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  2. Summerabbacat

    Chapter 9

    Me too @pvtguy but I am not sure if Peter realises it yet.
  3. pvtguy

    Chapter 9

    @Summerabbacat: You asked when Uncle was going to come clean. I thought this exchange between Peter and him spoke loudly to me: “This is kinda embarrassing to talk about, Uncle. But you said I can talk to you about anything? Even sex, right?” “Yes, I did, and you can. In case you failed to notice, I know more about gay sex than you do.” “Yeah, I’ve kinda wondered about that. Maybe someday you can tell me about it?
  4. CincyKris


    More comfortable settling in. Before long, Keith will wonder why he was so scared. It's great to see the guys happy and anxiety free.
  5. akascrubber


    Finley's time with Emmett may have provoked him into wanting some more insights on his unsettled condition. Talking to Tony with Emmett overhearing, Finley now will talk to one of his brothers for advce. Emmett and Tony discussed who and what Finley is and decided he maybe a mxture of Fey and Orc and other parts. Emmett still wants to calm and better relate with Finley. I hope they will find things to do together and be able to better know each other..
  6. Summerabbacat


    What a wonderful chapter @Robert Hugill, riotously humorous one moment, warm and intoxicating the next. The Fags for Football proved to be warm, welcoming and very funny. "The language was just as colourful as his mates’, though Keith doubted that any of his mates would use phrases like ‘Get your arse into gear you great fairy" had me in stitches. Perhaps because I have recently been listening to Queen I immediately thought of Freddie Mercury and one of his reported famous quips "I'm as gay as a daffodil my dear". I was also very amused by Hughie's wry response to little Joe's question about what happens at gay football games “Same things as a straight one except the guys moan about their boyfriends rather than their girlfriends!” Keith's straight friends have proven their loyalty by treating him no differently than before, apart from the odd "gay joke" when they are laughing with him rather than at him. The nude jigsaw puzzle sounds fascinating. I checked them out on the internet and suffice to say it is obvious from what is available there are many gay men who share Keith's delight with jigsaw puzzles of the homoerotic kind.
  7. Today
  8. Lyoth and Stawren landed on the far away planet looking for Suoki. He was not present at first so they went to a bar and along he way met the Voscija. Friends knew Lyoth and they reconnected. Lyoth and Stawren had a pleasant meal with the bartender and his partner. It was a convivial time. Getting back to the safe house they finally met SuokI and updated him. They have one last, difficult component to collect.
  9. In 1980 a large hole in the ozone layer was discovered over Antarctica. It was determined that this hole was created due to the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that were used in aerosol spray cans, refrigerators, air conditioners, and fire extinguishers, as well as carbon tetrachloride that was used in paints, adhesives, degreasers, and paint removers, to name a few. In 1987 the Montreal Protocol was adopted, which limited the production and use of these products and the hole in the ozone layer has been shrinking slightly every year since then. It is projected that the hole may be closed completely by 2060.
  10. Exactly, it is not Middle Ages, so you have to engage message pigeon to send message! This is really lousy excuse not to contact your boyfriend all summer. And then, reunion like nothing happened...I would have been at least reserved and ask - are we still boyfriends, or friends at least!
  11. Summerabbacat

    Chapter 9

    I am not as angered by Mitch's actions as many of my fellow readers. I recognise he lied to Peter and certainly led him on, but they were not in a relationship (fortunately for Peter), so my reaction is not as furious. What I am really pissed off about on behalf of Peter is that he wasted his money, time, and effort cooking a gourmet meal for that lying, scheming, using, fucker. Peter has been dealt many savage blows in the past, both physical and mental, and in comparison this betrayal by Mitch is barely a blip on his radar. Peter will emerge stronger for the experience, Mitch however may suddenly find himself out of favour with more than one of his friends. I don't think Mitch is very smart. If he is as closeted as he indicated to Peter, he is playing with fire hooking up with guys without much if any forethought. He only has to hook up with the wrong guy, someone who assumes he wants more than a quick fuck, to be outed in an act of revenge. One has to wonder though how much of what he told Peter, and perhaps has even disclosed to his best friend, Bobby, is the truth. His act as the vestal virgin may bely the fact he is a kartrashian, a complete ho. Perhaps you should have named him Kurtis, Kendrick, Kane or Kyler @Al Norris. And finally, when is Uncle George going to admit to his nephew that he too likes cock? For someone who is as book-smart as Peter, he sure is blinkered when it comes to his Uncle at least.
  12. Ozone in the atmosphere absorbs UV light. This reduces human exposure to harmful UV radiation that causes sunburns, skin cancer, and cataracts. The Ozone layer is essential for there to be life on earth.
  13. Ozone is also known as trioxygen or O³. It's a more powerful oxidant than oxygen and concentrations can harm mucus membranes in humans and animals.
  14. And back to me. I'm sensing a theme here, Today is Student Nurse Day and School Nurse Day. For those of you who might work in an office, it's Receptionist Day. This will make some of you happy today. It's National Coca Cola Day. That's Coke, not Pepsi as the drink of the day. While we've all been sleeping the people of Third Shift have been working away.
  15. On Saturdays Fags for Football borrowed a pitch and facilities at a local college (in fact, where Gerard worked) which meant, as one of the guys chatting to Keith beforehand explained, they had proper facilities with working showers. For Tuesdays, however, the borrowed pitch was a lot humbler, and the old clubhouse was little more than a room with a toilet. Still, Keith had received a friendly welcome with Gerard greeting him warmly, which made Keith a bit regretful that he’d not come earli
  16. Celian


    Weeeeeell... as reader you know already what Finley is I was able to update so fast because I have/had some chapters pre-written. But when the storage is empty, you'll have to wait a bit longer, I'm afraid. Thank you!
  17. I continue to enjoy Pahana's journey! He is a very interesting character and appealing, (not just sexually) as all his friends show. I am intrigued by his Hawaiian connection! Looking forward to more story. Thanks.
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