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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

The Legacy Of Fukashima

These mutant daisies are appearing around the wreak of the Fukashima Daiichi power station.   In March 2011 Japan was struck by a massive 9.0 quake. The Fukashina (BWR) boiling water reactors survived the earthquakes- one of the most massive in world history. The reactors scrammed and shut down- everything was working as it was supposed to until a massive tsunami struck the plant and wiped out the plants emergency power supply.   Without power, the reactor cooling systems failed and the radi



Writing Tip: Grammar Rodeo #5

I hope everyone is having a great week so far! As you can see, Cia has provided us with another Grammar Rodeo. Ever been confused by Present Tense Verbs vs. Past Tense Verbs? Cia gives us a guideline to help out with those pesky issues. In addition to Tense Verbs, Cia also helps out a bit with That vs. Who.   Past Tense Verbs While there are a variety of tenses to write in, I think the most common method is to use past tense. So today we’re going to talk about past tense verbs. For the most pa

On Becoming A Teacher... And A Back Update

While I was MIA from Gay Authors (Stupid life events getting in the way) I took a lot of technology classes offered by Microsoft and CompTIA to keep myself up to date on current technology and what not. Because of this I ended up changing my college major from a BS in Information Technology heavy in the security field to a B.S.Ed Career and Technical Education/Business, Computer, and Information Technology Education Program (Long winded title for Information Technology Teacher). I'm still attend



Happy Anniversary To Me

Two years ago today I joined Gay Authors.   I came here following an author from another site who quickly abandoned GA. I stayed behind. I stayed because I'd discovered Circumnavigation and the CAP series. Hooked on the stories, I read, reviewed, and eventually ventured into the forums. My interactions there were less than satisfactory and after a while, I drifted away.   Fast forward a year, I'd started writing a story for myself, never thinking of publishing it, but I did share a couple of

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday

Featured Story: Bound And Bound - The Curse And The Captives

Who's ready to start a new week? To start us off this week, Valkyrie was kind enough to provide us a review of Bound and Bound - The Curse and the Captives by GA Author and poet, AC Benus. I hope you enjoy Valkyrie's review as much as I did. If you do decide to go and read, make sure to leave a review to let AC Benus know how you're enjoying his work. Also, if anyone is interested in writing a review for the blog, please PM me (Renee).   Bound and Bound: The Curse and the Captives by

Clueless 20Th Anniversary

Just taking a moment to mention the 20th Anniversary of Clueless, which came out on July 19th, 1995. Truly one of my favorite movies from my childhood!     Years later, as a teenager, I discovered it was an updated version of the Jane Austen book, Emma. I love Jane Austen so I guess this movie served as my entry into that world.



Weekly Wrap Up!

Sorry all, I'm a little behind on the wrap up for this week! It's time to look back at what happened this past week, but before we do that, a quick reminder. The 2016 Anthology Theme selection is going on now. If you have a suggestion for next years themes, please post them in the 2016 Theme Suggestion thread! However, please read the quidelines I've posted. Now, let's get on to the Wrap Up!   This past Monday started the Signature Week off with a review of Adam Phillips' story Crosscurrent

Writing - Sharing The Schedule

I sort of muddle along when it comes to writing, but I have a story that has so many people waiting for it, that I thought it is better to share what my thoughts are. The frustration of waiting to read the next chapter....I understand this very well. So...   For   A Healing Heart - > Read it Here   I've set it up that a chapter goes up every week. On Fridays or Saturdays. Catch up with the new chapter. - Talin and Dimitri find themselves in a difficult situation at dinner with Vlad.



Nifty Gems | Should I Post?

I found some really heart-warming and sexy gems on Nifty. I also found some that are hot, taboo, but sweet, and you can imagine my internal struggle.   Should I post about them? Like Vlog or Blog about them? On the one hand, it could be fun. On the other hand, it might not be entirely welcome. I'm reading a lot of romantic and raunchy crap and I'm easily roused. The feelings are driving me up the wall.   Any inputs are welcome.



Me And My Guitar Friend Sean

For AJ, this is my guitar video so you'd better agree to upload my new profile pic for me! enjoy anyway.   https://vimeo.com/133812660?utm_source=email&utm_medium=clip-transcode_complete-finished-20120100&utm_campaign=7701&email_id=Y2xpcF90cmFuc2NvZGVkfGZlODI2NmUwODcxMmI2ODRjZWNkZjdjMTRiNjc3YjQ3MjE3fDQxOTk3NzAwfDE0MzcxOTA0MzJ8NzcwMQ%3D%3D



Writing Prompts Second Chance Prompts!

Every once in a while, I like to look over the past prompts and see what, according to the prompt forum, haven't been used yet. That's what I decided to do today. We're going to give some of those unused prompts a second chance to be noticed. Since the beginning of 2015, there have been 8 prompts that have gone unused. Hopefully one of them will inspire a prompt response. If you decided to use one, make sure to put it in the appropriate forum thread!   Prompt 383 - Creative Tag: The New Year I

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

My Boy Jack, (A Non-Lgbt Movie Review)

I recently saw this movie and I just can't help, but admire it. (Zombie may make jokes later, but I can't help it, I am sentimental about things like this). I know this is not an LGBT movie or a popular big budget american movie, or even a recent movie, but I think good movies do not need to be defined by age or frame of reference.   If Danial Radcliffe lost his Harry Potter Moniker with Kill Your Darlings in the US, I hope he lost the typecasting with his portrayal of Rudyard Kipling's son in



I Wish I Could Know Why.

it doesn't make sense when you put a story and you work it out but then people read without leaving a comment. Even a bad one, I wouldn't be left with nothing to work on.   Is the idea attracting the audiance? Is the idea need something to spice it up? Maybe I should make it rated. Maybe I should add some blood Maybe I should change the whole concept. Maybe I should go on with it.   this is why I want reviews. I need answers! I need to answer myself. I need to find this story's voice.



Author Interview: Adam Phillips

Our July feature for the Signature Author Background is "Crosscurrents" by Adam Phillips. If you're a fan of Adam's story, I hope you'll like the background featuring the moment in the story where Andy and Matt's relationship takes a turn. Haven't read the story yet? Never fear, we have a lot of incentive to get you excited. Download your background, check out Tyler's review from Monday's blog, and then read this interview with Adam... then get started!   Author Interview: Adam Phillips on


Cia in Author Interviews

Plotting My Evil Plan

I'm going to visit my pal in another not-so-faraway city and stay only for a few hours, cramming what I can with him because of mutual time restraints. Sound hectic? Definitely.   If I can I'd be doing a podcast or a vlog, then a quick Let's Play of a Dating Sim which I hope will come through smoothly. Getting this all done to gather resources for editing into videos. Also I'm gonna make sure he sees some of my written works. Should be a fun day tomorrow. SHOULD BE.   It's really hard to man



Out Loud At Last

OUT Loud At Last is a photo campaign in response to Adam Bouska's NOH8 campaign. We are “removing the tape” and celebrating the legalization of Gay Marriage in the U.S.! I was in NYC when the SCOTUS ruling hit the press, and I immediately wanted to celebrate by having a photoshoot. My Friends Kayla O’keefe and Schyler Conaway helped form the idea of “removing the tape” to reveal a rainbow and show our pride in finally being able to live OUT Loud At Last.   Those are the words of photographer J

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday

The Voice Of The Jordanator

Wanna hear a 16 minute and a half video of me shouting random banter in your ears? Have a listen! This is my first podcast slash voice memo slash audio clip so here you go. Note: it contains the 'PB' word, is quite ameuteur and could take a while to load. Do have a listen anyway   https://vimeo.com/133443784



Confucius And Gay Marriage

Just read an interest analysis on the Opinions of Justice Kennedy and Justice Scalia on Gay Marriage, including their mutually differen views on Confucius' words regarding marriage and the nature of the state.   Take a look if you are interested in another interesting perspective of Gay Marriage: http://thediplomat.com/2015/07/confucius-on-gay-marriage/   The author of the article has some things right on this; yes Confucius was probably the most tolerant of all the ancient philosopher/relig



Featured Story: Cross Currents By Adam Phillips

It's Monday, but never fear, we have something to keep you entertained through the week... cause it could take that long to read this story! Have you read Adam Phillip's epic-length novel, Cross Currents? First go take a peek at the Signature Background we featured last week and download your copy, then enjoy the reviews some of Adam's fans shared about his story!   Cross Currents   by Adam Phillips Signature Author Reviewer: Tyler Status: Complete Length: 288,


Cia in Featured Stories

Occupying Thoughts

I frequently have many thoughts running around in my head at one time. Other times, there is nothing going on, so I guess it balances. Lately, I've had a kid in my brain.   I mentioned him earlier, and let me give you some detail. Due to privacy laws, I will call him Adam, for the same of bringing humanity to him as opposed to calling him Child A or something. Adam is ten years old and is quite dimunitive. You might think, upon meeting him, that he is much younger than his biological age. You'



Weekly Wrap Up!

Hope everyone has had a great weekend so far. It's almost time to start a new week, but before we do that, we get to look back at what happened this past week. Also, don't forget that we're currently taking theme suggestions for the 2016 Quarterly Anthologies. If you have an idea that you think would make a great theme, don't forget to share it in the Anthology Forum topic. Please make sure to read the theme guidelines in the first post.   On Monday, Cia announced this month's CSR feature. Hav

Times They Are A Changing

So I'm back after an extended soul searching, life reaffirming, dealing with government idjits period (and brain searching, seriously if anyone finds my brain please tell it to come home!! My skull's getting cold and lonely) I've decided to come back to a community that's been there for me in the past and continue to lend my support for Gay Authors.   In the time that I was gone I noticed that a good friend of mine has passed away and I was sadden to see the post about Trebs. He was in so many



Writing Prompts #430 & #431

Hope everyone is having a great week so far. We have brand new prompts for you, but first a reminder. I'm currently taking suggestions for the 2016 Quarterly Anthologies. If you have a suggestion for an anthology theme, visit the thread. Please remember that themes should be between 1 and 3 words for banner purposes. All the guidelines can be found in the opening post. Now, let's take a look at this week's prompts!   Prompt 430 – Creative Tag – Something Special You hate blind dates and avoid

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

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