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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Why You Should Always Be Careful When Taking Medicine

Ugh. The past few days have not been fun at all. My back's been acting up since Thursday after Physical Therapy and the muscle relaxer they had me on was not helping at all. Instead it started to make things worse up until yesterday where all the excitement happened.   I've been on this med for just over two weeks now with no effect so the doctor ordered the dose to be raised a level. Well that was last Monday. Since then I experienced all the wonderful side-effects the medicine could offer (d



C S R Feature: Becoming Real By A C Benus

One of the most popular genres on GA for authors and readers, is contemporary coming of age stories. Every tale is different, even though the elements stay the same. This month we're featuring a story by AC Benus about just that. So read, enjoy, and be ready to come chat about "Becoming Real" on Monday, August 31st!!   Becoming Real by AC Benus   Length: 55,526   Description: One Coming Out in Seven Short Stories   A Reader Said: What a wonderful mature coming out story


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

The Plot To Every Star Trek Episode Ever

The plot to every Star Trek episode ever   (a writer's perspective)   There is always an initial incident and some poor guy in a red-shirt is eaten by an alien.     Then there is a commercial break... for 20 minutes.   The doctor says he's dead Jim and I've never seen anything like it.     Some random character has a flashback (or a bad burrito- that part is never clear) to set up the next scene.   Captain Kirk says WHY... do they hate these shirts!?   The Klingons show up i



A Sad Ending That Might Lead To A New Beginning

It’s heartbreaking getting the call that one of my oldest friends is very sick. I scrambled to try and see him, but sadly, two days later he passed away.   My friend, Mike and I had grown apart over the years. Our lives took different paths, but I never stopped thinking about him. He was a great guy. We talked fewer and fewer over time and now he was gone.   I heard that his parents retired and moved away from the city. When Mike got sick, they wanted him to be closer to them and the funeral



Weekly Wrap Up!

I'm going to get right into the wrap up, but this week we're going backwards and starting with Saturday. If you haven't already done so, make sure to go and vote in Round 1 of the 2016 Anthology Theme Voting. This first round of voting will go from now until August 15th.   We had two Saturday posts this week, the second one was the August Signature Background announcement. This month we're looking at Cold Case by Dolores Esteban.   Friday brought two brand new prompts and a prompt feature of

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Modern Society/modern Debts

There's an intrinsic idea about debt, whether it's traditional debt, held for credit cards, student loans, or mortgages that is easy to determine with formulas and interest rates for value, or intrinsic obligations, beheld by concepts like friendship, family, or love; it is part of all social contracts and human civilization itself. Without debt, we would not have the underlying framework for our daily lives.   In the Bible, which most of us tend to ignore for obvious reasons (cough "Levitucs/



I'm Spending The Night In A Cardboard Box - Plus Giveaway!

Friday 25th September 2015 – 7:30pm till 7:30am.   I am spending a night sleeping in a cardboard box on the streets of Hastings. I am also shamelessly begging anyone who can to sponsor me and help me in this mad idea.   The event is called The Big Sleep, and is run by an organisation called Seaview. To secure my ticket I have to raise a minimum of £25 and this will ensure I get a small dinner and breakfast – supplied by a local charity as they would give to any homeless person. I of course

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Writing Prompts #434 & #435

Who's ready for a new set of prompts to get the wheels turning? Sometimes an author hits a road block that they just can't seem to make their way through. The weekly prompts are a great starting point to jump start some new ideas. Whether you're looking to just do a quick flash piece or maybe you want to do a bit longer story, why not give them a try! A couple of things to remember: Prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Do to the high number of collections co

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

I'm Still Here

Hey everyone. I notice that are a lot of new names floating around the site, so if you are one of those, hello. In case a few people were wondering what had become of me, I decided to update this blog. I am still alive, but life has become interesting, as it tends to do sometimes. Firstly, I was called for jury duty for the entire month of July. THAT was fun. Secondly, as I am the most senior employee in my company after my boss, I was basically running an understaffed clinic with untrai



Killing Of Cecil

Cecil was an African lion who primarily lived in the Hwange National Park in Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe. On 1 July 2015, he was shot to death by an American dentist and big-game hunter, Walter James Palmer, who had wounded him with an arrow two days earlier. Cecil's death resulted in international outrage and condemnation. (wikipedia)   Killer of Cecil the lion was dentist from Minnesota, claim Zimbabwe officials   Cecil had a rare black fringed mane and has been studied by scientists fro



My Unboyfriend

When I first met you I knew you were special. I can still see your dirty blond hair, your warm hazel eyes, and your silly goofy smile. Being around you made me tingle. When I was with you I was exactly where I was supposed to be. You made me feel alive.   I remember our playful banter. I remember the smile you gave me when you saw me. I remember looking off the railing while we were together. The feeling of absolute happiness and joy I felt when you hugged me from behind and we just stayed th



Strange Day

It started with a dream. At first the dream was nice. I dreamt I bought an old farmhouse, a southern one sitting on blocks, to restore. I got some pets, at first tiny puppies, that became some kind of pet rodent that really peed - like rivers. Suddenly there were a few youths at the summer porch door asking to borrow any camping gear I had. I told them I didn't remember any, and suddenly the summer porch is filled with angry youths who find 2 sleeping bags I forgot (In real life we had them, but



Writing Tip: Grammar Rodeo #6

Who's ready for another Grammar Rodeo? Today's Grammar Rodeo is sorta a Part 2 of last weeks. A big thanks to Cia for providing these for the blog. They are a great learning tool and include some great tips and tricks to help authors remember what is best to use. Hopefully you'll find Grammar Rodeo #6 as informative as I did!   Grammar Rodeo #6   Plural Nouns   Last time we talked about plural verbs… now let’s talk about plural nouns. Remember how there are ‘regular’ forms and ‘irr

Spanish/indian Rice

Okay, it's made with Indian rice and Indian spice (to save time), but it still tastes good. If you want to know how it is made, here is the recipe.   Ingredient: rice (I used Indian rice, but most long grain rice would do) - 2 cups chicken broth - 16 oz. sweet onion - half of a large one, diced button mushrooms - 5 pieces, sliced tandoori masala powder - 1 tablespoon scallion (or green onion) - one piece shrimps - 5 large ones, cubed mini Roma tomatoes - about 10, quartered b



C S R Discussion Day: Frozen Heart By Dianjin

This month I featured Dianjin's Frozen Heart. This story features two boys who have a lot to overcome in their lives... and it's just possible they might be able to help each do that. Did you find the time to enjoy their journey this month? What did you think? We won't be doing any chat time, since unfortunately Dianjin is sans internet for today, but please remember to share your thoughts about Max and Aaron's story.   Single people often have more time to write. Are you single? As I wrote F

The Final Frontier...

The last few weeks I've been working on really cleaning out the house. It started with the girls' rooms and has slowly progressed one area at a time. As a former teacher, I tended to keep everything, sure I could use it for something--some craft, some project, etc--plus, I have a husband who has to keep every computer, monitor, old laptop, keyboard, etc that has ever come into the house. I finally decided that it's time to purge the house of extraneous items. I don't plan to go back to teach



The Value Of A Moment

I wasn't out of the closet when I was in high school. Most of my teenage years were really confusing for me. I grew up with a lot of normalized homophobia. Any mention of anything gay was wrong and ridiculed and that was just the way it was. It was so ingrained in me that even I thought being gay was wrong. Boys were meant to be with girls and that was that.   Elementary school was such a fun time for me. I got along with almost everyone and was always known as the "smart" kid. School cam



Weekly Wrap Up!

Hope everyone has had a great weekend so far. It's almost time to start a new week, but before we do that, we get to look back at what happened this past week. Also, don't forget that we're currently taking theme suggestions for the 2016 Quarterly Anthologies. If you have an idea that you think would make a great theme, don't forget to share it in the Anthology Forum topic. Please make sure to read the theme guidelines in the first post.   To start our week off, Valkyrie provided us with a rev


One afternoon, with nothing better to do, I wandered into Books-a-Million or some such pulp peddler and, after glancing at the mainstream, GLBT, and Christian sections (a lot of guides on the mystical or magical power of prayer, how to pray away the pains of modern living, and why it is OK to spank your child), drifted over to the Occult section, by no means the smallest, either. There I evaluated Tarot decks and other means of divination, guides, spellbooks Wiccan and otherwise, and other littl



Writing Prompts #432 & #433

Hope everyone has had a great week so far and is looking forward to the weekend. What better way to start it off than with brand new prompts! If you've been feeling stuck, or maybe just want to do something a little different, maybe one of these prompts will jumpstart a new idea. A couple of things to remember: Prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 432 – Creative Tag – Change of Time You went to sleep feeling that things would be so much easier if

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

#throwbackthursday- Clueless On Set, 20 Years Ago

we were blessed with quite possibly one of the best Jane Austen adaptions ever, Clueless. An updated version of her book, Emma, Clueless follows the trials and tribulations of Cher, a pampered 15-year old Beverly Hills student, who can't help but try to play matchmakers to those in her world, often with hilarious results and misunderstandings. Twenty years later, the film has become a teen class and remains a fresh, funny take on the social mores of Jane Austen updated to a then-contemporary set



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