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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Story Update and comment on the ongoing Republican Civil War

I am going to post the new chapter of Causality tomorrow. I have 2nd draft version that I am sending over to Kitt again for edits (I wanted to give as much thought as I could to this chapter). It's a one off story, but it might be interesting and help give readers an understanding of the dynamics within Causality's universe and our own world.   Hope you guys like what comes out and stay tuned.   As for other odds and ends: I probably should mention it, since I had originally signaled this wo



Writing Prompts #276 & #277

I am watching the leaves come down like falling rain, only in tones of red, orange, yellow, pale green, and browns. Friday has arrived after a few days of frost and passing showers so I'm ready for a little change of pace. Hopefully you're ready for some fresh prompts as well.   Prompt 276 – Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story – a Danish, cup of coffee, broken leg, cell phone, and a teddy bear. Prompt 277 – Challenge Tag – The Teacher We have all had one teacher tha


comicfan in Prompts

Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #10

Not only is it November and National Novel Writing Month, but it's also the first Wednesday of the month, which means it's time for our monthly edition of Ask An Author, provided to us by Dark! While we do still have a few more editions waiting in the wings for the upcoming months, I have learned that Dark is running low on content and needs YOUR help! Both Dark and the blog staff want to keep the "Ask An Author" feature going, but to do that, we need you to send Dark your questions for your fav

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Interviews

...just because...

Sonnet No. 42 [August 23rd, 2013 – 6:24 am]   Oh my boy, the autumn seems to come on, With each day a little less light than last, While a bit more bleakness greets every dawn, Whose grayness tries to say summer is past. But the days themselves are bright and sunny - I have you and your smile to keep me up, And although it might sound somewhat funny, With you my day also seems to windup. The sunsets come sooner with their chill, And inch-by-inch the day is given to night To longe

AC Benus

AC Benus

I should update my life :P

So I havent updated my blog in like ever.   I spent my summer teaching arts and crafts at a summer camp in northern michigan It was a great experience and I learnt alot of responsibility and leadership skills.   After that I spent what can be described as some of the best weeks of my life so far Went to New York, Detroit, Philadelphia, Cedar Point Had so many great memories ^^   He's hopefully coming here in March to come see me and meet my family   I had such a great summer where I

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Csr Book Club November Story: The House Always Wins By Andr0Gene

Happy November to everyone! The seasons just keep on marching along and soon it will be winter, with all the indoor snuggling time the cold brings. For you southern hemisphere folks, you can just beat the heat by staying in the AC too, lol! Either way, you can have a great time reading this month's CSR Book Club selection, The House Always Wins by Andr0gene.   The House Always Wins by Andr0gene   Length: 51,963   Description: $20,000, 1 month, 1 lie.   What a Reader Had to Say: Two thing


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Prompt du jour #1

So I'm going to be trying something a little new here. I've already spoken to Comicfan and got his blessing. I believe this gives more opportunities to provoke creativity. I think it's a good thing . I hope you do too and are willing to participate from time to time. So without further ado....   Prompt du jour #1 – Creative Tag: Time Travel As you were sitting at home watching the evening news you suddenly sit straight when the news anchor announces that the ability to time travel has now be



Weekly Wrap Up!

If you're someplace that practices Daylights Savings, I hope you remembered to turn your clocks back! It was a busy week here at GA and I hope everyone had a wonderful week and a fun Halloween! Did you see lots of Ghosts, Goblins, and Witches? I heard through the grapevine that one GA member even dressed up as a character from a story here at GA. Curious as to who and what character? Check out the gallery!   What better way to start out the week than by having the discussion day for the CSR Bo

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

The Grunge Era Playlist, Part II

The Grunge Era Playlist, Part II   1.   2.   3. She Don't Use Jelly by the Flaming Lips   4. Under the Bridge by The Red Hot Chilli Peppers   5. Spin the Bottle by Juliana Hatfield   6. Lump by The Presidents of the United States of America   7.   8.   9.   10.   11.   12.   13.     15.   16.   17.   18.   19.   20.   21. The Distance by Cake   22.   23.   24. Ledbetter by Pearl Jam   25.  



No Causality, Read Hallowwen Stories, and New Event Details for Holidays

I am writing something special for it, it will appear next Friday.   There's something I've been meaning to do with the story that I always admired about good epic storytellers, the subplots. Of course, good subplots must be evocative and creative.   If you need to get a fix for something paranormal or spiritual please check out the Halloween stories:   2. Ghost- Thorn Wilde   3. Mad Scientist- Scotty94   4. Vampire- aditus   5. Slasher- joann414     6. Cemetery- Rustie   7. Zom



Bookcase C

C-1alpha     Samuel Eliot Morrison's A History of United States Naval Operations in WWII   C-1     Naval History   C-2     UNIX, Linux and Networking   C-3     Networking Technology



eBook Review: Finding Home by Diana DeRicci

Finding Home by Diana DeRicci My rating: 5 of 5 stars   Sometimes, I like a feel good story. Diana DeRicci's story, Finding Home, starts out rough for our main character, Parker. He's gotten the crap kicked out of him by life. Sometimes, pride is all a person has left but Parker takes the ride and the $20 offered to him by a well-meaning older man. Even more amazingly... just a short time later, he takes the help offered by a local gay couple, one of which is a local cop, to stick around for a



Writing Prompts #274 & #275

I'm sure many of you are dealing with a hangover ... from the sugar you ate with all the candy last night on Halloween. Just remember today is Friday and the start of the weekend and a chance for you to do something truly wicked. What kind of wicked you ask? Well, what about one of my prompts.   Prompt 274 – Creative Tag – First Line “Is that honestly what you think of me?”   Prompt 275 – Creative Tag – The Twist You have been invited to be a guest on a new game show. You figured it would b


comicfan in Prompts

Halloween Horror Themes 2013

So I will link everyone's story on here and hope you all take a look during the dead of night to see how scary your GA writers can get at this time of year   Give comments if you wish, it's what we poor writers and editors get for putting in our effort ?   1. Curse- thebrinkoftime (No story)   2. Ghost- Thorn Wilde   3. Mad Scientist- Scotty94   4. Vampire- aditus   5. Slasher- joann414 6. Cemetery- Rustie   7. Zombie- WL   8. Demon- Sasha



For Halloween

Sonnet No. 95 [October 30th, 2013 – 7:07 pm]   We are only made of matter that dies, Of bones and marrow; of skull and of brains, And every thought we had will end in sighs, As those who bury us mourn our remains. A Roman mosaic of a skeleton Shows him toasting fate with pitchers of wine – His memento mori is a ghastly grin To remind we toil under a heavy fine. But, finite as the threat hangs on our head, Our necks are blessed with freedom, and with choice, For those who have loved

AC Benus

AC Benus

dancing for dollars

ice is over here is the plan we're traveling there from land to land   where's the monkey that i've been told of? look at the money as it burns through my hands   im dancing for dollars for a fancy man



A How To: Dating Profiles for Masculine Guys

CONGRATULATIONS!   You have leveled up and have gotten the achievement: “Is masculine enough to pass off as a straight guy.” WOW! Amazing job! Gays and girls will swoon over your fratty accomplishment, but first you gotta make a dating profile because dang all your friends are straight.   Here are some steps to make your dating profile debut a success!   1) Advertise your masculinity by putting the following key words within the first sentence of your dating profile. “Gym” “Masculine”



The Grunge Era Playlist

So, grunge is something I remember and love from my childhood. Here are some great Grunge Era tunes. (I deem the Grunge Era as being about 1991 to 1996, with the Grunge Era officially over when Hanson and Spice Girls ruled the charts in 1997.)   1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8. (I have gotten jokes about this since I was 5.)  9.   10.   11.   12.   13. Soul to Squeeze- Red Hot Chili Peppers   14.   15.   16.   17.



Writing Tip: Quotes From The Greats!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far! If you haven't already done so, don't forget to chime in on the CSR Discussion on "Wrangler Butts" by Reddirtwriter! For today's installment of the blog, I have a list of some great quotes compiled by Cia. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I did! Quotes from the Greats Compiled By Cia   Writing Quotes There is probably no hell for authors in the next world -- they suffer so much from critics and publishers in this. - C. N. Bovee

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

That Boy With the Far Away Eyes

That Boy with the Far Away Eyes     I was drivin’ home late Saturday night Through Pearl, Mississippi Listening to bluegrass music on the redneck radio station, And the cowboy said: “You know you should always have your .45 by your side” And I was so pleased to be informed of this That I shot twenty stop signs in his honour, Thank you Joe-Bob, thank you lord   I had an arrangement to met a boy, and I was kind of late And I thought by the time I got there he’d be off, He’d be off wit



Zombies: My Halloween Story

I will freely admit, a certain green fellow on this forum made was on my mind, when I chose to write a Zombie story.   I have seen many zombie movies in recent years; they are the best social commentary devices, second only to Star Trek strangely enough Currently Walking Dead has the best cast, writers, and overall feel to a zombie story and I know I can't equal it in a short story, so I want to go another quieter route for a zombie story.   I know Jamessavik is writing Case Black, so I am



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