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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Not Just The Man In The Van By Daniel Norris

I thought with the start of baseball season going, the baseball fans here might get a kick out of an article that Detroit Tigers player Daniel Norris wrote, about what the sport means to him. He's best known as the guy who lives in his van during his off-season.   "More Than Just the Man in the Van" by Daniel Norris   I'm a sucker for free spirits who don't really go for the conventional life, and I really like this guy. I'm not a baseball fan, but he's a pretty cool guy. And so self-assure



New Story

I've begun work on a new story, a Sci-Fi/Fantasy story. I won't begin posting until it's completed, beta read, and edited. Word of caution, it could take a while. In the mean time, I will continue to develop The Field of Love and at some point, merge it into Trials and Tribulations.   I hope I don't disappoint.   Billy

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

April Signature Feature: Pour Me Another By K.c.

This month we're featuring K.C.'s Pour Me Another. This story was the Reader's Choice Award winner for a Promising Author back in 2013. Why don't you give it a read and find out why it won? (Hint... a lot of people looooved it!)     Length: 78,802   Description: ***Winner of the 2013 Readers Choice Awards for the Best Story by a Promising Author *** The city is full of all kinds of people. Being a bartender, Asher Burkhart has seen them all. Atleast he thinks has until Michael Wat


Cia in Signature Feature

World Building 1 - The Introduction

This blog is primarily targeted towards speculative fiction writers. Whether that's epic sword and sorcery fantasy, grim near-future sci-fi noir, far future space opera, or any where in between. But there are specific cases and techniques which are useful to anyone who is writing any sort of fictional product.   What is world building?   At its very core world-building is about making decisions about your setting. A series of truths that define the interactions between your characters and th



Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 3 - Apr 9)

I hope everyone has had a great week! If you ever miss what's happened in the news blog, you can always tune into the Weekly Wrap Up to find out what you missed. Thank you to everyone who responded to my plea for reviews. Don't forget, if you've read a story that you'd like to see featured in the blog, send me a PM. I use one or two reviews a month, so it might take a bit for your review to show up, but it's great to have reviews waiting in the wing, and at least eventually your favorite stories

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Springsteen @ North Carolina

Bruce Sprinsteen has cancelled his upcoming show in North Carolina. He claims fighting bigotry and prejudice is more important than a rock show. I fell in love with him in 1976 when I went to a concert in the school gym. I'm a fan of his music but even more I'm a fan of his political activism.   http://brucespringsteen.net/

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday

Prompt Me! #490 & #491

It's time for new prompts! You were probably beginning to think they were never going to go up, but here they are! And guess what! We also have a new poetry prompt in the forums. Have you checked it out? If not, don't worry, we've included it to make things easier for you. Don't forget, prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Prompt 490 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story : A man’s ring, a dish rag, a pillow, a snake, and a ticket

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ask An Author #38

Seems like I'm constantly behind lately, but never fear, I didn't forget! For those who have been waiting, here's this months' Ask An Author feature that has been provided to us by Dark! Thank you, Dark, and all the authors who participated and the readers who asked the questions in the first place. Hopefully you enjoy this month's contribution!   Ask an Author #38   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #37, we had questions

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Anthonin Scalia's School

So is it true, after receiving an anonymous $30 million donation, they wanted to rename the George Mason School of Law to honor the recently deceased justice?   And the name chosen was the Antonin Scalia School of Law.   ASSOL or, I suppose, ASSLaw to avoid embarrassment.   Shit! You can't make this stuff up!



The Big Picture

The Big Picture has always been where my focus lies. I have a tendency to gloss the details. Of course, to obtain any sort of success in school, in my professional work, I had to curb the tendency to overlook the details. Teachers, bosses, clients…they are all about the details. The big picture was secondary. The big picture was the concluding paragraph of the essay, I learned, never the meat of the essay. The essay’s substance must have details. Nonetheless, I continue to be drawn towards grand



April C S R Feature: Dean Warner Intrigues By Daddydavek

April already! Spring is coming to some parts of the northern hemisphere (my local forecast has a record-breaking 85!) but other parts are still snowing. The southern hemisphere is moving into fall and equally capricious territory... so you know what you could do? Stay inside and beat the heat OR cold by reading this month's CSR.   Dean Warner Intrigues by Daddydavek   Length: 62,293   Description: A bullet crashes into Dean's room and the intrigue starts.   A Reader Sa

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 27 - Apr 2)

I know, I'm running a little late getting this out today, but better late than never, right? So, without further delay, here's what happened this week in the GA News Blogs.   March C S R Discussion Day: Short Stories By Renee Stevens - Monday was the discussion day for my three short stories: Friends First, Line of Sight, and More Than a Pact. Hope y'all enjoyed it!   2016 Summer Anthology - Wicked Games - Due June 26Th - For our Wednesday post, I used the blog for the Summer Anthology annou

Mississippi On My Mind

When I think of Mississippi these things come to mind: William Faulkner (my favorite author); the Brookhaven distribution centers for McLane (the best in the company) and Walmart; the small, independent truck stop in Bogue Chitto (with a name like that what's not to remember); the Petro truck stop in Jackson (where the lot lizard exposed her (his?) miniscule breasts to prove she was a woman); the fish processing plant outside Indianola where I had to wait ten hours (federal rest time) for my loa



Patriots' Day And Religion In British America

Although I don't live in a state that recognizes Patriots' Day, I decided to make it my first blog post. If you don't know what this holiday is, don't worry; it's only celebrated in Massachusetts and Maine on the anniversary of the first battles of the Revolutionary War.   Well, then, what does this have to do with religion? So, the other day a commercial came on the radio in my car that 'clarified' that either Thomas Jefferson or George Washinton (I forget which, at the moment) called for a '



Prompt Me! #488 & #489

I can't believe it's already April. And since it's the 1st of April, guess what that means? April Fools Day!!!! Anyone had any great pranks played on them so far today? Played any pranks on anyone else? What is the best prank that was ever played on you OR that you were a part of? Enquiring minds want to know!!!! While you think on that, I guess it's time to take a look at the prompts for this week!   Prompt 488 – Creative Tag – First Line “Please come quickly. I’m afraid to be here alone!”  

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Thoughts Before Teaching

In eight hours, I'll be inside a science classroom, watching my new patron teach and taking copious notes about how to do the same when my turn comes. The main thought I've been having during all of the long spring break is "how did this happen?"   Not the teaching part. I gathered that would happen when I went to teacher college and graduated with a bachelor of education degree. That part makes sense. But how did I go from being a political scientist, political activist and former candidate t

Hunter Thomson

Hunter Thomson

Gay Song Five – Bing Crosby Goes ' Gay For Pay '

Gay Song Five – Bing Crosby goes 'Gay for Pay'   Note: for this series of postings, the term 'Gay Song' refers to music written to/for/by or about Gay men or women. A second category also deals with music identified as Gay because it speaks to the heart of the Gay Experience.   So to make this easier, I will call them Gay in the 1st Degree (to/for/by/about), or Gay in the 2nd Degree (like Judy Garland singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow).   ---   Gay in the 2nd degree is Bing Crosby's glo

AC Benus

AC Benus


So I was searching for stuff to actually do over summer because i'mma have 14 weeks with not much to do.   Then i saw a thing for a summer school in London, and I applied. And I gots it!   I'm going to be an Arts Activity Leader (Drama, Art, Music) at a centre in central London - and I get accomodation! A whole summer in London How amazing is that gonna be?   Also, they asked me to interview for a Management position - which is scary. They've asked me to interview for Welfare and Accomod

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Moving On

I hadn't realized it's been 3 years since I updated this blog.   If you didn't know, I moved back home to Alaska in 2013. I was at my parents' place in Anchorage for about a month before I shipped out to a little place called Chevak. About a 30-minute plane ride from the Bering Sea, I taught at a one-building school housing grades pre-K to 12th. My responsibility was science, grades 8-12.   I enjoyed myself for the most part, but the job there was stressful and a 7-day a week position,



Play Safe Please

Well, some of you guys know I had a job change. Part of my job is to change primary care physicians for people who request them. Today I received a report from a county hospital system, and on that short report, there were two people changed their primary doctor to one that specialized in HIV/AIDS (and that doctor doesn't accept anybody else, so it's not your typical family doctor). I've not even worked for this place for a month, and I already saw three people admitted to the HIV/AIDS depart



Gaycation: Lgbt Around The World

Okay, so I just started watching this documentary series by VICE called Gaycation. It follows Ellen Page and her friend as they travel around the world exploring different countries LGBT culture.   It only has four episodes so far (Japan, Brazil, Jamaica, and the USA). I watched the Japan episode, and my goodness, I found it really interesting Ellen explored the LGBT club scene in Tokyo, the fujoshi culture (female fans of yaoi), the general attitude towards homosexuality, daily life for a ga

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

March C S R Discussion Day: Short Stories By Renee Stevens

Did you have a chance to read Renee's three chosen short stories for this month's CSR? No? Well why not? Go, read now! You can do it, but make sure you come back here and leave a thought or two on what you read or Renee's writing in general. First, though, we have an interview to share with our very own site Blog Host, Anthology Coordinator, and Signature Author!   Friends First Line of Sight More Than A Pact   Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Cute Valedictorian Speech

This video was quite refreshing after I had just watched the Anderson Cooper multi-part report on how ex-gay therapy ruined someone's life.     Not I am saying Anderson's very professionally done journalism was bad (it is wonderfully executed), but I felt this innocuous, shy boy made a more positive impact in the direction of convincing there is nothing wrong being gay.   The boy is so cute in a nerdy sort of way.   He wasn't even trying to make a crusade. He just wanted to deliver



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