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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Anthology - Creature Feature - Guidelines

    By Valkyrie

    I'm super excited about this year's theme!  There are so many possibilities.... Do I go with a cute fluffy kitty?  Or maybe a fire-breathing dragon?  Or an army of Norse penguins fighting Canadian otters?   It's a good thing there's a lot of time before the deadline, although with my prowess at procrastinating, I probably won't start till the week it's due   The guidelines for this year's anthology are posted below.  So now that we know the theme and the parameters... start writing!  


Momentary Beauty Glimpsed here and there Punctuates A day Of mundane attitudes Guardians Of an embattled heart Momentary Peace Momentary Silence Momentary



Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 5 - Jun 11)

Hope everyone has had a great week and weekend! We're going to get right up into the wrap up this week, and guess what, we're even going to go backwards! Have you been looking for something new to read? Something short maybe? With the release of the 2016 Summer Anthology, you have 8 brand new stories to check out. If you check Thursday's blog entry, you'll find links to all of them. Don't forget to leave the authors a review to let them know how much you appreciate their work.   Before that, w

Cadet Cruise- Intro & Chapter 1- Yes It Really Is Happening

Introduction When the Alliance Civil War broke out 2549, the giant TranStellar corporations located in the Corporate Sector seceded from the Alliance and formed the Consolidated Federation (commonly called the ConFed). The ConFed consisted of five huge TransStellar corporations: Nakajima, MilTech, Venture, предприятие (Enterprise) and Gradient plus hundreds of smaller subsidiaries located in the sector. Those five corporations alone accounted for almost thirty percent of the Alliance GNP. In th



2016 Summer Anthology - Wicked Games ~ Now Live

Attention all GA Members! Put your pen and paper down and put on those reading glasses, if you have them. It's time to do some reading, as the 2016 Summer Anthology is now live for your enjoyment! We had seven authors take up the challenge of the Wicked Games theme and there are eight new stories and poems for you to go through. Don't forget, if you like a story, leave the author a comment to show them your appreciation. Now, without further ado, here's what we have for you.    

June C S R Feature: Things We Lost By Dabeagle

June already! This month we only have 3 weeks until our CSR Discussion day, so it's a good thing you're getting Dabeagle's Things We Lost this month as our feature. An adventure story chock full of drama, can the characters find a happy ever after? Read it to find out!   Things We Lost by Dabeagle   Length: 37,449   Description: Ehren's act of kindness pays off when he's most desperate for a place to hide. Tris, though, is more than he ever hoped for. His old life, before

Hangin' Out At Alumni Weekend

University of Delaware has something we call Alumni Weekend, where hordes of former Blue Hens come back and visit campus to relive their past, including and up to staying in the dorms.   I wound up spending a nice afternoon with a couple that I knew in passing at UD, Johanna and Chris. Johanna was an R.A. with my friend Stephen, and we wound up connecting at his memorial two years ago. Jo and Chris live in Queens, and had ridden the bus down here. This was their first time at Alumni Weekend. (



Weekly Wrap Up (May 29 - June 4)

I hope everyone had a great weekend. As we get ready to start a new week, it's time to take a look back at what happened this past week in the GA News Blog. There was a lot of great things going on, and if you haven't already checked out the past week's post, now is the chance for you to get a glimpse and maybe go read up on the posts you missed. And we're going backwards this week!     Anthology Announcements:   ***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team

Looking For A New Party

I don't care for the collectivism of the left or the religious fuk-tardery of the right.   Party must be responsible and consistent with American values and traditions.   Perpetrators of violent protests, race baiting and war mongering need not apply.   Twelve point that are non-negotiable:   1. Constitution is paramount- highest law in the land. Messing with it is a bad idea and denying anybody's rights based on race, gender or orientation is a non-starter. 2. National Security- A stron




"Don’t commit suicide because that’s what they want – If you commit suicide, they win. Choose life if only to spite them and p*** them off."   ~Genesis P Orridge of the influential band Throbbing Gristle.



Writing Prompts #504 & #505

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing!   Prompt 504 – Creative Tag – First Line “You’re giving me a headache! “   Prompt 505 – Challenge Tag -Sense Denied Tell a story, but your ch

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ask An Author #39

I'm back! Did you miss me? A huge thank you to AJ, Cia, Steve, and Slytherin for helping cover me while I was gone. It was much appreciated. Speaking of being back, Ask An Author is returning to start the month off right! Ask An Author is one of our most popular blog features, and I want to give a huge THANK YOU to Dark for supplying us month after month. Now, lets see what Dark has for us this month!   Ask an Author #39   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with

Touching Base

This is something I wrote to my Patreon supporters, but I figured I'd seek some input here, too. Hello everyone! I'm writing to inform you of a number of things going on with my writing at the moment. First, I will soon be releasing another serial titled "Fearless". It's a shorter work, only 11 chapters long, and it was fun to write, though I'm not sure what the reaction will be from my readers. I wrote it differently than I've ever written anything else, and I'm curious to see how it will be



Sacred's Emi!

I wondered and laughed every time I see the word EMI, infact all the words that starts with the letters emi. Even some Telugu words spelt as emi, and I'll think about the name given by SacredLove(sorry I am not allowed to use his real name) to me. I don't know he just said it out of blue or he called me with that name after a deep thought. But he has given me such honor that no one can obviously thought about it...   In African Mythology, according to Yoruba religion; they had a lore about th

Emi GS

Emi GS

Now Chil The Kite Brings Home The Night.....

Now Chil the Kite brings home the night That Mang the Bat sets free-- The herds are shut in byre and hut, For loosed till dawn are we. This is the hour of pride and power, Talon and tush and claw. Oh, hear the call!--Good hunting all That keep the Jungle Law!   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mowgli's Brothers by Rudyard Kipling



Holiday Monday...

It's Memorial Day weekend. We had a big family reunion/BBQ planned for this weekend, but, a lot of the family can't make it because of the flooding. My youngest brother and my Aunt both live between Austin and Houston and that entire area is in VERY bad shape. Plus, in the last few days they have had some terrible tornadoes there as well. So, the entire weekend kind of got cancelled. It's a real bummer because I was really looking forward to seeing the extended family.   It's given me som



C S R Discussion Day: London And Love By Carringtonrj

Did you get a chance to read CarringtonRJ's story, London and Love? Set in... you guessed it, London, this story follows the life of a US transplant from San Francisco as he struggles to adjust to his new life in the city where he's all alone. Shy and awkward, usually, Tony learns there's more about himself than even he knew, which is saying a lot since he started out life as Tanya! First, though, check out my interview with CarringtonRJ and then make sure you leave your thoughts and reviews. Th

Mr. Roger's Didn't Know Squat About My 'hood

Remember this dude?     He didn't know squat about my hood where a 9-iron is a pistol and rock is... well, you know wtf it is.   My Neighbors?   Let's start with Mr. Crack Head.     He doesn't really live in the neighborhood. He just works here after 1am. Really strenuous work. Breaking into houses and cars.   Then the gangsta cow...   He's got all the little heifers.   Then there's religious nutt...   Not really dangerous but there's lot's of them and they are annoying.



I Am Ready For A Stable Relationship

I am taking my love life nice and slow. I have a lot of insecurities, a lot of unknowns, and a lot of pent up sexual frustrations. That's my life right now.   My 1st question is, do I love him?   I don't know, he's charming as hell though   2nd, Can I settle don with him?   Maybe, but I want to learn more about him   I am entering that phase in a gay man's life where he is looking for stability, not the ocassional fuck or suck or tongue explorations. In the past, I dated guys in their



Weekly Wrap Up (May 22 - May 28)

Wow, Renee takes the weekend off to be a mountain lady and she leaves me in charge of the Weekly Wrap Up. To top it off she changed the format on it too!!!   Well since Valkyrie was the only one to weigh in last week and said she had no preference of which format, I will use the old one   On Monday we had a Featured Story of Song and Dance by Headstall. LitLover did a very good review which sets up the story and will pique your interest to check it out.   Tuesday Renee did a Premium Promo


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Odyssey Odd he is Sailing a leaf Beyond the citadel outward Toward discovery And Redemption Or Oblivion And Death Or Escape And Hope Or Adventure And Treasure Or Not ... Perhaps Maybe It is all for A smile



Writing Prompts #502 & #503

So this week, I had to set up the prompts from comicfan a little early, because I'll be out of town. (Ha! I'm not even here and yet I'm still doing the prompts, go me!). I'll be featuring the responses to Prompt #500 today, but if you did the prompt and it's not posted here, it's nothing against you, it's just that it wasn't up before I set up the blog post. Feel free to share them in the comments if you'd like. Don't forget, that if you post your prompt responses in GA stories, anything under 1

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ga's Newest Promising Author: Albertnothlit

GA is happy to announce our newest promotion to Promising Author, Albertnothlit! Albert has only been with the site for just over a year now, but he's already posted quite a variety of stories for our readers to enjoy. If you haven't checked out his work before, try out sci-fi fan favorite Tantalus, contemporary romance Josh.mp4, or his latest sci-fi serial story Life Seed. Albert seems to have a knack for writing science fiction, and we look forward to seeing what new worlds Albert has in store


A.J. in News Archive

Premium Promo: A Chance At Love

Note: I (Renee) will be going out of town starting either today (25th) or tomorrow (26th). The anthology deadline for sending to the proof team is tomorrow. If you haven't already sent your story in, then you will need to include both Cia and me in the PM to pair you with a member of the proof team. This way, if it is received after I leave, Cia will be able to get you set up. Thanks!!!   Gay Authors has always managed to remain free to it's members, one of the ways that it has managed to do s

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