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

For the Titanic

I am post dating and timing the release of this blog entry to the exact time the ship struck the iceberg.   If there was one touchstone of my childhood and possibly the last century to the Titanic, it was this movie and song. Simply beautiful and tragic, makes everyone that saw the movie and heard the song in context feel just a little bit emo (heck, I think the movie probably created the emo generation ) :  



Writing Tip: The Editing Process

So - glancing over some of the past newsletters, I found this gem from Feb 2007, about editing from a writer's perspective. I hope you enjoy!   Editors and Writers   The Editing Process: From the Writer’s Point of View By Talon Rider   Finding an editor can be a problem sometimes. You think to yourself, where can I find someone? Do I ask another author who they use? Do I post something in a forum somewhere? Has an editor made their presence known? Either one of those methods may


Trebs in Writing Tips

And it all came down to a rock... or to quote Charlie Brown "I got a rock!"

Alright, the fact of my life is I have no luck. No, strike that, if I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck. I've been silent about any sort of hopes or desires because, well, if I mention them then there is a good chance something can go wrong.   Yesterday is a prime example.   I got my tax money back. Not a fortune, nothing that you say is mad money. I have plans for nearly every dime of it. In fact a large part of it is suppose to be sent in June, for this little thing coming up I started



Holy Crap . . . has it really been three months since I updated this?

Wow, time flies.   'lil Q is now 6 and a half months old - gasp Mike finished his paternity leave and we have a nanny. I think the nanny tried out for Nanny 911 and was rejected as too over the top. First hour in the house she decided we weren't feed 'lil Q right. We had the order wrong - cereal then formula for breakfast and we didn't give her enough, etc. So basically we were idiots. Since I'm at work and Mike is home, I left it to him to deal with her. It took him almost a week befor

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Writing Prompts #128 & #129

Today we bring you two new prompts from Comicfan. While they both look like they're going to be interesting, I think "The Sexes" is going to provide quite the challenge! Enjoy!   Prompt 128 – Creative Cue – Word List Use the following words in a story: fog, bus, newspaper, coffee roll, and toilet paper.   Prompt 129 – Creative Cue – The Sexes Science has always said that there would be new species added as time went on and as Mother Nature needed change. What wasn’t expected was that the hum

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Tip: Synonyms

Synonyms   In writing, especially when doing character pieces, you need to watch for repetition. The words used when writing can give clues to accurately express how the character appears or acts depending on what synonym is used. Physical cues are very important when it comes to showing and not telling. However, using the same word repeatedly is boring. Below are a few common actions and examples of synonyms you can use to highlight them in different ways.   Expression: noun-outward ap


Trebs in Writing Tips

About my memories

Those who read my blogs know that I have lived an exciting life, eventful, with both pleasant circumstances and difficult times.   Nephylim suggested I should write my memoirs as a non-fiction story. I did it and really enjoyed writing this story, thinking that may be some could learn from my experiences, my joys and my woes.   The first chapters were favorably received. Over 500 readers have read hem. Today, only about 30 readers have read the last written chapter, the 15th. I wonder some

old bob

old bob

Sharing an old mother goose Rhyme

Just found my old childhood storybook of mother goose rhymes, I didn't know they had so many innuendos and adult meanings until now.   Here's one for folks about a horse shoe nail:   For want of a nail   For want of a nail the shoe was lost For want of a shoe the horse was lost For want of a horse the rider was lost For want of a rider the battle was lost For want of a battle the kingdom was lost And all for the want of a horseshoe n



Author Showcase

Well, it's Wednesday again, and you know what that means! Is everyone ready for their weekly dose of "Author Showcase"? Today we bring you a story by Promising Author: JWolf titled "Nowhere Man". Also, we are bringing you a story by a bit of a newer author here at GA, Author: Percy and his story "The Waltz". Nowhere Man by JWolf   Reviewer: LouisHarris Status: Complete Word Count: 44,350   JWolf understands the edge. And, in this short thriller, he doesn’t waste words. Ever


Trebs in Reviews

Day 37, Day 38, Day 39

Day 37, April 3rd   Continued working on Box 2.   Day 38, April 4th   Continued working on Box 2.   Day 39, April 10th   Almost finished with Box 2.   There was a woman in here with her kid today, basically planning on having him volunteer over the summer. He didn't look all that excited, but my hope is that they'll find the right hook with the kid, and get him to enjoy the place.   I feel like that's a major part of what I'm supposed to do in this field- figure out how to make peo



Life on the packed side

Welcome to real life. It is messy, beyond our control, and sometimes you just have to do the best you can, and that might just mean hanging on by your fingernails and saying a little prayer.   Dad is recovering nicely from his skin cancer surgery. They believe they got it all but he will continue to be monitored and checked out. My sister-in-law has begun her treatment for her throat cancer. Me, I've decided to put myself on the front burner for a change. I had let Weight Watchers pretty much



Why hello there

What have I been up to?   Let me list it off. Drabble A Day: I started a fanfiction Drabble a Day on my birthday, March 26. I'm into Week 3 now and on drabble 17, which I'll write tomorrow. I nearly have enough pairings to last me the year. National Novel Writing Month: I won 2011 NaNoWriMo, again. I wrote a fanfiction called 'Like a Bullet' and it is a fanfiction since all of my original ideas at the time were in production. I'm currently finishing off typing it and editing chapter 9

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

Stuck In The Middle... wondering what to do

< Clowns to the left of me Jokers to the right > Stuck in the middle with you (Gary Johnson, Libertarian) I'm sorry but I can't tell the difference no more It's just a competition to find the biggest whore. It doesn't really matter who wins, We we all lose... Stuck in the middle of a broken two-party system that is completely out of control.



Writing Tip: Setting "the Scene"

Today's Tip is brought to you by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Thank you for this wonderful little lesson on setting the scene for a story! If YOU have a tip for a future blog entry, let Trebs or Renee Stevens know!   The Scene by Comicfan   Ever notice how important a scene is? I don’t mean the action; I mean that place it is located in. Sometimes it can add to the overall sense of what is happening or it can make it a tragedy. It isn’t very hard to have a story go wrong by the


Trebs in Writing Tips

What is darkness to a reader?

I've wrote a very cold blooded and chilling scene and realize that I can be extremely dark if I choose to be. I've gotten a lot of comments in the past from readers that felt I tend towards darkness a lot in my story, but I never ask you guys, what type of darkness is it? Is it something that you guys like or something you guys fear? or a little bit of both?   Then, I start reading and writing review of stories and find other authors with the same word in their reviews, "it's dark" or somethin



Featured Story: How The Light Gets In

Duncan Ryder is one of our Hosted Authors that writes in a very touching and true fashion. Two of his stories, Everybody's Wounded and its sequel, How the Light Gets In show very realistic young men, struggling through life and struggling to connect both with others, as well as with themselves.   CarringtonRJ has done a great review of How The Light Gets In - but I strongly recommend reading Everybody's Wounded first for the full experience of how each person has gotten to the place they are w


Trebs in Featured Stories

Just saw a movie, I put off for a bit

It is truly amazing and spell binding. It also has some really interesting questions about ethics, human nature, and greed on an international and human scale.   Margin Call (2011) was fun, aggressive, and highly entertaining:     Jeremy Irons is such a great actor, plus you got Kevin Spacey and Demi Moore. I think Michael Douglas has good competition for Wall Street versus Jeremy Irons in Margin Call.   I've put off watching this movie for a while, but another benefit of freeing up m



Weekly Wrap Up!

Before we review the past week, I want to point out that the deadline for the Poetry Anthology is just NINE days away. If you are planning on submitting a poem (and I hope you do), it needs to be sent Lugh by April 17.   Our week started as always with a Hosted Author review - and this week, Roan wrote a review of Renee Stevens' Eternity. This is a story that I loved when I first read, and Roan's review is a great reminder of what a gem Eternity is.   Our tips this week were both very usefu


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Blast From The Past!

Today we're going to revisit another Anthology Entry from some of the earlier anthologies. So from the 2007 Spring Anthology: Fairy Tales, here is the review for: Time to Grow Up   by   Jack Scribe Reviewer: K.C. Status: Complete Word Count: 8,584   “Time To Grow Up” 2007 Anthology piece by Jack Scribe is a modern twist on a timeless fairytale of Peter Pan. The character of Peter Pan has delighted children and adults alike for more than a hundred years. Peter’s carefree l


Trebs in Reviews

On hiatus from the Soapbox for 3 months

I'm serious about it this time and it has been building up for a while. I mean I love debating, but I love writing stories too. Every moment I spend researching and debating points is a moment I can't write.   I said almost two weeks ago, I'd release my Act 2 and Act 3 this week for my play. Look at my GA stories profile, it's still not up. I've had this happen to me more than once, I start a story with ideas, themes, and concepts, then I get into a heated debate in the Soapbox and I neglect i



Ages and Stages

I should rename this blog to “My Mid-Life Dumping Ground”.   My grandfather passed away about a year ago.  He was 90.  He lived a full life and old age simply caught up with him.  Living to around 88-93 seems about the norm in my family, although there are a couple outliers who made it over the age of 100 and one who made it to 105.  Anyway, I think Grandpa’s death brought home the fact that, barring accident or illness, I’m at my mid-life point.  Maybe that’s why I’ve been more reflective t



Writing Prompts #126 & #127

Good Friday! Happy Passover! Or that great catch all - TGIF!!!   I recently chatted with someone who said they couldn't write - they thought they did well on email and documents for work, but trying to write a story was something they thought beyond their skill. I have to say, ESPECIALLY for that type of person, these writing prompts are the perfect way to just experiment and try seeing what you are capable of.   ComicFan has given us two great new prompts - I really hope you try one of them


Trebs in Prompts

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