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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass
  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Coming Soon To A Theatre Near You, "the Faggot"

As far as I am concerned the only sure therapy to a psychologically troubled mind is to have a productive hobby and to practice it on a regular basis. Medicinally, I am stable with an effective mood stabilizer and an anti-depressant specifically developed to treat depression associated with bipolar disorder.   That leaves my hobby which is writing. I’ve tried to learn how to play the guitar, even to the point of buying one for $800 (actually getting it on sale for $400), but that’s basically a




Drowning   Blue… blue… many shades of blue Some green mixed with some grey Surprise mixed with sadness Awe separated from jealousy A serene perfection of existence   From beneath the mirror looking up towards the heavens of the mid day sky Azure longings turning into height of disdain And broken hearts bleed poisonous green Pus-sy yellow disbelieving the lie of red Will you be my valentine behind the water curtain?   A solitary kiss of rainbow emotions Burning through my skin of deceit Mor



July Signature Excerpt: Light Reaches Earth By Comicality

Did you catch Monday's post with Comicality's favorite reviews from Light Reaches Earth? Didn't get the graphic for your signature? You can still check it out here. Now we're going to feature Comsie's chosen excerpt.   Comicality says... "This story was written for one of the GayAuthor Anthologies, and I really wanted to tell a story with a science fiction edge to it, but mostly existed as an emotionally involving tale of true connection and self discovery. No sexual content needed. Just a nar


Cia in Signature Feature

Health Update

I've been having 'female issues' since the beginning of the year and recently underwent some updated testing. About three months ago, I had an ultrasound that showed a small, septated cyst on my left ovary. I also had a cervical polyp that was removed during the examination. Septated means segmented, and as far as cysts go, that is generally not good. The plan of action was to wait 2-3 months and have a repeat ultrasound. Well, the repeat ultrasound showed that it had doubled in size, so I was t



July Signature Feature: Light Reaches Earth By Comicality

Comicality's Light Reaches Earth is an intriguing take on the theme "Out of This World" from the 2010 anthology. Have you read it? Well maybe this will make you want to! Did you know it's also an eBook? If you want to share your love for Comsie's story, there's a signature ad below for you to download.     Length:16,722   Description: Riley Jordan is a teen at a group home for boys. Disturbed and confused by his newfound feelings for someone of the same sex, he continues to hide it


Cia in Signature Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (July 10 -- July 16)

Howdy Partners Today is the last day of stampede, so I shall be putting away my Cowboy hat, boots and buckle for another year   Today I want to start the blog off by announcing the Love is Love Anthology is now been published and available for download or purchase of hard copies. Since the tragedy in Orlando, many great Authors and Poets combined together to make an Anthology to bring some hope out of the darkness and celebrate something everyone has in common, Love. Lots of our own Authors


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

So, This Happened

We're in a little bit of a tail spin over here.   In March of this year we were asked if we'd consider adopting our foster child as his mother wasn't doing what she needed to. We said yes and we've been laying the groundwork since then. So you understand, this mother has had 10 years with this child. She is a meth addict who will not cooperate with treatment to get sober. She repeatedly breaks rules, something she taught her son by example, by calling our home, showing up at his school repeate



The King Of Swords: Director's Cut

The King of Swords   '   "Where on earth did you find that?" Andy pulled a card out of the file. It was Tarot card with an Arabic looking man's face and name. The card was the King of Swords.   Gorman got a far away look in his eye. Andy knew that look. For a just moment he was somewhere else.   "It was in 2004 in the big sandbox. Do you remember Saddam's mutts on the playing cards?"   "I was in grade school but, yeah. I remember."   "Saddam was the ace of spades. Uday was the ace o



***out Now*** Love Is Love Poetry Anthology: In Aid Of Orlando's Pulse Victims And Survivors

Blurb   LOVE IS LOVE Poetry Anthology A collection of poems written by over fifty authors in aid of the victims and survivors of the Orlando Pulse Attack. On June 12, 2016, the most horrendous mass shooting in US history and an unfathomable act of hate was directed at the LGBT community in Orlando. The horror of this tragedy reverberated around the world, leaving millions shocked and appalled at the senseless violence that destroyed so many innocent lives. In a display of solidarity with the v

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Writing Prompts #514 & #515

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing! Prompt 514 – Creative Tag – First Line “Where on earth did you find that?” Prompt 515 – Creative Tag – Fairy Tale This morning you woke up and

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Is The C Word Still Offensive?

Okay, so I know on the main forum, we can't say cunt. I think we can on our blogs? Anyway, the other day, this dude called these women cunts on another board. They didn't even seem offended. The took the word, cunt, as a compliment. What the fuck? My uncle once tossed his son out of a god damn window for calling his mom that. Is this word even considered offensive anymore, or have the Aussies corrupted the rest of the English-speaking world. https://www.buzzfeed.com/bradesposito/outrageous-words



So, What Have I Learned About Relationships?

I tried dating someone older and for a while it was fun. He was mature, thoughtful, understanding, considerate, and let's face it sex was amazing. He had the experience and I had the energy to go extra innings, let's leave it at that.   So what ruined it:   A simple call to his cell raised a few questions and things just happened from there, you can fill in the blanks. I didn't know he was married to a woman, who he later professed he had no love for, but they had kids. That was a double wha



The Hello Project

I personally believe that the sickness in our society, the one which leads to the upwelling of depression, anxiety, violence, and bigotry, is rooted in the same cause for all symptoms. Terry Pratchett put it bluntly when he said, “Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things.”   Others have expressed the same sentiment in different ways. A famous saying, usually attributed to the current Dalai Lama, is “People were created to be loved, and things were created to be used. The reason



Featured Story: A To Z

I hope everyone had a great weekend, but now it's time to start off a new week. A great way to start the week is to take a look at a story that can be found on Gay Authors. Today's feature is A to Z by Parker Owens. Aditus was nice enough to provide us with this great review. If you haven't already done so, maybe it will inspire you to take a look. If you do, don't forget to leave Parker some reviews. Enjoy!   A to Z by Parker Owens   Reviewer: Aditus Status

Weekly Wrap Up (July 3 - July 9)

Howdy, I hope you are all enjoying the weekend I know I am, and I know Renee is as she is off camping!   Monday brought us our Monthly CSR feature from Cia. For July it will be featuring the story The Window Washer by Zenith. I might have to look at this one as the short description has piqued my interest.   Being the first Wednesday of the month we got another look into the minds of some or your favourite authors with Dark's monthly Ask an Author spot! This month Dark grilled popular autho


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Most Memorable Lgbt Short

I saw this around 18-19, when I was surfing the web for gay related items. It was part of a series of Shorts called Boys' Brief 2 from 2002   It still haunts me today at how dark and how tragic this kid's life will eventually become, continuously searching for "him", his abuser through pain and sufferring in a perverse need to be with the same abuser's grasp:   http://www.veoh.com/watch/v20430786JdHB7hkx   The Director/Creator of the short is now a Director for Game of Thrones   Here's m



Ask An Author #40

I can't believe it's already July and that the year is half over!!! Not only that, but it's the first Wednesday of the month, which can only mean one thing. It's time for another Ask An Author feature provided to us by Dark. If you have questions you want to ask your favorite authors, but don't want to ask the questions yourself, you can always send your questions to Dark for inclusion in the Ask An Author feature.   Ask an Author #40   Welcome back to another quirky question and answe

Question On Sexual Health: Do Not Look If You Are Under 18

GA authors write a lot about LGBT community and we do write about sex, in different degrees, but we have no area in the forum for sex questions or advice due to the possibility of younger kids getting into it and violating site rules.   This is probably an innocent health question as it relates to me and my current sexual partner, but I do feel like I have to be discreet about it and will not post it to the general forum, and I will use spoiler tags to add a level of discretion.   Here goes



Botanical Garden, Tenerife, Puerto De La Cruz

In 1788, Carlos III of Spain decided that he wanted some of the exotic plants, flowers and trees from his territories in South and Central America brought over to adorn his palace in Madrid. Trouble was the flora needed a stop-off point to become acclimatized to their new environment. The Canary Islands, with their sub-tropical climate, seemed the ideal choice, so Carlos drew up a Royal Decree on August 17th of that year declaring the establishment of an "acclimatization garden" in Puerto de La



July C S R Feature: The Window Washer By Zenith

It's July! Who's staring out the window to the outside world full of blistering sun or frozen wasteland? Most of us, I think! So why don't you occupy yourself and enjoy The Window Washer by Zenith. This contemporary story has the power to take you out of your world and into theirs to enjoy Jerome and Rob's story.   The Window Washer by Zenith   Length: 40,043   Description: Jerome, a bored accountant, and Rob, a window washer, meet under surprising circumstances.   A Rea

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