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  1. Past hour
  2. Due to the changes made to the website, it takes longer to find things. So to kick things off for today it's National Historical Sign Day. South Dakota will supply the Pretzels for today. If you're up to it, why not Help a Horse today. Watch out for those Hairballs today. That's my Dissertation for today. Hope you enjoyed it.
  3. akascrubber


    So, Emmett likes Finley and thinks he is sexy. But will not get closer to him. He has been warned off by Tony and was told Finley was sensitive. Emmett does not want any complications. He now intends to get his tattoo completed and move on. It is a safe action which has done him well in the past. Emmett is a dragon with years of military service. Out of the blue his father calledafter two years to berate him and tell him to be home for the winter soltice. Emmett agreed and did not want to go...".but I was not a typical dragon and did not fit in with my family. I had no real place in the huge estate." Something has to change if these two actually begin a relationship and Emmett stays. Will we find out soon? It should not take long to finish the tattoo and let it heal.
  4. I'm saying her mind is always in the gutter, therefore, she's a bad influence on Handsome.
  5. Today
  6. Celian


    Actually, I had expected the warning tingle at the nape which had made me leave the tattoo parlor rather abruptly yesterday to return. Instead, it began to tingle in my stomach. White cuffs and an equally dazzling white shirt collar peeked out from under Emmett's light blue sweater, accentuating the blue percentage in his eyes. And his eyes... They were rimmed with mascara and kohl, his lids glittered a little, and if I wasn't mistaken, he was wearing skin-colored lipstick. Holy shit.
  7. Definitely enjoying rereading! Not surprised Coy showed up at all..
  8. Lupus

    Chapter 9

    One way or another, the paths of all the characters in the story will cross. I also think that a pretty girl is always necessary in stories 😏
  9. My Only Escape was very similar to my experience and sigh…. I’m still in denial he’s gone.. I keep looking for a new post, SOMETHING .😪
  10. drpaladin


    They wouldn't go after him in another state over a couple of hundred dollars. Connor was surely owed money which would come off of that. I doubt anyone is looking for them for the damaged MIB who's probably not human.
  11. akascrubber

    Votu Vomir

    It has all now come into sad focus for the dominated and weakened Somon. Lord Crusnik has completed his control of Simon through adding blood to his wine and constant fucking. He has been taken to a land of ice and snow and the home of Lord Crusnik who calls Simon his pet Lord Crusnik introduces him in his home castle to his good friend Master Akar , Vicar General to the Order of Belthemid . Oh no.....Simon is serious trouble and without his friends and without Yidian. Simon is a fuck toy. He has others to serve now and no hope for any betterment from anyone who are too far away as of now. At least Connor met the Orcs who were with Simon. They all were rejected and sent out of the brothel. Now, what are the three to do?
  12. Sam Wyer

    Chapter 1

    Thanks! Some of those questions will hopefully be answered relatively soon.
  13. drpaladin


    Will a $25 Big Mac taste better?
  14. drpaladin


    Connor's family in Florida might be as dysfunctional as the one he left behind, but simply wrapped in a prettier package. Connor seems never to have learned important details of why he was left behind. Compared to Connor, Nathan is a spoiled and bratty slacker. The MIB has caught up with them with frightening ease and has changed tactics by trying to sow distrust between Connor and M.
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