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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Happy Autumn

Sonnet No. 85 [October 26th, 2013 – 10:16 am]   Around me, baking apples scent the house, While outside, burning leaves smoke in the clear – And the season to my mood is like spouse, For autumn is a cozy time of year. But, now with you, my bundled warmth I'll share, And chilled fingers will soon be warmed by yours, As hand-in-hand we will walk anywhere The bracing wind wends our steps out-of-doors. The smoldering leaves and sight of orange pumpkin Takes me back to the joys of childho

AC Benus

AC Benus

Reduced Stress

The last few months have been interesting to say the least.   For those of you who don't know, I work for a County owned and operated Nursing Home in southeastern Pennsylvania. When the current set of Commissioners took office, they slowly began down sizing and consolidating different departments. The even sold off one of the County office buildings only to turn around and lease it back. I think the main reason was to get out from under the debt from the purchase incurred by a previous adminis



Csr Discussion Day: Wrangler Butts By Reddirtwriter

A story with Butts in the title? Where can you go wrong? LOL Check out this month's interview with the author of Wrangler Butts and share your thoughts about his story. Don't forget to vote for next month's story too! Without further ado... I bring you: RedDirtWriter.   I love to get to know a bit more about our authors, so how about we start this interview with a little bit about you? What don’t we know? Okay, let me think. I’m not too unique, or at least I don’t think I am. I guess I’d say t


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

5 Years Gone- Dan Kincaid

This week marks the 5th anniversary of the passing of a very lovely online friend and member of the community, author Dan Kincaid/Sam. (He died, I believe, on either October 25th of 2008, or October 26th.) I only had the privilege of corresponding with him for a few months before he died, but I'm really glad we did. Back in those days, Adam and I were...well, let's just say that we had somewhat of a personality clash going on, and Sam was really good at being a mediator.   He was a very swe




Vampires. Since they started to glitter you think you read it all.   I loved/feared vampires since I secretly watched Christopher Lee with my best friend Natasha and hid under the comforter when it became too much. I think I was eight. Count von Count was one of my favorite Muppets. Later I got the shivers watching Count Orlok, tried to imitate Bela Lugosi's accent and wow how I loved 'Lost Boys'.   I could go on and on, telling you about 'Blade', Vlad the Impaler, Irish myths or even admit



Batman Under the Red Hood Review: An example on what American Animated movies can still do versus their Live action counterparts

Based on my reviews, yes I am a Batman and DC fanboy (I will do Marvel from time to time, I like the Hulk storyline and Marvel CCivil War storyline between Capt. America vs. Iron Man's factions)   However, when it comes to Cartoons, I prefer DC and here's a good example why: Batman: Under the Red Hood   The wiki has spoilers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman:_Under_the_Red_Hood   The Plot summary is very obvious to most Comic book readers, but the short version is simple: the 2nd Robi



Lou Reed Died Today

Unless you're an old hippie or druggie you probably don't remember Lou Reed.   He was a rock and roll bad ass before it was cool. He wrote songs about dope and cross dressers back when Jimmy Morrison was banned from doing concerts because they thought he shook his Johnson at them.       I'm limited by the number of videos I can post but there's a couple more you can look up:   Sweet Jane, Pale Blue Eyes and Heroin all by the Velvet Underground.



Weekly Wrap Up!

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend! Now it's time to take a look back at the week here at the Gay Authors News Blog.   On Monday we took at a look at a free eBook by Stephanie L Danielson called "For The Heart of Phillip". Louis Harris provided us a wonderful review that certainly garnered some new interest in this wonderful story. If you haven't already read his review, check it out and if the story sounds interesting to you, then you can download it in GA's eb

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up


This is a giant leep forwards. I think it's excellent, superb, and amazing that an musical artist chose to show the plight in a way for intersex people, children. What an amazing music video. Please check it out and be inspired.    



I don't know what title to put here

Well I've had 3 counseling sessions already - everything is now open with my counselor. I'm comfortable with the confidentiality agreement but beyond that...i'm hitting a brick wall. I've even gone and assigned an "alias" for the gay thing. Something I can type - funny enough - but can't say aloud. Yet.   She has me focus on breathing exercises (taking deep breaths to return to the present moment instead of going back and forth from past to future thoughts) which is effective in the very very



eBook Review: Illumination by Rowan Speedwell

Illumination by Rowan Speedwell My rating: 4 of 5 stars   Illumination was a fascinating eBook. I was worried the subject matter would revolve around the day in and day out of a rock star. While it did matter, quite a bit, Adam wasn't really the focus of this eBook.   Miles is, by far, the driving character behind the story, though we don't meet him first. He is complex, and has a personality behind the personality. I don't want to give away any of the lovely complexities in this story via s



Writing Prompts #272 & #273

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Weekly Wrap-Up will be moving to Sunday starting this week! The "Prompt Me" feature will now run for two days. Thank You! ~Renee Stevens   And now, I'll turn you over to Wayne...   Well here we are, less than a week from Halloween. Needless to say I couldn't let this go by without allowing some spooky fun happen with the prompts. I am hoping these inspire some Halloween tales or spooky fun. With no further delays here are this week's prompts.   Prompt 272 – Creative Tag


comicfan in Prompts

Retro Cartoon Review: BTAS Appointment in Crime Alley, the perfect episode

I thought I would review a classic, something many of today's kids and even GA's readers will not know about.   Here is a link to the show, but there are commercials (Still worth it for the wonderful episode and story)   http://www.thewb.com/shows/batman-the-animated-series/appointment-in-crime-alley/f3d24d04-d421-4790-bb86-eb6e72336ae2   General Plot (Spoilers):   Daggett, a corrupt real estate developer, is hatching a plan to blow up a slum called Crime Alley, which is home to thugs, d



Case: Black begins!

Some of the most horrifying things on earth come from the minds of men.     Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis before it became the Pandora virus.     It's never going to be all right again.



Ok, Just One More

Hey All--   So, after re-reading Chapters 12 & 13, I decided that I would post Chapter 13 before my 'hiatus' as it is a more fun chapter and is a good ending point. Chapter 14 starts a very long week for the boys (5 chapters and counting) so those who have complained about me 'rushing' things...be careful what you wish for.   Another reason I am posting this chapter is it's the first one to really deal with the rescue and that has been on my mind a lot in recent weeks (more than usual).

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

Wacky Wednesday: Interview With Lisa

Recently I put out a call for people to do interviews for the blog. We have featured many interviews throughout the life of the blog, ranging from the staff here at GA, to the authors. Todays interview isn't with one of the many authors here at Gay Authors, she is actually one of the prolific reviewers on site who also carries the title of Editor. Please enjoy this interview with Lisa and thank you Percy for conducting the interview! Interview with Lisa   Interviewer: Percy   GA was s

The education system is fundamentally flawed.

The statement that is the title is an opinion. To determine if a system is flawed, the purpose of the system must first be established. Once it's established, and only then, can the determination be made if it's functioning correctly or not. So, this prompts the question: What is the purpose of the education system? To educate, of course! But the deeper and real question is, to teach what?   Currently, the education system roughly works like this: Elementary school teaches you basic English

advocatus diaboli

advocatus diaboli

Congratulation New Jersey on being the 14th State

I want to congratulate the state on being the 14th to have gay marriage.   Gov. Christie stopped his legal challenge, so the way is now clear.   Technically, I know he's not a gay rights' supporter or even advocate, but at the very least, he stopped fighting it and let the course of history be the judge. It might cost him the Republican Nomination for President, but he has my praise at least for being a leader with some balls to take on things he doesn't agree with, but his constituents over



CASE: BLACK coming soon




Featured Story: For The Heart Of Phillip

We sent out a call for reviews and you responded! Thank you. Louis (LJH) gave us this wonderful review of Author stephanie l danielson's For the Heart of Phillip - enjoy! And if you want to write a review for the blog, just let Renee Stevens or myself know. For The Heart of Phillip by stephanie l danielson Reviewer: LJH Status: Completed Free PDF Ebook Size: 1.34 MB   “Deepening”.   Some stories have it, many don’t. It’s not easy to define. It’s certainly easy to identify a story


Trebs in Featured Stories

Carolina style BBQ sauce

You can buy all sorts of BBQ sauce at your local Kroger and lot's of it is pretty good. Most of it is pretty generic but I've yet to find any based on mustard or vinegar outside of a good BBQ house.   If you are up for a culinary adventure try this one on for size:     Carolina Style BBQ Sauce   Ingredients: 1 1/2 cup Yellow Mustard (French's or Heinze) 1/2 cup Brown Sugar 3/4 cup cider vinegar 3/4 cup beer (dark is best) 1 TBS Chili powder 1TEA black pepper 1TEA white pepper 1/2



Weekly Wrap Up!

First off - cold's suck! Thanks to those who asked how I'm doing - much better now, just a slight cough lingering. And BIG thanks to Renee Stevens for covering this week in her usual fantastic way. Renee started this week off with a review on Reviewing, as we need YOUR help for continue great content on this blog, both in terms of wonderful articles but also in the reviews that are submitted. Think you're interested in writing a review but not sure how - check out Monday's blog article for all t


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

eBook Review: Light by Nathan Burgoine

Light by Nathan Burgoine My rating: 4 of 5 stars   Light surprised me. I was expecting something a bit more intellectual, technical, I guess you might say. The cover was very 80s-esque, but the plot is very much within the current trend toward superhero fiction. The blurb really plays up the story's overall plot, and the style, so I wasn't disappointed, just a little surprised at the contrast between the cover and actual story.   I'm not going to go over the plot. It's covered really well i



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