Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Summer Job - 43. Dark for Dark Business
This chapter includes drug use and the sexual abuse of minors. Reader discretion is advised.
Please understand that this is PLOT and, not an ENDORSEMENT of the behaviors.
There were lots of groups all over the house, in the pool and in the pool house. Randy, Stevie, Skyler, Mikie and Phillip ended up in their boxers playing Stevie’s card game in Phillip’s bedroom.
Britt and Tanner had brought the game twister with the suggestion that it be played in the skimpiest attire available. That was swimming attire for most of the swimmers and boxers for others. James, Marcus, Luke, Jon-Jon, Ryan, Adam, Patrick and Bryan seemed to be having fun with that.
Someone had brought the Hobbit trilogy on DVD and the balance of the group had settled in to watch. Casey, Kelly, Bobby and Ronny all vanished for a half hour for some inexplicable reason but reappeared and joined the group watching the movie.
At eleven o'clock, Phillip took Mikie for a slow drive by of Chuckle’s house. It was set much like Phillip’s house: the last house at the end of a cul-de-sac with its backyard to the park. There were four nice cars, a pair of BMWs, a Lexus and a Lincoln Navigator, in the driveway. Mikie recorded their license plate numbers. A glow from the backyard was clearly visible. Phillip took a quick picture with his phone.
Mikie said, “It looks like Chuckle’s usual Friday night soirée is just getting under way. All you can see from this side is a few cars. I guarantee you there are at least five or six bikes behind his fence, and there will be more tomorrow.”
Phillip said, “I think it’s time for our recon patrol. What do you think would happen if we brought Cole with us?”
Mikie shrugged and said, “He’ll freak a little that you know about it. I know he’s uncomfortable with the situation. If we hook him up with a weed connection from Randy’s apartments, I think he’d be gone from Chuckles zoo in a flash. Last I heard, Cole was like me and wanted nothing to do with being a sex toy for strangers even for the money.”
Phillip pulled back into his garage, parked and said, “You go round up Owen and Cole and meet me by the pool house. I’ll get my camera and binoculars.”
Mikie said, “Forget the camera. I borrowed Adam’s camcorder. It’s got a good lens, decent lowlight performance, and you can download video from it just like a camera.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had were looking forward to this Mikie.”
Mikie looked grim and said, “I was too scared to do anything about it by myself, but I’ve got someone with me now that’s smart and cares about my friends. Chuckles has done a lot of damage. I am responsible for at least some of it just because I was too scared to say or do anything, so I’m looking for some redemption.”
A few minutes later, Cole, Mikie and Owen joined Phillip by the pool house. There was a faint smell of weed from Kelly, Casey and the Curtis twins earlier erotic adventures.
Cole asked, “What’s the big mystery?”
Mikie said, “We’re going to take a little walk and burn a joint. Are you up for it?”
Cole grinned and said, “Heck yeah.”
Owen said, “Those hills we like to ride are just behind the fence line.”
Mikie took the lead. Once they were past the fence line it was dark, but the surrounding streetlights provided enough light to see by and their eyes adjusted.
The group approached the hills and startled a raccoon. The masked bandit chattered reproachfully and waddled off the trail. It was one continuous ridge with several rounded hills on top. Once on the ridge top, they followed Owen to a tall one that overlooked Chuckles backyard.
Cole whispered, “Shit. I hope they don’t see me. I was supposed to be there and begged off tonight.”
Phillip said, “BadBoyNeedsSpanking needs to blow that party completely off.”
Cole’s eyes widened, and he said, “You know about that?”
Mikie lit a joint, hit it, handed it to Cole and said, “Everybody knows about that. It’s only a matter of time before badges are coming. You don’t want to be anywhere near there when it happens.”
Cole hit the joint and said, “They’ve been pressing me to be one of their whores and I just won’t do it.”
Owen put his arm around Cole and said, “You don’t need Chuckles and his pervs.”
Mikie added, “If you need pervs, you’ve got us, and we’re way better looking.”
Cole looked at Phillip and said, “I can be an awful boy. I need some discipline now and then.”
Mikie said, “We just inducted you in the Gentleman’s Club. You had a taste of every cock in the place. Tell me it’s not better.”
Cole grinned and said, “It is better. There’s no fear or intimidation. You can do what you want and there’s no pressure to... you know.”
Mikie said, “Cards on the table time Cole. No one here will whore you out or pressure you to get fucked. Everybody likes you, and we don’t want to see you get hurt. That’ll happen if you keep hanging with Mr. Farmer.”
Cole pleaded, “But the pictures Mikie...”
Phillip said, “Those pictures will get Chuckles in a hell of a lot more trouble than you’ll be in. It won’t be pleasant. Some people will talk to you, but you’ll be a victim, not the perp and, you’ll have us. We’ll stick with you and, after all, wasn’t a sense of belonging what you got from hanging with them in the first place?”
It was instinct. Phillip, Mikie and Owen all three hugged Cole, and he sobbed. They held him for a few minutes until Cole said, “This is the way out?”
Phillip said, “This is the way out. Come on. Let’s see what Chuckles is up to.”
They got as close as they dared. Phillip looked through the binoculars and could see the deck at the back of the house. Four adult men were sitting in chairs around a table. A boy dressed in only a fancy jock was pouring what looked like Piña coladas for the men. Another boy came out of the house and one of the adults grabbed him and pulled him into his lap. Another man pulled Piña colada boy into his lap.
Phillip whispered, “Are you getting this Mikie?”
Mikie kept using the video camera and raised his thumb.
As they watched, the men bent the boys over the table and started eating their asses. One of the men started to pull his dick out to fuck his boy, but one of the other men stopped him. The group stood and went inside.
Mikie said, “There’s one other thing I want to get.”
The group moved closer to the fence. Mikie took video of the five bikes leaning against the fence.
Mikie said, “I think we have enough. Let’s get out of here.”
Once back in their yard, Mikie produced another joint. They passed it around until it was gone.
Mikie grinned at Phillip and said, “We’re three bad boys and need a spanking. Are you up for it Phillip?”
Surprised, Phillip asked, “You too Owen?”
Owen grinned back and said, “Yeah. It’ll be fun.”
The three miscreants followed Phillip into the bedroom of the pool house and disrobed. Mikie and Cole were wearing nice jocks by Pump. Owen just had on boxers. All three were sporting wood. Phillip was feeling the joint, and he was definitely up for some fun. He slipped out of his shorts and shirts and sat on the edge of the bed in his white jock.
Phillip put a stern edge in his voice and said, “Come here Cole. I understand you’re a bad kinky boy that needs a spanking.”
Cole said, “Yes Daddy I do.”
“Get over my knee bad boy.”
Cole lay across his lap and Phillip began popping his cute skinny bare behind in moderate, measured licks. Cole became more and more aroused with every pop. At twenty, Phillip stopped and pulled Cole into his lap and hugged the older teen close and said, “Now that I’ve warmed you up, why don’t you go find Ike?”
Cole, baking in the affection said, “He had to go home at eleven. This is different. I really like it.”
Owen said, “Bryan went home with Patrick and Adam.”
Mikie said, “That's all Phillip. Chuckles may have been affectionate sometimes, but it was only to get what he wanted. Phillip does it because he really loves us.”
Owen added, “Phillip did that with the Gentleman’s club. You can feel means it.”
Phillip said, “Let your behind cool off a minute, and I’ll give the others a few pops.”
Cole reluctantly agreed. He worked over Owen who liked it and Mikie who almost erupted on his lap.
When he was done, he told Mikie and Cole to sixty-nine. They were a little confused at first but when Phillip started alternating rimming them, their sixty-nine exploded.
When Mikie and Cole were done, he gave Owen a five-star blow job, and they all went back in the house.
As the others joined different groups, Phillip retreated to his study. He pulled up the web mail app he was using and added two pages to his email including the picture from his cellphone of the cars outside Chuckle’s house and their plate numbers. He saved that one as a draft, and created a second email to attach the two videos Mikie had captured. It wasn’t great quality but clearly showed boys who weren’t old enough to vote and sex acts with adults. Technically, it might be considered kiddie porn but, he was sending it as corroborating evidence. Last was the short video that captured the bikes behind the fence which explained how no one ever saw the boys coming and going.
He thought about it hard. No, there were no second thoughts. He pressed send.
He went downstairs to hang out with the boys watching the movie and ended up with Billy, David and Seth all using him as a pillow. Britt was on the other side asleep with Tanner leaning against him.
He was suddenly very, very comfortable.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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