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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Not Everything Is Awful

Some good things in the world (other than sliced bread) that human beings are responsible for: playlists you make yourself and puff pastry you don’t; the Parthenon and the Borgesian Library of Babel; Google’s search-by-image option and amazon.com; the myth of Prometheus; Angostura bitters; the way bubble wrap pops; wit; Sharpie pens and the convenient way paper folds; delete functions and snooze buttons; the strings in Madonna’s “Frozen” and the synthesizer-turbulence of Tori Amos’s “Hotel”; par



Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 24 - Apr 30)

I hope everyone has had a great week! If you ever miss what's happened in the news blog, you can always tune into the Weekly Wrap Up to find out what you missed. Don't forget, if you've read a story that you'd like to see featured in the blog, send me a PM. I use one or two reviews a month, so it might take a bit for your review to show up, but it's great to have reviews waiting in the wing, and at least eventually your favorite stories will get their day in the blog.   C S R Discussion Day: D

Gay Song Six – Kissing Her Brother Paul

Gay Song Six – Kissing her brother Paul   Note: for this series of postings, the term 'Gay Song' refers to music written to/for/by or about Gay men or women. A second category also deals with music identified as Gay because it speaks to the heart of the Gay Experience.   So to make this easier, I will call them Gay in the 1st Degree (to/for/by/about), or Gay in the 2nd Degree (like Judy Garland singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow).   ---   This youtube creator has made a really cool video

AC Benus

AC Benus

Car Wreck

Well, Friday turned out to be a bad day. I had just picked up my meals for delivery and was stopped at an intersection with a red light. I was headed east. As I sat there waiting on the light, a SUV came barreling in the other direction headed west and was T-boned by a pickup that was headed south through the intersection. They were going very fast and the pickup drove the SUV into ME! It all seemed to happen in slow motion. The sound of the crash was horrific and I watched as the SUV came



Worldbuilding 2 - Top Or Bottom?

So, you've decided that you want to write something in a world that doesn't yet exist. In front of you sits a pad of paper and a stack of post-its an inch thick.   Where do you begin?   There are two broad schools of world building.   The top-down approach. The bottom-up approach.   Both techniques have their advantages and disadvantages.   Bottom-up: This is used when you have an idea for a place, character, or thing and you want to find a way to incorporate it into a wider world. Th



The Four Fuk-Tards Of The Apocalypse Or... It's Over Folks

The end is near!   These are the best choices of our venerable political system and wise statesmen. I can only conclude that our civilization is in serious decline if the best we can do is the deeply corrupt, a socialist, billionaire blowhard grifter and a creepy religious fanatic.   How did it come to this? The signs of decadence and stupidity have been here for some time. Reality TV. Music Television without music. Boy bands. Rap and hip hop.   This civilization is on a downward trajecto



Fun Home On Broadway

The rain blew in tonight. Plan A had been a run in Central Park after work this evening. I ended up working about an hour later than planned and it was drizzling when I left the office.   Plan B should have been running on the treadmill in the hotel gym. But when I walked off the elevator instead of turning left towards Radio City Music Hall, I turned right towards Times Square. The discount Tkts booth was only a block and a half away. Seems I was going with the other Plan B, doing something I



Prompt Me! #496 & # 497

Happy Friday, Y'all! Who's ready for a couple of new prompts? Can't believe it's already the last Prompt Me for April. This year just seems to be flying by. Remember, if your prompt response is less than 1,000 words, it can be posted in GA Stories as long as it's part of a collection. Now, let's see what comicfan has for you this week. Prompt 496 – Creative Tag – First Line “Why are you looking at me that way?” Prompt 497 – Creative Tag – The Star You were the best of friends growing up. Whil

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Started Blog

Okay. So, I have wanted to have a blog/journal, so I guess this is as good a place as any. My blog will be very much like a journal documenting some of my general thoughts and observations.   Today has been a beautiful day in West Texas. Weather is beautiful. Wish I could go out and play golf today. Unfortunately, I have to be at my desk... even more unfortunate, it is a slow day. Not many calls, but, I have to be here anyway. I always say, if I am not on the phone, I am not making mon



Back From The Dead And Never Going Down

I'm back, getting my creative juices flowing and trying to earn discreetly online.   A lot has been happening at home and it's been driving me up the wall. It hasn't been the most pleasant experience and it makes me sad that I've been on and off with all my projects mainly because I'm in hiding with my family.   But, I refuse to just stop and give up. I keep holding onto these little bits of myself that I feel matter. In the society I'm in, creativity is a waste of time most of the time. It'



Another Good Reason To Just Say No

One of the best reasons to quit/avoid doing drugs are the dealers. Gone are the days you can share a joint with your English Lit professor. Now it is sketchy, twitchy guys who you would rather NOT know your name or where you live. The weed dealers used to be sweet, misguided lonely guys that you could get high and occasionally sleep with. The guys selling crystal, coke and other stuff you don't want to have anything to do with.   the Maniac- this coke dealer is paranoid, jumpy and armed bette



Everybody Wants Some (Richard Linkater's Latest Movie)

Hey, did anyone get a chance to check out the movie trailer for Richard Linklater's newest film, ? It's set during the opening weekend of the 1980-1981 school year at a Texas college, and follows a freshmen pitcher as he adjusts to life as a member of college baseball.  I was able to catch a screening of the movie last Friday. (It's pretty limited release.) It was a pretty fun ride, and we get to see them go through all these different party scenes as the story goes on- disco, country wester



C S R Discussion Day: Dean Warner Intrigues By Daddydavek

This month I featured Daddydavek's first story on the site, Dean Warner Intrigues. This story has been called absolutely wonderful and great by reviewers. What did you think? Make sure you share your thoughts about this story below, but first enjoy my interview with Daddydavek!   Dean Warner Intrigues by Daddydavek   Who do you like best, Jerry or Tom? Neither. Tom is an oxymoron in that he is portrayed as a somewhat lovable bully doomed to fail. Jerry is a diminutive smart


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 17 - Apr 23)

Hope everyone has had a good weekend. It's time to look over the last week and see what happened in the news blog, as well as the updated stories from our promoted authors. Just a reminder, don't forget to join us tomorrow for the CSR Discussion Day for Dean Warner Intrigues by Daddydavek. If you haven't finished it yet, there's still time.   Featured Story: MetaBattles - We started out the week with a review for MetaBattles by JohnAR. If you haven't started reading the Meta series yet, check

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

More Thoughts On Being Crazy

I’ve been working on this blog entry for a couple weeks now, but every time I think it has developed into something to publish, I don’t. Mostly, it’s all because of my new mental state which is now controlled by the ingestion of 2,000 mg of valproate sodium (Depakote) to stabilize my moods. Mania is mostly held at bay and never lasts more than a week; depression lasts barely more than a day or two. Mostly, I exist in a nothing state. I write stories, though it takes time to formulate and express



Prompt Me! #494 & #495

Happy Friday! A little birdie told me that people were wanting their prompt fix. The prompts are a great way to jumpstart writing, whether you're stuck on your current project or you're looking to write for the first time. Don't forget that prompt responses that are under 1K can be posted in GA Stories, but they must be posted as part of a collection. So without further delay, here's your weekly prompts.   Prompt 494 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story : army unif

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts


We’ve all been in one, right? A Target department store, discount retailer of stuff for the home: groceries, cleaning supplies, school supplies, linens, small electronics. Last night I dreamed I went to a Target store. I was going there for something standard, toilet bowl cleaner or the like, but I’d never been in this particular Target before and, having stood in the entrance and surveyed the vast labyrinth of red-decked aisles under fluorescent lighting, I headed to the right side of the store



Featured Story: Metabattles

Welcome to a new week and a new featured story. Today we're looking at the 4th book in JohnAR's MetaWolf series, MetaBattles.   MetaBattles by JohnAR   Reviewer: Defiance19 Status: Complete Word Count: 102,788   MetaBattles, the fourth book in the MetaWolf series by JohnAR, picks up right where Book three, MetaShadowlands left off.   If you are unfamiliar with the series, Books 1-3 will catch you up with an insecure Meta, Colt, who is bossy, nerdy, quick-witted,

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 10 - Apr 16)

Hope everyone has had a great weekend. It's time to take a look back over the week to see what you might have missed in the GA blogs this week. Also, make sure you're keeping an eye on Anthology deadlines, and if you've missed a chapter update from one of the site's promoted authors, you'll see what they posted as well. Have a great rest of your weekend!   April Signature Feature: Pour Me Another By K.c. - K.C. is this months featured Signature Author. For our Monday post, we shared some of th

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt Me! #492, #493, & O. Henry

Happy Friday, Y'all!!!!! Hope everyone is looking forward to the weekend, I know I am! To help start your weekend off right, it's time for some new prompts. Hopefully one of these great prompts will inspire you, and don't forget to share your responses (at least a link) so that they can possibly be featured next week. Also, as always, remember that prompt responses under 1K have to be posted as part of a collection. Prompt 492 – Creative Tag – First Line “Now what do we do?” Prompt 493 – Crea

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Conventions, Anthologies And Branching Out

In June, it will have been a year since the release of my first novel, Guitars and Cages, through Wayward Ink, something that I never would have ever imagined, but that I am immensely proud of. it meant the fulfilling of a dream, it meant that no matter what, i would be able to say that i was a published novelist and no one could ever take that away.   Since then, Broken Prince Mismatched Eyes and Desolation Angel have been released and I am in the middle of edits for Roadhouse Reds, these fo



Time Moves On And A Lot Has Happened

It's been a long time since I've blogged here. In the meantime, a lot has happened.   I have been somewhat successful in getting published, with 11 books and 7 anthologies I've managed to get myself 'out there' although I'm not selling many books yet.   The publishing journey has been a very interesting one and I've learned a lot, good and bad. One thing I would absolutely advise anyone seeking a publisher is to make sure your contract includes a clause that your rights revert back to you im



April Signature Excerpt: Pour Me Another By K.c.

Did you miss Monday's blog post featuring the ad and signature graphics for K.C.'s novel, Pour Me Another? Never fear, you can check it out here and download your copy to help share your love of his story. Today, K.C. has an excerpt he wanted to share with you!   K.C. says... I think this glimpse shows the start of Asher and Michael's friendship. They are two guys from very different lives, but their friendship grows into much more. The nightlight, the city, friendship, betrayal, love and hate


Cia in Signature Feature

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