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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it
    • 1 comment

A Busy Week

I've had a busy week or so, but it's been great.   First (and most important): As some of you know, though I rarely talk about it, my mum has suffered from depression over the past ten years or so. On Wednesday, she had made it one whole year without a single hospitalisation, for the first time ever since her diagnosis. She is doing really well, and is even planning on joining one of the support groups on a weekend getaway to Bruges next month. So we had a big party, that went on into the w



I Know What I Did Last Summer

Ha, I came across the internship promotion video that I made last summer when I worked with the Delaware Museum of Natural History.     It was a lot of fun, really, of all the internships I've done. I think it helped that interns were really allowed to interact with one another.



DC Meet up - my impressions

I figured I'd add my comments to the blogs on the weekend.   Friday I forget what I was doing when Cassie called to say she and Intune were at Union Station. I kinda forgot about everyone coming despite having taken the day off just so I could go meet with anyone who came early. Doooh!   I finished what I was doing, hopped in my Jeep and hightailed it to the Metro. I had planned to come into town anyway, because work forgot to pay me and they were supposed to cut me a paper check. So I ma

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Yes - Fragile

What happens when you put together a group of classically trained and very talented musicians? You get Yes.   Yes was, at its high water mark, Jon Anderson(vocals), Chris Howe(lead guitar), Chris Squire(bass), Rick Wakeman(keyboards) and Alan White(percussion).     Yes circa 1972 left to right: White, Howe, Wakeman, Squire, Anderson   In 1971 Yes was flying high. Their breakthrough album the Yes Album was gathering fame and awards for the band. When they released Fragile in November, th



Writing Tip: Getting In The Mood - Part 1

Getting in the Mood: Part One Compiled By Renee Stevens   Have you ever wondered how your favorite authors are able to write what they write? What gets them in the mood to create these wonderful works? We have, so when Podiumdavis came to us suggesting a tip on getting in the mood for writing we thought this would be a great idea; not only just to be able to feel what an authors characters are feeling, but to really set the mood for the story. You can read his thoughts on this


Trebs in Writing Tips

Eric Clapton- Slowhand

There is an eternal debate: who is the best guitarist ever.   Jeff Beck and Jimi Hendrix get a mention. So does Jimmy Page and others.     Only one has actually been deified by their fans.     Eric Clapton is certainly one of the most influential guitarist of all time. He has been inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame three times: once as a Yardbird, once as a member of Cream and finally as a solo artist. His career began in the sixties and continues.     My favorite alb



Author Showcase

Middle of the week - to help you get over the hump, here are two great reviews of stories here on GayAuthors! First, Cia gives a very frank review of Life, by Promising Author Jian Sierra. Now, not all stories fully appeal to all reviewers - and while Cia loved the crafting of the story, as you will see, she had some reservations too. Our other review is by Comicfan, of Author Mark92's Another Fairy Story.   I love reviews like these in that they give me all of the background so I can see if I


Trebs in Reviews

A Special Talent - Mike Tompkins

As part of my job I am always on the look out for new, original or different music. Variety is the spice of life I am told, and certainly in terms of music, I find that very often a cover version of a song or a remix can add a whole new dimension to our enjoyment of a tune, or turn a song perhaps we didn't like so much into an epic tune we remember for years.   Anyone that knows me really well will know that Coldplay are one of my all time favourite bands. There are a few, who's work I follow

Yettie One

Yettie One

Life Catch Up

So a bit of a catch up.   First - I missed the DC GA Get together. I have enjoyed reading the posts of those who went. At least I know those who attended had fun, just wished I could have been among them.   Second - Well I got the results back. From what I understand I have an irregular heart beat. It is something they will be keeping an eye on. I also was put on blood pressure medication. The joys of getting older. Seems nothing is as easy as it use to be, but at least I am still here and p



Remembering DC

Remembering DC     I am no good at blogging. However, the DC trip was amazing. It was the happiest I have been since the fire. And because I enjoyed it so much, I wrote down everything I could remember and listed it here. It's pretty incoherent and won't make much sense to someone who wasn't there, but I am writing it anyway, for myself more than anything. But if you see something and are curious, feel free to ask me and I'll (try to) explain it.   Friday So this is what a train is li



One or Many: a problem of humanity

I realized something today, everyone that argues, whether liberal, conservative, or libertarian. Rich, middle, or poor. We are all arguing about the same point.   One or Many?   It can't that simple, but it really is that simple.   On a side, you have people advocating for individuals defining themselves, their actions, behaviors, and even destinies as they choose. On the other side, you have people advocating for groups whether it is a society, a state, a subset of human beings (gay, blac



Some Girls by the Rolling Stones

It's 1978. Punk bands are singing about the death of rock. Disco is a huge media creation and corporate move to take over radio.   So what happens? Rocks old guard steps up and blows them the fuck away.     In June of 1978 the Rolling Stones released what many people think is their best single album: Some Girls. Even for a band that had been around forever and done everything, it was a tour de force.     The original album contained 10 tracks: all of them were hits.   Miss You



Life is badly made

I'm 'overwhelmed' by the mass of produced new chapters last week, over 20!   The authors are very prolific and GA is a wonderful opportunity to spend a pleasant time to read and comment on all the stories. My only problem: I can not follow and right now I do not even have time to write the next chapter of my own story . I often wonder if it should not include a special section for people who are overloaded, a kind of 'Reader's Digest, as the same publication as you probably know.   The few

old bob

old bob

Tuesday Toss-Up: Publishing, Part 2

So, last week we featured Part one of a two Part interview that K.C. conducted on the subject of publishing. Last week it was his interview of AnytaSunday and this week, I am going to feature his interview of Nephylim. Enjoy!   Interviewee: Nephylim Interviewer: K.C.   Your story “The Unfairness of Life” is set to be published 2012 by Romance First Publisher, how did you feel when you found out that a publisher wanted your story? It was actually released early in January. How did I feel? I

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

the Cars

There is music that moves you. Then there is music that is fun.     the Cars are, from the left: Benjamin Orr, Ric Ocasek, Elliot Easton, David Robinson and Greg Hawks.   The Cars were fun packaged in a jam-tastic new age sound that tore up the charts with their debut album in 1978. You weren't looking for the meaning of life listening to the Cars. You were probably driving around, smoking weed and looking to get laid. That's what their songs were about.     It wasn't just their char



Top versus Bottom

In a forum somewhere on that one site, there was a discussion topic that asked a simple question…Top or Bottom.   And after reading all the comments in that thread, and believe me you should read them because they are extremely amusing, I decided to reply to that thread and offer up my perspective.   And then, as one or two of you might know by now, I noticed my reply was getting rather long winded so I decided to answer this question in my blog where there is less of a chance that something

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Feature Story: Ben

So, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Father’s Day and that everyone is enjoying the newly released Anthology Stories. If you haven’t, why not check them out, as well as our Featured Story for this week. The Hosted Author we are going to feature today is widely known for his many stories, not the least of these is his over 100 chapter story, Circumnavigation. He is known to leave his readers hanging on the edge of a cliff as they wait anxiously for the next chapter. Our story review today is

Back from DC

Well, the trip was fun and relaxing; no pressure, no hassle, it was a simple affair between strangers, who are equivalent to pen pals of old. Sometimes, I wonder how much people on site actually think about the "real" you as in the actual person behind the avatar. We're all different people with our own backgrounds and tastes.   I didn't picture Q being Mr. Dad or how cute lil' Q was in real life versus just pictures.   Cassie and I shared a hotel together, it was fun to be traveling compani



Weekly Wrap Up!

Choices - our Summer anthology is LIVE! Go enjoy (after you read the rest of this post) ;-)   We started the week with Almost Home, by our Hosted (and very sexy) Author Shadowgod. This is one of Shadowgod's short stories, and Podiumdavis wrote a wonderful review of it.   In this week's Author Showcase, we also had great reviews of both Promising Author WrathOfMagneto's Three Hundred Years, as well as What Remains, by Author myself_i_must_remake.   Our Tuesday Toss-up gave us the first of a


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Changes - As I Saw It. Summer Anthology

Well joining GA has opened my eyes to a lot of different things, and one of them is the Anthology idea.   So summer 2012 was the first time I actually came across anything of the sort, and if it weren't for Bugeye pointing it out to me, it'd have slipped by unnoticed as I was caught up in reading some of the amazing stories on the site.   But thankfully I was encouraged to give it a whirl and submit an entry.   I actually got a good kick out of giving it a go. It was a lot of fun writing a

Yettie One

Yettie One

The power of Google

The power of Google. It does so much stuff, I dont have to find the answers on the textbook!. Easier and quicker too! The power of internet is making us so lazy.   I was gonna ask my dad something weird, but decided to google it instead.   As the picture shows, idk why this was in the first google link search... Google is just so powerful!   http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/801/wtfoh.jpg/



Time Away, Time Back

Well it's nice to see new faces here on GA and after taking time away for a multitude of reasons, I gotta say I'm looking foreword to re-connecting with people.   I've taken some time to write, take pictures and get centered and healthy again. A couple of trips to the ER, a new chronic but manageable diagnosis, work being crazy and volunteering with LGBT youth tends to make life extremely crazy.   Today, I had a seizure which is something that hasn't happened to me in God knows how long and



Getting ready for the train ride down to DC

Checklist:   1. GA anthology stories downloaded Can't do it, hope there's wi-fi at the hotel   2. Alternative reading for long train ride, The Lost Bank- Check   3. Clothing appropriate for DC in the summer (I am not going nude, it'd make a bigger scene than the protesters in front of the Capitol and White House)- Check, Cargo shorts and shirts   4. Music for the ride- Check, just downloaded the new album by The Maine and The Fray + my other favorite bands   5. An emergency escape pla



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