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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
    • 1 comment

Late Night Confessions

Having issues sleeping.   My back is slowly healing. I'm hoping to be back to work soon.The pain is still there, but I'm staying off the pills.   I had a friend who sort of hit the wall. It is scary to think someone you care about no longer sees light but only darkness. Trying to keep them grounded long enough to find help isn't easy, especially when you aren't close distance wise. I'm not sure I can keep doing this without breaking myself.   Ever have so much happening and yet nothing.  



Social Anxiety And Crying Wolf

I have some significant issues. I think most people have one or two, but are able to keep them in check. Over the past few months it hasn’t been as easy for me to do the same with my issues. They keep sneaking up on me at inopportune times and trying to take me down. Every once in a while, they succeed. I wouldn’t be surprised if people thought I was nothing more than a spoiled child seeking attention. Every now and then my social anxiety gets the better of me, and I overreact, and I star



Of Weddings And Broken Hearts

Decided to go for a certain wedding, dressed in red. I figure supporting is better than sulking at home like a little child. This is the point where I discover that I'm a tad masochistic. I had lunch with one of my friends the other day, and we got to talking about how it gets harder to make friends as we grow older. I'm thirty-one right now, and it seems the same circle of four friends I have is the same one I've had forever. In fact, the circle dwindles at times, there are times when I'm c



Writing Prompts #438 & #439

Today we have a slightly new method to the madness, me! I'm a little bit later than Renee on posting these, but I hope you'll enjoy this week's prompts as well as the feature prompt selection. Sometimes an author hits a road block that they just can't seem to make their way through. The weekly prompts are a great starting point to jump start some new ideas. Whether you're looking to just do a quick flash piece or maybe you want to do a bit longer story, why not give them a try! A couple of thing


Cia in Prompts

The Genie Is Out Of The Bottle

Today one of our members asked a very interesting question which I attempted to answer.   I did my best to keep it apolitical as possible by using four examples: two each from democratic and republican presidential administrations.   Have we made mistakes in regard to the technologies that we sell? OH HECK YEAH! Many, many mistakes. They are made by businesses and at the governmental level.   They have been made by both sides of the political spectrum.   They have been made with malic



Interview: Dolores Esteban

Have you downloaded your copy of this month's signature background? If not, before you do so, check out this week's interview that Cia did with Dolores Esteban on her story Cold Case.   Interview with Dolores Esteban   Single people often have more time to write. Are you single? Yes, I’m single, but I don’t feel I have more time. No long evenings and lonely weekends   Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point? I make my bed in the morning.

A Sad Day

You may remember my Traditional Siamese Bortai from previous blogs...I got her and her brother Genghis when they were only a few months old back in 2001...Genghis was stolen in 2005, which left just me and Bortai until I got another stray Siamese, Chula, from my sister. Chula has been gone just over two years now from a resistant respiratory infection...she was eight years old.   Two weeks ago, Bortai had small swellings around a couple of her mammary glands, so I was going to schedule a vet v



Broken Angel

In everyone's life there will be a tragic hit you like speed breaker. Some will give no pain and some a little. But God will give this kind of tragedy that will give you so much pain that can't be bearable and can't replace... I have gone through these kind of heart broken things that I wish never happened.   When God think you are happy and to test you he will arrange some typical thing in your life, which will make a great impact on your love life. It happened in my life which made my all re

Emi GS

Emi GS

Featured Story: Cold Case

For those that missed this month's signature background announcement, this month's Signature Background is "Cold Case" by Dolores Esteban. If you haven't already downloaded the background, there's still time! As our featured Monday post, we're sharing a review that Cia provided us. Cia obviously enjoyed the story and hopefully, after reading today's review, you'll decide you want to take a look for yourself. Enjoy!   Cold Case   by   Dolores Esteban Signature Au

Jordan's Guide To Being A Retail Assistant

Guys, I have come up with the basic outline that every retail assistant follows. Here it is!   1. Follow customers like they're the fish to your shark. And when he/she stops to look at something, get in their face and ask: 'How can I help you? Is there anything you are looking for?'   2. When behind the counter and the customer asks for an item, reply with: 'Sure we've got some out the back.' Then, go out into the break room, send 3 text messages to your friends, then come back out with a sm



Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a great week so far. Before we get to this week's wrap up, I'd like to remind everyone that the first round of voting for the 2016 Anthology Themes is currently going on. Voting is open until August 15th at 11:59 pm MST. There hasn't been too many votes as of yet, so if you haven't voted, go to the Anthology Forum and vote! Whether you're a reader or author, we'd love to have you vote. If you're a reader, vote for the themes you'd like to read about or the ones that migh

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Cultural Enrichment

It has come to my attention that some of you have never heard of the Bloodhound Gang. This is not acceptable.   Prepare to laugh your ass completely off. You might want to turn it up.       Check them out on YouTube.   Other notable titles are:   Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo   and   Kiss Me Where It Smells Funny



Stuck Between Three Worlds... And An Idea...

Well in my last blog I talked how I had a bad reaction to some medicine and to recap, made me dizzy and loose balance which in turn caused be to fall down the stairs since it was a really bad spell, and in the process, destroyed my tablet and forcing me to get a new one.   Now back to our regularly scheduled blog...   The new tablet I picked up was the iPad mini 3 (Apple's newest edition) since I needed a tablet that was small but could run the eTextbook program and still keep me in the tec



Jordan's Guide To Flatting In New Zealand

1. If it can't be cooked in the microwave, then it's not worth cooking!   2. Assign job roster systems to the flat for each flatmate. "Hey, wasn't Joe supposed to clean the bathroom this week?" "Nah, he died remember? The stink of the unwashed clothes you forgot to wash last week killed him." "Oh, yeah."   3. Wear earplugs at night so that while you're in bed, the [thump] sound of [thump] your flatmate [thump] banging some girl [thump] and the adjacent wall [thump] doesn't interrupt [thump]



Updates On Life And Stuff

Well beyond meditating on Eastern/Western philosophical and religious issues for "blue Rose", which is still being written as a re-launch for my Causality Universe, I also got some life updates.   I've pulled the trigger and I am leaving Corporate America, aka Health care/ Insurance accounting. Horray!   I am going to be the accountant of a Non-Profit Education and Disability Services, which I feel like coming back home to a place, I actually care a deep amount about. I have worked in non-pr



Here I Go Again

Seems my life has is more of a rollercoaster ride than anything else. Things had been getting back to normal. I was writing, Dad was back to his routine, JJ seemed happy to be walked and stay around us. Then I went to work Monday and all of it went out the window.   I went to lift a printer off the floor and pulled the muscles in my back setting off all sorts of pain. I hadn't seen stars or pain levels like this since I had originally hurt my back two years ago. Tuesday I was barely moving bu



Writing Prompts #436 & #437

Who's ready for a new set of prompts to get the wheels turning? Sometimes an author hits a road block that they just can't seem to make their way through. The weekly prompts are a great starting point to jump start some new ideas. Whether you're looking to just do a quick flash piece or maybe you want to do a bit longer story, why not give them a try! A couple of things to remember: Prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Do to the high number of collections co

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

I Say No!

I am embarrassed and ashamed. I hoped that people in my country would never say things like ’Fucking niggers! Let them drown. We should burn them.’ ever again. But they do. Out in the open, not hidden anymore in some back room. And they do more. They burn down refugee homes, they organize torch parades, they post hate speeches on facebook and other the social medias.   We are a democracy. They are allowed to do at least some of this. But I say No! Loud and clear. I neither tolerate nor accept



Ga's Newest Promising Author: A C Benus

GA is happy to announce our newest promotion to Promising Author, AC Benus! AC has been with the site for over two years now, and has quite the variety of story material for readers to enjoy. Not content to just write stories--both short stories and novels--you will find screenplays, flash fiction, and poetry in his story listing. There's something for everyone! So if you haven't read some of AC's work, check it out today after you've congratulated him on his promotion!   ​   **A


Cia in News Archive

There Are Days...

There are days, and there are days: Today has been a hard one.   I spend ninety percent of my time working, the other ten percent, is for doing those things that make me happy. A few months ago, I met this guy, and you know how you just click with someone at first meet....that sounds corny...but yes, it happens. There are those people you meet and you just get each other right off. He made it easy to bring down the ninety percent to fifty of work and just spending time out in the air, enjoy



Self-Editing Tips!

http://thewritelife.com/self-editing-tips/   This is a great post fo​r all authors! I'd also recommend poking about the rest of the site, especially if you have a goal of becoming published. ​



Ask An Author #30

The first Wednesday of the month, for anyone that follows the GA News Blog, you know what that means! It's time for another edition of "Ask An Author". For those new to the site (or to reading the blog), Ask An Author is our month feature provided by Dark. GA Members are able to send questions they'd like to ask their favorite author and Dark tries to get the answer and compile them in the monthly Ask An Author! Now, let's see what Dark has for us this month!   Ask an Author #30   Welc

"o Thou, My Lovely Boy..."

O thou, my lovely boy, who in thy pow'r Dost hold time’s fickle glass, his sickle hour,   Who hast by waning grown, and therein show’st Thy lovers withering, as thy sweet self grow’st—   If nature, sovereign mistress over wrack, As thou goest onwards still will pluck thee back,   She keeps thee to this purpose: that her skill May time disgrace, and wretched minute kill.   Yet fear her, O thou minion of her pleasure; She may detain, bu



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