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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack
  • Valkyrie

    2025 Anthology - Creature Feature - Guidelines

    By Valkyrie

    I'm super excited about this year's theme!  There are so many possibilities.... Do I go with a cute fluffy kitty?  Or maybe a fire-breathing dragon?  Or an army of Norse penguins fighting Canadian otters?   It's a good thing there's a lot of time before the deadline, although with my prowess at procrastinating, I probably won't start till the week it's due   The guidelines for this year's anthology are posted below.  So now that we know the theme and the parameters... start writing!  

Adding “And then the murders began” to your story opening

I saw this floating around social media today and thought it would be a humorous exercise for GA authors to participate in.   http://www.boredpanda.com/and-murders-began-first-line-book/?page_numb=1   "The opening line of a book is extremely important, as it has to be intriguing and powerful enough to capture the reader's imagination. Then, the second line has to intensify the intrigue. Coming up with these lines can be pretty difficult, yet one writer came up with a second l



March C S R Discussion Day: Crave by LitLover

Did you have a chance to read LitLover's scifi vampire novel, Crave? Maybe read it again if you were a fan when LitLover first posted the story? Hopefully you enjoy it and have lots of comments or questions ready to ask! But first, I have an interview with her to share... apparently she's never had to talk about herself that much! LOL     What action would your name be if it was a verb? Hmm, well if my name were a verb it would be daydreaming.  I’m always being accused of da


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

In The Dark

In the dark I'll be your light, When you’re weak I'll be your mite, When you’re blind I'll help you see, I'll be there if you need me too be.   When you cry I'll wipe your tears, If you’re scared I'll rid your fears, I'll speak the truth-What you need to here, Look into my eyes-I'll be your mirror.   When you’re lost I'll help you find your way, When were together it will be okay, When you call I'll be at your side, I’m always



Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 19 - Mar 25)

It has been a very busy week here at Gay Authors. While the site upgrade has been completed, the staff is still working on all the little bugs that can happen with such a major switch. Please be patient, and if you find what you believe to be a bug, PLEASE check to see if it's already been reported and answered. We have a bug report thread specifically for reporting bugs. Some questions are being asked repeatedly and the staff is doing their best to answer, so help us by checking to see if your

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

April Fools Guess Who!

Have you been inwardly guessing which April Fools Contest entries were written by which author. With the voting for the contest over, it's time for the GA members to try and guess who wrote what! The "reveal" will occur on April 1st, so try and get your guesses in before then. The only prize for this game is bragging rights, if you guess more right then anyone else. Remember, only one story was allowed per author.   Author List MacGreg Puppilull W_L Valkyrie Pa

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Fun Stuff

Thoughts on Upgrade Bugs

I thought I would take the opportunity to explain some of these glitches and bugs we're all enjoying. First and foremost, the forum software version 4.0.0 was a complete rewrite from the ground up that converting our existing data to work in the version.  This has happened before, because we started on version 1.1 back in 2003.  That's years before Facebook, for you Millennial.  This is a lot of baggage from issues over the years and things glitch.  Indeed, we experienced a bunch of issues


Myr in Business

Saturday Morning, This One Anyway

Some of you may know of my recent passion. Well Michael, writing, poetry- those are given, but this is about food and my latest and possibly most favourite gadget. Not sure if that is a fair name for this machine because it's amazed me from day one. Frankly it's a pressure cooker, a good one, and very safe one, invented or maybe reinvented by a Canadian. I like that, so i put it in here.  I am talking about the Instant Pot.    No I'm not a food blogger (okay, i am today) and I bought a



Anthology Discussion Day - March 2017

Sorry all, I know that we missed out on the February discussion day for the current anthology. Before we get started, a quick reminder that the deadline to get your votes in for the April Fool's Short Story Contest is 2:00 PM EST TODAY. The themes for the Spring anthology are Jagged Edges and Unintended Consequences and the deadline to get your story to the Anthology Proof Team is April 30th. So, let's get this discussion started! Feel free to answer any of the questions, all of the questions, a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Writing Prompts #566 & #567

And the prompts are BACK! With all the site upgrade stuff going on last week, we didn't do any prompts, but this week we're back on schedule and it's time for a couple new prompts from the prompt guru Comicfan. Just remember that to post in GA Stories, prompt responses under 1,000 words have to be posted as part of a collection. And don't forget to share a link to your prompt response in the appropriate forum thread so that it just might appear in next week's blog post.      

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Two Poems

Becoming Poets   You and I, we have a strong bond Like brothers, like lovers; We disgust the world with our vain perversions, our inane attachment with the word and the seas of heresy part at our command revealing the shells of untruths hiding beneath the silt of social justice. Ecstasy beyond judgement is what we share in the binding fallacy of corporeal pain battling to win over the spirit. Our ascension begins at the alter of ego. Broken down



Up On The Massage Table

I Heat up the oil Your hands are cold and dispassionate Let the oil's warmth seep up your unconscious  Making you more malleable to touch Figures created out of mud and ludicracy Break not the chain of bondage of eternal servitude of lust   II I didn't buy you I can't, because you can't buy humans anymore  I just bought your services for the night A few hours of relaxation  I couldn't buy you but I wish I



Snowflake, A Love Story: Full Musical Outline

Various Artists   Angel In The Snow - A-ha (Brian's Love Song; Main Theme) Snowflake - Kate Bush (Snowflake's Theme) Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap (Jimmy's Theme) Euphoria - TV Mania (Sabrina's Troubles) Instant Crush - Various Covers of Daft Punk  (The Struggle of Love At First Sight)  Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order (Love is Complicated) Love Comes Quickly - Pet Shop Boys (Jimmy's Mulberries) Love's Easy Tears - Cocteau Twin



Sneak Peek - The Pack

Finding Each Other   The air was warm and the moon was bright. Fifteen year old Aidan McKenna was laying in the grass with his pack, relaxing after a run. There was no better feeling in the world in the young shifter’s opinion. Taking a deep breath he savored the familiar scents that filled the air. The grass and dirt, the forest filled with animals. The personal scents of his closest pack mates and family. The fresh baked pie smell of his mother, the warm leather of his father. Aidan sat up



March's Classic Author Feature: In the Fishbowl by Dom Luka

This month's feature is a little different. With the upgrade, we didn't feature any reviews on Monday, but I've also changed up the format for the typical Signature Feature, since this month we're featuring a Classic Author. The fun part is that I had a site member nominate a classic author and story that they really wanted to share with others. Read on to find out why Valkyrie picked In the Fishbowl by Dom Luka, and how she decided on the excerpt to share!     Valkyrie says


Cia in Classic Feature

Writing POC

Over on Twitter, I follow some authors who are strong advocates of writing characters who are people of color. There are some strong opinions about this, and the general message I'm hearing is this:    1. There should be more characters who are people of color because (i) this is more representative of the real world (where not everyone is Caucasian), and (ii) readers who are people of color should be able to read stories about characters who look like them.  2. It is difficult fo

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew


Girls with Anxiety   I little diddy someone posted on facebook that really spoke to me. It was like that thing that I wish everyone understood and saw and thought when they see me.  Like for those days when you just want to grab someone and shake them and yell at them, "can't you see how hard I'm trying!"   Of course, same thing can be said about "boys with anxiety" i would like it best if it was "people with anxiety". But this will do.    I work in retail



Not That Strong

Every time my broken heart beats I feel the shards press against my skin Every time I breathe I feel the poison in my lungs Every time I close my eyes I see your smiling face   And I'm not that strong I can’t take the pain I know one day I will move on I'm going to get over you But for right now I'm scared and lost And I just don't know what to do   I remember all the things you said The way you looked into my so



Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 12 - Mar 18)

Hey y'all! Hope everyone is having a great end of the week. While we didn't have the regular site blog features, this past week was a very busy one here at Gay Authors. On Friday, the site was upgraded to the current forum software, and we also upgrade to Stories 2.0. As with any major site change, there are bugs to be found and fixed and we are working on getting the kinks smoothed out. If you find what you believe to be a bug, share it with us in the Bug Collection thread. Prior to posting, pl

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Logan- tu quoque mortale

I went to see Logan. What I expected was a bloody action gore-fest without a great deal of depth. What I saw was a bloody action gore-fest with much greater depth than I expected. This was Logan in his finest hour as we've never seen him. This is Dr. X and Wolverine as we've never seen them: old, alone and vulnerable. It is difficult to see them that way. I shall not give away any spoilers but these are not the invulnerable characters they once were. Old age has, as it will a



Yeah, Time To Grow Up

When I first got my current job teaching, I decided this was going to be an ultimatum year. I had decided that if I didn't like teaching at this new school within the first couple months, I was going to leave education for good and sell my soul to corporate America for a bigger paycheck. My college background isn't formally in education, but my work experience at various teaching/mentoring jobs before was enough to get me in the door to teach temporarily. I liked doing it, but wasn't really sure



Sneak Peek - The Pack

The Pack - multi-chapter, wolf-shifters I have been working on this for so long, it is my baby, my one true love. It won't be posted until I have the plot flushed out a bit more. But I have lots of teasers for it.   The myth behind the wolves   The Morrígan worked very closely with groups of men called männerbund, these groups were made up of young warrior hunters who lived on the borders of society and indulged in lawless acts. Often, she enlisted these groups to assist her in her plots



A Fresh Start?

I've been thinking about getting a tattoo.   That may seem like a strange opening sentence, considering my five-and-a-half year absence from GA, but I guess it'll do. I can always go back and edit it later.   Anyway, back to the tattoo. I've been tossing around the idea of getting a tattoo down my right forearm (my writing hand), with the first line of the very first story that I ever attempted to write on GA. I won't bore you with the details, as I doubt any of you will remember it, but I d



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