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  2. Hey, Nicky! Um. Well, things with Max are....not bad, but not great, either. I did have a talk with Max, regarding his friend, Michael. The boys had a sleepover last weekend, and something happened between them, which I don't think they were prepared to handle. It wasn't easy getting the information from Max, but apparently....he and Michael kissed each other. They were sitting on the sofa at Michael's house, watching a funny movie. They were laughing so hard that Max fell over with his head on top of Michael's knees, and then they were looking at each other's faces, and then they kissed for, like three seconds. On the lips, not just on the cheek, nose, forehead, etc. They got up and moved to opposite sides of the sofa, not talking, not looking at each other. When the movie was done, they went to bed, and the last thing they said was "Good night." They haven't spoken since. (This is all according to Max.) Oof. I know the boys are very close, and I knew that Max even had a crush on Michael in the past. But I assumed that was in the past. This...I think it's going to take some time to sort through, but it's up to Max and Michael to decide how to proceed. I told Max, "I know you might be feeling embarrassed right now, but Michael is your friend. You'll find a place where you feel comfortable with each other again."
  3. Backwoods Boy


    I understand your difficulty. I'm way behind on the works of @Geron Kees, and there are three other authors I enjoy that haven't received appropriate attention.
  4. Flip-Flop


    I know of his works, but I have so many bookmarks of future reading, that I have been avoiding adding shape-shifting to my list. I sometimes just let favorite authors drag me along with them. I had read your Benji stories from the first one written, so here I am. @Libby Drew also snagged me recently with a similar Indian lore story, and I will happily let @Geron Kees take me wherever he wants to go.
  5. Philippe

    Chapter 18

    So Xavier and crew are all crusty ole great great grand…teens! Cool 😎, imagine more rampant teen bragging . Well back in my day, Rovnar was just a…
  6. I will add my simple congratulations as well. It doesn't earn you anything except the adoration of all the GA members.
  7. If that was like the Tradition English fish and chips, then what they used was malt vinegar. That was one of my favorite meals when I was in England.
  8. JamesSavik

    Chapter 10

    No apology is necessary. Authors shouldn't be blamed for readers' reactions. I've gotten flak for the sex, drugs and rock & roll in my stories, but any description of the 70s and 80s wouldn't be authentic without them. Traumatic situations are what they are. This one just had some similarities to something I went through. I hope good things happen for Jimmy in the story.
  9. Of course! I'd be honored if you did
  10. I had fish and chips with a wonderful vinegar sauce in Seattle. The guy told me the fish was North Sea Cod.
  11. Today
  12. Al Norris

    Chapter 10

    I can see now that I should have put up a warning. I apologize for not doing that. He had another concern as well... Peter finally gets it later on. Maybe... A few more chapters to go, and then you can tell me if that still holds true!
  13. Al Norris

    Chapter 10

    I had to look the guy up! What's strange is that in my head, 'Officer Farley' looked like Granger in his 'Stranger On a Train' role. I find this observation very interesting! Exactly! If you realize that in another person, it is highly dangerous to intercede.
  14. Anton_Cloche

    Chapter 12

    Thank you @J92 for this well written, thoughtful story. It is nice to see that (as far as this story goes) Thomas has a happy ending. If Thomas gets the new financial management position, and if Zack's cancer results are negative, then they have a HEA, but that's the next story. 😉 Or perhaps a "5 years later" epilogue? 🙏
  15. Can I please post this on my classroom door? It’s awesome!
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