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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Weekly Wrap Up! (May 8 To May 15)

Looks like you guys are stuck with getting the weekly update for me today! I'll try to hit everything, but it might not be the usual format, so bear with me. It's been a busy week with a return to our Premium feature on Wednesday and some extra prompts on Friday, so if you missed out on those, here's another chance to catch up on this week's blog features.   Monday's feature was Timothy M's review of Red Running Shoes, written by Aditus. Timothy says... "Indeed, Red Running Shoes may take the


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Thoughts From A Chinese Funeral

Life, Death, and rituals, there's a lot of things Chinese people do that is strange and alien to many people. In some ways, it is anachronistic and in other ways, it is a sign of cultural longevity.   For 5,000 years, funerals have happened in similar manners for millions of households, if not billions. There's kneeling, ceremonial bowing, a bit of supplicated crawling to the casket, constant chanting and wailing, and lots of origami paper folding plus burning of the folded paper and ghost mon



Nana Is A Little, Sassy German Bitch

Nana is 8 weeks old today and she’s just the little bitch you would expect from a German Shepherd of direct German heritage (her mother was imported from Germany). We’ve been trying to potty train her and she was doing real good for the first few days until she figured out she could pick up her water bowl and carry it across her enclosure spreading water everywhere. We put down Wee Wee Pads, but she turned those into chew toys and there’s no telling how much she swallowed before we just took the



Monster Cookies

Ingredients:   24 oz Peanut Butter 8 C Oatmeal 12 oz Reece's Pieces 12 oz M & M's 1 sm package Chocolate Chips 1 sm pkg Vanilla Chips 2 C Sugar 2 1/4 C Brown Sugar 1/2 lb Butter 6 eggs 4 t Baking Soda 1 T Light Karo Syrup 1 T Vanilla   Directions   Mix together Reeses Pieces, M & M's, Chocolate Chips, & Vanilla Chips - Set aside In a VERY large bowl, mix together sugar, brown sugar, butter, eggs, peanut butter, baking soda, karo syrup, and vanilla. Combine candy mixture with we

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Writing Prompts #498, #499, Poetry Prompt #20, And Special Prompt #1

Happy Friday everyone! And if you didn't notice, it's Friday the 13th to boot! Do you have any Friday the 13th superstitions? If so, let me hear em! Just for fun, I'm going to do a "special prompt" for Friday the 13th, on top of our regular prompts. Since we missed prompts last week, I'm also including the newest Poetry Prompt for you. Have fun writing, and don't forget that prompt responses can be posted in GA Stories, but any under 1K must be posted as part of a collection!   Special Prompt

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

And The Winner Is...

Okay, so not really a surprise for those following the comments, but I'm already plotting things out for the longer story and figuring all the details out that weren't needed for a 1200 word short story but must be cemented to make the paranormal world come alive, so I hope everyone will enjoy it! Thank you to everyone for voting!



Wednesday Briefs: Tell Me What I Should Write

I'm not inspired lately, but I'm constantly asked about expanding older stories by readers, so I thought I'd give everyone a chance to weigh in on what I should write for my next Wednesday Briefers flash story now that No Flash is over. Tell me what you think between these options:   1. Mine: A werekin tale wrought with darkness.   2. Picking Up Strays: A post-apoc tale of mutation and corruption.   3. First Contact: A sci-fi story about the loss of humanity.   4. Blinding Light: ??? Sen



Premium Promo: The Harvest Series

It's been quite a while since we've focused on our Premium stories. While the majority of the site is free, Premium Stories are available to members for a small fee. Premium access can be purchased in increments of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year. We'll take a look at each of the stories that can be found in Premium to give you an idea of what is available. Some of our Premium Stories are part of a series. This go around, I'll be combining stories for those that multiple books in the ser

Ebook Review: Locked By Anyta Sunday

Recognize that name?! Yes, Anyta Sunday was once a very active author on GA, and now she's a successful eBook author. I recently had the chance to read her latest fantasy title and wanted to share my review here as well!   My Review       So it's been quite a few years since I was heavy into fantasy. I enjoy it, but my convoluted plot reading skills have rusted. I had a hard time getting into Locked in the beginning, switching from what read as contemporary to fantasy to some mix o



Music Monday- Summer Of '69 By Bryan Adams

Alright, this is my offer for Music Monday...a nice little uptempto pop rock song about nostalgia and the beauty of youth: Summer of '69 by Bryan Adams   A snippet of this is currently playing on the advertisement screen at my work; I think as part of some classic 80's playlist. I started singing along to it, and my co-worker Devan, who's this funny sarcastic Mormon, looked at me and said, "Well, you can actually remember 1969, can't you?"   Ooh, burn. I flipped him off. Then, I started la



Back To The Grind

Hello Everyone,   First I want to apologize for my long absence. As I have said in man posts and conversations these last few years I have, in addition to working full time, have been taking care of an elderly, sick, relative. This relative passed away in February. Since then I have been assisting my mother and aunt in getting her final affairs settled.   Despite the sadness of m relatives passing my life has reached a period of calm and I am happy to say that I have started writing again,



Featured Story: Red Running Shoes

Monday, Monday, Monday. What could we possibly have for you on a Monday? Oh yeah! We have a new featured story for you. This week, courtesy of Timothy M., we are taking a look at Red Running Shoes by aditus. Remember, if you're reading a story (or have read one) that you'd like to see featured in the blog, simply write a review and send it to me!   Red Running Shoes by aditus   Reviewer: Timothy M Status: Complete Word Count: 72,095   Looking back over

I Think I've Come To An End ...

WARNING: Long entry.   We picked up Nana, our new German Shepherd puppy, on Friday morning and have been enjoying many pleasurable experiences with her. We took her to the vet yesterday and she weighed in at just over 8 pounds. Quite a handful.   A week before last my son sideswiped a Mustang on his way to work and in all likelihood totaled his Expedition, if he had collision insurance on it, which he didn’t. Well, it is a ’99, so there’s not much point in carrying that kind of coverage. Tha



Weekly Wrap Up (May 1 - May 7)

Hi Everyone, a little late today as I was sleeping on the job Renee has taken some much deserved time off and will be back later.   This week in the GA News Blog we had a couple of different posters.   Monday started off the week with Cia announcing the May CSR Feature, London and Love By Carringtonrj. The invite is out to all to read and then review and discuss this 45K story later on in the month. Make sure to add it to your reading lists for this month.   Wednesday, I made a special ap


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Obscure Oldie- "fascination" By The Human League

The Human League were an 80's British synthpop band, best known for their 1982 monster hit, "Don't You Want Me." They had some other, lesser-known songs, including this top 10 hit from 1983:     Man, Phil Oakley rocked the hell out of the 80's androgynous look. And this is just a song that would be fun as hell to dance to.   The thing of note about them is that the two female back-up singers/dancers were just ordinary teenaged girls that Phil found dancing at a night club, and asked h



Ga's Newest Signature Author: Cole Matthews

This week's prompts have been preempted for a special announcement. We encourage you to pick any of our older prompts you might have missed to work on this week.   Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Cole Matthews on becoming GA's newest Signature Author! Cole joined our site in July 2013 and was promoted to Promising Author in May 2014. Since joining, Cole has posted 25 stories including fan favorites The Art of Being Gay, Button, and Porcupines. Cole also won 1st place in


A.J. in News Archive

Not Meant To Be (Free Verse)

NOT MEANT TO BE   You wanted to talk about the night sky And the moonlight on the lake While he was swatting at a mosquito on his leg And wondering when you’d shift Your head heavy with poetry That was causing pins and needles in his arm



Contemplating Water (Free Verse)

CONTEMPLATING WATER   It rained all night, turning windows into water features and water features into windows onto the nature of water.   But this was largely a futile display because most people weren’t awake to reflect on it.   I, however, stood at my bedroom window at two in the morning and still at four, curtains pulled back, all the house lights off, contemplating the fact that, of all the kinds of precipitation, rain is my favourite. I prefer its honest simplicity over the self-cons




Blue believer muffin pockets thigh huggers knee rippers skinny where skinny counts round where round cuffs the guy with blueberry jeans



Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

On the site for the last while there have been discussions with the members on the public forums as well as privately in our Staff forum about the use of pictures and what is allowed on GA and what isn’t.   As a site we strive very much on keeping most of GA free for all our members and guests. Our main revenue streams are Premium Membership and ad revenue from Google Ad Sense. Our Premium members contribute monthly or yearly to help defray the server costs as well as the helping to run the po


wildone in News Archive

I Know What You Did

I know what you did.   It was a big mistake to leave me alive.   You tried to kill me but like a poor workman, you botched the job.   I begged you not too but you just laughed.   My family didn't matter.   Nothing mattered but you, your ego and your duplicity. You took it all.   There was however a complication. I survived.   For a while I didn't want to. I'm not sure how but I found a way.   It wasn't easy and someday I will be sure to thank you for that.   You really couldn



May C S R Feature: London And Love By Carringtonrj

May already! Have you been enjoying the CSR features and interviews so far this year? Or have you been slacking on your reading? Well don't worry, each month you have a new chance to enjoy a story by one of the great authors posting on GA. This month we're featuring CarringtonRJ's London and Love. This 45k contemporary story might be just up your alley!   London and Love by CarringtonRJ   Length: 45,592   Description: Tony is apprehensive about being sent to London for a y

An Act Of Pretense

Some Thoughts on Writing (gleaned from minimal experience and maximum exposure)   THE NATURE OF A WRITER If you wish to locate writers in the universe of Venn diagrams, you must first locate the circle marked ‘crippling self-doubt’ and then find where it overlaps with the space for ‘absolute narcissism’. That’s where Art lives. This realization comes at a cost to the aspiring writer. Any good writer is an avid reader – this elementary relationship is always pointed out whenever an author who’s



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