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  2. centexhairysub

    Chapter 9

    Wanda's a bitch after my own heart. Great chapter, can't wait to see what happens next.
  3. Same here. @Marty I hope you'll stop by for a visit soon.
  4. Doha


    I think this is probably true for many of us @drsawzall. It has certainly been true for me.
  5. centexhairysub


    So Dallen found his Hawaiian ancestor and know when know why Kahoni is around; but what is he doing in this neck of the woods? Just happened to be flying by and thought, hey maybe a long-lost relative is in this area, maybe I should stick around? You can have more than one spirit guide but generally not more than one spirit animal. I wonder what Dallen's spirit animal will turn out to be. I think the Ghost Cat and Pueo will be guides but don't think that either will prove to be Dallen's spirit animal, but we will see. Dallen is open to those around him; and no, get your mind out of the gutter, I did not mean in a sexual way. It allows him to draw people to him. I really love Dallen's mother, how about some equal time for his dad? Great job.
  6. I miss Marty too. He's around but never comes by anymore. Loved hearing about his house and garden, and his photography. Hi @Marty
  7. I hope that Heyward is serious about helping Greg, as I think he might not be moving forward in his life as a happy go lucky sort of guy. I have known a man or two over the years that was put through something like that; and it leaves a mark on them. I felt they were being interviewed by Heyward, Vaughn and Dan both, but in slightly different ways. I just can't seem to pin down how I feel about Heyward, in some ways, he has become the central character in this story; but he sleeps into the periphery oh so easily. Vaughn is so much like me in many ways; and a man like him seems to be attracted to and attract men like Dan. There was a series of books written years ago; mostly forgotten I suppose by an author named Gordon Merrick, loved them all. There is a certain feel to this story that reminds me of his work. Really first rate.
  8. I've been to two pride parades as a spectator. Never have I ever flown in a helicopter
  9. drpaladin

    The Troll

    Three deaths and this is only two. At least Crusnik isn't expecting him to come back.
  10. akascrubber


    Things have hit the fan. They are without a plan but know they have to leave and they are so slow to react. The man in black has found Hannah and read her mind. He knows where they are Plus they are clueless and not aware of a probable FBI or secret government interest. When his records are read, the government will want to study and take M apart. Will someone bad show up the next morning?
  11. drpaladin


    Back to The Twilight Zone. The only thing missing is Rod Serling's terse voice. Now the agent knows everything Hannah knows. Will he want the baby now? Where will they go?
  12. Why do you have to use my own made up terms against me?
  13. Well, I guess eating just a few sentient beings are okay. Can't wait to see how this gets handled; but would not mind Grizlop getting a bite taken out of him before they get rid of the problems.
  14. Paladin

    Chapter 9

    Another thoughtful and interesting chapter. I liked that Wanda needed some convincing before accepting the reality of her sons' lives. I can see her being a doting granny. Now for the meeting with Prince George.
  15. BoyLove


    All I can say is "Sh*t has hit the proverbial fan" and all h*ll is about to break loose!🤣 Hopefully they can all survive whats coming!
  16. Well, I know we need to find some to get their blood; but really sounds like they should be avoided at all cost.
  17. Only when that suits you, you Hypocrite
  18. Today
  19. quttzik

    Chapter 9

    Not sure if I have commented in previous chapters, But I’ve been following this story thankfully I’ve never seen the other version some have mentioned. I don’t normally read these types of stories as a matter of fact there are only 3 authors that have kept me reading when I discover vampires, or were creatures or shape shifters… And you sir are one of those 3 authors I have very much enjoyed this series and always on the look out for new chapters thank for sharing your artistic writings with all of us your readers Q
  20. Well, I guess the group that worked for Boris, did not have much of a pension plan and decided that taking Rocky would get them one. That worked out so well. Everyone really handled themselves well, I guess that everyone that Boris hired or in Manny's case, named, can handle more pressure than the usual house help. OMG, middle school, being kidnapped might have been safer.
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