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New Year's Resolutions


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Do you have a New Year's Resolution?


The top 10 resolutions are usually to lose weight, eat more healthily, exercise more, stop smoking, stick to a budget, save money, get more organized, be more patient, find a better job and to just be a better person over all. What's yours?


Authors: Are you going to write a set amount of words? Get so many stories done? Participate in the anthologies?


Readers: Do you want to get so many stories read? Do so many reviews? Get in touch with your favorite author(s)?


Or, are resolutions not for you?

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Hmm, I'm almost afraid to say anything here, since I have the feeling the pitchforks will come out if I don't deliver. :o


But my New Year's resolution is to get more chapters written on my three :facepalm: Incomplete stories.

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I'm going with the traditional one of loosing weight ;) as my number one.


But, the second is to get into a better routine and set aside a set amount of time each day for writing, 

Edited by Cazpedroso
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Hmm, I'm almost afraid to say anything here, since I have the feeling the pitchforks will come out if I don't deliver. :o


But my New Year's resolution is to get more chapters written on my three :facepalm: Incomplete stories.

Maybe you could visit interesting places, for example Paris, see a music festival:


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I don't do resolutions at this time of year. It feels like I'm setting myself up to fail. I have some thoughts about the next few months but that's nothing to do with New Year- it's how I operate generally. If they happen, great. If they don't, then it's not the end of the world. :)

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I have some goals for 2017.  I'd like to eat less sugar and be more active.  I'd also like to do some work on my house.  As far as writing, my goals are to continue my Faeries Anonymous and Treehaven Woods anthology stories and continue, if not finish, The Hollow Hills.  

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New Year's Resolutions....


'K - I resolve to make no resolutions!


OH CRAP - I've already broken it!



I think you are fine Greg:


Technically,  you made the resolution not to make a resolution before you made the resolution.


Thus, you have not broken your resolution :P


Now, I am off to solve the question of the Chicken or the Egg, (the answer is the dinosaur with feathers)

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New Year's Resolutions....


'K - I resolve to make no resolutions!


OH CRAP - I've already broken it!y


I made a similar resolution five years ago and have not broken it yet! Not planning to break it now! The key here is to choose an attainable goal.


I bet Carlos attains his 356,000 words. A thousand a day sounds attainable to me, and i know he has a ton of notes on where CJ goes from here!

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I made a similar resolution five years ago and have not broken it yet! Not planning to break it now! The key here is to choose an attainable goal.


I bet Carlos attains his 356,000 words. A thousand a day sounds attainable to me, and i know he has a ton of notes on where CJ goes from here!

Somehow I got it done yesterday and was still able to watch football! 3/4 of the way there today, taking a break to beta read a couple of chapters and then back to writing! :D

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2,000 words minimum each day. I almost pulled this off two years ago, then failed miserably last year. Hopefully this year will be more like 2015.

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I have two resolutions: catch up on reviews, because I am way behind on them. The second, write a novel that is at least 50,000 words long.


I doubt I can meet my second resolution, given it'll be my first attempt at a full-fledged novel, but if I can get close to 50,000, I'll be satisfied. :)

Try NaNoWriMo. It worked for me. :P

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My real New Years resolution is easy as I will probably be reminded daily of why I made and intend to keep it.  


I will never use or join TWITTER.  


Oh, I really enjoy Twitter. It's Facebook which is more terrifying. and Tumblr. I will always stay away from tumblr

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I'm not one for Resolutions... I believe if you wish to change something then today is as good of a day as January 1st. That being said, this year, in addition to not posting pretentious stuff like lecturing everyone on goals (already epically failing), as some may know I've been working on a business Venture and this is the year I want to turn a sucking cash pit of a "hobby" into product that actually sells...


And... as always, read more and more and more...

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