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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
    • 1 comment

Excerpt Two From Becoming Real

Excerpt Two from Becoming Real:   Hello, all! The book club this month is featuring my collection of coming out stories, Becoming Real. I will be live to chat on the 31st, but for those of you who may not know what to expect from the work, I think I will post a few sample excepts. These are a personal sampling, and just meant to give you the flavor of the seven short stories through the lens of some of my favorite moments.   Please enjoy, and please leave comments if you have any.   Thanks

AC Benus

AC Benus

Featured Story: Future Imperfect

Well, we're at the start of another week and this week we are going to look at a story written by Bill W called "Future Imperfect". If you like what Atruefan has to say in the review, why not go check out the story and leave the author a review! Also, if you've read a story you've enjoyed lately, and would like to see it featured in the GA News Blog, simply shoot me a PM and send me a review. I'm always looking for reviews.   Future Imperfect by Bill W Signature Auth

A Serious Decision Concerning "18 Weeks"

I think I mentioned somewhere that 18 Weeks was begun in the middle of September '14 and finished sometime in April '15. I am (obviously) not a writer by profession, but the story just kept pouring out as I wrote all the chapters, every one. Then, of course, the hard part. I must have rewritten the chapters thousands of times, moving stuff around, adding and subtracting characters, etc. I'm sure every writer does this, but I certainly had never written a 250,000 word story before! Prior to



Excerpt One From Becoming Real

Excerpt One from Becoming Real:   Hello, all! The book club this month is featuring my collection of coming out stories, Becoming Real. I will be live to chat on the 31st, but for those of you who may not know what to expect from the work, I think I will post a few sample excerpts. These are a personal sampling, and just meant to give you the flavor of the seven short stories through the lens of some of my favorite moments.   Please enjoy, and please leave comments if you have any.   Thank

AC Benus

AC Benus

Amazon Workplace Culture

Hey guys, I thought I'd point you guys to this rather fascinating expose I read by the New York Times about the corporate culture of the Amazon Workplace.   Amazon: Wrestling Ideas in a Bruising Workplace   It paints a picture of Amazon as this "every man for themselves" environment, where workers are encouraged to work well over 40 hours a week (try more like 80), sabotage each other in secret feedback to their bosses, and hold themselves to unreasonably high standards. People who go throug



Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. As we get ready to start a new week, it's time to take a look back at what happened this past week in the GA News Blog. There was a lot of great things going on, and if you haven't already checked out the past week's post, now is the chance for you to get a glimpse and maybe go read up on the posts you missed.   We started out the week with a review of JohnAR's story MetaOrigins. If you haven't already checked out Puppilull's review, then what are you waiti

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

World Heroes: Some News Is Worth Applauding

This is not a political post, but an honest congratulations to all those brave men involved. I have been watching the unfolding story of the 3 Americans, a British national, and a Frenchman fight off a terrorist armed with an automatic weapon on a high speed train heading to Paris. If there's a good reason why we should be in the fight together as a collective whole rather than a unilateral force, this incident proves that unity can triumph over terror.   This could have been a lot worse, it c



Kung Fu And The Art Of Living

I shared this quote on the "Inspirational Quotes" forum a short while ago, and it was brought to my mind again in response to several of the comments on my last blog posting:   "If you one day make it back to the West, what will you tell men of this strange word, 'kung fu'? Will you tell them that it means to fight? Or will you say like a monk from Shaolin to summon the spirit of the crane and the tiger? Kung Fu. It means, 'supreme skill from hard work.' A great poet has reached kung fu. The p



An Unexpected Addition

It's not too often now days that I post things on my blog, and when I do it's because I'm being either an offensive faggot or in a jovial mood where I post random bullshit.   But this blog post is neither of those for once. This post is about something interesting that happened to me today.   There I was at Period 1 Geography (yes I take geo DON'T LAUGH we don't just colour in in geography. We go on field trips too). Anyway, I sit at a table group of 4, my friend Elliot, Reuben and Adam. Ad



An Unexpected Addition

It's not too often now days that I post things on my blog, and when I do it's because I'm being either an offensive faggot or in a jovial mood where I post random bullshit.   But this blog post is neither of those for once. This post is about something interesting that happened to me today.   There I was at Period 1 Geography (yes I take geo DON'T LAUGH we don't just colour in in geography. We go on field trips too). Anyway, I sit at a table group of 4, my friend Elliot, Reuben and Adam. Ad



Writing Prompts #440 & #441

Happy Prompt Day!!! Otherwise known as Friday. I hope everyone has had a great week and are getting geared up for the weekend. Have you ever tackled one of the prompts provided by Comicfan? If not, what better time is there than now? Each week, Comicfan provides two brand new prompts to help get the ideas flowing. Don't forget to share your prompt responses in the forum and if you're posting in GA Stories, remember that all stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Now, l

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

A Lovely Day For A Cookout

Still not talking about Politics I am holding my nose and head away from that shit storm. Instead, I went to a nice summer BBQ, had a hot dog (no I am not eating dogs that would be cannibalism ), and just enjoying my day.   Something I realized today though is that you can make a dry, non mayo Potato salad taste pretty good, but I think it robs the dish of the flavor it should have. I am not a huge healthy eater type of guy; although, I did bring a fruit plate to the BBQ as a gift (It's a Ch



Deez Nuts For President!

Deez Nuts for President!   The time is NOW for Deez Nuts!   Who do you want?   A billionaire egomaniac?   An old biddy lawyer/politician that skates just ahead of the indictments?   How about one out of a bunch of religious nuts?   A failed CEO or a libertarian that doesn't stand a chance?   Corporate stuffed shirts marching to the company's drums?       Think it through. Dez Nuts is the best choice you've got!   Follow Deez Nuts on twitter! @DeezNutsforPrez




I don't normally rant or care about sensitive issues, not on this site or anywhere else, but I am sick of it. And I don't care if I get banned or whatever cause if I have no rights to speak, then I don't want to be here.   I am tired of hearing people complain about religion/religious being and what not. You people do realized there are some users here who believe in a certain religion. I know most people despised and would normally criticized religion/religious people because they most likely



Come Join Us On "the Alphabet Game"

(If this is an improper use of a blog, please let me know and I will remove it immediately.)   The Alphabet Game is a game we've been playing over in the "Forum Games and Humor" section of the site. We've been having a lot of fun over there, and we'd love to see you there, too. The object is for us to take turns writing lines, with each successive line beginning with the next letter of the alphabet from the line before it. There are examples below in the spoilers.   Come participate in writi



Duggar Diddles Kids & Uses Ashley Madison

You can't make this shit up. A man who pretended to stand up for conservative family values has been outed as a child molester, and now using a website to cheat on his wife. These people are such a fucking joke.   http://gawker.com/family-values-activist-josh-duggar-had-a-paid-ashley-ma-1725132091



Writing Tip: Conflict Is Key

Sometimes it's hard to find new content to share in the GA News Blog. Lately, I've been looking back at some of the stuff that has been shared since the Blog started up again and I realized something. We have new authors joining all the time and not everyone wants to search through the News Blog and read the tips that have been shared. With that thought in mind, I decided to look at some of the past tips and bring them back to the forefront. The first one I'm once again featuring is from Libby D

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Regarding Depression And The State Of The World.

I received a message from someone who read my last blog entry, "Social Anxiety and Crying Wolf", and who thanked me for sharing my experience, as it related to their own. This was the second of two messages that addressed the same subject, and I don't know what came over me as I was responding, but the words flowed like magic, and I just wanted to share my response with you now. I hope it's not too forward.   Thank you for the message. I remember watching a video a couple of years ago about



Compression Outfits

Alright, let me drop politics for a bit and blog about something I seldom talk about, my nascent love of compression gear Yes, I have a naughty fashion edge to me; especially towards runner outfits and exercise outfits   It's just so hot!     It's also so form fitting   Let me add a few more for fun:     Yum   Anyone else?



A Shocking Secret Shame

Upon doing some research for my next story I came across this article. I had no idea that it was this bad for men who have been raped.   Some dark places in this world are unbelievable barbaric!   http://www.theguardian.com/society/2011/jul/17/the-rape-of-men



Featured Story: Metaorigins

Hope everyone had a great weekend and a big thank you to both Cia and Wildone for taking on the blog while I dealt with some health issues. Now it's a new week and it's time to take a look at one of the many stories that are posted for your enjoyment on Gay Authors. Today, Puppilull has provided us with a review of MetaOrigins. Enjoy.   MetaOrigins by JohnAR Author   Reviewer: Puppilull Status: Complete Word Count: 103,236   MetaOrigins is the second

Weekly Wrap Up!

Wow, what a great week. Hoping the weather was great where you are, we hit 3 record breaking days for the past 10 years here so enjoying being indoors for a while and working on the wrap up.   First off, the voting for the first round picking the 2016 Anthology Themes is now closed. A very big thank you to everyone who contributed to narrowing down the number of great ideas. GA relies on you the Members to help drive the direction of these special events, and sincerely appreciates your input.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Perception And Perspectives

I am one of those contrarians, you know that guy who will eat a box of twizzlers despite knowing I hate the lycorish or in this case giving a man I know I despise a few minutes of my life to listen to what he has to say. To be honest, I still hate lycorish, but I learned twizzler is actually eatable. I actually listened to Donald Trump's speech in New Hampshire and I might not like the man, but I can see his appeal and even agree with him, that just got me thinking about the nature of defining m



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