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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 20 - Mar 26)

HAPPY EASTER!   I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. For those celebrating Easter, what are your plans for today? I'm hoping to go fishing for the first time this year! The Weekly Wrap Ups are a great time to take a look back and see what you may have missed this week in the GA New's Blog. We also tend to throw in a few reminders here and there. This reminder is that the CSR Discussion Day for Renee Stevens' (hehe, that's me) short stories will happen tomorrow, March 28th! Hope to see

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

German Shepherds And The Story

Right now the neighbors have gone and left their GSD out on their back deck (enclosed). It is crying and howling because of their absence. Although Rambo nipped me this morning because I touched his food bag, I still love him and I suppose that’s the difference between them and us. Rambo’s crate is right here in the house and he can get to it whenever he needs to go to his “place”, while the neighbor’s GSD has its crate on the back deck, so its “place” is on the other side of a normally close do



Prompt Me! #486 & #487

Who's ready for a couple of new prompts? Can't believe it's already the last Prompt Me for March. This year just seems to be flying by. Remember, if your prompt response is less than 1,000 words, it can be posted in GA Stories as long as it's part of a collection. Now, let's see what comicfan has for you this week. Prompt 486 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story : tulips, broken mirror, torn jeans, cup of coffee, and an apple. Prompt 487 – Creative Tag – The Doctor

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Author Promo: Cia

It's time for another author promo! If you'd like to promo your own work, take a look at the thread for guidelines and then PM me. For this month, our featured promo spot is for Cia. There were three questions that Cia had to answer for each story. The questions were What gave you the idea for this story? What was your favorite thing about writing this story? & Please tell us something about this story that is not already in the description. As a Signature Author, Cia also had the option of

From The Cup Of The Worthless - Now Available On Kindle!

A short time ago, I received the cover art I'd commissioned for "From The Cup of The Worthless", and went ahead with my original plan of publishing it on Amazon. It's now available through Kindle, for anyone who would like a copy. For those unfamiliar with the story, here's a brief description:   Family isn’t only a matter of blood, and sometimes the only blood required is that shed in defense of those you consider family. In the world of organized crime, the family you belong to is everything




I don't search for a lot of inspiration and motivation in my day to day life as I write. I just try to do the best job I can to tell a story that will make others feel what the characters and story have to say. As I was taking a break to enjoy a snack before striving to finally finish my latest contemporary novella, I was struck by the perfect quote to what I want this story, and all my writing, to embody. This is the epitome of what I'm trying to do... and it was right there on the lid of my yo



Featured Story: Premium Stories

It has been quite a long time since we've looked at Premium Stories. Gay Authors has always managed to remain free to it's members, one of the ways that it has managed to do so is through it's Premium Subscribers. Members choose to help support the site and keep it going by purchasing Premium Content which consists of a number of stories that are only available on the site by purchasing Premium.   1 Month ~ $8.10 3 Months ~ $24.00 6 Months ~ $47.00 12 Mont

Gay Song Four – Rolling Stones

Gay Song Four – Rolling Stones   Note: for this series of postings, the term 'Gay Song' refers to music written to/for/by or about Gay men or women. A second category also deals with music identified as Gay because it speaks to the heart of the Gay Experience.   So to make this easier, I will call them Gay in the 1st Degree (to/for/by/about), or Gay in the 2nd Degree (like Judy Garland singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow).   ---   "I'm a lonesome schoolboy, and I just came into town" is h

AC Benus

AC Benus

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 13 - Mar 19)

I hope everyone had had a great week! For this week, let's get right into the wrap up!   March Signature Feature: Damphir By Nephylim: It was Signature Week this week and we started out with a quick look at Damphir by Nephylim. Check out what some readers had to say, and there's also a banner in there if you'd like to show your support for Nephylim.   March Signature Excerpt: Damphir By Nephylim: We continued the week by actually giving you a look inside of Damphir with an excerpt. Based on

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Uninformed Musings On Shkreli, Wall Street, Funds

I haven’t been round these parts for ages. Haven’t been reading or writing much for that matter. This is an overdue post on a topic that’s out of the headlines now but I figured I’d drop this here anyway.   As a practice, I pay scant attention to the daily news. Reasons for this range from the pragmatic to the political to the philosophical, but for now my deliberately uninformed existence has me ticking along nicely. I get the headlines (mostly via the Captivate screen in the elevator of my o



Prompt Me! #484 & #485

Hope everyone is having a great week! Did you remember to wear green yesterday? If not, did you get pinched a bunch? If you're wanting a break from what you're currently working on, or you're blocked, or maybe you want to start writing for the first time, then we have the perfect solution for you. Writing Prompts! Don't forget, prompt responses under 1,000 words need to be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 484 -Creative Tag – First Line “Did anyone survive the accident?“ Prompt 485 –

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

No More Hiding - Ebook Available

Back in June 2015, my book No More Hiding was published by Dreamspinner Press. I realized that I'd never done my single blog post about the publication. Even if you read it in Premium, there are a couple extra scenes from that which is posted in Premium, plus this is your chance to have a copy for on your eBook reader. If you'd like to be able to have it on multiple platforms (epub, mobi, pdf, etc) then I'd suggest the Dreamspinner Press site.   Dreamspinner Press Barnes & Nobl

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

March Signature Excerpt: Damphir By Nephylim

Did you miss Monday's blog where we announced Nephylim's Damphir is this month's Signature Author feature? You can still check it out here and see what her reviewers had to say about the story! Don't forget to download your copy of the signature graphic if you want to support Nephy and promote her story. If the reviews weren't enough to tempt you to read Damphir, Nephy has picked an excerpt to share with readers:   Check out the very dramatic beginning to Nephylim's story in this excerpt she p


Cia in Signature Feature


I received a letter in the mail today from AARP. On the outside in red, all cap, sans serif, heavy block letters was the word REMINDER. My mind wandered back in its creative nether regions and came up with a scenario where a similar letter could be received by a citizen of some future society. Of course, the return address would not indicate which agency had sent the letter, but inside the letter might read something like this:   REMINDER: Your subscription to citizenship in the Kingdom of Cal



Beta Readers - Kissing The Dragon

Hello everyone,   I've had a couple of novels showcased on Gay Authors but find myself in need some more in depth help with the latest one. So I'm looking for Beta Readers and I decided to open the invitation to anyone who wants to join me in this endeavour.   Let me know if you're interest, and I will direct you to the relevant story link.   Thanks in advance,   Brian (Lomax61)




I was starting to read a Sanitaria Springs story by dabeagle when "I Can Hear Music" by The Beach Boys came on and I got to thinking about what happened today. Other than Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue," especially with its opening clarinet glissando, the beautiful tenor of Carl Wilson has to make "I Can Hear Music" my number one favorite oldies song and I have a lot of favorite oldies songs.   I completely revised Chapter 1 of 319 Winesap Lane removing all the sex between Geoff and Jerry. I als



March Signature Feature: Damphir By Nephylim

This month we're featuring a story I happen to personally enjoy very much: Damphir by Nephylim. There are a lot of twists and turns, and a ton of really interested characters to meet along with the main character, Glory.     Length: 61,144   Story Description: A werewolf called Rover, a cat who can fly (among other things) a confused vampire, a spiteful faery and a testy human all confined in the same house and trying to learn to live together. A strange mix and a strange story.  


Cia in Signature Feature

Brady's Story Hits Close To Home

Okay, so yesterday I woke up to check my emails, and I get a daily 'news' email from our local news feed. And the headline hit me: Loudoun Teen Overcomes Heartbreaking Obstacles in Life..." A teen here in my county (I'm sure there are so many others that we never hear about, sadly) who has been struggling with his sexuality for years was outed by his parents when they found "incriminating" messages on his computer. And they threw him out in his senior year of HS. It was so sad to read it ha



Mardi Gras / Carnival 2.0

We had a bad storm in February, which meant our carnival parade has been cancelled. My city is famous for its political floats and we couldn't just not have a parade, which means we had it today.   The weather was perfect, so were the floats IMO.   For those who speak a little German, although most of the floats are self-explanatory.



Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 6 - Mar 12)

Another week has ended and it's time to look back and see what happened in the blogs. Before we get to that though, just a reminder that if you're somewhere that practices Daylight Savings, it's time to spring your clocks forward by an hour. If you forgot, don't feel bad, I completely spaced it until the time on my computer jumped forward an hour! Now, time for the wrap up!   March C S R Feature: Short Stories By Renee Stevens - This month's CSR Feature is a collections of short stories by Ren

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

319 Winesap Lane, Part 2

I had a question about 319 yesterday so I sent dabeagle an email and asked his professional opinion about the kind and amount of sex I was anticipating in the story. I think he gave me an honest and truthful assessment of where I was heading and needless to say I am no longer going to write the story in that direction. If anything, the story was being written in a way that could only be something that would be appropriate on Nifty, which is something I no longer intend to do. So thank you very m



If It's Sunny, Why Am I Getting Rained On.

My mother used to joke that if it wasn't for bad luck I'd have none at all. Just want people to know I haven't faded away.   I'd had a temporary fix on the computer but before February was over so was the fix. Computer dead beyond repair. It's okay because I had been saving up.   First of March, the brakes on my car failed. There is nothing like coming to a red light,hitting your brakes, and not even slowing down. I've found out that when your brakes fail you don't coast to a stop. You just



Caesura - Delays

There's no talking around this: I'm stuck. The first chapter and prologue is written, but I'm not happy. Beside some minor things I'm struggling with perspectives. I'm experimenting with authorial (omniscient) narrator perspective, but I'm afraid I end up head-hopping a lot. The other option is I change the perspective mid-story, not ideal either. Then my summer antho story is nudging me. In my head it's almost written and I itch to actually start the piece. There's some beta-reading too.   I



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