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  • Valkyrie

    Oh Sh** Prompts

    By Valkyrie

    We've all had moments where all we can do is say "oh, sh**" and then either brace for the inevitable or stare in disbelief as the inevitable cockily saunters past.  For example, I was driving home from work one day and was sitting in my car at a red light.  There was one car ahead of me.  The light turned green, and the car ahead of me proceeded through the intersection.  For some reason, I didn't go right away.  I hesitated and allowed a good couple of car lengths between us before proceeding. 

Unexpected happiness

Blue sky shows up when you least expect it.   I will admit that my last blog entry was a little dejected. I don't tend to fall for the first cute face I see on the street, or the first guy I meet. Between July last year and this March I used the services of a dating site. In all, I met 4 guys. For various reasons which I won't get into here, two relationships blossomed and quickly died. I was very drawn to a third guy (although I never got to really know him), but he wasn't feeling the same to



Truly too, too much black bile

Where have you been? The short answer is I went loopy, did some crazy shit, got myself admitted to a psychiatric ward wherein I attempted suicide (where else is the most logical place?), was sent to a state mental hospital, eventually ended up on the streets of Dallas during the day and at the Mission during the night. Finally, I found placement in a group living arrangement sponsored by the Veterans Administration and the Salvation Army.   What are you doing now? Vegetating, mostly. My knee



Found a theme song for story

I didn't plan on it, but I think this song really works with the Exodus prequel mini-series, Genesis.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnjjkR14rHY       It works on a lot of levels for what I want to explore with the prequel and how point A became the genocidal history of Point B. The relationships, the complex interaction, the unspoken compulsions, the subtle and overt forces beyond human understanding, and revealing of secrets are all part of the Genesis miniseries.   The song is a



To Feel Old and Young At the Same Time

I had a somewhat odd experience tonight. I went to see the seminal 1990's band, Stone Temple Pilots. They were performing at the convention center at my grad school.   But here was the weird thing. When I came in, I managed feeling very young, because a lot of the people there were in in their mid-30's, maybe even early 40's. Which makes sense, because the peak of the band was in the early/mid 1990's, which is about 15-20 years ago now. I saw some young kids there, but they were mostly outnumb



Why you're not on my Facebook

If you haven't noticed, I don't publish who I am on here. There's a reason for that. I'm not out and I frankly have no interest to be out right now. I'm not in denial with myself, I just cannot afford to be out. In terms of my personal priorities, if it means I have a roof over my head while I bounce around trying to pay off my student loans mean that I can't live my life openly as I wish, so be it.   Some of you know me on GA via Chat. I am able to truly be myself in the chat most of t




Let's see, nonpolitical topic on my life:   My current boyfriend is a great guy, I love the way we connect and talk with one another. He's extremely supportive, fun loving, and entertaining. Yet, there's something that seems to strain us from moving anywhere in our relationship. We're both workaholics, we place career first, but for different reasons. He wants to work hard to eventually settle down and live life peacefully. I seek to work hard in order to create something and constantly trying



From: The Truth About Thorium and Nuclear Power

Source: The Truth About Thorium and Nuclear Power   I've added some thoughts and comments to the thread already, but I wanted to share some more. I also wanted to post a copy of the letter I sent to Senator Harry Reid. In 2008, he co-sponsored a bill with Senator Orrin Hatch regarding thorium energy. Because the Senators from my state are fiercely conservative and because Senator Reid co-sponsored this bill, I decided to contact him instead of my own Senators. I mentioned several other forms o



Atlas Shrugged... to a full theater

Saturday I saw something that I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would see: Atlas Shrugged on the big screen- in a full theater. It was amazing. They did a very good job with it. Placing it in the near future amid soaring energy prices, a collapsing economy and clueless politicians colluding to make their friends rich and to punish anyone else made it... chilling.   Guess what? The Gulf is open for deep water drilling again. Guess who is first in line to do the drilling? An American c



Loss of Innocence

I don't know, some people might find me condescending, argumentative, and probably a little strange for my views. I will defend and oppose points for both liberal and conservative as I see the merits.   I just retook the Left-Right Compass again, but this time I am actually going more social conservative (Don't worry, I won't join Phelps just yet ). I am still a conservative, but I am less inclined to support what might be considered libertarian principles now as I am getting older and probab



Basics of Internet Security 101: Facebook freaks

OK, Austin Butler is a freak! And I don't mean that teen star of various teen films. I mean the guy who asked all the people from GA to become his friends over Facebook.   Well, I spent all day asking people who this guy is. Apparently, if I used wiki or google first, I'd learn about the true Austin Butler. So I denied his request and reported his profile as fake. What is disappointing and why I'm writing this blog is how many people just mindlessly clicked to accept this freak's request. And



ADELE is pretty damn awesome

If you have not heard this singer, I reccomend you look her up. Her songs remind me a bit of Disco, especially in " ," and I mean that as a compliment. There's songs that will make me want to dance. This song just makes me dance, in the way that I first learned, where I didn't give a flying f**k who was watching or who laughed, it was me and the music and the fire and shadows of everyone else.  Since I've a tendency to recount dreams here, I'll do so again. I was being questioned, demanded an



Review of the Patrick Stump show in LA at Hotel Cafe in March 13th

You Don’t Even Need a Ticket, Just Clap   It’s been said that great things come in small packages, and the moment I walked into Hotel Café in Los Angeles, I knew that truer words haven’t been spoken. The intimate venue and stage only serves to showcase just how much that applies to the man standing in the center of it. It will never stop being surprising how such a big sound and a contagious energy can come from someone so small.   When you first see Patrick Stump, a few things run throu



A simple prop - to occupy my time

This one goes out to the one I love This one goes out to the one I left behind A simple prop - to occupy my time This one goes out to the one I love Chorus: Fireaaahh (2x) This one goes out to the one I love This one goes out to the one I left behind A simple prop - to occupy my time This one goes out to the one I love Chorus (2x) This one goes out to the one I love This one goes out to the one I left behind Another prop - has occupied my time This one goes out to the one I love ___________



A Little Project...

Technology is always changing, sometimes for the better, sometimes just to drive us all crazy.   Thankfully there are people out there who know how to work technology to the benefit of all, and today I'm going to explain what I'm scheming, I mean working on.   Thanks to a friend of mine and really good author, I'm going to try my hand at making eBooks using a story of his and see what he thinks (he's really picky with the way he wants things). I'm going to be using two ways to do it and writ



What A Wonderful World

I had a good weekend. I didn't go crazy and rage- I just had a couple of drinks with my friend Seth at this nice little bar on Philly Street. Sang some karoke and all that fun stuff. The next night I went out to Wolfie's and danced. Friday night I got to see the Plain White T's, and that was fun.   But the best part about this weekend was the sense of utter contentment I had. I've made some choices that have left me satisified about where my life is headed, and I just feel good.  



driver 8 take a break we've been on this trip too long

The walls are built up, stone by stone, the fields divided one by one. And the train conductor says "Take a break Driver 8, Driver 8 take a break We've been on this shift too long" And the train conductor says "Take a break Driver 8, Driver 8 take a break We can reach our destination, but we're still a ways away" I saw a treehouse on the outskirts of the farm. The power lines have floaters so the airplanes won't get snagged. Bells are ringing through the town again, Children look up, all they



Some updates

Finally uploaded the first part of my prequel: Genesis: The Truth 2-4 of 4   Next will be Genesis: The Consequences a 9-part mini-series.   Finally, I will finish with Genesis: Judgment a 25-part mini-series.   On a side note, I am starting to read the Nightrunner series and I don't know, there's something attractive about the fantasy genre.   However, I am pressing to finish the edits of my own stories in the science fiction area as well. It is taking a lot longer to finish the edits th




SIGH   One of my requests for Mother's Day was a corned beef pie. My daughter asked what was my favourite meal and that was it.   Now... my daughter has been eating this pie since she was old enough to have liquidised food, My grandmother made it, my mother made it and I make it.   Lori and Sam took control of the kitchen all day for the making of the pie. I questioned why they were putting mushrooms in but was ordred out of the kitchen.   At about 4ish (we were eating at 6) I went out t



Does It Ever Get Easier

There have been times in my life when I have felt lonely. I have thought that I would come to terms with it, that it would get easier. Today I think it's probably worse than ever.   I guess I am feeling sorry for myself. It happens sometimes; more as I'm getting older and more and more of my life passes by outside the window (That's not a physical window... just saying )   I was thinking on the train today... there's about as much chance of me getting to be prime minister as of me finding s



- tell me, and I'm yours. -

I can remember the exact moment I fell in love with you. It was about 3 of 4 seconds after we first met.   You looked at me then quickly looked down, as if out of shyness or nervousness. After about a second you somehow found the courage to look back at me and you had a smile on your face that I can't describe in words.   That was the exact moment I fell in love with you. You have me and we hadn't even spoken a word yet.   ...



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