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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

C S R Discussion Day: London And Love By Carringtonrj

Did you get a chance to read CarringtonRJ's story, London and Love? Set in... you guessed it, London, this story follows the life of a US transplant from San Francisco as he struggles to adjust to his new life in the city where he's all alone. Shy and awkward, usually, Tony learns there's more about himself than even he knew, which is saying a lot since he started out life as Tanya! First, though, check out my interview with CarringtonRJ and then make sure you leave your thoughts and reviews. Th

Mr. Roger's Didn't Know Squat About My 'hood

Remember this dude?     He didn't know squat about my hood where a 9-iron is a pistol and rock is... well, you know wtf it is.   My Neighbors?   Let's start with Mr. Crack Head.     He doesn't really live in the neighborhood. He just works here after 1am. Really strenuous work. Breaking into houses and cars.   Then the gangsta cow...   He's got all the little heifers.   Then there's religious nutt...   Not really dangerous but there's lot's of them and they are annoying.



I Am Ready For A Stable Relationship

I am taking my love life nice and slow. I have a lot of insecurities, a lot of unknowns, and a lot of pent up sexual frustrations. That's my life right now.   My 1st question is, do I love him?   I don't know, he's charming as hell though   2nd, Can I settle don with him?   Maybe, but I want to learn more about him   I am entering that phase in a gay man's life where he is looking for stability, not the ocassional fuck or suck or tongue explorations. In the past, I dated guys in their



Weekly Wrap Up (May 22 - May 28)

Wow, Renee takes the weekend off to be a mountain lady and she leaves me in charge of the Weekly Wrap Up. To top it off she changed the format on it too!!!   Well since Valkyrie was the only one to weigh in last week and said she had no preference of which format, I will use the old one   On Monday we had a Featured Story of Song and Dance by Headstall. LitLover did a very good review which sets up the story and will pique your interest to check it out.   Tuesday Renee did a Premium Promo


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Odyssey Odd he is Sailing a leaf Beyond the citadel outward Toward discovery And Redemption Or Oblivion And Death Or Escape And Hope Or Adventure And Treasure Or Not ... Perhaps Maybe It is all for A smile



Writing Prompts #502 & #503

So this week, I had to set up the prompts from comicfan a little early, because I'll be out of town. (Ha! I'm not even here and yet I'm still doing the prompts, go me!). I'll be featuring the responses to Prompt #500 today, but if you did the prompt and it's not posted here, it's nothing against you, it's just that it wasn't up before I set up the blog post. Feel free to share them in the comments if you'd like. Don't forget, that if you post your prompt responses in GA stories, anything under 1

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ga's Newest Promising Author: Albertnothlit

GA is happy to announce our newest promotion to Promising Author, Albertnothlit! Albert has only been with the site for just over a year now, but he's already posted quite a variety of stories for our readers to enjoy. If you haven't checked out his work before, try out sci-fi fan favorite Tantalus, contemporary romance Josh.mp4, or his latest sci-fi serial story Life Seed. Albert seems to have a knack for writing science fiction, and we look forward to seeing what new worlds Albert has in store


A.J. in News Archive

Premium Promo: A Chance At Love

Note: I (Renee) will be going out of town starting either today (25th) or tomorrow (26th). The anthology deadline for sending to the proof team is tomorrow. If you haven't already sent your story in, then you will need to include both Cia and me in the PM to pair you with a member of the proof team. This way, if it is received after I leave, Cia will be able to get you set up. Thanks!!!   Gay Authors has always managed to remain free to it's members, one of the ways that it has managed to do s

The Threat Of Skin Cancer

Half my ancestry comes from Sweden and the other half is split between Wales (one-quarter) and Native American (only by conjecture because no one in the family claims to know what happened to the picture of the woman who is my great-great-grandmother; I saw it once and if she wasn’t Native American, then she was certainly doing everything she could to look like one), England, and Germany; in other words, a lot of Northern European fair skinned immigrants and that other person no one is willing t



Featured Story: Song And Dance

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to start the new week. To help your week get started off right, we have a new featured story for you to take a look at. Whether you read or write, you most likely know Headstall and not only does Headstall write, but he reads and reviews a lot of other authors' work. Today it's Headstall's turn in the limelight, with this review of Song and Dance provided to us by LitLover. Hope you enjoy!   Song and Dance Headstall   Reviewer

Weekly Wrap Up (May 15 - May 22)

Well, it's the end of the week and it's time to take a look at what happened in the various GA blogs this week. A quick reminder, if you're wanting to participate in the summer anthology, the deadline to get your submissions to the proof team is this coming Thursday. I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with for the theme "Wicked Games". Also, I'm trying out a new format for the weekly wrap up, so let me know what you think!         Anthology Announcements:   ***NO

Twin Powers Activate

Whenever I dream of a new monster, I feel compelled to write about it here. Which, odd, but I'll own it.   Now I don't recall all the details of how this worked, but the dream started as a mystery that I was apparently trying to solve. Bodies were piling up in the town I lived in. And, weirdly, even though the bodies did not look much alike, they seemed to share the same DNA. Or, at least, partly shared DNA. Sort of a chimera. At least, half of them did. The other half were simply murder victi



Writing Prompts #500 & #501

When I originally wrote up the Prompt Me blog, I have to say I was a little bummed that no one took up the Special Prompt that I gave for Friday the 13th. Then, later last night, Valkyrie saved the day when she posted one, so I just had to include it! On another note, did anyone else notice that we've reached 500 prompts?! In celebration of that, I decided to share ALL prompt responses that have been written in the last week. Enjoy!   Prompt 500 -Creative Tag - First Line “What took you so lon

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Lazy Thursday...

The weather is unseasonably cold. I mean really cold. We are used to being in the high 80s or low 90s (F), but it is currently in the 50s (F). I had already shut off the fireplace and central furnace and had to relight them. It has been raining for 6 days straight. We DON'T get rain here like this. It's crazy.   After my car accident I decided to get a new vehicle. I got a new Ford F-150 King Cab. It is so cool. I love it. First new car I have had in 14 years. I wish I knew how to b



To Face The East—To Drown The Dawn—

With gleaming heads of pulpy white, More tan, they say, or golden blonde; But what I see is naught but white To face the east—to drown the dawn—   I cry at you—not for you, though, The tears line up, about to jump; They seem afraid, as if death row Was nothing but heartache—a dump.   To face the east—to drown the dawn— Is something that one lingers for— To face the west—to save his pawn— Nevermind—show him to the door.   I wait forever—but a day, In order so I might find light, Of golden l



May Signature Excerpt: Enforcer By Rob Colton

I hope you caught Rob Colton's feature on Monday sharing his favorite reviews left by fans of Enforcer. There's also a banner you can add to your signature if you want to share your love for this story. Get it here! Today we're sharing an excerpt Rob chose.   Rob says... It was hard picking one. It's the opening of Chapter 5, where Buzz meets Jed. I like it because it shows the power of their attraction, but then goes to show how messed up Buzz is, the way he was brought up, hiding his feeling


Cia in Signature Feature


West Mountain Road is likely a not uncommon name for a road in North America. I’m sure Google Maps could identify a dozen or more in less than a second. The particular West Mountain Road in this story is in Idaho and runs alongside Cascade Reservoir near the town of McCall.   I was out for a walk on this road Saturday last enjoying the sight of the great, green leaves of lysichiton americanus or western skunk cabbage that covered the banks of the reservoir, the conversational ducks and Cana



Online Dating Tips

I belong to an online dating site.   I don't date often because the whole experience is just bizarre.   In selecting a picture and creating a profile, I have some advice.   1. Don't lie. You haven't been age x since the eighties.   2. Don't lie. You aren't a millionaire and you don't drive a Porsche.   3. Don't lie. I don't care if you work as a manager at Shoe-land. Working a steady job anywhere is a big plus.   4. Don't lie. I'll figure out if you're an abusive alcoholic pretty



Extreme Unction

Extreme Unction   Unloved, Unkissed, Unconfessed sins Of hidden romances, Daring lusts to reach the heavens of Unmuted affections.   Uncouth, Unknown, Undesired attraction Of objects lost, To deny the existence of Unseen memoirs of transgressions.   Unforgiven, Untold, Unending love.   15/05/16 ©asamvav111



May Signature Feature: Enforcer By Rob Colton

Are you a fan of Rob Colton? I know I am! This month we're featuring his 2nd installment of the immensely popular Timber Pack Chronicles. Enforcer features Jed's story, though we get to see more of the other characters we loved from the first book.     Length: 58,419   Description: Jed Stone suffers in silence, damaged and poisoned from his fight with the rogue wolf. But he puts on a smile and does his duty, making sure his Timber Pack mates are safe.   Buzz Hinske belongs to a t


Cia in Signature Feature

The Bay City Rollers- Former 70's Boyband

I found a documentary on the Bay City Rollers, a Scottish boy band that skyrocketed to fame during the mid-1970's, and then crashed spectacularly when the ride was over. Look them up- they were a total train-wreck. Anyway, here's a tune from them:     Fluffy 70's stuff...so much fun. I used to party at a college house, and somehow there was a poster of the Bay City rollers there. In 2008. I have no clue how, but I thought was kind of neat. I wonder if it was a poster that people just kep



Monster Cookies

Someone asked what my Monster Cookie recipe is. Here it is! As you can see, it's gluten free so I can make them for my mom!   3 eggs 1 1/4 cups light brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla 1 1/2 cups peanut butter (cheap brand works best. The expensive type that separates won't work right.) 1 stick butter 1 cup M&M's or chocolate chips 1/2 cup chopped peanuts 1/2 cup Craisins, or raisins 2 tsp baking soda 5 cups quick-cooking oatmeal   Cream sugars and softened butte

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews

Sometimes Its Nice To Let Things Flow

Do you ever get the feeling like you're not good enough? Yeah, that's me. This guy. The one with more awards on his shelf than he knows what to do with, who's helped shaped and pass legislation in the face of bitter and personal opposition and who's repeatedly distinguished himself academically and politically. I know what I've done with my life so far, and right now all I can muster is a "so what?"   I'm still dangerously underemployed. I'm 26 and live with my parents. I have no immediate pr

Hunter Thomson

Hunter Thomson

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