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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Botanical Garden, Tenerife, Puerto De La Cruz

In 1788, Carlos III of Spain decided that he wanted some of the exotic plants, flowers and trees from his territories in South and Central America brought over to adorn his palace in Madrid. Trouble was the flora needed a stop-off point to become acclimatized to their new environment. The Canary Islands, with their sub-tropical climate, seemed the ideal choice, so Carlos drew up a Royal Decree on August 17th of that year declaring the establishment of an "acclimatization garden" in Puerto de La



July C S R Feature: The Window Washer By Zenith

It's July! Who's staring out the window to the outside world full of blistering sun or frozen wasteland? Most of us, I think! So why don't you occupy yourself and enjoy The Window Washer by Zenith. This contemporary story has the power to take you out of your world and into theirs to enjoy Jerome and Rob's story.   The Window Washer by Zenith   Length: 40,043   Description: Jerome, a bored accountant, and Rob, a window washer, meet under surprising circumstances.   A Rea

Trying To Hang On By My Fingernails

For the past week I’ve been wavering over putting GA on the backburner for the foreseeable future. My mental state is in a total disarray since Rambo bit me and my son had to put him down. Plus, my son has his own mental issues to consider. In effect, we’re both a couple of crazies trying to make do with life.   But, I have a series of stories that may save me. One deals with a boy who was sold by his parents into sexual slavery when he was six. Dabeagle helped me a lot with New York State’s p



Writing Prompts #510 & #511

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing! Prompt 510 -Creative Tag – First Line “Do you really think he did it?” Prompt 511 - creative Tag – The Child The neighborhood has gone strangel

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

49 Celebrities Honor The 49 Pulse Victims

This video technically has a political agenda at the end, though it is not mentioned throughout. As such, I felt it improper to place it in the standard forums. I also didn't want to put it in The Pit, because I believe it should be a bit more visible. It's very powerful, and I hope you'll give it a view.  



All This Bandwidth And I Can't Communicate

You're pissed at him.   He's not talking to you.   Maybe... just maybe... he is like me. He just doesn't know what to say.   He knows the words. He needs to say them but, nobody wants to hear them.   I'm closing in on a degree in telecommunications. I know how to make things talk to each other. From two cans and a tight string to super-bandwidth fiber channels. I can move data like a boss. I can connect people across continents. I can upgrade cell towers by replacing a bunch of boards a



C S R Discussion Day: Things We Lost By Dabeagle

June has absolutely flown by, but I hope you found the time to read this month's CSR story, Things We Lost by Dabeagle. This novella-length story has a ton of drama, but it's not the usual teen story at all! Check out my interview with Dabeagle first, and then share your thoughts or reviews on the story below.   What is the worst thing you’ve ever eaten? That would be, I believe, sweet bread. The name is deceiving. We were at a dinner at the Italian American Community center and this was one d

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 19 - June 25)

I hope everyone has had a great weekend. Just a reminder: Tomorrow is the CSR Discussion Day for Things We Lost by Dabeagle. If you want to participate and haven’t finished the story yet, there’s still time! Now, let’s see what happened this past week in the various GA News Blogs.   To start your week off right, we featured Thaw by Puppilull. If you haven’t already read Thaw, you can get a little insight into the story by reading the review provided to us by Timothy M.   Have you thought a

Yellowcard Breakup

Brexit is sort of weird and makes you think, but Yellowcard's break up is fucking sad and depressing. I grew up on their tunes from their fun tourhful SoCal melodies in "Ocean Avenue" to their mature tunes in "When you're through with Thinking, Say Yes" and "Southern Air". I am a huge fan of theirs and the fun incorporation of Violins in Rock music.   They're leaving a great legacy of awesome music though:   This song got me into listening to them:     This song makes a lot of sense a



No One Is Alone

No One Is Alone From the musical “Into The Woods” written by Stephen Sondheim Mother cannot guide you Now you're on your own Only me beside you Still, you're not alone No one is alone Truly No one is alone I wish... I know Mother isn't here now Wrong things, right things Who knows what she'd say? Who can say what's true? Nothing's quite so clear now Do things, fight things Feel you've lost your way? You decide, but You are not alone Believe me No one is alone (No one is a



The Year Of Newness

2015 kicked my ass, but I've now come to realize I'm better for it. I lost my job, had very little money, and I could see my relationship of 6 years crumbling. So I did what just about every gay man in his 20s does to cope, and turned to partying and Grindr to help me get away from it all. Predictably, it all ended in disaster that even a blind man could have seen coming. I knew it was coming too, but didn't want to face it. To make a long story short, by Christmas I was single for the first tim



Writing Prompts #508 & #509

Happy Friday, Y'all!!!!! Hope everyone is looking forward to the weekend, I know I am! To help start your weekend off right, it's time for some new prompts. Hopefully one of these great prompts will inspire you, and don't forget to share your responses (at least a link) so that they can possibly be featured next week. Also, as always, remember that prompt responses under 1K have to be posted as part of a collection. Prompt 508 -Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – a blue

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ever Been A Victim Of Violence?

If you have, you know how much it sucks. You know that your survival isn't guaranteed when you are helpless in the hands of those that have bad intentions.   It's happened to me twice as an adult. I pretty much lived with it as a teen.   Once was a rather serious beating I took as an 18 year old freshman. There was more too it than that but it was bad enough. The second a few years later. I don't remember that one. I was beaten with a blackjack and suffered a severe concussion. Probably left



Premium Promo: Galactic Conspiracies Series

While the majority of the site is free, Premium Stories are available to members for a small fee. Premium access can be purchased in increments of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year. We'll take a look at each of the stories that can be found in Premium to give you an idea of what is available. Some of our Premium Stories are part of a series. Today we're looking at the Galactic Conspiracies Series by Rob Colton.     Galactic Conspiracies Series Rob Colton  

Writing Prompts #512 & #513

Happy Friday, Y'all!!!!! Hope everyone is looking forward to the weekend, I know I am! To help start your weekend off right, it's time for some new prompts. Hopefully one of these great prompts will inspire you, and don't forget to share your responses (at least a link) so that they can possibly be featured next week. Also, as always, remember that prompt responses under 1K have to be posted as part of a collection. Prompt 512 – Creative Tag – List of words Use the following in a story – a snak

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

When Your Other Favorite Forum Becomes A Nightmare

Over the years, I've loved two forums, this one of course and another. The other forum, as of late, has gone to shit. A certain group of assholes started harassing me almost constantly. The staff was almost certainly aware of it and did nothing. They resorted to things like neg repping random posts, comparing me to a member who is a total nutjob who actually stalked another member of Facebook, and just whatever else they could think of to piss me off. Needless to say, I'm done with that site. Bu



Featured Story: Thaw

Being the start of a new week, Monday's are also a good time to take a look at some of the different stories that can be found on Gay Authors. With so many great works, it can be easy to overlook one and Monday's provide an opportunity for us to help make one of them stand out and maybe catch your interest. Today, we're bringing you a review by Timothy M. of Puppilull's story Thaw. Enjoy!   Thaw Puppilull   Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Complete Word Count: 59,856

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 12 - Jun 18)

It's once again time to take a look at what has happened here on GA this past week. Emotions have run high after the news about the tragic shooting in Orlando, Florida. While many of us couldn't find the words to say how we felt, Steve managed to do what we couldn't, and shared some thoughts on what happened in Orlando. Some authors, both here at GA and others, are putting together a Poetry Anthology to benefit the victims of the Pulse shooting. If you're interested in participating, you can che

Real Statistics - The Truth About Guns And Crime In The Us

As a math geek I can really geek out on statistics.   It is said that statistics can be made to say anything and that is true if you play games with the numbers. I don't.   Those numbers actually say things that don't jive with the political narrative.   Those are the numbers we really need to pay attention to.           Per Capita Gun Ownership: 112 guns per 100 people   The US is #1 worldwide in gun ownership with more guns than people.1       Now- let's look at the US Homici



New Things Are Coming

I am the type of person who likes documenting my life sometimes, so here is a blog post.   I realized that it has been over a year since I posted a story. But this year, two things happened that I am hopeful will get some new work up.   Firstly, I realized that Adderall was completely fucking up my life. I did really well at work (I had the highest productivity back in 2014 and was second highest last year) but outside of work, I was completely miserable. I couldn't sleep well, I could



Writing Prompts #506 & #507

And it's the end of the week again. Sorry about being so late in posting the writing prompts for this week, I haven't been home all day. Since it's already late, let's not delay any further and get right into the prompts!   Prompt 506 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story : a dirty plate, a nurse, a green hat, a puddle, and a squirrel.   Prompt 507 – Creative Tag – The Choice Your life has been easy, but now you have to make a choice that will determine your whole

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Poetry Call In Aid Of The Orlando Families/survivors. .

Calling all poets.   A fellow author, Lilly G Blunt, is putting together a poetry anthology. with all the royalties going to help the survivors and families of the dead. The suggested route for the money at the moment is https://www.gofundme.com/pulsevictimsfund but this has not been confirmed yet.   Details can be found in the Public Facebook Group Love is Love, but the main details are as follows -   ***SUBMISSION DETAILS *** This group is for contributors and supporters of the Love is L

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

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