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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y


Tourism is the backbone of Charleston's economy and doesn't hurt South Carolina as a whole, either. One of that little coastal state's trump cards has always been its controversial role in igniting the bloodiest war in U.S. history, the rebellion against the nation in defense of slavery. So a lot of people are making money off the Confederate flag and off of the Civil War history angle, because it brings people to travel to S.C. and buy knick-knacks, such as the pewter 4" replica of Robert E. Le



Please Bear This In Mind...

GayAuthors is a GLOBAL web site. There are people here from everywhere, except for Antarctica. Who knows- we might even have a penguin or two.   We literally have people from New York and New Delhi. Philly and the Philippines. Mississippi and Manitoba. Alberta and Albuquerque. I could go on but my onomatopoeia/geography skills only go so far.   It would be an absolute miracle if we didn't have any culture clashes. I know that I've been guilty of that myself from time to time. Anyone that has



Tuskegge Airmen - Thank You For Your Service

From Miami Herald Obituaries   By Howard Cohen hcohen@MiamiHerald.com       On Feb. 13, the Miami-Dade Aviation Department honored “not only members of the Greatest Generation” but “the Greatest Generation Plus.” Three South Florida Tuskegee Airmen of the 26 surviving members of the first all-black military flying unit that was formed in 1941 were honored that day at Miami International Airport.   And now there are 25.   Two days before Independence Day, on July 2, Lt. Col. Personal

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday

Likes Girls, Hates Vaginas | The Gayest Straight Man I Ever Met

My friend Edgar.   I love my friend Edgar to bits. He's this adorable fluffball of a dweeb witha stretchy, elastic face who makes me smile whenever I visit. It all started with him being my fan over that ONE comic I made of PewDiePie. Since then, we trade creative juices whenever we can. (OH MY GOD, THAT SOUNDS DISGUSTING)   And we wound up bonding over a lot of things: relationships (he has a girlfriend but hates vaginas), inspirations, aspirations, and being idiots. We eve strut around his



My Newfound Respect For Drag Queens

So I have a new-found respect for drag queens since the summer started, where I first discovered RuPaul's Drag Race.   I'll be honest: I was scared of drag queens back then. Not because they'll rape me (like some of my friends claimed), but more because they were loud and flamboyant (which my family taught me to, well, hate).   But watching drag queens for the first time at RuPaul's Drag Race made me realize they were people of comedy (and drama). And were like actors, really. I know, being



What's Next

So with Beneath the Current now complete, I have three stories now rattling around in my brain. So you might see a new story coming soon. It's a bit different than my usual, since the MCs are already in love when the story starts. I'm thinking of posting this one as I write it, probably a chapter a week, unless I get really going on it. The first chapter is written and I'm halfway through the second. Unfortunately, it is not a sequel to any of the story I've previously written. As much as



Yay Or Neigh For 'punk Bitch?'

I'm still feeling regret over my US Marines and Gay Marriage Mock-up. Not a good idea as I have learnt.   But what I'm still tossing my head around over is the term 'punk bitch'.   Firstly, what does it mean? Similar to my other phrases such as 'crazy goon' and 'silly sausage', it is intended to be a slightly more assertive way of saying how much of how liberal you are. It could also mean how awesome you are too. It could potentially be insulting, which is where the controversy starts.  



Women's World Cup

The USA team gets to split $2 million for winning the World Cup. The German team who won the Men's cup split $35 million. A tad of a difference.   Everything I've read tells of FIFA treating the women as the unwanted step-children. From the prize money, to accommodations, to playing fields. The almighty dollar is the reasoning behind it they claim. The ladies don't bring in the amount of revenue the men do according to the ruling organization.   The number of women playing soccer in the US,

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday

Shoot Me Now

So it looks like I'm going against the firing squad for, well, things that should not have been said.   It's like waving a red flag at twenty thousand bulls.   My last blog post (now deleted to prevent continued offense) about the wonderful service of the Marines was meant to be a mere, light-hearted joke that reflects my own humor. And before I apologise for that particular incident, which caused an unsurmountably large uproar of dissaproval, you must realise that it was your choice to com



C S R Feature: Frozen Heart By Dianjin

Are you enjoying July yet? This is the pivotal month of the year, hottest or coldest depending on where you live. Most of us just try to get through it, hiding inside whenever possible to enjoy the heat or AC. So, while you're inside, why not check out a new story?   Frozen Heart by Dianjin   Length: 34,082   Description: Ice, the best barrier one could hope for.   A Reader Said: Very sweet. Thanks for taking the time to write. ~ Fiddlerbob101   Don't forget to read and re

Freedom Of Speech And Everything That Comes With It

God, I hate that I am going to talk about politics so soon. But today calls for it.   Today, I saw something that shocked, hurt, and pained me. So, I left a long comment on it. I have no idea if it will be posted... so I am posting a similar piece on here.   I am a young man that champions the "Freedom of Speech" and I live by Voltaire's "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." but what I saw really tested my resolve. I do not merely disagree

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

Three For Isis

I read about the three young British women that left the UK, married into ISIS in Syria today and was reminded of a quote from an old friend.   He had taken the old saw, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink," and transformed it into "You can lead a whore to knowledge, but you can't make her think."   I bet they will be regretting their decision right about now. Wow, just to imagine renouncing the UK for ISIS boggles the mind. It does not compute. But for sure, the U.K.



Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July. We went to the stock car races, watched 2 fires burning, and then watched the fireworks. How did you spend your 4th of July? For those who don't celebrate the 4th, how did you spend your Saturday? While you contemplate answering that question, here's what happened this past week on the GA News Blog:   Monday was the CSR Discussion Day for Where Life Takes Us By Kuragari129. Cia did an interview with Kuragari, and then the comments were opened

Coming Soon- Slow Ride

Spring Break 1983   Three college kids facing serious drug charges have a chance to clear their records.   All they have to do is drive to Houston, pick up a load of drugs from some serious bad boys and, deliver them to the #1 guy in their college town.   Sounds simple. Living through it might get complicated.   Drive fast, run smart or die badly.   Staring:   JD   Chris & Cole   "Black Beauty"   Coming to GA August 2015.



I Almost Killed My Daughter’S New Boyfriend!

Started my vacation yesterday by waking up to rain, rain, rain, but that was okay. I had a bunch of indoors projects planned. Off to the bank, run errands, and hit the gym before going home to get cracking on a project when my daughter informed me that she invited her new boyfriend over for dinner.   I figured that was fine, it was still a few hours before dinnertime, so I pried open my new crate of ammunition and got to work. Multiple rounds in assorted calibers needed organizing. That’s



Writing Prompts #428 & #429

It's that time again! Yep, new prompts are here to hopefully spark your imagination. If you've been facing writers block, are new to writing, or just want to write something new, take a look. Don't forget to share your prompts in the prompt forum to give yourself a chance to be considered as the feature prompt response next week. This weeks prompts are:   Prompt 428 – Creative Tag – The Nap You have been feeling totally drained lately and just don’t know why. Rather than go to see the doctor y

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

General Lee's Opinion On The Confederate Flag

This is General Robert E. Lee. He was the South's top General and had a brilliant record on the battlefield.   Lee was a gentleman. He was quite civilized and not to leave a trail of horrible battlefield atrocities. He was well thought of on both sides of the lines. He actually went to West Point with many of the Northern generals and considered them friends.   Recently when the furor over the state flags that took some of the symbols of confederate flags, I decided to read up on Robert E. L



A Tri-Forum

So you might've seen my latest forums called Eews-Day Tuesday, Whinge Binge Wednesday and ThugLife Thursday. 3 forums. 3 chances fof you to tell some stories. 3 more times for me to up my reputation points.   Anyway, I notice that Eews-day Tuesday seems to be getting more popularity than the other two. So I just wanted to get a poll here. 1. Which forum is your favourite out of the 3? 2. Which one would you want to see scrapped?   I would appreciate your thoughts on this guys



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